西餐日常英语,西餐常用的英语单词有哪些 您所在的位置:网站首页 milk用much还是any 西餐日常英语,西餐常用的英语单词有哪些


2023-04-02 20:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,西餐常用的英语单词有哪些 2,帮我提供一些西餐厅的常用英语? 3,求西餐厅常用英语短语 4,西餐厅常用英语 急需一份简单的对话用语,要包括:帮老外预订餐,点餐,埋单时的用语~谢谢~ 5,谁有西餐英语常用句子? 6,西餐英语有那些? 7,西餐中的菜的英文咋说(越多越好) 1,西餐常用的英语单词有哪些

1、TENDERLOIN(菲力牛排)(嫩牛柳,牛里脊) TENDERLOIN又叫FILLET(菲力),是牛脊上最嫩的肉,几乎不含肥膘。由于肉质嫩,很受爱吃瘦肉朋友的青睐。食用技巧:煎成3成熟, 5成熟和7成熟皆宜。






亦作丁骨,呈 T 字型(或「丁」字型),是牛背上的脊骨肉。T型两侧一边量多一边量少,量多的是西冷,量稍小的便是菲力,中间被肋骨隔著。

5、Dry aged steak(干式熟成牛排)




可以看下 饭店情景英语.里面的第3篇有你需要的. 第三编 餐饮部 导言 经理的话 第一单元 酒吧 第二单元 顾客就座 第三单元 点菜 第四单元 上菜 第五单元 生日晚会 第六单元 付款方式 第七单元 西餐及自助餐还有一些简单的对话 young lady ,小姐 sir(madam) 先生(太太) Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening 晚上好 How are you today 你今天好吗 Hs good to see you again 再次见到你真高兴 Nice to meet you . 见到你真荣幸. May I be of service to you? 我能为你服务吗? Can I help you,\May I help you 我能帮你吗? Would you take the seat 请坐 What can I do for you ? 我能为你作什么? Thank you very much. 非常感谢 Thanks for the trouble . 麻烦你了 No,thanks. 不用了,谢谢! You’re welcome.(英)\ Not at all.(美) \That’s all right.不用谢 It’s my plcasurc. 这是我的荣幸 Welcome XXXXX 欢迎光临, XXXXX Welcome to our western restaurant. 欢迎来我们西餐厅 We’re glad to have you here. 我们很高兴你来到之儿 I’m always at your service 随时为你效劳 Apologies \I’m sorry 对不起, I’m very sorry. 非常抱歉. I’m sorry to trouble you. 对不起打扰你了. I’m sorry to have taken so much of your time. 对不起占用你太多时间了. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting .对不起让你久等. Excuse me for interrupeing you. 原谅我打挠你了. I hope you’ll forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我. See you Tomorrow.明天见. Room service ,May I come in ? 送餐服务,我可以进来吗? Surely.当然可以. Very well.非常好. What do you prefer ,tea or coffee? 你喜欢什么?茶还是咖啡. A table for X? X人的一张台吗? Enjoy you 请享用 Here is the menu. 给你菜谱. 一些点菜的词汇 menu 菜单 French cuisine 法国菜 today's special 今日特餐 chef's special 主厨特餐 buffet 自助餐 fast food 快餐 specialty 招牌菜 continental cuisine 欧式西餐 aperitif 饭前酒 dim sum 点心 French fires 炸薯条 baked potato 烘马铃薯 mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥 omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled vegetables 泡菜 kimchi 韩国泡菜 crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺 braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋 over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi 日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat烤肉

Fruit, Vegetables & Fungi 水果,蔬菜和菌菇

Vegetables 蔬菜 Lettuce 生菜 Iceberg Lettuce, Cos Lettuce, Green Oak Lettuce Potatoes 土豆 Sweet Potato 番薯 Taro 芋艿 Carrot 胡萝卜 Radish 萝卜 White Radish, Red Radish, Daikon Asparagus 芦笋 Celery 芹菜 Cucumber 黄瓜 Bitter Melon 苦瓜 Pumpkin 南瓜 Onion 洋葱 Garlic 大蒜 Spring Onion 青葱 Leek 青蒜 Pea 豆荚 Bean Sprouts 豆芽 Sweet Corn 甜玉米 Snake Bean 长杠豆 Wing Bean 龙豆 French Bean 刀豆 Fava Bean 蚕豆 Cabbage 卷心菜 Chinese Cabbage 黄芽菜 Cauliflower 花菜 Broccoli 西兰花 Capsicum 灯笼椒 Pepper 辣椒 Eggplant 茄子 Avocado 牛油果 Tomato 番茄

Mushrooms & Fungi 菌菇 Button Mushroom 白蘑菇 Shitake Mushroom 香菇 Enokitake Mushroom 金针菇 Black Fungus 黑木耳 White Fungus 白木耳

Pulses 干豆 Soya Bean 黄豆 Red Bean 赤豆 Mung Bean 绿豆

Fruits 水果 Apple 苹果 Pear 生梨 Lime 青柠 Lemon 柠檬 Mandarin 桔子 Orange 橙 Cumquat 金橘 Pomelo 文旦 Graperfuit 西柚 Watermelon 西瓜 Rockmelon 哈蜜瓜 Honeydew 甜瓜 Raspberry 木莓 Blueberry 蓝莓 Strawberry 草莓 Cranberry 红莓 Durian 榴莲 Lychee 荔枝 Peach 桃子 Apricot 李子 Cherry 樱桃 Mango 芒果 Plum 梅子 Loquat 枇杷 Pomegranate 石榴 Banana 香蕉 Carambola 杨桃 Kiwi Fruit 猕猴桃 Pineapple 菠萝 Papaya 木瓜 Grapes 葡萄 Fig 无花果 Persimmon 柿子 Coconut 椰子

