外研版必修五Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 您所在的位置:网站首页 objection的用法 外研版必修五Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

外研版必修五Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema

#外研版必修五Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共45张PPT)状语从句What are “ Adverbial Clauses” 在主从复合句中修饰主语中的动词、 形容词、副词等的从句叫做 “状语从句”。分类如下:What are “ Adverbial Clauses” 在主从复合句中修饰主语中的动词、 形容词、副词等的从句叫做 “状语从句”。分类如下:状语从句1. 时间状语从句2. 地点状语从句3. 原因状语从句4. 条件状语从句5. 让步状语从句6. 目的状语从句7. 结果状语从句8. 方式状语从句9. 比较状语从句1.While John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.2.Generally, air will be heavily polluted where there are factories.3. My friends dislike me because I’m handsome and successful.4.The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them.5.He got up so early that he caught the first bus.6.We'll start our project if the president agrees.7.The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough.8.She is as bad-tempered as her mother.9.When in Rome, do as the Roman do.时间地点原因目的结果条件让步比较方式判断下列句子属于什么状语从句We were swimming in the lake when suddenly the storm started.He was about to tell me the secret when someone patted him on the shoulder.As time goes by, we have gained more and more knowledge.I gave it to her as soon as I saw her.I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her.6. Hardly had he entered the office when he realized thathe had forgotten his report.whenwhenAsas soon asthe first timeHardlywhen时间状语从句引导时间状语从句的引导词常用引导词: when, while, as, as soon as; before; after; since; till; until特殊引导词:time 类:every/each/next time; the first time; the next timeadv.类:immediately; directly; instantlythe +n.类:the moment; the minute; the second; the day; the instant否定词类: no sooner+过完(倒装)…than; hardly+过去完成时(倒装)…when;scarcely… when(一)重点连词When1: ① was/ were doing …② be about to do…=be on the point of doing…③ had (just) done…eg. He was driving a lorry load ofbananas_______ he came off the road ata bend and fell three hundred metresdown the mountain.whenwhenThe two of them ______________(sail)down the Mississippi River on a raftwhen they see something in the waterahead of them…2. no sooner…than; hardly…when;scarcely… whenNo sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain.are sailing重点连词When(二)not until 的扩展用法We didn’t realize the importance ofprotecting the environment until wewere in danger.①Not until we were in danger _______ werealize the importance of protecting theenvironment.② It was not until we were in danger_________ we realized the importance ofprotecting the environment.didthat(三)注意特殊引导词的用法① She ran away immediate she saw the headmaster.② He fell into love with her at the first time he saw her.③ I’ll return the book the next time I came.immediately固定句型1. It was/will be + 段时间 +before…”过了/要过多久才…”It was three weeks before he came back.It will be two years before he leaves the country.2. It wasn’t/ won’t be +long+ before…. “没过多久就…”It won’t be long before she comes back.It wasn’t long before he left the country.3. It is/has been + 时间 + since(did 一般过去时)….“自从……多久了”It is three years since she was in the army.It will be a long time ______ we meet again.It has been 20 years ________ we first saw each other.beforesincePractice:判断下列句子是什么状语从句If I were you, I will not make him angry.I will tell you something on condition that you promise to keep it secret.We should serve the people as / so long as we live.You will fail unless you work harder.You will fail if you don’t work harder.She won’t lose weight unless she keeps a diet and take exercise every day.Ifon condition thatas / so long asunlessifunless条件状语从句4. 条件状语从句条件状语从句表示主句中的某一动作或状态是在什么情况或条件下发生的。条件状语从句中通常用一般现在时表示将来。常用引导词:if, unless (除非)特殊引导词: as / so long as (只要), on condition (只要), on condition that(条件是), in case (以防万一) , providing / provided (that), supposing (that)(假若,倘使),等。