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Goodbye to Beijing Institute of Technology

#Goodbye to Beijing Institute of Technology| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Goodbye to Beijing Institute of Technology

2020-11-12 23:57:00【Eastmount】

        Two years ago. , I wrote such an article after graduation :《  Recall the gains and losses of four years in my university  》, I feel the loss of my four years in Beili soft court ; Two years later, , I left the capital , Back home in Guizhou , Ready to start a new teaching career , Write an article here to commemorate it !         Or that sentence : This article is for myself , I hope many years later , Recalling my six years in Beijing , It's also a wonderful memory . The article may be a little long , But I hope you can read it as patiently as you read a novel , After watching, you can also smile or sigh and shake your head , Close your eyes and think about your college life , Very enjoyable !         meanwhile , This is also my first 200 Original articles , Three and a half years , It's not long. , Short is not short , During this period, whether it is postgraduate entrance examination 、 Do the project , Still looking for a job 、 Graduation project , I insist on writing at least one article a month , This insistence is very moving , There are five kinds of flavors , Only I know , Thank yourself !         2014 year 7 month 4 Japan , I graduated from college , Graduate students have been admitted to , On the train home this summer vacation , I wrote a passage like this :

        Guizhou Zhongmei road is far away , I didn't take the trouble .        I found three or four broken books , It's time to code .  

        2016 year 7 month 1 Japan , I graduated from graduate school , Take the last train to Guizhou in six years in Beili , I write such a poem with melancholy :

        Don't say "treasure" ,         Don't think about it , It's very unforgettable .          No one can tell his heart , Then why don't you ?         Leave a silhouette , Playing back in my heart .         Decades of life and death , No, there's no such thing .

        Ah ! These two poems are also the last time I gave up my job on the Internet in Beijing , Choose the introduction to teaching back home !         Catalog :

One . Undergraduate graduation, summer teaching Two . first year graduated school student ( On )- Course project 3、 ... and . first year graduated school student ( Next )- Research vehicle Four . second year graduated school student ( On )- Interview and job interview 5、 ... and . second year graduated school student ( Next )- What you want and how to teach 6、 ... and . What I feel about my job  



One . Undergraduate graduation, summer teaching

        The summer vacation of my undergraduate graduation , I went back to my hometown of Guizhou , I took part in a volunteer teaching activity for college students in Zunyi area , I had a week's class for junior three students . Although I dream of becoming a teacher since I was a child , I didn't expect to become a teacher in the end , But I did experience a lot in these seven days , Standing in front of the podium for the first time , Get along with students for the first time , In retrospect today , I still enjoy the process . On the day I got home, I was , I also wrote an article about , The contents are as follows :       《 This summer because of you 》        7 Time flies , I have been hesitating whether to write an article to remember this short and precious summer camp ! Finally, I'm going to write this article . If for no other , Because of you !        How many years later, if I really become a teacher in Guizhou , On the land of summer camp , I spilled seven classes with my own blood . How many years later, I read the old message book , Looking at your handwriting , I always float my mouth slightly , A quiet smile . How many years later I remember 2014 The youth album of , I would be very happy , I met a bunch of people here tutor、 logistics 、 Middle school student volunteers and you .         I just stepped onto the podium , Always afraid . It's like going from primary school to college , Every time I get on the stage, my legs are shaking , The voice is hoarse ! Vaguely remember the first class to tell you a few cold jokes, you cold to ! And then I changed to 《 Lao Shi comments on his journey to the West 》 and 《 One hundred thousand cold jokes 》 This relatively hot video is for you . Lucky to be with Kay 、 Qi Xun and Zi component go to a classroom , They talked to me about a lot of things .

        Seven days is short , Seven days doesn't make your grades leap forward , I can only talk about it and take notes 、 Adjustment mentality 、 How to use it 5 minute 、 The method of scoring skills for questions . But I hope you can get some joy from my class , Feel something more important than learning —— friendship .         I keep talking about some college videos 、 How to get along with junior high school students 、 Sand painting 、 Oscar for best short film animation 《 Paper man 》、《 Three silly 》, Is to let everyone cherish every friendship we meet now .        In fact! ! Review my 16 Years of study , There's not much you really learn , And these friendships are the most memorable , It's the treasure of life .         I tell you that I lost some junior high school friends because of the high school in other places , But it all needs to retrieve the lost memory by yourself , Very lucky ! Now I can be good friends with them , In high school 、 I cherish everyone I know in college . This summer vacation , Because of the summer camp, we came together ! So I cherish every one of you , I hope you will learn to cherish , grateful .         7 month 31 No. 4 comes out of four , I came to Zunyi teachers college alone . Walking on the corridor in front of the library of Teachers College , My mood is very calm , Many feelings ! Calm down, I can't write for a long time , The mood is very complicated . Looking at the flowers and plants on both sides , Listen to the car roar in the distance , The breeze blowing , My mind wanders , Wrote down such a paragraph : When I saw this morning in our class 6 Students ( Then came 2 individual ), I feel a little sad , What is desolation ? Because I think of my own University , Think of the university class, a teacher to several students teaching experience , Please forgive me for skipping class too ; Thinking of the teacher's absence in ideological education class , How embarrassing !         Although I dream of returning to Guizhou to be a university teacher for countless times , But if you become such a teacher , Is it going to shatter my dream ! Where will I go at that time ? I think of it here 《 The pursuit of happyness 》 A sentence in it : There are always many people around us who will say that you can't do this either , That won 't do either ; Dreams are your own , If you have a dream, you have to learn to protect it ! And me ? Can I guard my dream ? maybe !

