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Release Notes for Synology Office

#Release Notes for Synology Office | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Version: 3.5.2-19104 (2022-12-20)




支持在 Peta Volume 上安装 Synology Office。


此版本更新采用分阶段发布。 Version: 3.5.1-19103 (2022-11-08)




修正已套用数字格式的空白单元格,在排序后可能无法正确显示的问题。 修正单元格可能无法正确套用条件式格式及样式的问题。 Version: 3.5.0-19096 (2022-09-05)


Synology Office 3.5 须搭配 DSM 7.1.1 及以上版本。


一般 支持按住 Ctrl 键并滚动鼠标滚轮来放大或缩小画面。 支持开启文件时,套用与上次开启时相同的缩放比例。 支持将加密 Microsoft Office 文件转换为 Synology Office 文件。 表格 支持查看单元格编辑纪录。 新增函数,包含 IMPORTRANGE、CONCAT、XLOOKUP。 新增荧光标示功能以凸显正在使用的列或栏。 支持单击右下角的数据摘要以进行复制。 支持平滑滚动以提升浏览大量数据的工作表体验。 文件 支持在文件加上水印以标示来源或所有权。 支持使用标尺及制表符来设置页面边界及段落缩进。 支持使用格式化标记来显示隐藏字符,例如:空格、段落标记、制表符。 幻灯片 支持使用标尺来设置段落缩进。 新增支持在播放幻灯片模式中使用荧光笔工具。


提升在移动设备上通过网页浏览器编辑 Synology Office 文件的体验。 提升与 Microsoft Word 的兼容性,包含水印、标尺、制表符。 修正了删除多列时,也会删除筛选后隐藏列的问题。 修正了数据验证规则使用「项目列表」作为规则及时间格式作为「值」时,可能会建立失败的问题。 修正了文件中有表情符号时,储存历史版本可能会失败的问题。 修正了自 Microsoft Excel 转换而来的 Synology 电子表格中,超链接可能无法正确显示的问题。 修正了将工作表名称有大量字符的 Synology 电子表格下载为 Microsoft Excel 时可能会失败的问题。 Version: 3.5.0-19082 (2022-08-10)


Synology Office 3.5 须搭配 DSM 7.1.1 及以上版本。


一般 支持按住 Ctrl 键并滚动鼠标滚轮来放大或缩小画面。 支持开启文件时,套用与上次开启时相同的缩放比例。 支持将加密 Microsoft Office 文件转换为 Synology Office 文件。 表格 支持查看单元格编辑纪录。 新增函数,包含 IMPORTRANGE、CONCAT、XLOOKUP。 新增荧光标示功能以凸显正在使用的列或栏。 支持单击右下角的数据摘要以进行复制。 支持平滑滚动以提升浏览大量数据的工作表体验。 文件 支持在文件加上水印以标示来源或所有权。 支持使用标尺及制表符来设置页面边界及段落缩进。 支持使用格式化标记来显示隐藏字符,例如:空格、段落标记、制表符。 幻灯片 支持使用标尺来设置段落缩进。 新增支持在播放幻灯片模式中使用荧光笔工具。


提升在移动设备上通过网页浏览器编辑 Synology Office 文件的体验。 提升与 Microsoft Word 的兼容性,包含水印、标尺、制表符。 修正了删除多列时,也会删除筛选后隐藏列的问题。 修正了数据验证规则使用「项目列表」作为规则及时间格式作为「值」时,可能会建立失败的问题。 修正了文件中有表情符号时,储存历史版本可能会失败的问题。 修正了自 Microsoft Excel 转换而来的 Synology 电子表格中,超链接可能无法正确显示的问题。 修正了将工作表名称有大量字符的 Synology 电子表格下载为 Microsoft Excel 时可能会失败的问题。 Version: 3.4.1-18337 (2022-05-17)


提升与 Microsoft Office 文件的兼容性。 Version: 3.4.0-18333 (2022-04-06)


此更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。 将部分主题替换为全新设计的主题。您仍可使用旧版主题,请在 Synology Drive 网页门户点击创建 > 从模板,再点击右上角的显示旧版模板。 不再支援 Armada370 及 Comcerto2k 平台机种。 Armada370:DS216se、DS115j、RS214、DS414slim、DS214se、DS114、DS213j Comcerto2k:DS414j


Synology Office 3.4 须搭配 Synology Drive Server 3.1。


一般 用户可以将电脑中的字体加入 Synology Drive 管理控制台,从而在 Synology Office 中使用该字体。 支持在安装 Synology Office Extension 后使用颜色选择器直接选择表格中的颜色。 支持版本删除以节省存储空间并减少备份与还原所需的时间。 新增以下字体:Yu Mincho、Yu Gothic、YuKyokasho、Meiryo、Angsana New、Cordia New、Browallia New、TH Sarabun New。 支持同时以多种条件(例如:状态、类型、“提到我”)筛选评论。 支持在维持原先图片的大小与位置的情况下更换图片。 表格 支持计算结果为数个值的数组公式,并自动将结果延伸至相邻的单元格。 新增支持新公式,包括:SEQUENCE、SORT、SORTBY、UNIQUE、FILTER、RANDARRAY、TRANSPOSE。 支持使用自定分隔符将文字分隔至不同栏位。 支持移除选择栏位中的重复数据。 支持将图片及图表定位至单元格,让其在移动或变更单元格大小时自动调整。 支持以文字颜色或背景颜色筛选单元格。 支持插入与删除选取的单元格范围。 支持以拖拉方式移动单元格或单元格范围。 支持建立筛选器检查页面的链接。 支持下载 .csv 格式的表格文件。 支持在 Microsoft Office 与 Synology Office 之间导出导入文档时,保留文档中的评论。 文件 支持在图片中插入文字。 支持水平对齐一页中的完整表格。 支持插入代码块。 支持使用快捷键来快速在目录页及链接页面之间切换。 幻灯片 支持插入代码块。 支持在播放投影片模式中使用画笔工具。 支持从其他幻灯片导入主题。 支持将对象贴齐格线。


修正将幻灯片下载为 .pptx 文件可能会失败的问题。 修正了评论中显示的日期未自动更新的问题。 修正了当其他用户编辑文件时,若有用户正在该文件留下评论,可能会导致评论消失的问题。 修正了打印表格中的数据时,可能会打印空白页的问题。 修正了使用快捷键插入时间戳失败的问题。 提升与 Microsoft Office 文件的兼容性。 修正了设置条件格式时,用户会无法重置颜色的问题。 修正了在代码区块中输入文字可能会无法正确显示的问题。