1. We will be able to get there on time, _____our car doesn’t break down on the road.as soon as B. as far asC. as long as D. as well as2. In time of serious accidents, _____ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.whether B. untilC. if D. unless3. ______ you have tried it, you can’t imagine how pleasant it is.A. Unless B. BecauseC. Although D. When4. The official soon realized that, ______, things would get worse.unless dealt with properlyif not properly dealing with itunless properly dealt withif dealt not properly with状语从句的省略① When I was walking in the street, Iheard my name called.When walking in the street, Iheard my name called.② Unless the flowers are watered every day, they will die.Unless watered every day, the flowers will die.在状语从句中(多在时间和条件状语从句中),如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致且含有一个be动词,可将从句的主语和be动词省略Summary:在状语从句中(多在时间和条件状语从句中),如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致且含有一个be动词,可将从句的主语和be动词省略: When+ doing/ doneWhen ___________(build), the building will be the highest building in the city.While___________(study) in college, he has designed several apps.If __________(possibly), I will study abroad.在状语从句中,如果从句的主语是it且含有一个be动词,可将从句的it和be动词省略主动被动builtstudyingpossible在状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主致或从句的主语是it且含有一个be动词,可将句的主语和be动词省略.①He will come if _________(ask).②Whenever______________(necessarily), come and help.③The exhibition is more successful than__________(expect.)④He looked around as if________(search)for something.askednecessaryexpectedsearching判断下列句子是什么状语从句While I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.I’ll overcome all the difficulties, even though it should cost my life.Child as he is, he knows a lot.Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.Will you marry him whether (you are) poor or rich, well or ill Whileeven thoughasWhereverwhateverwhetheror让步状语从句让步状语从句的引导词常用引导词:though; although; as;even if/though; while2. 特殊引导词:(1) 疑问词+everwhoever;whatever; wherever; whichever however+adj/adv(2) No matter+疑问词no matter who ; no matter what; no matter what ; no matter how+adj/adv(3)whether… or; in case5. 让步状语从句在复合句中表示让步概念的状语从句被称为让步状语从句。通常由下列词语引导:though, although, even if, even though, while, no matter who/… , however ,as等。让步状语从句可以位于主句前、后,有时插在主句中间。让步状语从句的倒装Child as he is , he has a goodknowledge of computer.尽管他们很快乐,但总缺少点什么。_______________________, there were something missing.尽管他很努力,但他还是无法解决这个问题___________________, he couldn’t solve the problem.Happy as they wereTry as he might2. 地点状语从句地点状语从句用连接副词 where或wherever (在任何地方) 引导。e.g. a. Just stay where you are.b. Wherever you go, I’ll be right here waiting for you.When he reads a book, his habit is to make a mark _______ the meaning is unclear to him.A. there B. whereverC. the place D. in which2. If you are travelling ______ the customs are totally different from your own, you may feel a cultural shock.A. in the place B. whichC. in which D. where3. 原因状语从句原因状语从句表示主句中的某一动作或状态所发生的原因。引导这种从句 常用的连接词是:because, since, as, for, now that 及 considering等。e.g. He didn’t come to school because he was ill.c.f. He might be ill, for he didn’t come to school.表示“直接”原因。表示“间接的推断”原因.不可出现在句首。Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, ______ this was a memory she especially treasured.A. as B. if C. when D. where2. Some people believe that ______ oil is running out, the fate of the motor industry is uncertain.A. / B. though C. for D. sincewhether…or…whether…or…引导的让步状语从句:△ 这种从句也称“选择条件-让步状语从句”,可位于主句之前或之后,如:Whether he drives or (whether he) flies, he will be here on time.Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to do it.Whether or not it rains, I’m giving a party tomorrow.We hold that all countries, (whether they are) big or small, (whether they are) rich or poor, should be equal.Whether it rains or snows, I will go tonight.She had to go, whether or not she wanted it.whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever由连接代词whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever引导的让步状语从句:Whoever (= no matter who) is unwilling to go, I will go.