        Looking back on my cold window career , I don't really know how to calm down to write something . I've written a lot of weekly records before , But I have never been alone in a strange place to settle down and write something , It's a great feeling ! As I shared with you today TED Lecture :Stop,look,go         I really can't imagine if I became a IT Male queen , I live a busy life on the subway every day , Come back to my room at night and keep the empty room alone , Will I cry in bed in silence , Yeah ! Many times our life and study are in a hurry , I don't know what I'm doing ! In fact, sometimes it stops , quietly 、 have a look 、 reflection , Move on :Stop,look,go Can be happy ah !         The day I went home , When I got in the car and left, Xianyu sent me a text message , My heart trembled with it :        It's hard to imagine four years of college without xiuzhang , How will I live ?         You taught me more , I see too much in you that I need to uphold .         In the past four years, I'm glad to have friends like you around me , Hope it's more than four years .         We should still insist on being ourselves when we live in other places , Think about yourself more , Don't make yourself too tired ( Ah !)         Cherish what summer camp brings to you , Guiyang and Beijing , As long as we are still on earth, we will meet each other .         Yeah ! This summer camp should thank you most . Not only accompany me every day and teach me a lot of things , Let me know so many excellent college students and middle school students , More importantly, I shared a lot of happiness in this summer camp , I saw something that I need to learn and stick to all my life . And then there are you !         I'm glad to know my students , Although there are not many people in the class , But you really moved me , I'm really moved this summer vacation , Especially on the last day of the show, I presented flowers for me , Hug me , Take a picture with me , Say goodbye to me , Chinese Valentine's day bless me !        Who said the short seven days can't leave precious experience !         Who said you can't meet a group of strangers in a short seven days !         Who said the program ape will only cry silently ! I can share my joy and pain with you .         Finally, let me recite the names of our classmates again :....         Tonight I'm going to step on K1252 Floating far away , Finally, let me ask you a question : Am I really so frustrated ? How do you want me to chase girls ! You guys are pretty 、 A little girl with big eyes and watery eyes , How can I feel about the sunny and handsome guy ! ha-ha ... Peace of mind is good ! This summer because of you ! Because there are summer camps ! I don't know how many years later I will come back to Zunyi , And cherish it !          In fact, I have experienced a lot in this summer vacation , I saw a group of high school brothers and sisters from Shanghai , See you in Nanjing WF、 Travel to Suzhou 、 Hangzhou trip , All good experiences , This is also my first time to travel with my classmates ; At the same time, Zunyi's teaching has made me grow up a lot , I want to be a teacher more ~


Two . first year graduated school student ( On ) - Course project

        In the twinkling of an eye, the graduate career began , Or the familiar campus 、 Familiar major 、 Familiar partner . Very lucky , Myself and brother Qiang 、 Tengyuan 、 They're in a bedroom , It really gave me a wonderful two years as a graduate student , It turns out that college life can be so wonderful , ha-ha !         Because Beili software college is a two-year master , And the course is only for the first half of the year , After half a year's study, the college recommends internship or stay in the laboratory , The second one is to find a job and do a graduation project . So this half year is very busy , It includes a variety of basic courses : Advanced database 、 Advanced network 、 Advanced software engineering 、 Advanced English , Advanced Marx , senior ..... ha-ha ~         Come back to , We haven't learned much in our four years of college , Maybe Java Website development 、 Maybe Winform Program 、LAMP/WAMP Design , Even just know C Language or algorithm , therefore , How much can we learn from the classroom this year ?         But I would like you to have four years of undergraduate or two years of Graduate , Be able to develop a self-study and problem-solving ability , Develop a good self-learning attitude , Do something you are interested in .         In fact! , Looking back on the past six years in Beili , These are the four things I really do :        1. Keep blogging for three years , No matter how hard or tired, I never give up , At the same time, I often write a blog post , I can be happy from my heart , It seems that the world is just like this .         2. I met a lot of excellent friends and classmates in college , With them , Whether it's coding 、 Play a ball 、DOTA2、 Chat 、 Dinner party , It's very comfortable ; exactly , Life is more than programming 、 It's not just learning .         3. Helped countless students and strangers , I helped with the graduation project 20 More than one person , And it's free , It seems that I can't bear to be rejected by others , But whenever I see other people's thanks or blessings , My heart is always warm , Now I've become a university teacher , I've also gone from professional to coach , ha-ha , I want to guide others to achieve rather than blindly help , After all “ Teach fish ” Better !

        4. Finally, it is for the work of Guizhou hometown , Gave up a lot of , I have paid a lot , Think about the night before the graduation defense, I was in Guiyang to see the interview , I went back to Beijing late at night and did not sleep , How many hardships during this period only I know , But it's also a wonderful memory , I also hope that my original heart can stick to it for a lifetime !         Just four things .         therefore , Here I would like to share some of the three projects I have done in the first half of the year , Some knowledge of self-study , I hope it helped you , Especially the students who are interested in programming .         < One >. Android Readily take         First of all Android project , We have completed a wechat like random shoot APP, You can take pictures , The image processing , Post a circle of friends , Like comments and other functions . Because I was interested in image processing during my undergraduate course , therefore Android I'm also responsible for image processing . I recommend you to read my series of articles , It mainly includes Android Image view 、 photograph 、 enhance 、 Rotate scale 、 Special effects ( nostalgia Relief Sketch )、 Add frames, etc .         [Android] At any time take image processing part summary and source sharing         MFC Image processing related knowledge

        If you're good at making mobile phones APP Very interested , Want to learn Android, I recommend reading Guo Shen's 《Android First line of code 》, A very new book , At the same time, it's easy to understand , When learning, you must write by hand , During this period, you will encounter all kinds of problems , This needs your own Baidu Google to solve , Only in this way can we improve our ability , It is suggested to combine this book with my favorite one APP.         Guo Shen blog :         Then you can go to Github Or open source website to learn more new Android knowledge , Or some frames , For example, the picture waterfall shows , Lots of pictures to visit , Drop down menu refresh image , These are all good open source code , You can study , At the same time, at the end of the day, you may need to read some of the underlying NDK Such as knowledge .         < Two >.Learning To Rank Learning order         This is a LC A group project of teacher software engineering , Some new topics are given , Let's read some foreign literature by ourselves , What our group does is based on Hadoop Distributed learning sequencing , It uses IBM Cloud platform .         Let me briefly introduce the principle of search engine , Because usually we Baidu Google 、 Shopping on Taobao involves .         The user gives a query through the browser Query, Return a related document Document, And then according to the query - The correlation between documents is graded and sorted , Return to the user .

        And with the factors that affect the correlation ( Such as PageRank) More , Google browser now has 200 Multiple features , Machine learning is needed to solve this problem , This is the birth of Learning To Rank Learning order .        As shown in the flow chart below ,LTR The basic step is through training set data (Train Set) Learning to get models h, Then through the model to test set data (Test Set) Calculate and sort , Finally, we get a prediction result . Machine learning sorting methods are divided into 3 Kind of : Single document approach (Pointwise)、 Document pair method (Pairwise) And document list method (Listwise).        See my article for details :          Machine learning sequencing Learning to Rank Brief introduction        【 Learning order 】 Learning to Rank in Pointwise About PRank Algorithm source code implementation        【 Learning order 】 Learning to Rank in Listwise About ListNet Algorithm explanation and implementation

        Write here , Regardless of Mr.L How are you doing in class , But I admire his teaching method . On the one hand, everyone actively discussed in class , Explain some basic knowledge combined with actual company project or management process , Including cloud computing 、 Company operation process, etc ; The other is that the teacher gave a relatively new topic , Ask the students to check the information themselves ( It's better to have little domestic information , There are more English materials abroad ), And complete the corresponding results in groups .        < 3、 ... and >. Object oriented development PHP Website         This course is MR The teacher's , A very strict female teacher . Our traditional website development process is : Analyze requirements , Then design tables in the database 、ER chart , And then develop ; But object oriented development doesn't design ER Of Graphs , It's about extracting classes from requirements , Analyze the properties and functions in the class , And combine UML Design and development of various diagrams .         Because the project of this course is completed in winter vacation , And I'm the project leader of a team of ten , So the whole project is basically completed by Puge and me . Vaguely remember , Go to Xiaowei's house on the eighth day of the winter vacation ( Another county ) play , I also have my notebook with me , Play mahjong until four o'clock in the middle of the night , Still writing programs at his home , It's really a busy time , But I really learned a lot PHP Things that are .