打印 pdf 文件可能导致文件内超链接丢失。 Version: 3.3.0-16975 (2021-06-01) 注意事项 移除表格中的年度日历。 由于本次修复的问题,电子表格的行高可能会缩小,且内容可能无法完整显示。若要重新调整行高,请手动调整,或在行号上右键单击,并选择 ""自动调整行高""。 Armada370 平台的型号不支持新安装此套件,但可将原已安装的套件更新至此版本。 这是最后一个支持 Armada370 及 Comcerto2k 平台型号的版本。 兼容性与安装 更新套件以支持 DSM 7.0。 若未安裝 PHP 7.3 及 Node.js v12,系统将在更新后自动安装以上套件以确保正常运行。 更新功能 一般 支持在Synology Office 中显示昵称而非用户名,以便更容易识别用户。 新增微软正黑体和 Helvetica Neue 字体。 提升开启 Synology Office 文件的速度。 支持平均分配表格选定区域的列高和行宽。 支持插入 Synology Drive 中的文件链接为超链接。 支持使用正则表达式进行搜索和替换。 左侧栏位新增 “获取链接” 按钮,用于获取文件链接。 表格 支持显示函数描述和函数参数的提示。 支持一次清除多个同类型的格式。 支持转置粘贴。 提升了重命名、删除、复制、重新排列、隐藏、以及设置工作表颜色的速度。 支持插入特定区域或其他工作表的链接。 支持在公式内搜索,同时忽略公式结果。 支持复制和粘贴条件格式。 支持 NORMSDIST 和 DATEDIF 函数。 提升导入和导出表格的兼容性。 文件 支持跨页时自动分割表格。 支持在页眉和页脚中插入表格。 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 支持选定文本的页数和字数统计。 增加了检查工具,以轻松审查修订及接受或拒绝所有修订。 提升文档中有大量评论和修订时的性能。 幻灯片 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 新增网格线,以便于排版对齐。 提升幻灯片中有大量页数时的性能。 Version: 3.3.1-6992 (2022-04-06)




修正了当文件历史版本数量过多时,存储该文件可能会失败的问题。 修正了在 File Station 中,通过「查看」>「在 Synology Office 中打开」按钮来打开 Microsoft Office 文件可能会失败的问题。 修正了在 Firefox 98 中,下载文件为 PDF 格式时可能会失败的问题。 Version: 3.3.0-6979 (2021-06-29)


此更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。 移除表格中的年度日历模板。 由于本次修复的问题,电子表格的行高可能会缩小,且内容可能无法完整显示。若要重新调整行高,请手动调整,或在行号上右键单击,并选择 "自动调整行高"。


Synology Office 3.3 需搭配 Synology Drive Server 3.0 和 DSM 6.2.3 及以上版本。 若未安裝 PHP 7.4 及 Node.js v12,系统将在更新后自动安装以上套件以确保功能正常运行。


通用 支持在Synology Office 中显示昵称而非用户名,以便更容易识别用户。 新增微软正黑体和 Helvetica Neue 字体。 提升开启 Synology Office 文件的速度。 支持平均分配表格选定区域的列高和行宽。 支持插入 Synology Drive 中的文件链接为超链接。 支持使用正则表达式进行搜索和替换。 左侧栏位新增 “获取链接” 按钮,用于获取文件链接。 当使用“复制到”功能, 发现在 Synology Office 中的文件名冲突时,新增“忽略”、“复制和替换”、以及“复制,但保留这两个文件“选项。 表格 支持显示函数描述和函数参数的提示。 支持一次清除多个同类型的格式。 支持转置粘贴。 提升了重命名、删除、复制、重新排列、隐藏、以及设置工作表颜色的速度。 支持插入特定区域或其他工作表的链接。 支持在公式内搜索,同时忽略公式结果。 支持复制和粘贴条件格式。 支持 NORMSDIST 和 DATEDIF 函数。 提升导入和导出表格的兼容性。 文档 支持跨页时自动分割表格。 支持在页眉和页脚中插入表格。 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 支持选定文本的页数和字数统计。 增加了检查工具,以轻松审查修订及接受或拒绝所有修订。 提升文档中有大量评论和修订时的性能。 幻灯片 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 新增网格线,以便于排版对齐。 提升幻灯片中有大量页数时的性能。


提升了拼写检查的准确性。 修正了用户可能无法在 Microsoft Power Point 中打开导出的幻灯片的问题。 修正了电子表格根据内容自适应行高,且无法手动调整到小于单元格内容高度的问题。 修正了在电子表格中,将公式拖拽至含有隐藏列或栏的相邻单元格时,显示的结果可能会不正确的问题。 修正了 SUBTOTAL 公式可能会出现的错误,即公式内包含其他不在数据范围内的 SUBTOTAL 数值。 修正了当屏幕空间不足时,评论可能出现在错误位置的问题。 修正了多项安全性问题。 Version: 3.2.4-4211 (2021-02-23)




更新以兼容 DSM 6.2.4。若在 Synology Office 中复制或粘贴图片时发生问题,请将 Synology Office 更新至此版本。


修正数个安全性弱点。 Version: 3.2.3-4205 (2020-09-15)

Fixed Issues

Fixed the issue where user groups with valid permissions are unable to modify cells in protected ranges. Fixed the issue where importing files with data validation rules might fail. Fixed the issue where updating locale settings might not automatically take effect. Version: 3.2.2-4133 (2020-03-03)

Important Note

The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

What's New

For Spreadsheet

Updated the calendar template to the year 2020.

Bug Fixed

For Document, Slides and Spreadsheet

Fixed the issue where the text might break into the next line when superscript or subscript has been applied to some of the characters. Fixed the issue where spelling errors marked by red underline might change to black after viewing version history via Safari. Fixed the issue where users might encounter incorrect layout display when importing or exporting Microsoft Excel .xlsx files.

For Document

Fixed the issue where justified text alignment might be ignored in print preview and printouts. Fixed the issue where inserting images might fail after viewing version history.

For Slides

Fixed the issue where applied themes might fail to display properly when the zoom is over 100%.

For Spreadsheet

Improved the precision of rounding decimal numbers for formula results. Fixed the issue where the suggested user list in comments is unable to display fully. Fixed the issue where comments might disappear after sorting cells.

Fixed the issue where data validation might fail after renaming worksheets.

Fixed the issue where importing files might fail when there are uppercase characters in the file extension.

Fixed the issue where importing .csv files might fail on ARM platforms. Fixed the issue where hyperlinks in worksheets might not work after the files are exported as .xlsx files and imported back into Synology Office. Version: 3.2.1-4128 (2019-10-01)

What’s New

Enhanced the performance of exporting spreadsheets which contain numerous merged cells. Enhanced the performance when deleting a large number of worksheets in spreadsheets. Supports continuously hiding rows or columns with keyboard shortcuts. Improved the compatibility of importing and exporting Microsoft Excel XLSX files for better format accuracy.