Dried Fruit & Nuts 干水果和果仁 Raisin 葡萄干 Almond 杏仁 Cashew Nut 腰果 Chestnut 栗子 Hazelnut 臻仁 Peanut 花生 Pecan Nut 山核桃 Pistachio Nut 开心果 Macadamia Nut 夏威夷果 Pine Nut 松子 Walnut 核桃仁

Flours, grains, cereals & pasta 谷物,麦片和面条

Grains, cereals & flours Rice 米 Ground Rice, Rice Flour, Rice Flakes Corn 玉米 Corn Flakes, Corn Flour, Polenta Rye 黑麦 Rye Flakes, Rye Flour Barley 大麦 Pearl Barley, Barley Flakes, Barley Flour Whole Wheat 小麦 Wheat Flakes, Whole meal Flour Sago 西米 Oats 燕麦 Rolled Oats, Oatmeal Bran 米糠 Bran Flakes, Wheat Bran

Pasta 意大利面条 Capelline Spaghetti Tagliatella Farfalle Fusilli Penne Rissont Tortelloni Ravioli

Asia Noodles 亚洲面条 Chinese wheat noodles 中国面条 Bean thread noodles 粉丝 Rice noodles 米线 Soba 日本面条

Meat 肉类

Beef Beef Strips (Stir-fry) 牛肉条 Rib Eye Steak (Pan-fry, barbecue, grill) 牛眼肉牛排 Sirloin Steak (Pan-fry, barbecue, grill) 西冷牛排 Fillet Steak (Pan-fry, barbecue, grill) 菲利牛排 T-Bone Steak (Pan-fry, barbecue, grill) T骨牛排

Pork Diced Pork (Grill, Barbecue, pan-fry, stir-fry, casserole) 猪肉块 Pork Strips (Stir-fry, pan-fry, microwave) 猪肉条 Pork Chop (Grill, barbecue or lightly pan-fry) 猪排 Pork Fillet (Lightly pan-fry, oven roast, steam, grill, microwave) 猪肉菲利 Minced Pork (Grill, barbecue, pan-fry, oven roast, stir-fry) 猪肉肉糜 Pork Medallion (Lightly pan-fry, oven roast, grill, microwave, barbecue) 精肉排 Pork Ribs (Grill, barbecue, oven roast, microwave) 猪肋排

Lamb Leg of lamb (Oven roast, covered barbecue, microwave) 羊腿 Lamb Rack (Oven roast, covered barbecue) 羊脊排 Lamb Cutlet (Pan-fry, barbecue, grill) 羊小排 Lamb Lion Chop (Pan-fry, barbecue, grill) 羊大排 Lamb Ribs (Oven roast, covered barbecue, barbecue, grill) 羊肋排

Veal Veal Mince (Pan-fry) 小牛肉肉糜 Veal Schnitzel (Pan-fry, casserole) 小牛肉薄片 Veal Escalope (Pan-fry, casserole) 小牛肉薄片

Offal Pig’s cheek 猪脸 Ears 耳朵 Eyeball 眼球 Oxtail 牛尾 Tongue 舌头 Lights 肺 Heart 心 Liver 肝 Foot 脚 Trotter 蹄 Marrowbone 腿骨 Brain 脑 Triple 牛百叶 Kidney 肾脏

Bacon 烟熏肉 Ham 火腿 Air-dried Meat 风干肉 Sausage 香肠 Salami 萨拉米香肠 Preserved Beef 腌牛肉 Brawn & Pate 冻肉酱馅饼

Poultry & Game 家禽和野味

Poultry 家禽 Goose 鹅 Duck 鸭子 Turkey 火鸡 Chicken 鸡 Quail 鹌鹑 Guinea Fowl 珍珠鸡

Game 野味 Rabbit 野兔 Venison 鹿肉 Kangaroo 袋鼠 Pigeon 鸽子 Pheasant 野鸡 Wild Duck 野鸭

Seafood 海鲜

Fish 鱼 Tuna 金枪鱼 Tuna Steak, Tuna sashimi Salmon 三文鱼 Salmon Steak, Salmon Sashimi Mandarin Fish 桂鱼 Sea bass Fish 鲈鱼 Grouper Fish 石斑鱼 Sole Fish 左口鱼 Pomfort Fish 鲳鱼

Seafood Abalone 鲍鱼 Prawn 虾 Shrimp 虾 Scallop 扇贝 Clam 蛒蜊 Mussel 牡蛎 Oyster 生蚝 Lobster 龙虾 Crab 螃蟹 Octopus 章鱼 Squid 小鱿鱼 Cuttlefish 乌贼鱼

Dried Seafood 腌制海鲜 Dried Squid 风干鱿鱼 Dried Sardine 干沙丁鱼 Dried Sea Cucumber 干海参 Shark’s Fin 鲨鱼翅 Salted Jellyfish 腌海蜇

Herbs, Spices & Seeds 香料

Horseradish 辣根 Sweet Basil 罗勒 Mint 薄荷 Thyme 百里香 Garlic 大蒜 Rosemary 迷迭香 Parsley芫茜 Oregano 奥里加诺 Anise 茴芹籽 Caper水瓜纽 Celery Seed 芹菜籽 Clove丁香 Chilli Pepper 辣椒粉 Cinnamon 玉桂 Curry Powder 咖喱粉 Ginger 生姜 Nutmeg 豆寇 Salt 盐 Pepper 胡椒 Sesame Seed 芝麻 Sunflower Seed 葵花籽 Vanilla 香草 Star Anise 茴香角 Wasabe 日本芥末