        What you've learned includes :         1. Use the cloud as a database server to develop PHP Website , Connect to remote database , Upload PDF file .         2. stay PHP Define classes and their member functions to develop web sites , This includes calling remote databases by defining classes .

        3. adopt JavaScript and Iframe Realize local layout interface , Click the drop-down button to change part of the interface .         4. Simple implementation BBS Forum and post 、 Reply function ; Realize online reading PDF file , Teachers can upload courseware 、 Scoring , Students raise the price homework , Get results .         Yes PHP Interested students can learn my article :         PHP+JavaScript+HTML Upload PDF And browsing PDF Courseware         PHP+HTML Simple implementation BBS Forum and reply         PHP+JavaScript+HTML Realize registration interface form and calendar control         PHP Site use JavaScript and Iframe Simple implementation of partial refresh effect         Write here , All the graduate courses are over , But a lot of interesting things happened during this period . Including taking notes, exams, etc .         Because I like to take notes from childhood , From the four masterpieces 、 Happy Dictionary 、 From a hundred forums to all kinds of NBA Record , Of course, there are a lot of learning notes , The university has always maintained this “ bad habit ”, High school biology notes below . However, it is recommended to take notes properly , It's more about reading over and over again , It's a waste of time like me .

        If you're still a college student who writes code , I suggest you try blogging , Sum up some technology or experience , It will be very helpful for you in the future ! And blogging is not about earning reading or popularity , It's about being responsible or portraying yourself . A few years of college are fleeting , You can try to , It can also degenerate ; You can dream , You can also be confused ; As long as you can bear the consequences of all your choices , No matter it's happy 、 Pain 、 Laugh heartily 、 tears , Just think about it .         Another interesting thing is to review every time . I vaguely remember that before every exam for graduate students , We 439 The dormitories are full of people , All kinds of things to discuss , Asking for class notes , It's interesting to take everyone off . At the same time, because the total bet is in the middle of , I also got one “ Xiao Xiurong of Software College ” The title of , ha-ha ~


3、 ... and . first year graduated school student ( Next ) - Research vehicle

        This semester I'm mainly learning to drive , Study in the lab , Attended several meetings at the same time , Read a few books . The small partner also slowly appeared in the laboratory , Include : Teacher zhang 、 Puge 、 Na Jie 、 Xiaofei 、 Elder students, elder students, younger students, etc .         In fact, I also regret that I didn't really go to the company to practice , To learn some practical techniques , I always want to find a master to teach myself , But now back home , It's up to me , At the same time, learn more from some open source websites to enrich yourself .        < One >. soul soother         I don't know when I fell in love with writing something on the train home , From the earliest T87、T88, To the present Z149, The train between Beijing and Guiyang has taken countless times , Every time I listen to the naughty piano accompaniment on the train , Looking out the window at the past prosperity or scenery , I'm very calm , You can also write something . This time alone , Time and again feeling , And I'll share it with you , I just hope you don't feel too affectated or give up .         Write these things at the same time , It's not how lonely my heart is , It's not how much literary talent I have to show off , How much ink can a science student and a procedural ape have in their belly ? I just want to calm down and sigh for life , Looking back on the past , And record the peace of the moment on the train .

        Way Baoding , I think of a poem written by my cousin who just went to college this year , These are the most impressive sentences :          time went by , With no red color ;         Flowers bloom thanks , Long time makes people old .         In this land of light and wine , Where can we get a pure land , Keep me free from worldly distractions ?          My reply to her is : Just went to a strange place , Everyone needs a process of adaptation , What's more, a little girl . Simple 、 Along with the gender , Just give yourself peace of mind . But in this noisy world, how many people can achieve inner peace ? The answer is so empty , It's still quiet ! ha-ha .         I never thought I could be quiet 、 Indifferent , Get down and learn . Not before , Not now , Not in the future . I am also disturbed by the colorful world , like dota2、 Like basketball 、 I like novels , I also like watching the programs of Wang Han and Liu Zaishi . Here is a quote from Kanbu : Beings in samsara , They're all playful kids .         Here is a brief introduction to some books I have read during this period , Whether it's chicken soup or not , Life tutor is also , But at least it's a book that I can calm down and read !        《 What are you up to? 》 So Dargye Khenpo         Inventing machines , I wanted to have more rest time , As a result, people are getting tired ; Invention of mobile phone , I wanted to communicate more and more , As a result, people are more and more lonely ; Invention network , I wanted to make people more intelligent , The results are increasingly slow . People have guessed the beginning , But I can't guess the result , It's because of what's missing ?         A high-end mobile phone ,70% It's useless ; A premium car ,70% The speed of is superfluous ; A room of beautiful clothes ,70% It's idle and has no time to wear ; Make more money in your life ,70% It's for others to spend . so , I've been tired all my life , For a lifetime , I can only use it myself 30%, It's hard to satisfy your desire .         Information explosion today , All kinds of desires come to you , Everyone is not only busy outside , I'm very busy inside , I've been busy all my life , In the end, I don't know what I'm doing . therefore , Looking for the wisdom to make the heart calm , Particularly important . What binds you is always yourself , So to untie it , It's only up to you .

       《 You just seem to work hard 》 Li Shanglong          We seem to stay up late every day , But just holding a mobile phone and ordering countless likes ; It looks like I've been sitting in the library all day , But it was really just a day ; It looks like I bought a lot of books , It's just a circle of friends ; It seems to leave the office late every day , I'm lazy at work ; Those so-called hard times , It's really brainstorming , still , It just seems to work hard ? Any unplanned study , It's just a show .         Any effort that doesn't stray , They just seem to be working hard . Remember one sentence :“ All the efforts are not for others to see , A lot of times , Heroes are lonely ”.         We always fall into such a strange circle : Seems busy , Anxiety in fact . When we have a whim to learn , Bought a lot of books , But never opened again ; When we're stimulated to get fit , So I found a lot of strategies , But never moved again ; When we spend a lot of time on social networks and save what we think is useful as , Until your hard drive is full , But you haven't seen it .         We are busy , But I didn't know what was left behind by careful selection ; We spend time collecting , But forget that the most important thing is to take time to digest . You're going to get nervous over and over again about escaping and comforting yourself , Your will to fight and wait .         Don't see what others do well , Just try to do something , Those who look bright also have their own hardships . Of course , The best way to beat anxiety is to do what makes you anxious . I hope that after reading these words , There will also be some insights , Really do everything around you . The road has to go step by step , You can walk very slowly , But it can't stop .