Fixed Issues

Fixed the issue where backing up Synology Office template via Hyper Backup might fail. Fixed the issue where Synology Office files might fail to be opened when a user quota limit is reached. Fixed the issue where exporting large Synology Office files might fail. Fixed the issue where inserting cut cells to a new row will fail in spreadsheets. Fixed the issue where syncing spreadsheet data might fail when another user is deleting worksheets of the same file at the same time. Fixed the issue where using data validation with the number rule might fail. Version: 3.2.0-4113 (2019-07-09)

Compatibility & Installation

Synology Office 3.2 will be gradually rolling out to global users. Synology Office 3.2 requires Synology Drive Server 2.0 version or above.

What's New

For Document, Slides and Spreadsheet

Added physical file of Synology Office file types to allow file export to another Synology Drive server and open them. Added advanced chart options to provide various settings when creating charts in Synology Office files. Optimized the compatibility and service stability for importing and exporting files.

For Slides

Supports cropping images into various shapes. Supports setting format for images with size, rotation angle, transparency etc. Supports transition and animation effects for slides and objects. Supports inserting videos and automatically playing videos in presentation mode. Supports importing from PPT file type.

For Spreadsheet

Supports protected range and worksheet to set permissions for specific working areas. Version: 3.1.5-2772 (2019-03-28)

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.1.4-2771 (2019-03-05) Added Spreadsheet template for 2019 Calendar. Fixed an issue where resolution of Slides might be abnormal on Google Chrome 72.0.3626.109 or later browser versions. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-19:11). Minor bug fixes. Version: 3.1.3-2765 (2018-12-11) Fixed the return value of the MATCH function. Fixed an issue where there may be an extra blank page when printing a document on Safari. Fixed an issue where importing .xlsx files containing images might fail . Fixed an issue where creating files on Firefox may fail. Fixed an issue where cutting and pasting texts on IE may fail. When a formula contains the name of a worksheet, changing the name of the worksheet no longer affects the formula. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to open a file after running Hyper Backup. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to open a file after managing it with SMB. Fixed an issue where comment-only users may not be able to resolve comments. Minor bugs fixes. Version: 3.1.2-2757 (2018-08-27)

Fixed an issue where users might not be able to scroll to a cell in spreadsheets if the cell is in frozen area when executing Find and Replace.

Fixed an issue where spreadsheets might not be able to be downloaded as PDF files.

Fixed the return value of INDEX function.

Added support for IFS function in spreadsheets.

Fixed an issue where documents with multiple pages might fail to display properly.

Enhanced the compatibility of imported spreadsheets and documents.

Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 3.1.1-2750 (2018-07-30)

Fixed an issue where documents and slides might fail to be saved as template files.

Enhanced compatibility of imported spreadsheets and slides.

Fixed an issue where merge cells might not show normally across two pages in documents.

Fixed an issue where it cannot insert images in a frozen range in spreadsheets.

Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 3.1.0-2737 (2018-07-02)

What’s New

Customized template is supported for spreadsheets, documents and slides.

User can give a specific history version a name.

Filter view allows user to filter data without influencing the way other users viewing the same spreadsheet.

Supports changing the color of a sheet tab, copying a sheet to another file, and hiding a sheet.

In spreadsheets, user can change absolute reference by pressing F4.

In spreadsheets, user can apply various styles to the text within a cell.

In spreadsheets, user can search content in a specific range.

In spreadsheets, user can select the range for reference in another sheet by mouse.

Supports spell check suggestion and personal dictionary for documents and slides.

Fixed Issues

Enhanced overall performance.

Enhanced compatibility for exported PDF files.

Enhanced usability for viewing documents with separators and set it as default viewing mode.

Fixed an issue where documents and slides might fail to input texts normally.

Fixed an issue where spreadsheet can’t hide merged cells.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.4-2148 (2018-05-23)

Thai user interface is now available.

Fixed an issue where thousands separator might not be changed along with time zone.

Fixed an issue where Slides might fail to paste images which are copied from Microsoft  .pptx file.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.3-2143 (2018-03-27)

Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:12).

Supports printing spreadsheets in landscape orientation.

Enhanced the import and export compatibility of Microsoft Office files.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.2-2135 (2018-02-08)

Enhanced the format compatibility of imported spreadsheets and documents.

Fixed an issue where spreadsheets might fail to be exported.

Fixed an issue where formats might fail to be applied to text in slides.

Fixed an issue where data validation might be lost in spreadsheets.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.1-2123 (2018-01-18)

Fixed an issue where Office might fail to start.

Fixed an issue where users’ file privilege might not be updated until they reload the files. 

Optimized the size and resolution of inserted images.

Added support for setting non-numeric chart data as zero or null.

Improved the efficiency of updating the outline panel in documents. 

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.0-2112 (2018-01-03)

Compatibility and Installation

Synology Office 3.0.0 is compatible with DSM 6.1.3 and above.

Synology Drive, Universal Search, Synology Application Service, Node.js v4 and PHP 7.0 are required to be installed before you install Synology Office 3.0.0.

If a user account/group has the “Deny“ permission in the application privilege settings of Cloud Station Server or Office 2.0, the user account/group will not have the application privilege of Drive after it is installed. 

What’s New

Office has been integrated with Synology Drive as an add-on package for online collaboration.

The "comment only" permission type is supported for shared files.

[Slides] The brand new file type, Slides, is now available for editing presentations online.

[Spreadsheet] Users can now reference data from one sheet to another.

[Spreadsheet] The feature of defining range names is now available.

[Document] The print layout is now available for viewing documents with page separators.

[Document] Page setup and header/footer insertion are now available.

Fixed Issues

Enhanced the import/export compatibility for files of Microsoft Office and OpenOffice formats.

Fixed an issue where certain collaboration features in Slides might not work properly.

Fixed an issue where users might be forced to log out while importing files.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.3-1513 (2017-10-05) Fixed an issue where users might fail to move data to another volume on specific models. Fixed an issue where the Office package might fail to be restored using Hyper Backup. Minor bug fixes. Version: 2.2.2-1508 (2017-07-26) Fixed a security vulnerability where attackers might execute commands against Synology NAS. (CVE-2017-11150) Version: 2.2.1-1506 (2017-06-28) Adjusted the display names of online collaborators. Fixed an issue where the data in one document might not be synced when multiple collaborators make large amounts of changes at the same time. Fixed an issue where images might disappear when selected after spreadsheets have been zoomed in or out. Fixed an issue where results might be incorrect when a cell containing a formula is copied to multiple cells. Minor bug fixes. Version: 2.2.0-1502 (2017-05-31)


Added internal sharing permission, enabling users to share files via sharing links requiring login credentials. Added an option allowing non-admin users to share files publicly. File URL and sharing link are now consistent. Added support for exporting odt and .ods file formats and importing odf and .rtf formats (installation of Document Viewer required).  Color is customizable in documents and spreadsheets. Added support for performing data deduplication when backing up Office data via Hyper Backup, thereby enhancing storage efficiency (system requirements: Hyper Backup 2.0.0 or above and Hyper Backup Vault 2.0.0 or above, with system memory over 128 MB required). Added support for pasting the copied content via context menu after installing Synology Office Extension on Google Chrome.


