《经济学人》双语:精英主义导致完美主义? 您所在的位置:网站首页 obsessive翻译 《经济学人》双语:精英主义导致完美主义?


2023-05-30 15:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

原文标题:Social psychologyThe enemy of the goodThe Perfection Trap社会心理学善之敌完美主义陷阱

“The Perfection Trap” decries what it calls a “hidden epidemic”Thomas Curran finds some unusual culprits for the scourge of perfectionism《完美主义陷阱》谴责 "隐形传染病"托马斯.柯伦发现一些导致完美主义祸害的罪魁祸首

[Paragraph 1]IN NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE’S short story “The Birth-Mark”, a chemist called Aylmer marries a young woman, Georgiana, whose sole imperfection is a red blemish on her left cheek. 在纳撒尼尔·霍桑的短篇小说《胎记》中,一个叫艾尔默的化学家娶了一个年轻女子乔治安娜,她唯一的瑕疵是左脸颊上有一个红斑。

He considers it a “fatal flaw”; she pleads with him to use his skills to remove it. 他认为这是一个 "致命缺陷";她恳求他用化学手段来消除红斑。

Stumbling on his journal, however, Georgiana is astonished to find it is a catalogue of scientific mishaps. 然而,乔治安娜偶然发现他的日记是一份科学事故目录。Might his loathing of her birthmark stem from his professional disappointment? 他对她胎记的厌恶可能源于他对职业的失望吗?At length Aylmer concocts a potion that has the desired effect—and promptly kills her.


[Paragraph 2]Hawthorne’s 180-year-old tale illustrates the perils of perfectionism. 霍桑的《胎记》有180年的历史,这个故事说明了完美主义的危害。

It is Thomas Curran’s starting-point for a study of what he calls a “hidden epidemic”. 这是托马斯.柯伦研究他所称 "隐形传染病 "的起点。He thinks the obsessive pursuit of ever higher standards, rather than propelling achievement, is mainly a scourge. 他认为,对更高标准的执着追求,非但没有推动成就,反而是一种祸害。

A social psychologist at the London School of Economics, he describes himself as “a recovering perfectionist”. 他是伦敦经济学院的社会心理学家,他称自己是 "一个正在康复的完美主义者"。

Drawing on both academic research and his own experiences of “deficit thinking”, he makes a vigorous case, albeit one occasionally marked by cliché (he sees his younger self as a “chin-stroking, cardigan-wearing intellectual”).根据学术研究和他自己的 "缺陷思维 "经历,他用了一个形象的例子,尽管有时有些陈词滥调(他认为年轻的自己是一个 "摸着下巴、穿着开襟羊毛衫的知识分子")。

[Paragraph 3]Mr Curran distinguishes between three sorts of perfectionism. 柯伦将完美主义分为3种。The first, which looks inward, is the relentless self-scolding of the workaholic or punctilious student. 第一种是向内看的完美主义,是工作狂或循规蹈矩学生的不断自责。

A second version, directed towards others, is commonly found in bosses who have unrealistic expectations of their staff and decry their supposed failings (he cites Steve Jobs as an example). 第二种是针对他人的完美主义,常见于那些对员工有不切实际的期望并谴责失败的老板(他以史蒂夫·乔布斯为例)。

The third and most troublesome kind is the form imputed to society: “an all-encompassing belief that everybody, at all times, expects us to be perfect”. 第三种是归咎于社会的完美主义,也是最麻烦的一种:"一种涵盖一切的信念,即要求每个人每时每刻都要保持完美"。

Its victims tend to feel lonely; often they harm themselves and harbour thoughts of suicide. 这种完美主义的受害者往往会感到孤独;他们经常会自伤且怀有自杀的想法。

[Paragraph 4]Having noted the ways in which this pathology inflames vulnerabilities and erodes resilience, Mr Curran suggests some causes. 柯伦注意到这种病态完美主义会加剧脆弱性和削弱韧性之后,他给出了一些原因。

These include a lack of job security, neurotic supervision by helicopter parents and the gaudy blandishments of advertising, which fuel consumption and anxiety. 这些原因包括缺乏工作保障、直升机父母的神经质监督、广告的华丽诱惑,这些都加剧了内耗和焦虑。

“The very fabric of this economy”, he claims, “is woven from our discontent.” 他说,"这种经济体系的构成要素是我们的不满情绪"。

Inevitably he blames social media, which inundate users with images of finely sculpted bodies, flawless outfits, ambrosial holidays and exquisite weddings. 他毫不留情地指责社交媒体,称它们让用户浸泡在精雕细琢的身体、完美无瑕的服装、温馨的假期和精美的婚礼等图像中。

[Paragraph 5]A less familiar culprit is Don Hamachek, an American psychologist, who in the 1970s coined the term “normal perfectionism”, thereby legitimising morbid self-criticism, says Mr Curran. 柯伦称另一个不太为人所知的罪魁祸首是美国心理学家唐·哈马切克,他在1970年代创造了 "正常完美主义 "一词,从而使病态的自我批评合理化。

He even reproaches Barack Obama for enjoining young people to learn from their mistakes. 他甚至指责巴拉克.奥巴马责令年轻人从错误中吸取教训。

Instead, he says, failures should be “allowed to simply wash through us as a joyous reminder of what it means to be a fallible human”.相反,他说我们应该让失败"从我们身边流过,它们是让我们记住自己是一个会犯错的人的快乐提示。"

[Paragraph 6]The author’s greatest odium, though, is directed at meritocracy. 然而,作者称最大的罪魁祸首是精英主义。In this he draws on the thinking of Michael Sandel, a philosopher at Harvard. 在这方面,他借鉴了哈佛大学哲学家迈克尔.桑德尔的思想。