        Always feel that the story in this book seems to be their own reflection , Reflecting our lives , Share it with Jun Qing . meanwhile , stay 2015 year 3 month 1 On this day , I also briefly summarized the following 2014 Years of experience , Combined with the sigh of Xingye :      “ Once there was a sincere love in front of me , But I didn't cherish , When it's time to lose , I'll regret ”. In the movie 18 years ago , Zhou Xingchi's line is a household word ; Eighteen years later, he said “ Ten thousand years is too long , seize every minute ”.          Lovers never come back after parting , Silent and lonely, looking at the World Bank . Flowers will wither , But it will be held again . Love and tolerance , Outside the white clouds .         See article :2014 Years of experience : Ten thousand years is too long , seize every minute         < Two >. Meeting sharing         There are so many things in front of me , Let's talk about the knowledge I learned this semester , It includes several meetings and self-study . The meeting mainly includes : Seminar for young scholars on knowledge mapping 、 Big data and big media Mining Conference . Here is to popularize the concept of knowledge map , I hope it helped you .         1. What is knowledge map ?         With user generated content on the Internet (User Generated Content, UGC) And open link data (Linked Open Data, LOD) Wait a lot RDF(Resource Description Framework) Data released . The Internet has gradually changed from a document World Wide Web that contains only hyperlinks between web pages (Web of Document) Transformed into a world wide web of data that describes a variety of entities and rich relationships between them (Web of Data).          In this context , Knowledge map (Knowledge Graph) Officially Google On 2012 year 5 Month proposed , The goal is to improve search results , Describe the entities and concepts that exist in the real world , And these entities 、 The relationship between concepts . Followed by , Other Internet search engine companies at home and abroad have also constructed their own knowledge map , Microsoft Probase、 Sogou's knowledge Cube 、 Baidu's bosom friend . Knowledge mapping in semantic search 、 Intelligent q&a 、 data mining 、 Digital Library 、 Recommendation system and other fields have a wide range of applications .          The picture below shows Sogou knowing cube “ Yao Ming ” Diagram for :

         Google S. Amit The paper of 《Introducing the Knowledge Graph: Things, Not Strings》

        Amit · Dr. singel passed “The world is not made of strings, but is made of things” This sentence introduces their knowledge map , Here “thing” It's compared to the traditional web pages on the Internet : The goal of knowledge mapping is to describe various entities and concepts existing in the real world , And these entities 、 The relationship between concepts .         Actually , Knowledge map is the next generation search engine or knowledge computing engine .         2. Is there any application of knowledge map in life ?         The emergence of knowledge map has further opened the door of semantic search , Search engines are no longer providing links to answers , And the answer itself . The figure below shows Google A snapshot of search results , When users search “ Andy Lau's age ” when , The results include :         (1). It lists the relevant web document retrieval results ;        (2). At the top of the web document, the direct and accurate answer to the search is given “54 year ”;         (3). And lists the relevant characters “ Tony Leung ”、“ Chow yun-fat ” And their respective ages ;         (4). At the same time on the right with the knowledge card (Knowledge Card) In the form of “ Lau Andy ” Information about , Include : date of birth 、 Place of birth 、 height 、 Related movies 、 Albums, etc .         The knowledge card provides detailed structured information for the entities contained in the query criteria entered by users or the answers returned by the search , It's query specific (Query Specific) The map of knowledge .

        These search results seem simple , But there is a wealth of information behind these scenes :        First , Search engines need to know what's in user input “ Lau Andy ” On behalf of a person ;         secondly , Need to understand at the same time “ Age ” What does the word mean ;         Last , Also need to have the support of rich knowledge map data in the background , To answer user questions .         meanwhile , Knowledge map also provides the possibility of intelligent search engine in other aspects , Dr. singel pointed out that : Search engines need answers in 、 Three main functions of dialogue and prediction are improved . in addition , The knowledge map is in the problem of intelligence 、 knowledge engineering 、 Data mining and digital library are also of great significance .         that , What are the changes between the traditional search engine and the knowledge map ? Below is Yahoo's search engine , The keyword based search method is based on the traditional document search method , These include “ Yao Ming ” and “ height ” keyword , The more relevant, the higher the score , The higher up the list .

        The main changes include the following :         (1). The target of information extraction has changed , Traditional text specific extraction (ACE)=> The discovery of massive data (KBP);         (2). From text analysis to knowledge discovery ;         (3). Let the computer really understand the user's query needs , Give the exact answer instead of the relevant link sequence .         3. Baidu Zhixin and Sogou Zhifang          Baidu intimate visit link :         Among them, baidu knowledge map “ Zhang ziyi ” The map of character relationships is as follows .

        Knowledge mining includes :Named entity mining Named entity mining 、AVP mining attribute - Value pair mining 、Hyponymy learning Top down learning 、Related entity mining Related entity mining .

        The overall framework of Sogou zhicube is shown below , The entities in the lower part are aligned 、 Attribute alignment is part of my research now . It mainly includes the following parts :        Ontology construction ( Various types of entity mining 、 Attribute name mining 、 Editing system )         Case construction ( Plain text properties 、 Entity extraction 、 Semi structured data extraction )         Heterogeneous data integration ( Entity aligned 、 Attribute value decision making 、 Relationship building )         Calculation of entity importance         Reasoning improves data

         Knowledge cube information display and application :        (1). Provide the display carrier of knowledge base information , Transform knowledge base information into content that users can understand ;        (2). Provide richer rich text information ( It's not limited to words , Add pictures 、 Animation 、 Forms, etc );        (3). Provide a more user-friendly interactive experience : Add more user interaction elements , Such as picture browsing 、 Click to listen . And can guide users to get more information in a shorter time .        As shown in the figure below :“ Lau Andy ” Click on the basic information above , Click on the song , Click on the Properties tab , Click on the specific movie .