Spreads flavourings, baking goods & preserves 调味品

Jam 果酱 Jelly果冻 Honey 蜂蜜 Peanut Butter 花生酱 Sugar Cubes 方糖 Granulated Sugar 砂糖 Brown Sugar黄糖 Candy 糖块 Sweetener 健怡糖 Syrup 糖浆 Grenadine 石榴糖浆 Maple Syrup 枫叶糖浆 Breadcrumbs 面包屑 Salt 盐 Mustard 芥末 Pesto 绿色意大利酱 Tomato Sauce 番茄酱 Worcestershire Sauce 辣酱油 Soy Sauce 酱油 Gherkin 酸黄瓜 Cocktail Onion 鸡尾酒洋葱 Stuffed Green Olive 绿橄榄 Black Olive 黑橄榄 Pickled Chilli 腌辣椒 Sauerkraut 酸耶菜丝 Herb Vinegar 香草醋 Wine Vinegar 红酒醋 White Vinegar 白醋 Vinaigrette 油醋汁 Mayonnaise 蛋黄酱

Dairy & farm produce 乳品

Milk牛奶 Skim Milk 脱脂牛奶 Fresh Cream 奶油 Sour Cream 酸奶油 Yoghurt 酸奶 Butter 黄油 Egg 蛋


西餐厅英语口语 一、沙司Sauce ⑴冷沙司和冷调味品: ①马乃司沙司Mayonnaise Sauce ②千岛汁Thousand Islands Dressing ③醋油汁Oil Vinegar ④芥末沙司Mustard Sauce ⑤法式汁French Dressing ⑥奶酪汁Cheese Dressing ⑵热沙司: ①布朗沙司Brown Sauce ②苹果沙司Apple Sauce ③咖喱沙司Curry Sauce ④奶油沙司Cream Sauce ⑤番茄沙司Tomato Sauce ⑥黄油沙司Butter Sauce 二、菜肴生熟程度 ⑴一成熟Rare-R ⑵三成熟Medium Rare-MR ⑶五成熟Medium-M ⑷八成熟Medium well-MW ⑸全熟Well-down W 三、早餐 1、大陆式早餐Continental Breakfast 2、美式早餐American Breakfast ⑴果汁类:橙汁 Orange Juice 菠萝汁 Pineapple Juice 番茄汁Tomato Juice 柠檬汁Lemon Juice 西柚汁Grape fruit Juice ⑵谷物类食品:燕麦片Oatmeal 玉米片Cornflakes

糖 浆Syrup 蜂 蜜Honey ⑶蛋类:①煎 蛋Fried Egg 单面煎Sunny-side up 双面煎Over Easy 双面煎老蛋Over Hard ②煮蛋Boiled Egg 嫩2-3 老5-7 ③炒蛋Scrambled Egg ④水波蛋Poached Egg ⑤蛋卷Omelet 清蛋卷Plain omelet 洋葱蛋卷Onion omelet 番茄蛋卷Tomato omelet 火腿蛋卷Ham omelet ⑷肉类:火腿Ham 香肠Sausage 烟肉Bacon ⑸面包:烤面包Toast 面包卷Roll 半角包Croissant 黄 油Butter 果 酱Jam 苹果酱Apple Jam 橘子酱Marmalade Jam ⑹饮料类:咖啡 coffee 红茶Black Tea 牛奶Milk 椰子Coco

正 餐

1、头盆 Appetizers Starters Hord’euvres 2、汤Soups 3、色拉Salads 4、主菜Main Courses 5、甜点Desserts ①奶酪Cheese ②甜品Sweets 蛋糕Cake 布丁Pudding 比萨Pizza 煎饼Pancake 冰淇淋Ice Gream 水果Fruit 香烟Cigarette 菜单menu


1、煎Fried 2、炸deep-fried 3、炒Saute 4、煮Boil 5、焖Braise 6、烩Stew 7、烤Roast 8、焗Bake 9、铁扒Grill 10、串烧Broil

酒店早餐英语口语 水果: 西瓜 Water melon 调料: 方糖 Sugar 西红柿 Tomato 盐 Salt 香蕉 Banana 酱油 Soy sauce 梨 Pear 果酱 Jam 橙 Orange 椒盐 Pepper 葡萄 Grape 醋 Vinegar 点心: 蛋糕 Cake 黄油 Butter 煎饺 Fried dumpling 双面煎蛋 Fried over 油条 Deep-fried dough sticks 单面煎蛋 Sunny side up 肉包 Steamed stuffed buns 咸鸭蛋 Salt duck’s egg 夹馅面包 Bread sandwich 1.Welcome to our restaurant. 欢迎到我们餐厅来。 烤面包 Toast 2.Have a good time! 炒饭 Fried rice 祝您用餐愉快! 炒面 Fried Noodles 3.You are welcome. 不用谢。 稀饭 Rice grud 4.I’m sorry, It’s my fault. 饮料: 牛奶 Milk 很抱歉,那是我的错。 豆浆 Saybean milk 5.Where is the washroom? 橙汁 Orange juice 卫生间在哪儿? 6.This way, please. 咖啡 Coffee 请这边走。 黑咖 Blak coffee 7.I’m afraid, You should pay it extra. 对不起,恐怕这个要额外付费。 奶咖 White coffee 8.The coffee is free for you. 红茶 Red tea 这咖啡是为您免费提供的。 9.How wold you like to pay in cash or by credit card? 绿茶 Green tea 您如何付款,刷卡还是现金? 10.This is your bill,Please check it and sign here. 这是您的帐单,请核查并签字。

