【英语单词】彻底解释“hit 您所在的位置:网站首页 miss的形容词意思 【英语单词】彻底解释“hit


2024-07-15 21:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【英语单词】彻底解释“hit-and-miss”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 【英语单词】彻底解释“hit-and-miss”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 「hit-and-miss」の意味(adjective) 词性(英语单词分类):形容词 [如果某件事发生了偶然事件,你就不能指望它的质量好、准时或准确。 ] 它被用作一个含义。 中文翻译:[碰碰运气] 例文 The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair. 火车经常晚点,所以准时上班是很偶然的。 【英语单词】彻底解释“hit-and-miss”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 参考:「hit-and-miss」の例文一覧 例文 Then you really started to hear it, although even then it was a bit hit – and – miss . 然后你就真的开始听它了,即便如此,它 还是 有点 随波逐流 。 例文 One might describe it as a fire brigade method; an ad hoc method; a hit – and – miss method. 您可以将其描述为消防队方法。 临时 方法; 命中 和 错过 方法。 例文 We know that predict and provide is a hit – and – miss approach to housing. 我们知道,预测和交付对于住房来说是 一种 碰运气的 方法 。 【英语单词】彻底解释“hit-and-miss”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 例文 In the past, however, our policy has been too hit – and – miss . 但到目前为止, 我们的 政策 一直是 随意的 。 例文 It appears to many local authorities that this is a very hit – and – miss method. 对于许多地方当局来说,这似乎 是 一种非常 随意的 做法 。 例文 Again, the levy is imposed under a number of different provisions and is somewhat of a hit – and – miss affair. 同样,税收是根据许多不同的规定征收的,并且 有些时 好 时 坏 。 【英语单词】彻底解释“hit-and-miss”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 例文 The simple thesis that we are putting forward is that the incidence of aid on the present set-up is of too much a hit – and – miss character. 我们提出的简单论点是,当前设置中援助的发生的特点是太多的 命中 和 失误 。 例文 Securing that funding has been a problem in the past, and has been something of a hit – and – miss affair. 过去,获得资金一直是一个问题,时 好 时 坏 。 例文 Does mining have to be such a hit – and – miss affair in this modern day and age? 在当今时代,采矿是否 需要 如此成功 或 不成功 ? 【英语单词】彻底解释“hit-and-miss”! 含义、用法、例句、如何记忆 例文 Respite care is very much a hit – and – miss affair, depending on the resources of the local authority. 暂 托 护理 的情况非常不稳定 , 具体取决于当地政府的资源。

“hit and miss”的同义词列表。 让我们按顺序来记住吧!。 criterion pragmatism trial and error unwritten rule “hit-and-miss”是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法! 英语 含义(中文翻译) 详细解释! hit and miss, hit-and-miss, hit or miss, hit-or-miss 随意的,无计划的,无计划的 (不可预测、不可靠) The weather is very hit and miss for July – rain one day, sunshine the next. 七月的天气变化无常,前一天下雨,后天晴。 hit and miss是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法! We know that the old methods of meeting someone special were hit and miss at best. 我们知道 , 与特别的人见面的旧方法 充其量 只是 碰碰运气 。 However, without a unified guide, interoperability between different devices and chargers was hit and miss . 然而,由于缺乏统一的指导方针,不同设备和充电器之间的互操作性 时好时坏 。 They have 51 rooms, so there may be hit and miss . 显然有 51 个房间, 所以 可能是 碰碰运气 。 In fact, you will find quite a range of dolphin related gifts around the internet, although in your local store it may be hit and miss as to whether you will find anything. 虽然您可能 会在当地的商店里碰碰运气 ,但您会在互联网上找到相当多与海豚相关的礼物,无论您是否真的找到任何东西。 The next two are the per-CPU cache free hit and miss counts: the number of times a freed object could or could not fit within the per-CPU cache limit, before flushing objects to the global cache. 接下来的两个是每个 CPU 缓存的空闲 命中计数和未命中 计数。也就是说,释放的对象在刷新到全局缓存之前处于/超出每个 CPU 缓存限制的次数。 GPS locations seem to be within metres – if not spot on – so it can be a bit hit and miss unless you decipher the differences in data. GPS 位置似乎在几米之内,但如果您找不到它,则可能会有点 碰运气, 除非您破译数据中的差异。 For a while I thought I was going to commission one, but I’ve decided that’s too hit and miss , too costly, and I lack any fine control over the end product. 有一段时间我以为我要付费,但觉得 成本太高了 。 Having said that, the quality of the event does largely depend on the quality of its speakers, so the barrier to entry being low means that events can be a little hit and miss . 毕竟,活动的质量很大程度上取决于演讲者的质量,因此进入门槛较低意味着活动期间可能会偶尔出现 坎坷和错误 。 Depending Candy various actions are possible so that, for example, special trains or the ability to remove a freely elected Candy-piece from the board.Jackpot is hit and miss – not a fakeMany players report on the net that the Booster Wheel conspicuously often remains in the Jackpot box. 头奖被 击中 和错过 – 不是假的 许多玩家在网上报告称,助推轮经常使头奖箱明显打开。 For more information about caching with shielding see our article Understanding Cache HIT and MISS with Shielding Services. 有关使用 Origin Shield 时缓存的更多信息,请参阅启用 Origin Shield 时的缓存 命中和缓存未命中 一文。 He is the poet of ancient and modern hit and miss 他是一位无与伦比的诗人 Your sole application to succeed in this hit and miss process was Japan. 我唯一能够获得签证的地方是通过日本,我是在高风险的基础上申请的。 The sites I can and cannot loading I will have random popups as well. access are pretty hit and miss too. 每次我打开电脑时,这种情况都不会停止。 In another words, as long as you depend on the automatic technology without the academic knowledge, you cannot leave from the hit and miss style forever. 相反,如果你没有任何知识,只谈论相机的新功能,你 永远无法 从这种 随意的方式 中毕业。 In the UK at present it seems to be very much a hit and miss affair as to whether your purchase online from another country is tax free or taxed twice. 目前,在英国,买家的利润和损失很大程度上取决于他们从其他国家网上购物时是否不征税或双重征税。 The first two are the per-CPU cache allocation hit and miss counts: the number of times an object was or was not available in the per-CPU cache for allocation. 前两个是每个 CPU 缓存 分配命中计数和 分配未命中计数。也就是说,对象在分配时位于/不位于每 CPU 缓存中的次数。 Most of the days we would get a few minutes rest when they changed guards, otherwise it was hit and miss regarding a rest period. 大多数日子里,日军换岗时休息几分钟是很常见的。否则的话,中断就是 偶然的 。 What kind of environment are they walking into? Can you guarantee this environment will have the right energy every time? Or is it hit and miss some days? Many companies offer mobile work environments (or at least the option to work from home occasionally), which can be hugely beneficial for employees. 他们所处的环境氛围如何?每次来贵公司都充满正能量吗? 或者 说有好时光和坏时光吗?许多公司为员工提供移动工作环境(或者至少有时可以选择在家工作)。 It is the brave warrior of ancient and modern hit and miss 他是一位无与伦比的战士。 听听“hit-and-miss”的地道发音(发音)! 读法是【ˌhɪt.ənˈmɪs】。 听下面的视频并大声发音【ˌhɪt.ənˈmɪs】。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYI6Vt3uq7s 【必听】美国人解释“hit-and-miss”的含义 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVNeozIH2SQ


11月 10, 2023








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