        Again, the same name 、 The series entities are shown as follows : “ Li na ” Click on other people with the same name 、“ Ten Grand Marshal ” Click on a specific character 、“ Fast and furious ” Click More , Show more series of entities , It also includes the application of question answering system .        Recommend my knowledge map related articles :         Sharing and learning summary of knowledge map related meetings          Search engines and knowledge maps ( On ). The basic chapter          Summary of the seminar on Chinese knowledge map ( On ) Map introduction 、 Baidu knows 、 Search dog knows cube        < 3、 ... and >. Blog sharing         I also wrote a lot of blogs during this period , There is always such a feeling : It seems that writing code or blogging late at night is as addictive as drugs , The kind that allows the mind to immerse , After writing, the content can't be said to be happy , It does produce a great sense of accomplishment , It even makes me feel floating , And I feel like I can't quit . And late at night is always the most real self , This is often invisible to many people .         Blog mainly includes the following aspects of knowledge :         1.Java Website development         See :Java+MyEclipse+Tomcat ( 6、 ... and ) Detailed explanation Servlet and DAO Database addition, deletion, modification and query operation

        2.Python Crawler and online encyclopedia message box knowledge         See :Python Reptiles Selenium+Phantomjs+CasperJS

        3. rewrite MFC Digital image processing article         See : 7、 ... and .MFC General smoothing of image enhancement 、 Gaussian smoothing 、Laplacian、Sobel、Prewitt Sharpen the details

         Ah ! A man has studied for ten years and worked for another ten years , I think I've learned a little bit of literature and art , But the more you know , You will find that you are just a drop of water in the sea , A grain of sand in the desert , There will always be countless excellent and outstanding people running in front of you , You can only see a wisp of dust in their running .          Looking back in silence , I have been in Beijing for five years . From the initial 《If not now,when?If not me,who?》 To the undergraduate graduation 《 A brief passion is worthless 》. A lot of stories happened during this period , But think back to my primary school 、 Junior high school 、 high school 、 university 、 Graduate student , Each stage is a different experience , I never regret the choice of each stage . Junior high school may be the peak of one's studies , High school is very happy to meet a group of brothers , University professional knowledge also learned a lot , At least made a lot of things that I'm interested in , As for work , Choose to go home to teach , It's also my childhood dream !        meanwhile , Don't think of yourself as perfect ,“ Program the ape ” We should know that there are mountains beyond the mountains , There is a reason for others . I also know that I have many shortcomings , But sometimes people are so cheap , I know I can be better , But it doesn't change . Maybe this is what we call “ The human nature ” Well !         Technical aspects , I just have breadth more than depth , But sometimes I think about it , Go back to Guizhou to be a teacher , Do what you like , It's a wonderful thing in itself . How many people do what they like , How many people can give up so many things to pursue their dreams ? Be content , juvenile ~         This is what graduate students do this year , And of course, there's a weekly lab group meeting , I shared web Reptiles 、 neural network 、 Knowledge about entity alignment , At the same time, the dormitory every Friday hot pot activities , College basketball, football and so on .


Four . second year graduated school student ( On ) - Interview and job interview

        Twinkling of an eye , I have already studied it for two years , This is my last year .7 After attending Alibaba's telephone interview at the end of the month , I went home myself for a while , I still regret that I was too late to get a job , One side leetcode It started late , On the one hand, there is a lack of basic knowledge , It will be introduced in detail later ! meanwhile , It also includes some choices of making up your mind to go home and be a teacher .