酒店中餐英语口语 中餐英汉对照表

方 式 食品名称 蔬菜名称 fried煎 Lobster龙虾 cueumber黄瓜 saute炒 crab蟹 spinach菠菜 Boil煮 oyster牡蛎 tomato蕃茄 stew烩 shrimpy虾 patato马铃薯 roast烤 pork / meat肉 vegetable蔬菜 grill铁扒 mutton 羊肉 shoots笋 Broil串烧 lamb羔肉 aukergine茄子 steame 蒸 duck鸭 spring onion大葱 smoked熏 chicken鸡 onion洋葱 salty咸 beef牛肉 chili辣椒 sweet甜 fish鱼 mushroom香菇 sour酸 prawn大虾 bean豆 hot 辣 croaker 黄花鱼 garlic大蒜 soy 酱 rib 排骨 主 食Bamboo bitter苦 hoof蹄 rice 米饭 pepper salt 椒盐 eels鳝 noodle 面条 Beverage饮料 turtle甲鱼 cake蛋糕 tea 茶 seafood海鲜 pastries糕饼 coffee 咖啡 pomfret鲳鱼 Toast烤面包 beer啤酒 abalone鲍鱼 croissant半角面包 Juice果汁 Mineral water 矿泉水 Sode water 汽水

⒈Welcome to our restaurant.欢迎到我们餐厅。 ⒉How many person?几位? ⒊Here is the menu,May I take your order?这是菜单,可以了点菜吗? ⒋What kind of food(drink)would you like?请问你要点什么菜(饮料)? ⒌Would you like fruit,(soup,fish,rice)? 你想要点水果吗?(汤、鱼、米饭) ⒍Do you have a meal voucher? 你有餐券吗? ⒎Please enjoy your meal.请你慢用。 ⒏That’s all for your dishes.您的菜上齐了。 ⒐This way please, to take your order. 请到这边来点菜。 ⒑Hope you drop in again.欢迎再次光临。