Added the image editing features, including crop, border style, and rotation features. Table formats including border color and width are now adjustable.


Supports preview of range and frequently used statistical information (e.g., sum, average , count, etc.) when selecting cells The calculated results can be instantly previewed when entering formulas and values. Supports zoom mode for flexible content viewing.  Supports OFFSET formula. Version: 2.1.3-1273 (2017-03-09) Fixed an issue where opening encrypted documents might fail. Fixed an issue where syncing document content might fail after disconnecting abnormally. Fixed an issue where deleting comments left by other editors in a document might fail. Fixed an issue where the refresh button in the table of contents might display incorrectly after zooming in/out the document. Minor bugs fixes. Version: 2.1.2-1263 (2017-01-18) Fixed an issue where opening files might fail. Fixed an issue where row height in imported spreadsheets might be incorrect. Minor bugs fixes. Version: 2.1.0-1259 (2017-01-12) Fixed an issue where creating a historical version of a spreadsheet might fail and cause excessive CPU usage when the spreadsheet contained formulas. Fixed an issue where the style of a cell with conditional formatting or data validation might be lost after reloading the spreadsheet. Version: 2.1.0-1258 (2017-01-04)


Users can use Office without the user home service enabled by an administrator. Supports moving data storage from one volume to another. Provides uninterrupted service when Office is being backed up by Hyper Backup. Supports .doc file type for import (installation of Document Viewer required). Enhanced the usability of color pickers. Fixed an issue where saving a historical version as a new copy might fail. Fixed an issue where users might fail to remove permissions from a group that has been deleted.


Supports inserting and editing shapes. Supports adjusting table border colors. Supports vertical alignment in a table. Fixed an issue where unwanted HTML tags might appear in the content copied from Microsoft Word. Fixed an issue where images copied from websites might not display normally. Fixed an issue where users might fail to adjust the width of a table copied from Google docs. Fixed an issue where inserting a table of contents into a table might lead to incorrect display of the table.


Fixed an issue where users might fail to make a reply to comments in the comment panel. Fixed an issue where users might fail to edit or delete conditional format rules in an imported file. Fixed an issue where users might fail to select an item from the data validation list for a cell. Fixed an issue where cell border style might be incorrect. Fixed an issue where the calculated result of the RATE formula might be incorrect. Version: 2.0.1-1076 (2016-11-24)

Compatibility and Installation

Synology Office 2.0.1 can only be installed on Synology products running DSM 6.0.2 onward. Installation of Synology Application Service and Node.js v4 is required before installing Synology Office 2.0.1.

What’s new

Office is an upgrade from the SpreadSheet package. Introduces a new file type - document, allowing you and others to collaborate on text-oriented files with a rich array of built-in tools. Provides a brand-new UI design to enhance user experience. Users can grasp major updates via notifications. Users can organize files with folders and labels. Users can use Synology Chat directly via the Chat plugin from a document or spreadsheet. The interactive feature of comments is supported to increase collaboration efficiency. Provides practical templates for documents and spreadsheets. Supports searching for folders, documents, and spreadsheets in Office via Synology Universal Search (DSM 6.1 Beta or above required). Data in spreadsheets can now be converted into charts. Format customization is available for currencies and dates in spreadsheets. Added a button for frequently used formulas to the spreadsheet toolbar. Added more styles for cell borders in spreadsheets. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.1.4-0343 (2016-11-02) Enhanced format compatibility of imported spreadsheets. Fixed an issue where data synchronization might fail after undoing specific operations. Fixed an issue where date-related content might not display correctly after being copied and pasted. Fixed an issue where the feature of ”Replace all” in the Find and Replace window might not work properly. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.1.3-0338 (2016-08-11) 使用者现可插入电子邮件地址作为超连结。 修正筛选储存格时结果可能不正确的问题。 修正列印试算表时字型可能无法正确​​显示的问题。 修正当储存格含有资料验证时可能无法执行资料筛选的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 1.1.2-0331 (2016-06-15) 提升电子表格整体效能。 提升公式正确性。 日期与时间相关公式可自动侦测日光节约时间。 现可将资料验证规则复制至其他储存格。 若仅需复制储存格的格式,可使用快速键按 Ctrl + Shift+ V 来执行贴上。 现可透过键盘上的 Esc 键按键来清除欲复制范围的虚线选取框。 修正汇入试算表可能会失败的问题。 修正筛选器可能无法正常运作的问题。 修正在另外一個工作表中貼上剪下區域後,原工作表中的剪下區域卻未消失的問題。 修正新增太多工作表可能会造成工作表索引标签卷动按钮消失的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 1.1.1-0240 (2016-04-20) 修正在储存格编辑模式下,储存格若经卷轴卷动而超出画面范围时,储存格内容可能会消失的问题。 修正将含有日期的储存格内容复制至其他工作表时,日期格式可能不正确的问题。 修正多位使用者同时在同一份试算表中建立新工作表时可能会失败的问题。 修正超连结显示文字若包含双引号则可能无法正确​​显示的问题。 修正在合并储存格中无法使用 Ctrl-Enter 换行的问题。 修正将含有筛选器设定的 Google 试算表汇入 SpreadSheet 时,筛选内容无法正确显示的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 1.0-0229 (2016-03-24) Allows you to host your collaboration drive and work easily with others by sharing spreadsheets. Customize access permissions for guests, DSM users and groups, and set read/write privileges for specific spreadsheets. Multiple users can edit the same spreadsheet simultaneously and see the modifications in real time. View the revision history and restore the spreadsheet to a previous version. Manage your spreadsheets with multiple attributes by adding tags to individual spreadsheets and quickly find them later. Supports import and export of other spreadsheet formats. Supports data validation, conditional formatting, filter and spelling check. Spreadsheet encryption is supported to protect confidential spreadsheets. Supports application backup in the Hyper Backup package. Range selection is supported in SpreadSheet functions. Supports selecting multiple rows/columns/cells by pressing and holding the “Ctrl” key. Over 300 formulas are supported. SpreadSheet Function List is provided with instructions on frequently used functions and usage examples. Allows you to insert images to spreadsheets. You can now print your spreadsheets. Version: 3.5.2-19104 (2022-12-20)