        < One >. All kinds of interviews

        1. Alibaba - Sorry to lose the election         See : What Ali did in the telephone interview, what he felt (2015 year 7 month )         This is my first interview , It's also early , I really like Alibaba and Ma Yun , I like him in junior high school , adopt 《 Win in China 》 Attracted me , High school bought a book about him . So Alibaba is always the salary that he most yearns for , Whatever it is “ Embrace change ” Good , It's OK to be in Hangzhou , I want to go to Alibaba , Also eager to find their own masters there , Study technology well . unfortunately , Ah .... At the same time, read the above article , A brief summary of the common questions of each subject .         Speaking of this interview , It's more fantastic, too ! The reason is that I'm here CSDN Wrote an article about the knowledge map , Then a big brother sent me a private message , Hope to communicate more and exchange contact information in the future . Then we passed QQ Become a good friend , When you see me QQ He was stunned at the portrait ( Here's the picture ). After a brief exchange, he asked me :“ Where is Gao ?” I said, :“ I'm looking for a job this year , The first research has just finished .” He said :“ Do you want to try Taobao push inside ?” I said, :“ Good! !” That's it , I finished my first interview , I'd like to thank him !         Here's a brief talk about the interview :         Time :2015 year 7 month 10 Day in the morning 10 Half past six          place : The fourth floor staircase of Beili computer lab         Position : Search engine 、 Knowledge map 、LTR         scene : Outdoor decoration in summer vacation ” Boom “ Construction sound          Get ready : I am in the morning 9 A light bed , Worried about missing Ali's call ( It's true that Ali made an appointment yesterday 10 Half past six , Very punctual ), Come to the lab , At the same time, I simply read some blogs I have written before , Because I mentioned in my resume that I personally like to share , Yes 2 Years of blogging , So it's too simple . Approaching 10 At half past six , To the stairs , I have a resume of my own in my hand , Because he will definitely ask you about your resume . At the same time, due to the summer school a lot of decoration construction , It's very noisy outside , I didn't change places either , Too far away .        It is highly recommended that you find a quiet place to interview yourself , One is that they are not affected , The other is respect for the interviewer ! He can also hear clearly .         The process :        10 spot 30 branch The phone rings. , It's a call from Hangzhou .         interviewer : Hello! ! I'm an interviewer from Taobao Search department , Excuse me, are you XXX, Right !        author : Hello! ! I am a student XXX.         interviewer : I read your resume , You did LTR Related items , Right !         comment : So many of the things I've prepared are useless , The interviewer will directly ask you for the Department and related professional knowledge , Not the basics , Because he may acquiesce that you already know , This first interview also made me realize this . But if you want to take a written test or an interview internship , It is very likely that you will encounter the basic problems I prepared above , Or maybe your interview will meet , There's nothing wrong with looking at it !        author : Yes , We have done a lot of homework in this area in our course .         interviewer : Well, you can tell me a little bit about LTR How do you do it ?        author :Learning To Rank Learning order , With the increasing scale of massive data , Traditional search engines use keywords entered by users , Get relevant content and link analysis to sort the results , Return to the user . And with more and more features , As if Google Now 200 Multiple features ,PageRank That's one of the features , Consider the application of machine learning in search .LTR First, we get a model by training the data set , And then use this model to predict new data . It is mainly divided into three kinds , One is based on points Pointwise Algorithm 、 One is based on the right Pairwise Algorithm 、 There's another column based Listwise Algorithm .         interviewer : What's the dataset like ? How to evaluate the results ?        author : The dataset we used was provided by Microsoft , common 136 Features , The first column represents the query label, The second column is for qid Inquire about id, Followed by the 136 Whitman's sign , Finally, the output is a rating level . Such as the 5 Level 0-4, among 4 Express perfect It's all about ,0 It means completely irrelevant , It's the prediction result to see what level it belongs to .         interviewer : You haven't introduced yourself yet , You should introduce yourself first !        author : well ! My name is XXX, come from XXX university ..... Now the tutor's research direction is data mining and natural language processing . I hope to work in a good company for a few years , Then I went back to my hometown Guizhou to be a university programming teacher , Because both parents are teachers , Always wanted to be a teacher .          interviewer : Hangzhou also has our Ali college , Can I share it there later ?          author : thank you , It's OK . But because I came from Guizhou , I want to go back to teaching .         comment : Because this is the first interview , The self introduction was also in a hurry . I have a few questions to share with you , I hope that those who have the heart can solve the problem .        1. The first is that when I introduce myself, I forget to emphasize what I am good at , Everything I've done is related to the course , How to prepare a good self introduction ?        2. The second is that I said I want to be a teacher in the future , Whether it should not be said ?        3. Third, I forgot to ask the interviewer's name at last , Should I ask if ?         interviewer : you Pointwise What algorithm is used ? Please elaborate .        author : We use PRank algorithmic , It's a regression algorithm . It has a scoring function , That's it 136 The sum of the product of dimensional features and corresponding eigenvalues , The result is a score . Then five levels , Each has a threshold , By comparing the score with the threshold, we can judge which one belongs to label Grade .         interviewer : Do you directly compare this score to the threshold ? How to determine the threshold ?        ........         comment : Write here , There are several key things to come up with .        1. The interviewer didn't ask me what language I was good at , Because the positions you apply for will default to the relevant technology and language , Obviously, this part of me is Python relevant .        2. My resume says 8 A project , Others include Android、C#、MFC、PHP、C++ etc. , But the interviewer only asked LTR( machine learning 、 natural language processing 、 data mining ) relevant , Because he only cares about what he needs .        3. You need to be very careful in preparing projects in the very relevant parts of your resume , And it's in-depth analysis , He will ask in great detail , At the same time, consider some innovations .        4. The interviewer really knows the technique , Because your resume will be recommended to the same position as you applied for an interview .         interviewer : Look at your resume and blog , You do C# More , however C# This is rarely used in natural language processing .        author : In the past, I studied all aspects of my undergraduate course , I taught myself during the summer vacation C# Network programming , I learned it later Android, My blog is mainly based on the projects or assignments I have done . Now I'm learning Python This is for natural language processing .         interviewer : oh .Python There's no problem doing this , Would you Linux Next programming ?        author : I won't Linux, Haven't studied , I'm also going to study recently .         interviewer :Linux Basic naming line, you know ?        author : I didn't study it , I do not know! .( If you know , The interviewer will definitely ask for the relevant order , You really should learn !)         interviewer : Have you ever been out for an internship ?        author : I didn't go out for an internship , I went to Dalian Neusoft for half a month when I was a freshman .         interviewer : Read your resume , You do NLP This is still very few , Didn't follow the teacher or go to the company to do related ?        author : Because we have a lot of freshmen , You need to finish all the courses . Including the blog I wrote, it's all about course projects and self-study , So natural language processing and data mining are still learning . In fact, I always want to go to the enterprise to study in a down-to-earth manner , Find a master to follow him , Now it's breadth learning , When you go to the enterprise, find a direction and learn from it in depth .         interviewer : First of all, the one you said is very good , But you need to know that companies need people who create value , Of course, there are many learning opportunities here , But more time is for you to create value . Include You said it would be nice to be a teacher in five or ten years , But now what can you do for us ?         comment : exactly ! Enterprises need to find talents to create value for them . Writing here, I seem to realize that “ The reality is cruel ” The truth .        1. If given the chance , You should still learn Linux Command line programming under , This is a trend !        2. Go to a company to practice , In particular, it is very important to do projects related to the position you need to apply for in the future ; But what I see more is internship testing 、 Operation and maintenance of these , Think for yourself !        3. I've always had a very simple idea :“ Learn more during school , Develop in breadth , Develop good self-study ability ; Will come to the enterprise to have this kind of learning ability, and then further study the knowledge of their position , Learn to master ; Work 5-10 Years later, , Or read a doctor or go back to Guizhou Province to be a university teacher , Teaching programming and sharing blogs .” But obviously it's not enough , So next, I also need to settle down to study deeply for a period of time . But my dream will never be broken , just as 《 The pursuit of happyness 》 A sentence in it ” Those who don't make it will always say you can't either , If you have a dream, you have to learn to protect it “.         interviewer : You finished your sophomore as a graduate student this year , Is it the beginning of junior year ?        author : I just finished my freshman year , Sophomore next year .         interviewer : Look, your tutor is related to natural language processing , You can say the participle briefly ?        author : I can only talk about my simple understanding of it ! Participle is divided into words .         interviewer : Participles don't have to be word segmentation , Different kinds of things are different .        author : Okay . For example, now I type in the Taobao input box “I am a student” This English sentence is based on word Word division , It is divided into "I"、"am"、"a" and "student", And input Chinese “ I am a student ”, It is divided into " learn "+" raw ", that " Student " How to judge whether it is a noun phrase ?         interviewer : What you're talking about is a research, which college students all know , But how to achieve it ? How to put " Student " Together ?         author : I haven't studied this part in depth .          interviewer : What are you good at in natural language processing and data mining ?         author : Because this part is still learning , Can I talk about the knowledge map I'm working on right now ?          interviewer : Sure , Now I'm working on the map of knowledge , Then tell me a little about the knowledge map you are doing now ?         author : The graduation project I'm doing now is related to the map of tourism knowledge , First, from Wikipedia 、 Baidu Encyclopedia 、 Interactive encyclopedia 、 Crawling the data of tourist attractions from multi-source tourism websites , I used to do a lot of things like entity disambiguation . Take a simple example ! Now Wikipedia has three pages for Apple , One point to Apple , One points to apple fruit , One point to Apple movies , How to determine which apple you need ? You can use the context such as “ Steve jobs ” To make sure it's apple . And now the first thing I want to do is from Wikipedia Infobox Information about tourist attractions in the message box , use < Entity , attribute , Property value > A triple RDF Storage , For example, there are three “ The Great Wall ”, In the entity alignment of these attribute values 、 Information fusion , Get a richer and more accurate information .          interviewer : What algorithm are you using ?         author : Entity alignment is ready to use CURE Clustering algorithm implementation , Attribute alignment uses Word2Vec Calculate the similarity distance to achieve .          interviewer : Can you describe the specific algorithm process ?         author : Because it's only now that the plan is decided , There is no specific in-depth study of the specific algorithm process .          interviewer : You're just talking about data mining , But how does natural language processing work , I don't know . let me put it another way , If you're one of my employees now , What do you think you can do in this department ?         author :( In fact, I want to say knowledge map or search engine , My initial idea is to come to the company to learn some of the company's basic things , Never related to come to the company to start to do something for the company . Feeling all need a learning process , After all, the difference between school and company is still very big )          interviewer : If you have a good algorithm , Something innovative , You bring it up , Let's work together to improve what we have , These are very good .          comment : Write here , I really realize that I have a lot of shortcomings , One side NLP The realization of these basic knowledge needs to know at least . Second, learn by yourself NLP There is always a feeling :“ Learn to swim , I watched for a long time on the shore , But I dare not go into the water .”          interviewer : Do you have any questions ?         author : I have two questions , One is what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three learning sequences you mentioned earlier ? The other is how to achieve word segmentation , I also want to know ?          interviewer : well ! First of all, your first question , The advantages and disadvantages of the three algorithms , You're basically right .Pointwise It's not considering the relationship between the two , Sorted by a scoring function ,Pairwise Without considering the order between them . The second question is participle , The simplest way is to search through thesaurus , such as “ Student ”, It's equivalent to a dictionary , It defines a lot of noun phrases ; We can also use training models to segment words , Well, if there's one “ Pan Changjiang ”, How do you judge it is “ Pan + Yangtze River ” Or names “ Pan Changjiang ” Well ? Because there are few names in the thesaurus . All these need to be considered . Do you have any questions ?         author : period , thank you .          interviewer : well .         author : Thank you so much for telling me so much , Because this is my first time to attend an interview, I'm a little nervous , At the same time, I also realized a lot of shortcomings , Next, learn about Linux、 Carry out in-depth study NLP Related knowledge , Another example is that we should pay attention to some innovation points in the project . In fact, I always think that interview is a process of learning from each other , I can learn a lot from you , You may also learn something from me . Thank you very much !          interviewer : Okay , Yes . also Thank you for this interview ! Continue refueling , Hang up .         author : well , Thank you very much . Bye-bye ~          comment : You need to remember that the interviewer will ask you questions , I didn't prepare any good questions , Such as “ Occupation planning ”、” How does the company cultivate “, Just two questions he asked me , At least let me know more . Or that sentence , I think the interview is a process of learning from each other , Can let me find a lot of their own shortcomings , More clearly see their own programming direction , At the same time, we need to keep a normal heart to treat .         A summary is given below

