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2024-04-15 19:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. 词义:lump 可以指物体的一团或一块,也可以指身体上的肿块或结节。此外,还有“整体考虑”、“一次性支付”等含义。

2. 用法:lump 可以作动词也可以作名词。作动词时,可搭配 with 进行被动式表示,也可作状语表示“一直”、“总”的意思;作名词时则表示以上提到的各种含义。

3. 同义词搭配:lump 的同义词包括 chunk, hunk, clump, glob 等,其搭配也可以根据具体语境变化。

4. 短语搭配:lump 还可以构成一些常用的短语搭配,如 lump sum (一次性支付),lump in (全体考虑),lump together (整合起来考虑)等。

5. 实际应用:在日常生活中,lump 可以与各种物品、现象、情况相关联,例如:

- There is a lump in my throat.(我的喉咙里有一个肿块。)

- He received a lump sum of $10,000.(他一次性获得了1万美元。)

- The sugar has formed lumps.(糖结成了块。)

- I don’t want to lump all of them together.(我不想把他们全部混在一起考虑。)

- She felt a lump under her armpit.(她在腋下感到一块肿块。)


- 我的喉咙里有一个肿块。

- 他一次性获得了1万美元。

- 糖结成了块。

- 我不想把他们全部混在一起考虑。

- 她在腋下感到一块肿块。





1. She felt a lump in her throat when she heard the news of her grandmother’s ping. (当她听到祖母去世的消息时,她感到喉咙一阵梗塞。)

2. He found a lump of coal in his Christmas stocking. (他在圣诞袜里找到一块煤。)

3. The recipe called for the er to be lumpy before adding the flour. (食谱要求在加入面粉之前把黄油弄成块状。)

4. After getting hit in the head, he had a lump the size of a golf ball. (被打在头上后,他头上长了一个高尔夫球大小的肿块。)



例句:Lump says the guy was Mexican… Mayan. (Lump说打他的是墨西哥人 Mayan帮的人)


例句:You wouldn’t even know it was there, if not for the red lump that appears, accompanied by a telltale itch. (如果没有在叮咬后出现又红又痒的包, 你甚至不会察觉它的存在。)


例句:When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the calcium wall. This made it possible for me to notice the lump. (科科跳在我身上时,冲击力把肿块从钙壁上分离开,这样使我才有可能注意到肿块。)


例句:? Is this lump outta my head ?? (翻译:[Is this lump outta my head])

lump一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在in a lump(一次全部地)、in the lump(总共)、lump it(无怨言地接受, 勉强容忍)等常见短语中出现较多。

in a lump一次全部地in the lump总共lump it无怨言地接受, 勉强容忍the lump转包工,临时工embedded lump镶块feldspar in lump长石块felspar lump[网络] 长石fibrous lump纤维性肿瘤flesh lump(生皮上的)肉块1. When Cocoa jumped on me, the force of the impact broke the lump away from the calcium wall. This made it possible for me to notice the lump. (翻译:科科跳在我身上时,冲击力把肿块从钙壁上分离开,这样使我才有可能注意到肿块。)

2. ? Is this lump outta my head ?? (翻译:[Is this lump outta my head])

3. There’d just be this big lump… right in the middle, and… (翻译:那样床上就会凸起一块来 就在床的正中间 然后)

4. You’II end up with a lump of coal in your stocking. (翻译:不然你们的圣诞袜子里的礼物会变成一块煤块的)

5. -Come on, get up, you big, drunk lump. (翻译:-What 起来 你这个大醉鬼 Come on, get up, you big, drunk lump.)

6. Now, if .0001 of these cells got mutated, and .00001 got cancer, you will be a lump of cancer. (翻译:现在,如果,0.01%的细胞突变了, 现在是0.001%的细胞致癌了,你会变成一大块癌细胞。)

7. Biopsy’s not back yet, but it doesn’t look like the… nothing kind of lump, it looks like the something kind of lump. (翻译:活组织检查结果还没下来 但是看起来 不像是良性的 看上去是恶性肿瘤)

8. I’m just a sad lump of misshapen wax. (翻译:那我就什么都不是 只是一堆可怜扭曲 变形的蜡)

9. I’m not a lump, I’m not a lump, I’m not a lump, I’m not a lump… (翻译:我不是傻瓜,我不是傻瓜 我不是傻瓜,我不是傻瓜…)

10. Don’t lump me in with them just because we wear the same uniform. (翻译:别因为我穿同样的 就把我和他们混为一谈)

11. But what if you had continued to be in denial about the lump and tried to forget about it entirely? (翻译:但是如果针对肿块,你一直处于否认状态,而且试着把它全然遗忘会怎么样?)

12. Okay, so one of my patient’s son has a lump on his neck. (翻译:好吧 我的一个病人的儿子 脖子上有个疙瘩)

13. As you stir the mixture, it will stiffen into a soft lump. (翻译:当你搅拌的时候,混合物会变成慢慢变硬为软块。)

14. If you know them, why are we talking to this lump behind a desk? (翻译:早说你认识他们啊 何必跟这桌后的大块头叨叨半天啊?)

15. breast tissue in younger women is often too dense to evaluate the lump. (翻译:通常密度太高不易于判断肿块.超声波检查法在这些妇女中易于估计)









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