(whoever 既相当于连接词短语no matter 连接主句与从句,又相当于疑问代词who)Whomever (= no matter whom) you are dealing with, this method is no good.Whatever (= no matter what) happens, keep calm.Whatever others may say, you are certainly right.Whichever (= no matter which) you choose, we have no objection.whatever 或whichever由连接形容词whatever 或whichever 引导的让步状语从句,如:Whatever (= no matter what) difficulties may arise, we must and can overcome them one by one. (whatever 既相当于no matter 连接主句与从句,又相当于疑问形容词what 修饰名词difficulties。)Whichever (= no matter which) room is assigned to him, he will have no objection.Whichever method you use, the result is much the same.however, wherever 或whenever由连接副词however, wherever 或whenever 引导的让步状语从句。例如:However ( = no matter how) difficult the task may be, we will fulfil it on time.( however 既相当于 no matter 连接主句与从句,又相当于疑问副词 how 修饰 difficult。)Wherever ( = no matter where) they went, they were warmly welcomed.Whenever I’m unhappy, he cheers me up.The dog follows me wherever I go.even though和 thougheven though (= even if) 引导的从句指把握不大或假设的事情,意为“即使”、“纵然”;Most of us ignore the food advice, even if/ even though we know it to be true.______ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.While B. sinceC. Before D. Unless2. The workers are determined to go through with their railway project, ____ the expenses have risen.as long as B. even thoughC. now that D. as though3. ______, he knows more than other children of his age.A. However young child he isB. Child as he isC. No matter how young child isD. What a young child he is4. I really want the match, however much ______.A. does it cost B. costs itC. will it cost D. it costs5. ______ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.For now B. Now thatC. By now D. until6. ______, the idea off having to work under a woman defeated him.Wanting the job very muchAlthough wanting the job badlyThough he wanted the job very muchHe wanted the job badly目的状语从句引导词常用引导词: so that; in order that特殊引导词:in case; for fear that; in the hope that; for the purpose that6. 目的状语从句引导目的状语从句的连词:in order that …用于正式文体中,所引从句可于主句前或后。so thata. 较常用,一般用于主句后,有时可分开,so 有时可省; 从句中要有情态动词,否则, 就成为下一种句型:b. 无情态动词则引导结果状语从句。for fear that; in case; lest (以免)等。e.g. a. We’ll sit nearer the front so we can hear better. b. I shall write it down lest I should forget.注意:当从句与主句的主语一致时,可用so as to do … 或 in order to do …e.g. He ran fast so that he might arrive there before ten o’clock. →He ran fast so as to arrive there before ten o’clock.结果状语从句引导词1.常用引导词: so that; so…that; such…that2. 特殊引导词:such that; to the degree that; to the extent that; to such a degree that7. 结果状语从句结果状语从句常位于主句之后,由so, so … that, such … that; so that 等引导。e.g. a. So quickly did he run that I couldn’t catch up with him.b. The bus broke down so that we had to walk home.★c. He got to the station finally, only to find the train had left.8. 方式状语从句描述主句动作进行方式的状语被称为方式状语。通常用下列词语引导:as, just as, as if, as though, according to 等。e.g. a. We must do as the Party tells us.b. Leave the things as they are.c. Most plants need sunlight just as they need water.d. It sounds as if it is raining.9. 比较状语从句比较状语从句常由下列词语引导: as …as, not so / as … as, more…than, less … than, the more + adj. / adv., the more + adj. / adv.e.g. a. He is not so / as healthy as his brother. b. They jumped up and down as hard as they could. c. John is less clever than Peter.Roses need special care ______ they can live through winter.because B. so thatC. even if D. as2. If things are left ______ they are, the problems will never be settled, I’m afraid.how B. as C. what D. where3. Careful surveys have pointed out that as many as 50 percent of the patients do not take drugs _____ directed.like B. so C. which D. as4. I dare not go there ______ my parents will see me.in case of B. for fear ofC. in order that D. for fear that








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