        2.360 company - Server development /PHP relevant         See :2016 the 360 company PHP The service side develops the written examination and the interview income feeling         Interview Department : Server side development         Interview location :360 building          Interview duration :100 More minutes         Here is a brief description of the interview , Please refer to the above article for the specific written test topic and interview process .

        The first part Self introduction.         1. First of all, simply greet the interviewer and hand in your resume , And then make a self introduction ;         2. The interviewer passed my resume , Let me introduce my favorite project , I'm talking about the knowledge map related projects , Include : How traditional search engines work 、 The concept of knowledge map ( For example, Yao Ming's height 、 Liang Qichao relationship query )、 Entity disambiguation and entity alignment 、 Adopted VSM Vector model and clustering algorithm ;         3. The interviewer asked me what language I was familiar with at this stage ? I say the most we do now is Python, It used to be C/C++, Of course Java、C#、PHP Have done it. , After all, all languages have generality , But it's hard to master .         4. He said PHP Relatively simple , They're doing the underlying server direction , Today's interview is mainly about Unix Related knowledge ; I also agree with this view , because PHP It can be implemented through some open source frameworks , At the same time, I asked about some of my own WAMP Website .

         The second part Unix Mainly         1. The interviewer first asked me if I had done Unix Relevant stuff ? I said I had done it simply Linux Under the Python Reptiles 、 Script etc. .         2. And then I asked Unix Under the network programming will not ? I introduced briefly Python Network programming TCP\UDP The process of , The main three processes are as follows , meanwhile Socket Other language processes are basically similar .

         The server :              ss = socket()                # Create server socket         ss.bind()                   # Address bound to socket         ss.listen()                      # Listening to the connection              inf_loop:                       # Server infinite loop                   cs = ss.accept()       # Accept client connections Blocking type : The program is suspended before it connects              comm_loop:                 # Communication cycle                   cs.recv()/cs.send()   # dialogue Receiving and sending data              cs.close()                      # Close client socket               ss.close()                      # Close the server socket ( Optional )          client :         cs = socket()                 # Create client socket              cs.connect()                  # Try to connect to the server              comm_loop:                 # Communication cycle                   cs.send()/cs.recv()    # dialogue Send and receive data              cs.close()                       # Close client socket

         3. Then he asked if there was something wrong with the client , How does the server catch this exception ? I thought about it , The server can set a time point ( heartbeat ), When a certain period of time did not receive the client's message , It means disconnection or abnormal error . He asked me if I could put this paragraph recv() Write the function . I don't think so .          PS: Come back and think about it , At that time, I was investigating recv() The return value of the function : >0 Get message length , =0 Client disconnected ,lchild; } if(!s.empty()) {; cout. Birthday blessing and opening the way for teachers         After the recruitment storm , In a big data high-end talent propaganda conference in Guizhou , I decided to go home and teach , It was held by Renmin University . At that time, I delivered it to Guizhou University of Finance and economics 、 Guizhou Normal University 、 Guizhou University for Nationalities 、 There are four schools in Zunyi Medical College . This is also a turning point in my road to teaching .         Come back to , I really should thank a lot of people , Including our dormitory and a bin Xiangzai, their hot pot , The picture below is me 12 Birthday cake for my birthday in January , Thank you very much , It's really warm like home , Even though we're all on our own now ~

        At the same time, I'm also very grateful for the adoption of CSDN I know a lot of bloggers or netizens , Thank you for your blessing , At the same time, it includes the big brother who asked me to start a business , thank you .         I don't know how many strangers I've helped , Yes , It's the stranger we're not in touch with at the next intersection , Some people ask me if I need a reward , Otherwise, I feel bad about it , ha-ha , That's interesting . I can't bear to refuse ! But every time I see their words “ You're a good person ” Or communicate with me or wish me well , I'm very moved , Forgive me for being such a simple child !         Sometimes I find that I am really suitable to be a teacher , There are some things , Only at the lips and teeth , Over time , But I really want to help everyone who asks me questions , Unreserved help . After all, we are just ordinary people , Come and go naked , Every trace on my body comforts me , There's nothing wrong with being a simple person ! Even if I'm busy , But I always have a clear conscience when I help others .         As the first brother said :          Your help to others , You can use one “ ha-ha ” To cover it , But it's so precious in other people's eyes ; My own efforts , So insignificant in my own eyes , In the eyes of others, it's enough to inspire life ; Laugh at life , Life will give sunshine .