4,西餐厅常用英语 急需一份简单的对话用语,要包括:帮老外预订餐,点餐,埋单时的用语~谢谢~


1、早上好(午安、晚安) Good morning.(afternoon evening) 2、您好! How are you? How do you do? Welcome to golden city restaurant. 3、再见,欢迎下次再来! Good-bye! Come again next time, you are Welcome. 4、慢走,感谢您的光临。 Mind your step and thank you for coming. 5、请稍等。 Please wait a moment. Just a moment. Just a minute. 6、请原谅。 Excuse me. 7、对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 8、请问您有几位? For how many? 9、请跟我来,请这边走。 Come with me, please. follow me, please. 10、请问您贵姓? May I have your fist name? 11、请问您喝什么茶? What kinds of tea would you like to drink? 12 、请稍候,我们马上给您安排。 Just a moment, please. we will arrange, it for you right away. 13、请问您有预订吗? Do you have a reservation? 14、您看坐在这里可以吗? Would you mind sitting here? 15、祝您旅途愉快! Have a pleasant journey! 16、对不起,那边的桌子已给预订了。 I’m sorry that table is already reserved. 17、不用谢,很乐意为您服务。 Not at all, I’m glad to serve you. 18、这是菜单,请问现在可以点菜了吗? Here is menu, Are you ready to order mow? 19、您想吃中餐还是西餐。 Would you like to have Chinese food or European food? 20、今天的特别介绍是粉蒸甲鱼和蒜茸开边大虾。 The recommendation of the day is. 21、我们有葡萄酒、白酒、啤酒和各式软饮料。 We have got port, white wine beer and different kinds of soft beverages. 22、请问您想喝点什么。 What would you like to drink, please. 23、请问需要加冰块吗? Do you need any ice-blocks, please? 24、请问需要冷饮还是热饮。 Would you like to have a cold-drinks or hot drinks? 25、请用茶。 Have a cup of tea, please! 26、请用香巾。 Have a piece of napkin, please! 27、我们的菜式有广东风味、北京风味、四川风味,您喜欢哪一种? We provide Cantonese BeiJing Sichuan food which style do you like. 28、祝您午餐(晚餐)愉快! Please enjoy your lunch (dinner)! 29、打拢了,请问现在可以上菜吗? I’m sorry to disturb you. Shall I bring in your food now? 30、对不起,我能把这个盘子撤走吗? I’m sorry, Can I take this plate away? 31、对不起,我把它换成小盘子好吗? I’m sorry, May I have it changed the small plate? 32、您想试一下本地的特色吗? Would you like to try local speciality? 33、请问您喝什么茶? What kinds of tea would you like to drink? 34、您先来杯啤酒好吗? Would you like to start with a glass of beer? 35、如果您感时间的话,我给您安排一些快餐好吗? If you’re hurry I’ll arrange some fast foods for you-Can I arrange a snack for you if time is pressing for you. 36、对不起,这个品种刚刚售完。 I’m sorry, the variety is just out of stood(there aren’t any left) 37、对不起,您是否介意与那位先生同坐一桌? I’m sorry, would you mind sitting the table with that gentleman. 38、对不起,现在已经客满了。 I’m sorry the restaurant is full now. 39、对不起,现在已经没有厅房了。 I’m sorry the banqueting hall is full now. 40、如果您不介意,坐在那边角落里好吗? Would you mind sitting over there in the corner. 41、如果您愿意,可以先到大堂休息一下,一有空位我马上通告您。 You may have a rest in the lounge if you like. 42、我们的早餐券包括一碗稀饭、二笼包子、一碟小菜。 Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish. 43、很抱歉,我们立即采取措施,使您满意。 I’m sorry we’ll take measures at once Be satisfied you. 44、先生您喜欢用筷子还是刀叉。 Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and forks, sir? 45、服务员我想买单。 Waiter I want to pay my bill. 46、请给我一杯可乐。 Please give me a can of coca-cola. 47、请问卫生间在哪里? Where is the toilet? 48、先生(女士)这是您的帐单吗? Here is your bill, sir(lady)? 49、一共是128元,请问您付现金还是信用卡? The total amount is 128 yuan, Do you pay the bill by cash , o credit card? 50、我们这儿不收小费,但是我仍很感谢您。 We don’t accept tips But I’m very grateful to you. 51、请稍等,我马上来收拾。 Just a moment, please I’m clear it right away. 52、小姐,我想订一个明晚的厅房。 Miss I want to reserve a banqueting hall for tomorrow evening. 53、请问需要大厅房还是小厅房? Do you need a big banqueting hall or small one? 54、服务员,您们的早餐都有什么? Waiter , what has your breakfast got? 55、我们的早餐主要供应粤式早茶。 Our breakfast supply Cantonese early morning cup of tea. 56、先生请问您的牛肉要几份熟的? How would you like your beef? Rare, medium or well-done, sir? 57、先生您的菜已经上齐了。 Your dish is all here, sir. 58、还要点水果和甜品吗? Would you like fruit and dessert, else? 59、对不起,我到厨房给您催一下。 Sorry, I tell the cooker to hurry. 60、哦!很抱歉这个菜的烹饪时间较长。 Oh, very sorry, It takes quite some time for this dish to prepare. 61、小姐,我想要一个二人的餐桌。 Lady I want to reserve a table for two. 62、请问需要主食吗? Do you need any staple food? 63、请问您对今天的菜肴有何意见? What do your opinion of today’s order? 64、对不起,我们这没有生力啤酒。 Sorry, we haven’t San Miguel beer. 65、您试一下百威啤酒好吗? Would you like to try Budweiser beer? 66、当然可以。 Of course. 67、谢谢您提出的宝贵意见。 Thanks for your precious opinions. 68、我们将努力改进。 We’ll try our best to improve. 69、对不起,那是整瓶卖的。 Sorry, It’s sold by the bottle. 70、请问您对菜肴有什么特殊要求吗? Anything special you’d like to have on the menu? 71、这是发票和找头,请收好。 Here’s the receipt and change, keep it, please. 72、好的,我一定尽快给您做好。 All right , I’ll have it for you as soon as possible. 73、隆中是我们襄樊的名胜古迹。 LongZhong is a place of historical interest in our XF. 74、好的,我去拿来。 Ok, I’ll get it for you. 75、我们这有清茶、菊花茶、八宝茶。 We have green tea, chrysanthemurn tea eight treasures tea. 76、先生,傣式烤牛肉很不错,我建议您们点一个。 Sir, Roast beef in “Thailand” style is very good. I suggest you to order one. 77、请问土豆做咸泥、烤的还是煮的? Is the potato roast or boiled? 78、先生,有什么需要我帮忙的吗? What can I do for you, sir? 79、先生,请问您是找人吗? Are you come to see anyone, sir? 80、小姐,请问您们的酒吧在哪里? Where are your bar, lady? 81、哦,在大堂,我带您去好吗? Oh At the lobby, Shall I show you to go? 82、先生,请问是用餐吗? Will you have dinner, sir? 83、这瓶酒多少钱? How much is this bottle? 84、这瓶葡萄酒每瓶98元。 The wine is 98 yuan a bottle. 85、不要了,谢谢。 No thanks. 86、对不起,请再重复一遍。 I beg your pardon? 87、服务员,您会讲英语吗? Can you speak English, waiter? 88、会一点点。 Yes, a little. 89、我可以签单吗? May I sign the bill? 90、哦,很抱歉,请付现款。 Oh I’m sorry, cash only please. 91、请告诉我您的房间号码。 Can you tell me your room number? 92、我是1002房,给我送一份牛肉粒,葱花炒饭。 The room is 1002 give me a portion of fried rice with beef. 93、好的,我们马上送到您的房间。 All right we’ll send it to your room right away. 94、我们的蔬菜有土豆、窝笋、黄瓜、大白菜、姜豆等等。 Our vegetable have potato, lettuce cucumber, peking cabbage, string bean. 95、海鲜类有基围虾、毛蟹、带子、桂花鱼等等。 The various sea-food have prawn, shrimp scallop perch. 96、主食类有水饺、汤面、炒面、炒饭等等。 The staple food has boil dumplings, noodles in soup, fried noodles, fried rice. 97、先生(女士)这个水果盘是我们餐厅奉送的,祝您午餐愉快。 This fruit plate is offered as a gift in our Restaurant. Please enjoy you lunch.





May I have a menu, please?(我可以看菜单吗?)


What is the specialty of the restaurant?(这家店的招牌餐是什么?)

Do you have any special meals today?(今天有什么特餐吗?)


