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2024-07-01 13:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

幼儿学习英语, 词汇是很重要的, 因为词汇是幼儿学习英语的基础。而关于少儿英语培训的学习, 我们应当要密切地联系生活,同时也要循序渐进。以下是启橙英语的小橙子为大家提供常用的二十六类幼儿英语单词


一、幼儿英语水果名称(fruit 水果)

apple 苹果, banana 香蕉, pear 梨, orange 橙子, Watermelon 西瓜, grape葡萄, peach桃,strawberry草莓, betelnut 槟榔, carambola 杨桃, cherry 樱桃, chestnut 栗子, coconut 椰子,cumquat 金桔, date 枣子, durian 榴莲, filbert 榛子, grape 葡萄, guava 番石榴, haw 山楂,honey-dew melon 哈蜜瓜, juicy peach 水蜜桃, kiwifruit 猕猴桃, lemon 柠檬, lichee 荔枝, longan龙眼, loquat 枇杷, mango 芒果, nectarine 油桃, olive 橄榄, papaya (Pawpaw) 木瓜, persimmon柿子, pineapple 凤梨, pomelo 柚子, plum 梅子, sapodilla 人参果。


red红, blue蓝, yellow黄, green绿, white白, black黑, pink粉红, purple紫, orange橙,brown棕。


cat猫, dog狗, pig猪, duck鸭, rabbit兔, horse马, elephant大象, ant蚂蚁, fish鱼, bird鸟,eagle鹰, beaver海狸, snake蛇, mouse老鼠, squirrel松鼠, kangaroo袋鼠, monkey猴, panda熊猫,bear熊, lion狮子, tiger老虎, fox狐狸, zebra斑马, deer鹿, giraffe长颈鹿, goose鹅, hen母鸡,turkey火鸡, lamb小羊, sheep绵羊, goat山羊, cow奶牛, donkey驴, squid鱿鱼, lobster龙虾, shark鲨鱼,seal海豹, sperm whale抹香鲸, killer whale虎鲸。


friend朋友, boy男孩, girl女孩, child孩子, baby婴儿, kid小孩, son儿子, daughter女儿,classmate同学, mother母亲, father父亲, sister姐妹, brother兄弟, uncle叔叔/舅舅, man男人,woman女人, Mr.先生, Miss小姐, lady女士/小姐, mom妈妈, dad爸爸, parents父母, grandparents祖父母,grandma/grandmother(外)祖母, grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父, aunt姑姑, cousin堂(表)兄弟/堂(表)姐妹,queen女王, visitor参观者, neighbour邻居, principal校长, university student大学生, pen pal笔友,tourist旅行者, robot机器人。


hair 头发, head 头, eye 眼睛, face 脸, neck 脖子, arm 手臂, leg 腿, hand 手, foot 脚, toe脚趾, finger 手指, ear 耳朵, nose 鼻子, mouth 嘴巴, tooth 牙齿, shoulder 肩膀, knee 膝盖。

六、食品、饮料(food & drink)

rice米饭, bread面包, beef牛肉, milk牛奶, water水, egg蛋, fish鱼, tofu豆腐, cake蛋糕, hotdog热狗, hamburger汉堡包, French fries炸薯条, cookie曲奇, biscuit饼干, jam果酱, noodles面条,meat肉, chicken鸡肉, pork猪肉, mutton羊肉, vegetable蔬菜, salad沙拉, soup汤, ice冰,ice-cream冰淇淋, Coke可乐, juice果汁, tea茶, coffee咖啡, breakfast早餐, lunch午餐,dinner/supper晚餐, meal一餐


eggplant茄子, green beans青豆, tomato西红柿, potato土豆, cucumber黄瓜, onion洋葱,carrot胡萝卜, cabbage卷心菜。


jacket夹克衫, shirt衬衫, T-shirt丅恤衫, skirt短裙子, dress连衣裙, jeans牛仔裤, pants长裤,socks袜子, shoes鞋子, sweater毛衣, coat上衣, raincoat雨衣, shorts短裤, sneakers网球鞋,slippers拖鞋, sandals凉鞋, boots靴子, hat(有沿的)帽子, cap便帽, sunglasses太阳镜, tie领带,scarf围巾, gloves手套, trousers裤子, cloth布。>>>>>推荐活动:英语自然拼读暑期培训班


bike自行车, bus公共汽车, train火车, boat小船, ship轮船, yacht快艇, car小汽车, taxi出租车, jeep吉普车,van小货车/面包车, plane/airplane飞机, subway/underground地铁, motor cycle摩托车。


flower花, grass草, tree树, seed种子, sprout苗, plant植物, rose玫瑰, leaf叶子。


cold寒冷的, warm温暖的, cool凉爽的, snowy下雪的, sunny晴朗的, hot炎热的, rainy下雨的, windy有风的,cloudy多云的, weather report天气预报。


home家, room房间, bedroom卧室, bathroom卫生间, living room起居室, kitchen厨房,classroom教室, school学校, park公园, library图书馆, post office邮局, police office警察局,hospital医院, cinema电影院, bookstore书店, farm农场, zoo动物园, garden花园, study书房,playground操场, canteen食堂, teacher’s office教师办公室, library图书馆, gym体育馆, washroom卫生间,art room绘画教室, computer room计算机教室, music room音乐教室, TV room电视机房, flat公寓,company公司, factory工厂, fruit stand水果摊, pet shop宠物商店, nature park自然公园, themepark主题公园, science museum科学博物馆, the Great Wall长城, supermarket超市, bank银行,country国家, village乡村, city城市, hometown家乡, bus stop公交车站。


