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ambush是什么意思/翻译_ambush读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2023年2月6日 pm5:42 • 英文单词 • 阅读 7


ambush是什么意思/翻译_ambush读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 ambush

英 [ˈæmbʊʃ] 美 [ˈæmbʊʃ]

n.  伏击; 埋伏v.  伏击



Collins.2 / BNC.12166 / COCA.11303



ambush是什么意思/翻译_ambush读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 伏击;埋伏the act of hiding and waiting for sb and then making a surprise attack on them Two soldiers were killed in a terrorist ambush.两名士兵遭到恐怖分子伏击而死亡。 They were lying in ambush , waiting for the aid convoy.他们埋伏起来,等着袭击增援车队。


伏击to make a surprise attack on sb/sth from a hidden position The guerrillas ambushed them near the bridge.游击队员在大桥附近伏击了他们。 She was ambushed by reporters.记者突然一拥而上采访她。 柯林斯词典 VERB 打埋伏;伏击If a group of people ambush their enemies, they attack them after hiding and waiting for them. The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen.危地马拉军方说叛乱分子伏击打死了10名巡逻兵。 N-VAR 埋伏;伏击An ambush is an attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting for them. A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush.一次伏击中一名警察中弹身亡。 PHRASE 埋伏着If someone is lying in ambush, they are hiding and waiting for someone, usually to attack them. The gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire, killing the driver.埋伏的枪手开枪打死了司机。 双语例句 The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen. 危地马拉军方说叛乱分子伏击打死了10名巡逻兵。 A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush. 一次伏击中一名警察中弹身亡。 The gunmen, lying in ambush, opened fire, killing the driver. 埋伏的枪手开枪打死了司机。 If we go in after them, they can ambush us easily. 只要我们跟进去,他们就能轻易地打我们一个埋伏。 When they arrive, I’ll ambush them. 当他们来了,我会伏击他们。 Sid: What? What do you mean, “ambush”? 锡德:什么?你说埋伏是什么意思? The soldiers lay in ambush, waiting for the signal to open fire. 战士卧倒埋伏了起来,守候开火的信号。 The captured soldier spilled his guts and warned that troops were waiting in an ambush for us. 那个被俘的士兵把他知道的全说出来了,并且提醒说,有大军埋伏等待我们。 As I know he will certainly ambush me, I attacked him first. 我知道他肯定会偷袭我,于是我先动手打了他。 I don’t know of any crews that ambush cops. 我不认识那些埋伏警察的家伙。 We walked right into an ambush. 我们正走入一个埋伏。 Then the soldiers began to chase the decoys down to the place of ambush. 然后,士兵们开始追赶诱饵,一直追到有埋伏的地方。 But he’ll surely know there is an ambush behind the single guard. 但是他当然知道一个守卫后面有埋伏。 If your attack is going well, it’s an ambush. 如果你的进攻进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。 The police lay in ambush outside the building. 警察在楼外埋伏了下来。 Tee masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car. 三个讲塞尔维亚语的蒙面男子挥动着进攻性武器伏击了警车。 The cell apparently waited in ambush for an IDF patrol and opened fire when the patrol passed by. 显然等待的细胞在以色列国防军巡逻队开枪伏击和巡逻时通过。 Pliosaurs are thought to have been ambush predators, using their giant flippers to launch ferocious attacks. 上龙被认为是一种埋伏型猎食者,使用它们巨大的鳍状肢发动凶猛的进攻。 They had been lying in ambush in the cowshed. 他们埋伏在牛棚里。 They laid an ambush for the enemy patrol. 他们埋伏起来准备伏击巡逻的敌人。 The police waited in ambush yesterday. 警察昨天打了个埋伏。 She knows it’s an ambush! 她发现有埋伏了! A rebel force was beguiled into ambush. 一支叛军受诱骗中了埋伏。 Our soldiers lay in ambush in the jungle for the enemy. 我方战士埋伏在丛林中等待敌人。 Could have a boat or a chopper waiting, or it’s an ambush. 应该会有船或者直升机来,大概还有埋伏。 I need a solemn vow you will never ambush a senior White House official again. 我需要你立一个不会再次伏击白宫高级官员的严肃誓言。 Our battalion would lie in ambush on the mountainside. 我们营将埋伏在山腰。 But even when you know these things you still won’t be immune from the occasional ambush. 可是,即便当你知道这些,你也不免会中偶然出现的”埋伏“。 A whole regiment of the enemy troop got caught in our ambush was eliminated completely. 整整一个团的敌军中了我方埋伏后被全部消灭。 英英释义


the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise

Synonym:    ambuscadelying in waittrap


wait in hiding to attack

Synonym:    scupperbushwhackwaylaylurkambuscadelie in wait

hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing

Synonym:    still-hunt



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