pair bond是什么意思 pair bond的中文翻译、读音、例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 l正则化和l2正则化的一般形式 pair bond是什么意思 pair bond的中文翻译、读音、例句

pair bond是什么意思 pair bond的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-04-23 21:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

pair bond在中文中有"配对关系、网络"的意思,在英美地区还有"对键"的意思,在线发音:[pairbond],pair bond来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与pair bond相关的例句。

Pair bond的释义


例句:Derrick Bond, Derrick Bond. (Derrick Bond Derrick Bond)

例句:What about Derrick Bond and Will? (Derrick Bond跟Will之间呢?)


例句:The strong and complicated bond between the pair forces George to take weak Lennie's life into his own hands. (两人之间强烈又复杂的联系,致使乔治将脆弱的伦尼,掌控在自己的手中。)


例句:I have to pair it with you. (翻译:我得把它跟你配对 I have to pair it with you.)


pair bond一般作为名词使用,如在electric pair bond(电对键)、electron pair bond(共价键)、pair(一对 )等常见短语中出现较多。

electric pair bond电对键electron pair bond共价键pair一对in a pair成对in pairadj. 配双,成对的pair of一对pair with与...成对bond债券in bond在关栈中\n[经] 在保税仓库中, 关栈中交货价例句

1. The strong and complicated bond between the pair forces George to take weak Lennie's life into his own hands. (翻译:两人之间强烈又复杂的联系,致使乔治将脆弱的伦尼,掌控在自己的手中。)

2. I have to pair it with you. (翻译:我得把它跟你配对 I have to pair it with you.)

3. Extra pair of hands and all that. (翻译:多个帮手什么的 Extra pair of hands and all that.)

4. Listen, we were just trying to bond. (翻译:听着 我们正要搞好关系 Listen, we were just trying to bond.)

5. Which would be to grow a pair. (翻译:自己的事自己解决 which would be to grow a pair.)

6. Listing 1. A typical implementation of STD: : pair. (翻译:清单1 . std: pair的典型实现。)

7. We had an unshakeable bond, you know? (翻译:我们关系牢固 你懂吗? We had an unshakeable bond, you know?)

8. And I feel we have this kind of a bond (翻译:大家都像一家人了 And I feel we have this kind of a bond)

9. Kalinda found out- you and Blake go back for years. (翻译:你和Blake相识很久 你和Bond有计划地)

10. Pair-hair, 1990, a good year! (翻译:Pair -hair,xx年,好年份呀)

11. But, Chan, what about your Mr. Bond? (翻译:你的邦德先生怎么办 What about your Mr. Bond?)

12. I need a new pair of pants. (翻译:I need a new pair of pants. 我需要一条新裤子)

13. We could always use an extra pair of hands. (翻译:多个人帮忙总是好事 We could always use an extra pair of hands.)

14. Many coastal birds are now getting ready to pair bond, court, and nest, noted the Louisiana Coastal Initiative's Driscoll. (翻译:很多滨海鸟类现在正配对、求偶、筑巢,斯安娜海岸环保促进会的德里斯科尔指出。)

15. Creates a bond, creates a bond of respect. (翻译:创造一个凝聚力,创造一个充满尊重之情的凝聚力。)







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