Especially in “The Tyranny of Merit” (published in 2020), Professor Sandel has argued that using education as a giant sorting machine creates a toxic obsession with credentials, dividing society into winners and losers and depleting the common good. 特别是在《精英的傲慢》(2020年出版)一书中,桑德尔教授认为,把教育当作巨大的分类机器会导致人们迷恋证书,将社会分为成功者和失败者,会耗尽共同利益。

Like other critics of meritocracy, Mr Curran has a point—until you consider the alternatives.像其他精英主义的批评者一样,柯伦先生的观点是有道理的——除非你考虑其他选择。

[Paragraph 7]Daily life, in his view, now resembles an endless tribunal. Young people suffer most from the constant scrutiny of scores and rankings. 在他看来,现代日常生活就像一场无穷无尽的庭审。年轻人受各种分数和排名之苦最深。

Decrying a fixation on economic growth, he applauds countries, such as Bhutan and New Zealand, where decision-makers take account of citizens’ happiness. 他谴责对经济增长的迷恋,称赞不丹和新西兰等国家的决策者会考虑公民的幸福。

Mr Curran’s preferred fix is a universal basic income, which he says would “extinguish the fire of perfectionism”.柯伦的首选方案是实行“全民基本收入”政策,他说这个政策可以 "扑灭完美主义之火"。

[Paragraph 8]Whatever its economic merits, his argument errs in treating perfectionism as a purely cultural phenomenon. Might it not also be a disposition embedded in the psyche? 无论其经济价值如何,他将完美主义视为一种纯粹的文化现象的观点是错误的。难道它不也是一种心理倾向吗?

Tellingly, his guidance—“Keep going. Do not yield”; “Keep practising that acceptance of fortune and fate”—is couched in the language of the perfectionist’s round-the-clock report card. 值得注意的是,他的指导——“继续前进,不要放弃”;“继续练习接受命运的安排”——使用了完美主义者全天候成绩单的说辞。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量693左右)原文出自:2023年5月27日《The Economist》Culture版块


本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。

【补充资料】(来自于网络)《胎记》The Birth-Mark是纳撒尼尔·霍桑的一部短篇小说,讲述了一个叫Aylmer的科学家,他妻子脸上的一个小胎记成为他追求完美的障碍。Aylmer相信可以通过科学手段将其消除,但是最终的结果却是灾难性的。小说探讨了人类对完美和可接受范围的追求,以及在这种追求中可能带来的后果。

《完美主义陷阱》The Perfection Trap是作者托马斯.柯伦的一本书,阐述了现代社会中追求完美所带来的压力和影响。书中引用了大量的研究和案例,描述了人们如何陷入完美主义的陷阱,并为此感到压力、焦虑和不满意。作者提出了一些解决问题的策略和建议,包括更加关注过程而非结果,拥抱个人差异以及减少社交媒体和其他外界因素的干扰。

缺陷思维Deficit thinking是一种旧的教育观念,即将学生视为缺陷、不足或有问题的个体,并强调一种“补救”方法,试图通过填补学生的缺陷来改善他们的表现。这种思想认为,学生的失败是因为他们的不足和缺陷,而不是教育系统、社会或其他环境因素的影响。它通常忽略了学生的优点和潜能,并在对待学生时产生了负面影响,包括削弱自尊心、限制学习机会和强化刻板印象。许多现代教育者反对这种思想,强调以积极、多元化和包容的方式看待学生,并为每个学生提供平等的机会和资源。


迈克尔·桑德尔的《精英的傲慢》The Tyranny of Merit是一本揭示美国上层社会文化和心理现象的畅销书。作者认为,美国的精英们自认为比其他人更聪明、更有能力,但却缺少对其他人的真正了解和尊重,并将自己看作是社会进步和发展的关键。作者从教育、职业、社交圈子、政治等方面探讨了精英主义的根源,以及这种思想如何影响他们对普通人及其价值观和生活方式的看法。桑德尔还指出,这种傲慢和对社会问题无知的态度导致了社会分裂和不平等的加剧。

批评精英主义的原因主要有以下几点:1. 不公平:精英主义会使社会上层人士过分享有资源和权利,而削弱社会公平和平等。这些精英们通常拥有更多的机会和财富,而且更有可能影响政策和决策,使得他们的权力和特权更加稳固。2. 妨碍社会流动:精英主义可能会使社会流动性下降。如果个人的出身就决定了他们的经济和社会地位,那么很难通过个人的努力和成就来提高他们的社会阶层和经济状况。这会导致社会上层人士的垄断和社会阶层之间的隔阂。3. 狭隘的思维:精英主义会使社会上层人士更可能只关心自己的利益和需要,而忽略其他人的需要和利益。这种狭隘的思维方式可能会导致政治决策和社会政策的偏颇,远离公正和普惠。4. 妨碍民主:精英主义可能会妨碍民主进程。如果社会上层人士过分掌握权力和资源,那么他们可能会通过掌控政治和经济机构来维持他们的特权地位,而不是真正为整个社会谋求最大化的利益。

【重点句子】(3 个)He thinks the obsessive pursuit of ever higher standards, rather than propelling achievement, is mainly a scourge. 他认为,对更高标准的执着追求,非但没有推动成就,反而是一种祸害。

These include a lack of job security, neurotic supervision by helicopter parents and the gaudy blandishments of advertising, which fuel consumption and anxiety. 这些原因包括缺乏工作保障、直升机父母的神经质监督、广告的华丽诱惑,这些都加剧了内耗和焦虑。

Daily life, in his view, now resembles an endless tribunal. Young people suffer most from the constant scrutiny of scores and rankings. 在他看来,现代日常生活就像一场无穷无尽的庭审。年轻人受各种分数和排名之苦最深。







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