支持在 Peta Volume 上安装 Synology Office。


此版本更新采用分阶段发布。 Version: 3.5.1-19103 (2022-11-08)




修正已套用数字格式的空白单元格,在排序后可能无法正确显示的问题。 修正单元格可能无法正确套用条件式格式及样式的问题。 Version: 3.5.0-19096 (2022-09-05)


Synology Office 3.5 须搭配 DSM 7.1.1 及以上版本。


一般 支持按住 Ctrl 键并滚动鼠标滚轮来放大或缩小画面。 支持开启文件时,套用与上次开启时相同的缩放比例。 支持将加密 Microsoft Office 文件转换为 Synology Office 文件。 表格 支持查看单元格编辑纪录。 新增函数,包含 IMPORTRANGE、CONCAT、XLOOKUP。 新增荧光标示功能以凸显正在使用的列或栏。 支持单击右下角的数据摘要以进行复制。 支持平滑滚动以提升浏览大量数据的工作表体验。 文件 支持在文件加上水印以标示来源或所有权。 支持使用标尺及制表符来设置页面边界及段落缩进。 支持使用格式化标记来显示隐藏字符,例如:空格、段落标记、制表符。 幻灯片 支持使用标尺来设置段落缩进。 新增支持在播放幻灯片模式中使用荧光笔工具。


提升在移动设备上通过网页浏览器编辑 Synology Office 文件的体验。 提升与 Microsoft Word 的兼容性,包含水印、标尺、制表符。 修正了删除多列时,也会删除筛选后隐藏列的问题。 修正了数据验证规则使用「项目列表」作为规则及时间格式作为「值」时,可能会建立失败的问题。 修正了文件中有表情符号时,储存历史版本可能会失败的问题。 修正了自 Microsoft Excel 转换而来的 Synology 电子表格中,超链接可能无法正确显示的问题。 修正了将工作表名称有大量字符的 Synology 电子表格下载为 Microsoft Excel 时可能会失败的问题。 Version: 3.5.0-19082 (2022-08-10)


Synology Office 3.5 须搭配 DSM 7.1.1 及以上版本。


一般 支持按住 Ctrl 键并滚动鼠标滚轮来放大或缩小画面。 支持开启文件时,套用与上次开启时相同的缩放比例。 支持将加密 Microsoft Office 文件转换为 Synology Office 文件。 表格 支持查看单元格编辑纪录。 新增函数,包含 IMPORTRANGE、CONCAT、XLOOKUP。 新增荧光标示功能以凸显正在使用的列或栏。 支持单击右下角的数据摘要以进行复制。 支持平滑滚动以提升浏览大量数据的工作表体验。 文件 支持在文件加上水印以标示来源或所有权。 支持使用标尺及制表符来设置页面边界及段落缩进。 支持使用格式化标记来显示隐藏字符,例如:空格、段落标记、制表符。 幻灯片 支持使用标尺来设置段落缩进。 新增支持在播放幻灯片模式中使用荧光笔工具。


提升在移动设备上通过网页浏览器编辑 Synology Office 文件的体验。 提升与 Microsoft Word 的兼容性,包含水印、标尺、制表符。 修正了删除多列时,也会删除筛选后隐藏列的问题。 修正了数据验证规则使用「项目列表」作为规则及时间格式作为「值」时,可能会建立失败的问题。 修正了文件中有表情符号时,储存历史版本可能会失败的问题。 修正了自 Microsoft Excel 转换而来的 Synology 电子表格中,超链接可能无法正确显示的问题。 修正了将工作表名称有大量字符的 Synology 电子表格下载为 Microsoft Excel 时可能会失败的问题。 Version: 3.4.1-18337 (2022-05-17)


提升与 Microsoft Office 文件的兼容性。 Version: 3.4.0-18333 (2022-04-06)


此更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。 将部分主题替换为全新设计的主题。您仍可使用旧版主题,请在 Synology Drive 网页门户点击创建 > 从模板,再点击右上角的显示旧版模板。 不再支援 Armada370 及 Comcerto2k 平台机种。 Armada370:DS216se、DS115j、RS214、DS414slim、DS214se、DS114、DS213j Comcerto2k:DS414j


Synology Office 3.4 须搭配 Synology Drive Server 3.1。


一般 用户可以将电脑中的字体加入 Synology Drive 管理控制台,从而在 Synology Office 中使用该字体。 支持在安装 Synology Office Extension 后使用颜色选择器直接选择表格中的颜色。 支持版本删除以节省存储空间并减少备份与还原所需的时间。 新增以下字体:Yu Mincho、Yu Gothic、YuKyokasho、Meiryo、Angsana New、Cordia New、Browallia New、TH Sarabun New。 支持同时以多种条件(例如:状态、类型、“提到我”)筛选评论。 支持在维持原先图片的大小与位置的情况下更换图片。 表格 支持计算结果为数个值的数组公式,并自动将结果延伸至相邻的单元格。 新增支持新公式,包括:SEQUENCE、SORT、SORTBY、UNIQUE、FILTER、RANDARRAY、TRANSPOSE。 支持使用自定分隔符将文字分隔至不同栏位。 支持移除选择栏位中的重复数据。 支持将图片及图表定位至单元格,让其在移动或变更单元格大小时自动调整。 支持以文字颜色或背景颜色筛选单元格。 支持插入与删除选取的单元格范围。 支持以拖拉方式移动单元格或单元格范围。 支持建立筛选器检查页面的链接。 支持下载 .csv 格式的表格文件。 支持在 Microsoft Office 与 Synology Office 之间导出导入文档时,保留文档中的评论。 文件 支持在图片中插入文字。 支持水平对齐一页中的完整表格。 支持插入代码块。 支持使用快捷键来快速在目录页及链接页面之间切换。 幻灯片 支持插入代码块。 支持在播放投影片模式中使用画笔工具。 支持从其他幻灯片导入主题。 支持将对象贴齐格线。


修正将幻灯片下载为 .pptx 文件可能会失败的问题。 修正了评论中显示的日期未自动更新的问题。 修正了当其他用户编辑文件时,若有用户正在该文件留下评论,可能会导致评论消失的问题。 修正了打印表格中的数据时,可能会打印空白页的问题。 修正了使用快捷键插入时间戳失败的问题。 提升与 Microsoft Office 文件的兼容性。 修正了设置条件格式时,用户会无法重置颜色的问题。 修正了在代码区块中输入文字可能会无法正确显示的问题。


打印 pdf 文件可能导致文件内超链接丢失。 Version: 3.3.1-6992 (2022-04-06)




修正了当文件历史版本数量过多时,存储该文件可能会失败的问题。 修正了在 File Station 中,通过「查看」>「在 Synology Office 中打开」按钮来打开 Microsoft Office 文件可能会失败的问题。 修正了在 Firefox 98 中,下载文件为 PDF 格式时可能会失败的问题。 Version: 3.3.0-6979 (2021-06-29)


