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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 sight n (eyesight)SCSimplified Chinese 视力 shì lì TCTraditional Chinese 視力  My sight isn't very good without glasses on.  我不戴眼镜的时候视力不是太好。 sight n (view)SCSimplified Chinese 景色,景观 jǐng sè ,jǐng guān TCTraditional Chinese 景色   SCSimplified Chinese 视力范围,可看见的范围 shì lì fàn wéi,kě kàn jiàn de fàn wéi  The sight is amazing from on top of the Ferris wheel.  从摩天轮上往下看,景色真是壮观极了。  从这里往下看,刚好可以看到那栋楼。 a sight n (spectacle, [sth] to see)SCSimplified Chinese 值得看的事物 zhí dé kàn de shì wù   SCSimplified Chinese 值得看的景象 zhí dé kàn de shì wù,zhí dé kàn de jǐng xiàng  The protest was certainly a sight to see.  那次示威游行真是值得一看。 a sight n ([sth] ugly)SCSimplified Chinese 难看的事物   SCSimplified Chinese 难看的情景   SCSimplified Chinese 难看的景象 nán kàn de jǐng xiàng  Then he came out with his shirt unbuttoned. What a sight that was!  他出来的时候,衬衣扣子都没有扣。真是一幅难看的情景。 sight n (gun: sighting device) (枪支等)SCSimplified Chinese 瞄准器 miáo zhǔn qì TCTraditional Chinese 瞄準器  He looked through the sight for a few seconds while aiming the gun.  举枪瞄准时,他透过瞄准器看了好几秒。 the sights npl (tourist attractions, landmarks)SCSimplified Chinese 游览胜地 TCTraditional Chinese 遊覽勝地   SCSimplified Chinese 风景名胜  Kara and her boyfriend stayed in Montreal for several days and saw the sights.  卡拉和她的男友在蒙特利尔住了好些日子,看了几处风景名胜。 sight [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (observe, spot)SCSimplified Chinese 观测 guān cè TCTraditional Chinese 觀測   SCSimplified Chinese 观察 guān cè,guān chá TCTraditional Chinese 觀察   SCSimplified Chinese 观赏 guān cè,guān shǎng TCTraditional Chinese 觀賞  After waiting an hour the tourists were delighted to sight dolphins.  等待了一个小时,游客们终于得以观赏海豚了。 sight [sth] towards [sth]⇒ vtr (weapon: aim)SCSimplified Chinese 用...瞄准 TCTraditional Chinese 用…瞄準  He sighted the arrow towards the target.  他用箭瞄准目标。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:sight英语中文 at first sight adv (instantly, immediately)SCSimplified Chinese 一看之下 yì kàn zhī xià   SCSimplified Chinese 一见面就… yì kàn zhī xià,yí jiàn miàn jiù  At first sight, the town looked boring. by sight adv (visually)SCSimplified Chinese 在外表上 zài wài biǎo shàng   SCSimplified Chinese 凭外貌 zài wài biǎo shàng,píng wài mào  I don't know him personally, only by sight. catch sight of [sth/sb] v expr (glimpse, notice)SCSimplified Chinese 突然看见 tū rán kàn jiàn TCTraditional Chinese 突然看見   SCSimplified Chinese 瞥见 tū rán kàn jiàn,piē jiàn  When I caught sight of my appearance in the mirror, I immediately rushed back to my closet to change.  当我瞥见自己镜中的模样时,我立马冲回衣柜去换衣服。 fall in love at first sight v expr (become infatuated with a stranger)SCSimplified Chinese 一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng TCTraditional Chinese 一見鍾情   SCSimplified Chinese 一见倾心 yí jiàn zhōng qíng,yí jiàn qīng xīn  As soon as I saw him across the dancefloor, I fell in love at first sight.  当看到他走过舞池那刻,我就对他一见钟情了。 gun sight n (aiming device on a firearm)SCSimplified Chinese 瞄准镜 miáo zhǔn jìng TCTraditional Chinese 瞄準鏡  The sniper looked through the gun sight and took aim. in full sight adv (clearly visible)SCSimplified Chinese 清晰可见地   SCSimplified Chinese 显而易见地 xiǎn ér yì jiàn de in full sight of [sb] expr (in clear view)SCSimplified Chinese 深入洞察   SCSimplified Chinese 完全看透 in sight adj (visible, within view)SCSimplified Chinese 可见的 kě jiàn de TCTraditional Chinese 可見的   SCSimplified Chinese 进入视野的 kě jiàn de ,jìn rù shì yě de   SCSimplified Chinese 看得到的 kě jiàn de ,kàn dé dào de  Make sure the children are in sight at all times while you're