1.冷菜(cold dish)

火腿沙拉 ham salad 鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad

蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad


清汤 light soup; clear soup

浓汤 thick soup 红菜汤 borsch

奶油火腿汤 creamed ham soup

3.鱼虾(fish and prawn)

俄式煎鱼 fish a la Russia

奶油汁烤鱼 baked fish with cream sauce

铁扒大虾 grilled prawns

4.素菜(vegetable dish)

黄油杂拌蔬菜 mixed vegetables with butter

清煎土豆饼 fried potato cake

咖喱素菜 curry vegetables

5.鸡鸭(chicken and duck)

烤鸡 roast chicken 炸鸡 deep-fried chicken

比利时烩鸡 Belgian stewed chicken


总会牛排 club steak 法式牛肉扒 French steak

烤羔羊腿 roast lamb leg

法式猪排 pork chop a la France


蛋奶酥 souffle 巧克力冻 chocolate jelly

松饼 puff pastry 鲜水果沙拉 fresh fruit salad

------------------------- Key sentences(重点句子)

244.What can I get you to drink?


245.I'd like a martini, please.


246.Are you ready to order?


247.I'd like the leg of lamb.


248.Okay,vegetables are peas and carrots, broccoli, cornor string beans.


249.I'd like the char broiled steak.


250.Oh,and French dressing on the salad, please.


251.What soup would you like to have,Mr and Mrs Green?


252.I think we'll have country soup this evening.


253.How about a fish casserole for each?


254.I'll have fried sole.


255.Would you like the steak well done or rare?


256.What would you like for dessert?


257.Vanilla icecre am for all of us then.


258.Would you care for something to drink?


259.Yes,a bottle of white wine.Dry.


Dialogue A

Waiter:Good evening,ladies.Here's your menus.What can I get you to drink?

Karen:I'd like a martini, please.

Jean:A glass Of white wine for me.

Waiter:Okay. Two specials, charbroiled steak and leg of lamb.

Jean:What are you having,Karen?

Karen:The leg of lamb sounds good to me.

Jean:I think I'll get the charbroiled steak.

Waiter:Okay.Okay, vegetables are peas and crrrots, broccoli, corn, or string beans.

Karen:Peas and carrots.


Waiter:Okay.What of dressing?French,Italian,blue cheese,Russian?


Jean:I'd like the charboirled steak.


Jean:And I'd like it medium-rare.And with the broccoli.And baked potato.

Waiter:Okay, fine.

Jean:Oh,and French dressing on the salad,please.

Waiter:Okay,fine.I'll take your menus.

Dialogue B

(Lin=L Clerk=C Waiter=W Mr.Green=MrMrs.Green=Mrs)

(8∶00 p.m.at the restaurant)

W:Here's the menu for this evening.I'll come and take yourorder when you're ready.


L:What soup would you like to have,Mr and Mrs Green?

Mrs:I think we'll have country soup this evening.

L:I know both of you fancy fish.How about a fish casserolefor each?I had it here last Wednesday.It's wonderful.

Mrs:I'm afraid it's too rich for me.I'll have fried sole.

L:And Mr.Green?

Mr:I'll have the same.

W:Can I take your order now?

L:Yes,country soup for all three of us,two fried soles and a beef steak.

W:Would you like the steak well done or rare?

L:Well done.

W:Very good.And what would you like for dessert?

L:(To the Greens) What do you say to vanilla icecream?

Mr and Mrs:Very good.

L:Vanilla icecream for all of us then.

W:Very good,sir.Would you care for something to drink?

L:Yes,a bottle of white wine.Dry.

Words and Expressions

menu n.菜单

martini n.马丁尼鸡尾酒

steak n.牛排

charbroil vt.用木炭火烤

sound good (口语)听起来不错

pea n.豌豆

carrot n.胡萝卜

broccoli n.花椰菜

corn n.玉米

string bean n.菜豆

bake v.烤

mash vt.捣烂

country soup 乡下浓汤

fancy v.喜欢

casserole n.焙盘

fish~ 鱼锅子

vanilla n.香草

care for 喜欢,愿意

wine n.葡萄酒

dry a.干(的),不甜的

Key Sentences(重点句子)

229.I'd like to try some Chinese food.


230.It's divided into eight big cuisines,or say,eight styles,such as Cantonese food,Beijing food,Sichuan food,etc.


231.Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?


232.Contonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.


233.Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.


234.So what's your recommendation for me?


235.I think Ma pobeancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauceare quite special.


236.What would you like to have tonight?


237.What kind of cuisine do you have in your dining-room?


238.We have Guang dong food,Sichuan food and Shanghai food.


239.Could you tell me the different features of them?


240.Guangdong food is a bit light,while Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste,and Shanghai food is oily.


241.I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.


242.We have sliced chicken soup,dried mushroom clear soup and so on.


243.I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.


Dialogue A

(The waiter is explaining something to Johnson.)

A:Excuse me, I'd like to try some Chinese food. Can you tell me where I should go?

B:We serve Chinese food here. But I'm not sure which style you prefer?

A:I have no idea about Chinese food.

B:It's divided into eight big cuisines,or say, eight styles,such as Cantonese food, Beijing food, Sichuan food,etc.

A:Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?

B:Yes,Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.The famous specialities of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck.

A:How about Sichuan food?

B:Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.And they taste differently.

A:Oh,really,I like hot food.So what's your recommendation for me?

B:I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauceare quite special.We have a Sichuan food dining-room. May I suggest you go there? It's on the second floor.

A:Thank you.

B:My pleasure.

Dialogue B

(A:Waiter B:Mr Frank)

A:Mr Frank,what would you like to have tonight,Western food or Chinese food?

B:When I was in America,my friend,Mr.Dull recommended me to have Chinese food,and I appreciate it very much in-deed.What kind of cuisine do you have in your dining-room?