teacher教师, student学生, doctor医生, nurse护士, driver司机, farmer农民, singer歌唱家,writer作家, actor男演员, actress女演员, artist画家, TV reporter电视台记者, engineer工程师,accountant会计, policeman(男)警察, salesperson销售员, cleaner清洁工, baseball player棒球运动员,assistant售货员, police警察。


river河流, lake湖泊, stream河/溪, forest森林, path小道, road公路, house房子, bridge桥,building建筑物, rain雨, cloud云, sun太阳, mountain山, sky天空, rainbow彩虹, wind风, air空气,moon月亮。


Monday星期一, Tuesday星期二, Wednesday星期三, Thursday星期四, Friday星期五, Saturday星期六,Sunday星期天, weekend周末。


Jan. (January)一月, Feb.(February)二月, Mar.(March)三月, April四月, May五月, June六月,July七月, Aug.(August)八月, Sept.(September)九月, Oct.(October)十月, Nov.(November)十一月,Dec.(December)十二月。


sports体育运动, science科学, Moral Education 思想品德课, Social Studies社会课, Chinese语文,math数学, PE体育课, English英语课。

十八、国家、城市(countries & cities)

China/PRC中国, America/USA美国, UK联合王国, England英国, Canada/CAN加拿大, Australia澳大利亚,New York纽约, London伦敦, Sydney悉尼, Moscow莫斯科, Cairo开罗。


spring春, summer夏, fall/autumn秋, winter冬。


south南, north北 east东, west西, left 左边, right右边。


have a fever发烧, hurt疼痛, have a cold感冒, have a toothache牙疼, have a headache头疼,have a sore throat喉咙疼。

二十二、杂物(other things)

window窗户, door门, desk课桌, chair椅子, bed床, computer计算机, board写字板, fan风扇, light灯,teacher’s desk讲台, picture图画;照片, wall墙壁, floor地板, curtain窗帘, trash bin垃圾箱,closet壁橱, mirror镜子, end table床头柜, football/soccer足球, present礼物, walkman随身听,lamp台灯, phone电话, sofa沙发, shelf书架, fridge冰箱, table桌子, TV电视, air-conditioner空调,key钥匙, lock锁, photo照片, chart图表, plate盘子, knife刀, fork叉, spoon勺子, chopsticks筷子,pot锅, gift礼物, toy玩具, doll洋娃娃, ball球, balloon气球, kite风筝, jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏,box盒子, umbrella伞, zipper拉链, violin小提琴, yo-yo溜溜球, nest鸟窝, hole洞, tube管子,toothbrush牙刷, menu菜单, e-card电子卡片, e-mail电子邮件, traffic light交通灯, money钱,medicine药。


one一, two二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven七, eight八, nine九, ten十,eleven十一, twelve十二, thirteen十三, fourteen十四, fifteen十五, sixteen十六, seventeen十七,eighteen十八, nineteen十九, twenty二十, thirty三十, forty四十, fifty五十, sixty六十,seventy七十, eighty八十, ninety九十, forty-two四十二, hundred百, one/a hundred andthirty-six一百三十六, first第一, second第二, third第三, fourth第四, fifth第五, eighth第八,ninth第九, twelfth第十二, twentieth第二十, thirtieth第三十, fortieth第四十, fiftieth第五十,sixtieth第六十, seventieth第七十, eightieth第八十, ninetieth第九十, fifty-sixth第五十六。


big大的, small小的, long长的, tall高的, short短的;矮的, young年轻的, old旧的;老的, strong健壮的,thin瘦的, active积极活跃的, quiet安静的, nice好看的, kind和蔼亲切的, strict严格的, smart聪明的,funny滑稽可笑的, tasty好吃的, sweet甜的, salty咸的, sour酸的, fresh新鲜的, favourite最喜爱的,clean干净的, tired疲劳的, excited兴奋的, angry生气的, happy高兴的, bored无聊的, sad忧愁的, taller更高的,shorter更矮的, stronger更强壮的, older年龄更大的, younger更年轻的, bigger更大的, heavier更重的,longer更长的, thinner更瘦的, smaller更小的, good好的, fine好的, great很好的, heavy 重的, new新的,fat胖的, happy快乐的, right对的, hungry饥饿的, cute逗人喜爱的, little小的, lovely可爱的,beautiful漂亮的, colourful色彩鲜艳的, pretty漂亮的, cheap便宜的, expensive昂贵的, juicy多汁的,tender嫩的, healthy健康的, ill有病的, helpful有帮助的, high高的, easy简单的, proud骄傲的, sick有病的,better更好的, higher更高的。


in在……里, on在……上;在……时候, under在……下面, near在……的旁边, behind在……后边, next to与……相邻,over在……上面, in front of在……前面。


I我, we我们, you你;你们, he他, she她, it它, they他(她,它)们, my我的, our 我们的, your你的;你们的,his他的, her她的。






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