at the beach. in sight adj figurative (close)SCSimplified Chinese 在望   SCSimplified Chinese 触目可及  Two weeks ago, I thought I'd never finish this project, but now the end is in sight. line of sight n (straight line of view)SCSimplified Chinese 视线 shì xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 視線  He bent over to stay out of his pursuer's line of sight. lose sight of [sth/sb] v expr (no longer see)SCSimplified Chinese 看不见 kàn bú jiàn TCTraditional Chinese 看不見   SCSimplified Chinese 不再看见  We lost sight of that boat when it went around the bend in the river. lose sight of [sth] v expr figurative (no longer be focused on)SCSimplified Chinese 忘记 wàng jì TCTraditional Chinese 忘記   SCSimplified Chinese 忽略 wàng jì,hū lüè TCTraditional Chinese 忽略  When I lose sight of my goal, I waste time and accomplish nothing. love at first sight n (instant romantic attraction to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng TCTraditional Chinese 一見鍾情  When Harry met Sally it wasn't love at first sight; they fell in love some years later. not lose sight of [sth/sb] v expr (keep in view)SCSimplified Chinese 不要让…离开视线范围  Do not lose sight of your children around water. not lose sight of [sth] v expr figurative (remain focused on)SCSimplified Chinese 没有忽略 méi yǒu hū lüè   SCSimplified Chinese 没有忘记 méi yǒu hū lüè,méi yǒu wàng jì  Don't lose sight of your goal, you're almost there. on sight, at sight adv (upon seeing)SCSimplified Chinese 一看到…就 yí kàn dào jiù   SCSimplified Chinese 见到就  The man shot the burglar on sight. out of sight adv (outside visible range)SCSimplified Chinese 视野外地 shì yě wài de TCTraditional Chinese 視野外地   SCSimplified Chinese 看不见地 shì yě wài de,kàn bú jiàn de TCTraditional Chinese 看不見地  We know the actors are backstage, but they were out of sight. out of sight adj (outside visible range)SCSimplified Chinese 视野外的 shì yě wài de TCTraditional Chinese 視野外的   SCSimplified Chinese 看不见的 shì yě wài de,kàn bú jiàn de TCTraditional Chinese 看不見的 out of sight adj slang, dated (great, amazing) (俚语,旧时用语)SCSimplified Chinese 了不起的,惊人的 liǎo bù qǐ de ,jīng rén de TCTraditional Chinese 驚人的  That concert was out of sight! out of sight, out of mind expr (people forget quickly)SCSimplified Chinese 离久情疏   SCSimplified Chinese 眼不见为净 place [sth] out of sight v expr (conceal [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 将…藏起来  Before the grandchildren arrive, I must place these biscuits out of sight! quite a sight n ([sth] impressive to see)SCSimplified Chinese 让人印象深刻的场景 ràng rén yìn xiàng shēn kè de chǎng jǐng   SCSimplified Chinese 特别的景象 ràng rén yìn xiàng shēn kè de chǎng jǐng,tè bié de jǐng xiàng  The bride was quite a sight, all in white fur and sequins. second sight (clairvoyance)SCSimplified Chinese 透视 tòu shì TCTraditional Chinese 透視   SCSimplified Chinese 灵视 sense of sight n (vision)SCSimplified Chinese 视觉 shì jué TCTraditional Chinese 視覺 sight draft (draft payable on presentation)SCSimplified Chinese 即期汇票 a sight for sore eyes expr (welcome after tough time)SCSimplified Chinese 让人高兴,令人心旷神怡 sight unseen adv (without having seen [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 没看,看都没看 sight-singing n (sing by looking at sheet music)SCSimplified Chinese 视唱 sight-read⇒ vi (read music)SCSimplified Chinese (没有事先练习 méi yǒu shì xiān liàn xí   SCSimplified Chinese 看到乐谱就能演奏)即兴演奏 méi yǒu shì xiān liàn xí,kàn dào yuè pǔ jiù néng yǎn zòu jí xìng yǎn zòu   SCSimplified Chinese 即兴演唱 méi yǒu shì xiān liàn xí,jí xìng yǎn chàng sight-read [sth]⇒ vtr (read without sounding out letters)SCSimplified Chinese 无声阅读 备注: 并非默读,而是指省掉发音阶段,直接识别文字。