A:We have Guangdong food, Sichuan food and Shanghai food.Which one do you like best?

B:I don't like anything greasy.I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.

A:O.K.。How about saute prawn section,saute lobsterslices with mushroom?

B:All right.I'll take them all.

A:Mr.Frank,do you like to use chopsticks?If you don't,I'll get you fork and knife.

B:If I can have them,so much the better.

A:Do you like some soup?

B:Yes, I don't know what soup you have.

A:We have sliced chicken soup,dried mushroom clear soup and so on.

B:Good.I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.

A:According to the specifications of Chinese food, we serve dishes first and then soup.If you like we'll bring you some soup first.

B:I'm used to having soup first.

A:All right, I'll get it for you.

Words and Expressions

cuisine n.烹饪,烹饪法

light a.清淡的,易消化的

heavy a.难消化的

spicy a.香的,加香料的

Cantonese a.广州的

speciality n.特制品,特产

roast suckling pig 烤乳猪

roast Beijing duck 北京烤鸭

hot a.刺激的,辣的

chilli n.(干)辣椒

feature n.特征,特色

oily a.浸透油的,油腻的

greasy a.油腻的

saute a.嫩煎的,用少量油快炸的

lobster n.大螯虾;龙虾

mushroom n.蘑菇

specification n.规格,说明书

Key Sentences(重点句子)

213.Where would you like to sit?


214.We would like a table by the window so that we can en-joy the view of the lake.


215.I'm sorry, sir. The window tables have all been taken.


216.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?


217.Would you follow me,please?


218.It's number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away.


219.I'm sorry,the house is full now.


220.But if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so.


221.And it is on…?


222.Now would you please take a seat and wait over there?


223.We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.


224.Would you come this way,please?


225.I'm sorry to say that we haven't got any vacant seat at resent.


226.Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?


227.I'm sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam.


228.Would you step this way,please?


Dialogue A

Seating Hostess:How many,please?

Mr.Morris:Two on Mr.Morris.

Seating Hostess:Where would you like to sit?

Mr.Morris:We would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake.

Seating Hostess:I'm sorry,sir.The window tables have all been taken.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?

Mr.Morris:That's fine if that is what you've got.

Seating Hostess:Thank you.Would you follow me,please?This is your table.It's number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away.

Busboy:Your iced water.

Mr.and Mrs.Morris:Thank you.

Dialogue B

Seating Hostess:Good evening,sir.I'm sorry,the house is full now.But if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so.

Guest A:How long do you think we will have to wait?

Seating Hostess:I'd say at least 20 minutes.

Guest B:(to guest A)Oh,that's too long.I think we'd better try another place.

Guest A:OK.Thank you anyway.

Guest C:(to guest D)We can wait 20 minutes,Lucy,can't we?

Guest D:Yes,20 minutes is all right. We are not terribly hungry.

Seating Hostess:Good.So it's just the two of you.

Guest C:Yes, just we two.

Seating Hostess:And it is on…?

Guest C:Mr.Rogers.

Seating Hostess:OK.Thank you. Now would you please take a seat and wait over there? We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.

Guest C and D:Thank you.

(after a little more than 10 minutes)

Seating Hostess:Mr.Rogers?

Guest C:Yes,here.

Seating Hostess:Would you come this way,please? Here is your table.Please take your seats.Your waiter will be right with you.

Guest C and D:Thank you.

Dialogue C

(A:Waiter B:Guest)

A:Good evening,sir and madam. Welcome to our restaurant.Have you a reservation,sir?

B:I'm afraid I haven't. Have you a table for two?

A:I'm sorry to say that we haven't got any vacant seat at present.Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes.I'll seat you if the table is ready.

B:It sounds nice.Nancy,let's go to the lounge then.(Five minutes later.)

A:I am sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam.Now we have a table for you.Would you step this way,please?

B:(Mr.Smith suddenly catches sight of a table near the window.) May we sit there a table by the window?

A:Oh, that table has been reserved.

B:It's a pity.

A:Well, the table in the corner is quite good.It's near the band platform.There will be a performance during the meal time.You could enjoy it comfortably.

B:OK.I'll listen to you.

(The waiter pulls the chair out and helps Mrs.Smith to take the seat.)

A:Have you anything on mind what drinks you are going to have tonight?


A:I'll bring them to you right away.

Words and Expressions

vacant a.空的,闲的

lounge n.休息室

sprite n.雪碧 Key Sentences(重点句子)

260.Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion.


261.And I have ordered another dish—plain fried shrimps.


262.It's coming.


263.It's sweet and sour pork.


264.I'm afraid there is a mistake.I ordered a sweet and sour fish.


266.Excuse me,sir.I ordered the hairy crab,but you gave me the green crab.


267.I'll get you the head-waiter.


268.I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish.


269.I'll change it immediately for you.


270.I'm afraid I don't have enough time to wait for the next crab.


271.I shall ask the Room Service to serve you a snack at9∶30 tonight,and you'll have your favorite hairy crab.


272.And now try the green crab if you don't mind.


273.Please take your time and enjoy yourself.


Dialogue A

A:Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion.

B:Mm,It looks good.And I have ordered another dish-plain fried shrimps.

A:It's coming.

B:What is this?

A:It's sweet and sour pork.

B:I'm afraid there is a mistake.I ordered a sweet and sour fish.

A:I'm sorry,sir. I got it wrong. Will you keep the sweet and sour pork,or should I get the sweet and sour fish for you?