此更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。 移除表格中的年度日历模板。 由于本次修复的问题,电子表格的行高可能会缩小,且内容可能无法完整显示。若要重新调整行高,请手动调整,或在行号上右键单击,并选择 "自动调整行高"。


Synology Office 3.3 需搭配 Synology Drive Server 3.0 和 DSM 6.2.3 及以上版本。 若未安裝 PHP 7.4 及 Node.js v12,系统将在更新后自动安装以上套件以确保功能正常运行。


通用 支持在Synology Office 中显示昵称而非用户名,以便更容易识别用户。 新增微软正黑体和 Helvetica Neue 字体。 提升开启 Synology Office 文件的速度。 支持平均分配表格选定区域的列高和行宽。 支持插入 Synology Drive 中的文件链接为超链接。 支持使用正则表达式进行搜索和替换。 左侧栏位新增 “获取链接” 按钮,用于获取文件链接。 当使用“复制到”功能, 发现在 Synology Office 中的文件名冲突时,新增“忽略”、“复制和替换”、以及“复制,但保留这两个文件“选项。 表格 支持显示函数描述和函数参数的提示。 支持一次清除多个同类型的格式。 支持转置粘贴。 提升了重命名、删除、复制、重新排列、隐藏、以及设置工作表颜色的速度。 支持插入特定区域或其他工作表的链接。 支持在公式内搜索,同时忽略公式结果。 支持复制和粘贴条件格式。 支持 NORMSDIST 和 DATEDIF 函数。 提升导入和导出表格的兼容性。 文档 支持跨页时自动分割表格。 支持在页眉和页脚中插入表格。 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 支持选定文本的页数和字数统计。 增加了检查工具,以轻松审查修订及接受或拒绝所有修订。 提升文档中有大量评论和修订时的性能。 幻灯片 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 新增网格线,以便于排版对齐。 提升幻灯片中有大量页数时的性能。


提升了拼写检查的准确性。 修正了用户可能无法在 Microsoft Power Point 中打开导出的幻灯片的问题。 修正了电子表格根据内容自适应行高,且无法手动调整到小于单元格内容高度的问题。 修正了在电子表格中,将公式拖拽至含有隐藏列或栏的相邻单元格时,显示的结果可能会不正确的问题。 修正了 SUBTOTAL 公式可能会出现的错误,即公式内包含其他不在数据范围内的 SUBTOTAL 数值。 修正了当屏幕空间不足时,评论可能出现在错误位置的问题。 修正了多项安全性问题。 Version: 3.3.0-16975 (2021-06-01) 注意事项 移除表格中的年度日历。 由于本次修复的问题,电子表格的行高可能会缩小,且内容可能无法完整显示。若要重新调整行高,请手动调整,或在行号上右键单击,并选择 ""自动调整行高""。 Armada370 平台的型号不支持新安装此套件,但可将原已安装的套件更新至此版本。 这是最后一个支持 Armada370 及 Comcerto2k 平台型号的版本。 兼容性与安装 更新套件以支持 DSM 7.0。 若未安裝 PHP 7.3 及 Node.js v12,系统将在更新后自动安装以上套件以确保正常运行。 更新功能 一般 支持在Synology Office 中显示昵称而非用户名,以便更容易识别用户。 新增微软正黑体和 Helvetica Neue 字体。 提升开启 Synology Office 文件的速度。 支持平均分配表格选定区域的列高和行宽。 支持插入 Synology Drive 中的文件链接为超链接。 支持使用正则表达式进行搜索和替换。 左侧栏位新增 “获取链接” 按钮,用于获取文件链接。 表格 支持显示函数描述和函数参数的提示。 支持一次清除多个同类型的格式。 支持转置粘贴。 提升了重命名、删除、复制、重新排列、隐藏、以及设置工作表颜色的速度。 支持插入特定区域或其他工作表的链接。 支持在公式内搜索,同时忽略公式结果。 支持复制和粘贴条件格式。 支持 NORMSDIST 和 DATEDIF 函数。 提升导入和导出表格的兼容性。 文件 支持跨页时自动分割表格。 支持在页眉和页脚中插入表格。 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 支持选定文本的页数和字数统计。 增加了检查工具,以轻松审查修订及接受或拒绝所有修订。 提升文档中有大量评论和修订时的性能。 幻灯片 编号列表和项目符号列表中增加了新的模板。 增加了编号列表和项目符号列表,包括多级列表,继续编号,新增添加前缀或后缀。 新增网格线,以便于排版对齐。 提升幻灯片中有大量页数时的性能。 Version: 3.2.4-4211 (2021-02-23)




更新以兼容 DSM 6.2.4。若在 Synology Office 中复制或粘贴图片时发生问题,请将 Synology Office 更新至此版本。


修正数个安全性弱点。 Version: 3.2.3-4205 (2020-09-15)

Fixed Issues

Fixed the issue where user groups with valid permissions are unable to modify cells in protected ranges. Fixed the issue where importing files with data validation rules might fail. Fixed the issue where updating locale settings might not automatically take effect. Version: 3.2.2-4133 (2020-03-03)

Important Note

The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

What's New

For Spreadsheet

Updated the calendar template to the year 2020.

Bug Fixed

For Document, Slides and Spreadsheet

Fixed the issue where the text might break into the next line when superscript or subscript has been applied to some of the characters. Fixed the issue where spelling errors marked by red underline might change to black after viewing version history via Safari. Fixed the issue where users might encounter incorrect layout display when importing or exporting Microsoft Excel .xlsx files.

For Document

Fixed the issue where justified text alignment might be ignored in print preview and printouts. Fixed the issue where inserting images might fail after viewing version history.

For Slides

Fixed the issue where applied themes might fail to display properly when the zoom is over 100%.

For Spreadsheet

Improved the precision of rounding decimal numbers for formula results. Fixed the issue where the suggested user list in comments is unable to display fully. Fixed the issue where comments might disappear after sorting cells.

Fixed the issue where data validation might fail after renaming worksheets.

Fixed the issue where importing files might fail when there are uppercase characters in the file extension.

Fixed the issue where importing .csv files might fail on ARM platforms. Fixed the issue where hyperlinks in worksheets might not work after the files are exported as .xlsx files and imported back into Synology Office. Version: 3.2.1-4128 (2019-10-01)

What’s New

Enhanced the performance of exporting spreadsheets which contain numerous merged cells. Enhanced the performance when deleting a large number of worksheets in spreadsheets. Supports continuously hiding rows or columns with keyboard shortcuts. Improved the compatibility of importing and exporting Microsoft Excel XLSX files for better format accuracy.