sight-read [sth] vtr (script: read unprepared) (戏剧表演,指没有事先准备的)SCSimplified Chinese 即兴朗读,即兴念剧本 jí xìng niàn jù běn within sight adv (closely enough to be seen)SCSimplified Chinese 在视线之内 zài shì xiàn zhī nèi  Some say that an end to the recession could be within sight in a few months.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: sight [saɪt] I n 1 [u] (=faculty) 视(視)力 shìlì 2 [c] (=spectacle) 景象 jǐngxiàng [种 zhǒng] 3 [c] (on gun) 瞄准(準)器 miáozhǔnqì IIsights n pl (=places of interest) ▶ the sights 景点(點) jǐngdiǎn III vt 看见(見) kànjiàn to catch sight of sb/sth 瞧见(見)某人/某物 qiáojiàn mǒurén/mǒuwù to lose sight of sth (fig) 忽略某事 hūlüè mǒushì the sight of sth一看见(見)某物 yī kànjiàn mǒuwù to set one's sights on sth立志拥(擁)有某物 lìzhì yōngyǒu mǒuwù in sight (lit) 看得见(見) kàn de jiàn out of sight看不见(見) kàn bù jiàn to be in or within sight (fig) 在望 zài wàng at first sight乍一看 zhà yī kàn I know her by sight我看到她就知道她是谁(誰) wǒ kàndào tā jiù zhīdào tā shì shuí on sight [shoot, arrest] 一看见(見)就… yī kànjiàn jiù… a sight better/worse (inf)好/坏(壞)得多 hǎo/huài de duō 在这些条目还发现'sight': 在英文解释里: alarming - barely see - before - blind - blindness - collimate - coup de foudre - disappearance - distance - distinctly - espy - eye - eye exam - eyeball - faintness - five senses - fuzzy - get a glimpse of - glimpse - go blind - indistinct - indistinctly - into the distance - look a picture - peripheral vision - scope - see - sense - sharp-eyed - shut out - sighted - spy - vision - visual - visually - windage 中文: 目光 - 视线 - 一见倾心 - 可望而不可及 - 情景 - 景点 - 游览 - 风光 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - S, 更多……同义词: vision, eyesight, eye, range of vision, field of vision, 更多……习惯性搭配: sighted [land, the island, the coast, a ship], a [wonderful, beautiful, ghastly, frightening, terrible] sight, sight-reading, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'sight' 的论坛讨论:

The mere sight of ... makes me ... ...into sight and sound of no return... - English Only forum ...without seeing an end vs without an end in sight - English Only forum ’Ard on ’osses, but dam’ sight ’arder on poor chaps like me - English Only forum [what] little sight he had left - English Only forum a bad sight on girls - English Only forum a grand and marvelous sight - English Only forum a long sight too many - English Only forum a read for sore eyes [sight] - English Only forum A sight for old eyes - English Only forum a sight on or of something? - English Only forum a sight to make sore eyes sorer - English Only forum a strange sight - English Only forum accuracy of sight - English Only forum add up to a sight - English Only forum advise women sight unseen - English Only forum allow full line of sight - English Only forum An amazing sight opened before their eyes - English Only forum "and not hoping that the sight of him would disarm her suspicions," - English Only forum as we are treated to the sight - English Only forum at (the) first sight - English Only forum at first blush/glance/sight - English Only forum At first sight - English Only forum at his sight - English Only forum At one sight/at first sight/on the view - English Only forum At sight of Mr. Utterson - English Only forum At somebody's sight - English Only forum At the first instance/ glance/sight. - English Only forum at the sight of - English Only forum at the sight of - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'sight'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "sight" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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