B:That's all right.I'll take it anyway.

A:Thank you very much.

Dialogue B

Mr Bell(B) is having his last dish.He finds it different from what he has ordered.

B:Excuse me, sir. I ordered the hairy crab but you gave me the green crab.

Waiter(W):I'm sorry, sir.I'll get you the head-waiter.(Soon the head-waiter(HW)comes.)

HW:I'm awfully sorry.There must have been some mistake.I do apologize for giving you the wrong dish.I'll change it immediately for you.The crab will take 15minutes to prepare.Would you take come complimentary drink while waiting?

B:I'm afraid I don't have enough time to wait for the next crab.I have an appointment at 7∶00 in my room.Now it's 6∶45.

HW:Oh, you are staying at our hotel.Mr…

B:Bell,Henry Bell.


B:Room 908.

HW:Oh,Mr Bell,I shall ask the Room Service to serve you a snack at 9∶30 tonight,and you'll have your favorite hairy crab.It's all on the house.And now try the green crab if you don't mind.We'll cross the green crab off the bill.

B:That's good.Thank you.

HW:Thank you for telling us,Mr Bell.I assure you it won't happen again.Please take your time and enjoy yourself.And I hope you have a good time at our hotel.

Words and Expressions

shrimp n.虾

plain fried shrimps 清炒虾仁

sour a.酸味的

sweet and sour pork 糖醋肉

apologize vi.道歉

complimentary a.免费赠送的


头盘及沙拉类 Appetizers, Starters and Salads      1. 腌熏三文鱼 Smoked Salmon   2. 凯撒沙拉 Caesar Salad   3. 鲜蘑鸡肝 Chicken Liver Terrine with Morel   4. 奶酪瓤蟹盖 Crab Shells Stuffed with Cheese   5. 鲜果海鲜沙拉 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit   6. 厨师沙拉 Chef's Salad   7. 金枪鱼沙拉 Tuna Salad   8. 尼斯沙拉 Salad Nicoise      汤类 Soups   9. 奶油蘑菇汤 Cream of Mushroom Soup   10. 奶油胡萝卜汤 Cream of Carrot Soup   11. 奶油芦笋汤 Cream of Asparagus Soup   12. 墨西哥辣味牛肉汤 Mexican Chili Beef Soup   13. 番茄浓汤 Tomato Bisque Soup   14. 海鲜周打汤 Seafood Chowder   15. 法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup   16. 牛肉清汤 Beef Consommé   17. 匈牙利浓汤 Hungarian Goulash   18. 香浓牛尾汤 Oxtail Soup   19. 意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone Soup   20. 蔬菜干豆汤 Hearty Lentil Soup   21. 牛油梨冻汤 Chilled Avocado Soup   22. 西班牙番茄冻汤 Gazpacho   

  禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs   23. 红酒鹅肝 Braised Goose Liver/ Foie Gras in Red Wine   24. 奶酪火腿鸡排 Chicken Cordon Bleu   25. 烧瓤春鸡卷 Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls   26. 红酒烩鸡 Braised Chicken with Red Wine   27. 烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅 Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushroom and Cheese   28. 炸培根鸡肉卷 Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls   29. 水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁 Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamic Sauce   30. 烤火鸡配红浆果沙司 Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce   31. 烤瓤火鸡 Roast Stuffed Turkey   32. 烧烤鸡腿 BBQ Chicken Leg   33. 烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条 Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries   34. 扒鸡胸 Char-Grilled Chicken Breast   35. 咖喱鸡 Chicken Curry   36. 秘制鸭胸配黑菌炒土豆 Pan-Fried Duck Breast with Sautéed Potatoes and Truffles   37. 火腿煎蛋 Fried Egg with Ham   38 洛林乳蛋饼 Quiche Lorraine   39. 熘糊蛋 Scrambled Egg


1、烤智力海鲈鱼来配意大利饭;roasted chilean sea bass with risotto 2、油浸灰鲷陪海鲜意饺;confit grey snapper with seafood ravioli 3、香草龙俐鱼;herb crusted dover sole 4、水煮比目鱼;poached halibut 5、法式焗蜗牛;FRENGH BAKED ESCARGOTS 6、生腌马哈鱼;MARINATED SALMON WITH HERBS 7、局海鲜道布丁;BAKED SEAFOOD PUDDING 8、普鲁旺斯鲜贝版;PROVENCALE SCALLOP 9、海鲜小酥盒;STUFFED SEAFOOD IN PUFF PASTRY 10、法式鹅肝;FRENCH GOOSE LIVER PATE  11、红酒鹅肝;Braised Goose Liver in Red Wine 12、巴黎黄油烤龙虾;Baked Lobster with Garlic Butter 13、巴黎卷心菜;Paris cabbage 14、Muzzaralla cheese plate 马苏里拉芝士头盘 15、French cheese plate 法式芝士盘 16、French canape 法式什锦开胃小菜zd 17、Stuffed tomato 法式醸番茄 18、French goose liver terrine 法式鹅肝酱 19、Grilled chicken tandoori brochette 铁扒鸡回肉串 20、Seafood Skewer 海鲜串烧 21、beef Consomme 牛清汤 22、Onion soup 法国洋葱汤 23、fried pork chop with mango 蓝带芒果猪排 24、Grilled herb lamb chop 法式香草羊排 25、Grilled salmon fish 香煎三文答鱼 26、fish & chip French style 法式炸鱼排 27、Rosemary roast chicken 柔丝玛丽烤鸡 28、chicken chop 法式鸡扒 16、grilled scallop 法式焗鲜贝






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