Fixed Issues

Fixed the issue where backing up Synology Office template via Hyper Backup might fail. Fixed the issue where Synology Office files might fail to be opened when a user quota limit is reached. Fixed the issue where exporting large Synology Office files might fail. Fixed the issue where inserting cut cells to a new row will fail in spreadsheets. Fixed the issue where syncing spreadsheet data might fail when another user is deleting worksheets of the same file at the same time. Fixed the issue where using data validation with the number rule might fail. Version: 3.2.0-4113 (2019-07-09)

Compatibility & Installation

Synology Office 3.2 will be gradually rolling out to global users. Synology Office 3.2 requires Synology Drive Server 2.0 version or above.

What's New

For Document, Slides and Spreadsheet

Added physical file of Synology Office file types to allow file export to another Synology Drive server and open them. Added advanced chart options to provide various settings when creating charts in Synology Office files. Optimized the compatibility and service stability for importing and exporting files.

For Slides

Supports cropping images into various shapes. Supports setting format for images with size, rotation angle, transparency etc. Supports transition and animation effects for slides and objects. Supports inserting videos and automatically playing videos in presentation mode. Supports importing from PPT file type.

For Spreadsheet

Supports protected range and worksheet to set permissions for specific working areas. Version: 3.1.5-2772 (2019-03-28)

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.1.4-2771 (2019-03-05) Added Spreadsheet template for 2019 Calendar. Fixed an issue where resolution of Slides might be abnormal on Google Chrome 72.0.3626.109 or later browser versions. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-19:11). Minor bug fixes. Version: 3.1.3-2765 (2018-12-11) Fixed the return value of the MATCH function. Fixed an issue where there may be an extra blank page when printing a document on Safari. Fixed an issue where importing .xlsx files containing images might fail . Fixed an issue where creating files on Firefox may fail. Fixed an issue where cutting and pasting texts on IE may fail. When a formula contains the name of a worksheet, changing the name of the worksheet no longer affects the formula. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to open a file after running Hyper Backup. Fixed an issue where users may not be able to open a file after managing it with SMB. Fixed an issue where comment-only users may not be able to resolve comments. Minor bugs fixes. Version: 3.1.2-2757 (2018-08-27)

Fixed an issue where users might not be able to scroll to a cell in spreadsheets if the cell is in frozen area when executing Find and Replace.

Fixed an issue where spreadsheets might not be able to be downloaded as PDF files.

Fixed the return value of INDEX function.

Added support for IFS function in spreadsheets.

Fixed an issue where documents with multiple pages might fail to display properly.

Enhanced the compatibility of imported spreadsheets and documents.

Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 3.1.1-2750 (2018-07-30)

Fixed an issue where documents and slides might fail to be saved as template files.

Enhanced compatibility of imported spreadsheets and slides.

Fixed an issue where merge cells might not show normally across two pages in documents.

Fixed an issue where it cannot insert images in a frozen range in spreadsheets.

Minor bugs fixes.

Version: 3.1.0-2737 (2018-07-02)

What’s New

Customized template is supported for spreadsheets, documents and slides.

User can give a specific history version a name.

Filter view allows user to filter data without influencing the way other users viewing the same spreadsheet.

Supports changing the color of a sheet tab, copying a sheet to another file, and hiding a sheet.

In spreadsheets, user can change absolute reference by pressing F4.

In spreadsheets, user can apply various styles to the text within a cell.

In spreadsheets, user can search content in a specific range.

In spreadsheets, user can select the range for reference in another sheet by mouse.

Supports spell check suggestion and personal dictionary for documents and slides.

Fixed Issues

Enhanced overall performance.

Enhanced compatibility for exported PDF files.

Enhanced usability for viewing documents with separators and set it as default viewing mode.

Fixed an issue where documents and slides might fail to input texts normally.

Fixed an issue where spreadsheet can’t hide merged cells.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.4-2148 (2018-05-23)

Thai user interface is now available.

Fixed an issue where thousands separator might not be changed along with time zone.

Fixed an issue where Slides might fail to paste images which are copied from Microsoft  .pptx file.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.3-2143 (2018-03-27)

Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:12).

Supports printing spreadsheets in landscape orientation.

Enhanced the import and export compatibility of Microsoft Office files.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.2-2135 (2018-02-08)

Enhanced the format compatibility of imported spreadsheets and documents.

Fixed an issue where spreadsheets might fail to be exported.

Fixed an issue where formats might fail to be applied to text in slides.

Fixed an issue where data validation might be lost in spreadsheets.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.1-2123 (2018-01-18)

Fixed an issue where Office might fail to start.

Fixed an issue where users’ file privilege might not be updated until they reload the files. 

Optimized the size and resolution of inserted images.

Added support for setting non-numeric chart data as zero or null.

Improved the efficiency of updating the outline panel in documents. 

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 3.0.0-2112 (2018-01-03)

Compatibility and Installation

Synology Office 3.0.0 is compatible with DSM 6.1.3 and above.

Synology Drive, Universal Search, Synology Application Service, Node.js v4 and PHP 7.0 are required to be installed before you install Synology Office 3.0.0.

If a user account/group has the “Deny“ permission in the application privilege settings of Cloud Station Server or Office 2.0, the user account/group will not have the application privilege of Drive after it is installed. 

What’s New

Office has been integrated with Synology Drive as an add-on package for online collaboration.

The "comment only" permission type is supported for shared files.

[Slides] The brand new file type, Slides, is now available for editing presentations online.

[Spreadsheet] Users can now reference data from one sheet to another.

[Spreadsheet] The feature of defining range names is now available.

[Document] The print layout is now available for viewing documents with page separators.

[Document] Page setup and header/footer insertion are now available.

Fixed Issues

Enhanced the import/export compatibility for files of Microsoft Office and OpenOffice formats.

Fixed an issue where certain collaboration features in Slides might not work properly.

Fixed an issue where users might be forced to log out while importing files.

Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.2.3-1513 (2017-10-05) Fixed an issue where users might fail to move data to another volume on specific models. Fixed an issue where the Office package might fail to be restored using Hyper Backup. Minor bug fixes. Version: 2.2.2-1508 (2017-07-26) Fixed a security vulnerability where attackers might execute commands against Synology NAS. (CVE-2017-11150) Version: 2.2.1-1506 (2017-06-28) Adjusted the display names of online collaborators. Fixed an issue where the data in one document might not be synced when multiple collaborators make large amounts of changes at the same time. Fixed an issue where images might disappear when selected after spreadsheets have been zoomed in or out. Fixed an issue where results might be incorrect when a cell containing a formula is copied to multiple cells. Minor bug fixes. Version: 2.2.0-1502 (2017-05-31)


Added internal sharing permission, enabling users to share files via sharing links requiring login credentials. Added an option allowing non-admin users to share files publicly. File URL and sharing link are now consistent. Added support for exporting odt and .ods file formats and importing odf and .rtf formats (installation of Document Viewer required).  Color is customizable in documents and spreadsheets. Added support for performing data deduplication when backing up Office data via Hyper Backup, thereby enhancing storage efficiency (system requirements: Hyper Backup 2.0.0 or above and Hyper Backup Vault 2.0.0 or above, with system memory over 128 MB required). Added support for pasting the copied content via context menu after installing Synology Office Extension on Google Chrome.


Added the image editing features, including crop, border style, and rotation features. Table formats including border color and width are now adjustable.


Supports preview of range and frequently used statistical information (e.g., sum, average , count, etc.) when selecting cells The calculated results can be instantly previewed when entering formulas and values. Supports zoom mode for flexible content viewing.  Supports OFFSET formula. Version: 2.1.3-1273 (2017-03-09) Fixed an issue where opening encrypted documents might fail. Fixed an issue where syncing document content might fail after disconnecting abnormally. Fixed an issue where deleting comments left by other editors in a document might fail. Fixed an issue where the refresh button in the table of contents might display incorrectly after zooming in/out the document. Minor bugs fixes. Version: 2.1.2-1263 (2017-01-18) Fixed an issue where opening files might fail. Fixed an issue where row height in imported spreadsheets might be incorrect. Minor bugs fixes. Version: 2.1.0-1259 (2017-01-12) Fixed an issue where creating a historical version of a spreadsheet might fail and cause excessive CPU usage when the spreadsheet contained formulas. Fixed an issue where the style of a cell with conditional formatting or data validation might be lost after reloading the spreadsheet. Version: 2.1.0-1258 (2017-01-04)


Users can use Office without the user home service enabled by an administrator. Supports moving data storage from one volume to another. Provides uninterrupted service when Office is being backed up by Hyper Backup. Supports .doc file type for import (installation of Document Viewer required). Enhanced the usability of color pickers. Fixed an issue where saving a historical version as a new copy might fail. Fixed an issue where users might fail to remove permissions from a group that has been deleted.


Supports inserting and editing shapes. Supports adjusting table border colors. Supports vertical alignment in a table. Fixed an issue where unwanted HTML tags might appear in the content copied from Microsoft Word. Fixed an issue where images copied from websites might not display normally. Fixed an issue where users might fail to adjust the width of a table copied from Google docs. Fixed an issue where inserting a table of contents into a table might lead to incorrect display of the table.


Fixed an issue where users might fail to make a reply to comments in the comment panel. Fixed an issue where users might fail to edit or delete conditional format rules in an imported file. Fixed an issue where users might fail to select an item from the data validation list for a cell. Fixed an issue where cell border style might be incorrect. Fixed an issue where the calculated result of the RATE formula might be incorrect. Version: 2.0.1-1076 (2016-11-24)

Compatibility and Installation

Synology Office 2.0.1 can only be installed on Synology products running DSM 6.0.2 onward. Installation of Synology Application Service and Node.js v4 is required before installing Synology Office 2.0.1.

What’s new

Office is an upgrade from the SpreadSheet package. Introduces a new file type - document, allowing you and others to collaborate on text-oriented files with a rich array of built-in tools. Provides a brand-new UI design to enhance user experience. Users can grasp major updates via notifications. Users can organize files with folders and labels. Users can use Synology Chat directly via the Chat plugin from a document or spreadsheet. The interactive feature of comments is supported to increase collaboration efficiency. Provides practical templates for documents and spreadsheets. Supports searching for folders, documents, and spreadsheets in Office via Synology Universal Search (DSM 6.1 Beta or above required). Data in spreadsheets can now be converted into charts. Format customization is available for currencies and dates in spreadsheets. Added a button for frequently used formulas to the spreadsheet toolbar. Added more styles for cell borders in spreadsheets. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.1.4-0343 (2016-11-02) Enhanced format compatibility of imported spreadsheets. Fixed an issue where data synchronization might fail after undoing specific operations. Fixed an issue where date-related content might not display correctly after being copied and pasted. Fixed an issue where the feature of ”Replace all” in the Find and Replace window might not work properly. Minor bug fixes. Version: 1.1.3-0338 (2016-08-11) 使用者现可插入电子邮件地址作为超连结。 修正筛选储存格时结果可能不正确的问题。 修正列印试算表时字型可能无法正确​​显示的问题。 修正当储存格含有资料验证时可能无法执行资料筛选的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 1.1.2-0331 (2016-06-15) 提升电子表格整体效能。 提升公式正确性。 日期与时间相关公式可自动侦测日光节约时间。 现可将资料验证规则复制至其他储存格。 若仅需复制储存格的格式,可使用快速键按 Ctrl + Shift+ V 来执行贴上。 现可透过键盘上的 Esc 键按键来清除欲复制范围的虚线选取框。 修正汇入试算表可能会失败的问题。 修正筛选器可能无法正常运作的问题。 修正在另外一個工作表中貼上剪下區域後,原工作表中的剪下區域卻未消失的問題。 修正新增太多工作表可能会造成工作表索引标签卷动按钮消失的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 1.1.1-0240 (2016-04-20) 修正在储存格编辑模式下,储存格若经卷轴卷动而超出画面范围时,储存格内容可能会消失的问题。 修正将含有日期的储存格内容复制至其他工作表时,日期格式可能不正确的问题。 修正多位使用者同时在同一份试算表中建立新工作表时可能会失败的问题。 修正超连结显示文字若包含双引号则可能无法正确​​显示的问题。 修正在合并储存格中无法使用 Ctrl-Enter 换行的问题。 修正将含有筛选器设定的 Google 试算表汇入 SpreadSheet 时,筛选内容无法正确显示的问题。 修正其他问题。 Version: 1.0-0229 (2016-03-24) Allows you to host your collaboration drive and work easily with others by sharing spreadsheets. Customize access permissions for guests, DSM users and groups, and set read/write privileges for specific spreadsheets. Multiple users can edit the same spreadsheet simultaneously and see the modifications in real time. View the revision history and restore the spreadsheet to a previous version. Manage your spreadsheets with multiple attributes by adding tags to individual spreadsheets and quickly find them later. Supports import and export of other spreadsheet formats. Supports data validation, conditional formatting, filter and spelling check. Spreadsheet encryption is supported to protect confidential spreadsheets. Supports application backup in the Hyper Backup package. Range selection is supported in SpreadSheet functions. Supports selecting multiple rows/columns/cells by pressing and holding the “Ctrl” key. Over 300 formulas are supported. SpreadSheet Function List is provided with instructions on frequently used functions and usage examples. Allows you to insert images to spreadsheets. You can now print your spreadsheets.






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