5、 ... and . second year graduated school student ( Next ) - What you want and how to teach

        Finally, it's the last semester , Here I am going to set up the time sequence of my back and forth interviews , I hope you can read something between my lines !

        Return to Guizhou for the first time Teacher's teaching interview  2015-12-26 

      《 You can eat by your talent , But I have to fight for beauty 》

        Very lucky ! First time on a plane , It's to go home to the University over there for lectures and interviews ; Wearing a suit for the first time , There are three clothes in the white shirt , One of the sweaters , Don't be cold ; The first gift from Santa Claus , It's actually in front of a podium offer.         before , A friend once asked me :“ You can eat by your talent , But you have to teach with selfie ?” My answer is :“ Do I have a face ? ha-ha , In fact, teaching can also show my talent and charm !”         You bet , I can also go to a company , Write code in a down-to-earth manner , About fourteen thousand a month ; There are also a lot of startups looking for me to do the search map 、 The image processing 、python、selenium. But I'm looking forward to the scene of myself in front of the podium and the Research Laboratory , The picture is too beautiful , I dare not think of .         Ten years later , I don't know if I will be like Chunge's teacher , Write an article, too 《 Farewell. , The research of this dog day 》 And give up College ? But it's still very optimistic at the moment , At least in addition to scientific research and teaching , I'll also write some code , I can't be hungry ; You can also write articles, blogs and lectures . A lot of times , Think it's one thing , It's one thing , Doing is another thing . a lifetime , How many things can I do that I like ? Right !         When I was just looking for a job , I saw a sentence : If someone appreciates a thousand mile horse , Right or wrong , Don't win or lose . I wish I were a family IT The company has dedicated many years , Make hundreds of thousands . But later , I just found that I like this “ Stupid horse ” Our Bole , It should be at university , Maybe it's one of the students in the crowd , Maybe the leader of the interview , And maybe it's my own narcissism !


      《 Vulgar novel 》 There seems to be such a sentence in it :Pride only hurts, it never helps. Sometimes pride can only hurt you , The rest is useless . I hope I can erase the pride in college , Follow your heart , Ten years as a day to adhere to that passion ! After all, a short passion is not worth it , Only long-term passion is worth .         Ah ! At the end of the lecture , Still a little low , Wages are now only a fraction of the development . pain , So I have so many developers , When I come to play with you later , You know what ! ha-ha , To make fun of ~         Finally, close this article with your own blog signature !“ ignorance · optimistic · A low profile · humility · life “, Always tell yourself : Ignorant I need to be optimistic to know , The low key background color is humility , And humility comes from the transparency of life , We don't just have jobs 、 Study 、 Programming , And learn to enjoy life , Why does life have to go in such a hurry , enjoy happy life !


         Return to Guizhou for the second time Talent fair 2016-04-01

       《 dedicated , Idealistic 》

        This time, I thought that I could sign the contract when I came to attend the talent Expo in Jinyang , But unfortunately , We need to take a written test 、 Interview process . But looking back , Thanks to some people , At the same time, it also includes the persistence of oneself .         All the students in Guizhou call for love 、 Stable work and dream education . Nesting Phoenix , The key is building nests , The nest is unstable , The Phoenix comes short , Finally the peacock flies southeast . Nest steady phoenix return , I just want to move forward , Work steadily , Calmly calm smile to see the flowers bloom in front of the court . Although I only stayed at home for a few days , But I still hope that the teachers will feel at ease , No regrets on the way to dream .         Where is Guizhou , It does carry too much , Have kinship 、 Have dreams , There's something deeply ingrained . I grew up on campus , Learn from niudachang to Shibing No.1 middle school , Home is always on campus , Because both parents are teachers . Then I went to Guiyang , The high school attached to normal university has lived in the school for three years , College entrance examination came to the imperial capital of Beili , Another six years , Home is always the campus , Campus is home . Last year, my sister, who took care of me since childhood, has also become a junior high school teacher , It seems that after all my life I've been connected to campus , I can't get rid of it anymore . Ah ! Inexplicable sigh ~         From months of job hunting experience , I feel deeply about it . On the one hand, they have recognized their own shortcomings , Of course, more of them are themselves too young too simple Well ! There are so many good people in the world 、 Too much . Although I can always talk to the interviewer 1~2 Hours , It's good to say that my handwriting is pretty , It's a matter of integrity ( Because I'm always in front of HR Face to face : After five years of work, I want to go home and teach ), But in the end, it's more about recommending books and advice to me . In the process, I always give the interviewer a comfortable feeling , But only the breadth , But no depth , It can't be said to be good , It's not bad !         Jiaju has been in 《 as boundless as the sea and sky 》 I've sung it in China “ Betrayed the ideal , Anyone can do it ”!Right? Really? ?

        From primary school , Writing a composition 《 My ideal 》 when , Just said :“ I don't want to be a scientist or a police uncle , I want to be a teacher , Like parents !”; In the art class of senior two , I shivered to the class and said :“ I hope I can come back to Guizhou to teach in the future ”; On the stage of teaching or summer camp , I also expounded my dream of being a teacher . Now , The choice is at hand , Where to go ? It's Beijing Internet ? Continue reading blog ? Or go home to teach ?         Whenever I call home and say :“ Beijing can give 12K~15K Monthly salary ”、“ I've been asked by a company to play games ”、“ The Aerospace Academy and the military industry said to solve the problem of hukou ” when , Mother is always silent :“ That would be great ! Just pay attention to your body .” But when I say :“ I reported to four universities in Guizhou today ( Expensive money 、 Your teacher 、 Valuing the people 、 Follow doctor's advice )”、“ I refused today offer And interviews ”、“ I prefer the University in Guizhou ” when , You can always hear something from your quick breath , Feel the hope of going home . It's really the spring breeze that warms my heart ! although “ Men are ambitious ”, But in fact, my ambition is really Guizhou 、 On campus .         No one likes the back of the train station , No one likes to turn around when they leave home . If you choose Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou , Can I tell my parents again and again in the phone with hazy eyes “ I'm fine ”, And then live in the bustling room of dozens of square meters to continue Coding. I'm sure not ,Why? Because there are a lot of people in Beijing that move me 、 The friends and brothers I'm with ! It's just parents 、 The family of the future ...Fuck! You say ? go to hell , Affectation ~ (*^__^*)

        So-called “ Mentality determines destiny ”! I personally think that my greatest strengths are mentality and nostalgia . In a sense , Persistence means nostalgia . Stationery box from primary school used in senior three , The same is true for mobile phones 、 So is the habit of taking notes , Blogs can also last three years and keep one article a week , What's more, the people you meet in your life will be cherished ,That's enough!         Choose to go home to teach , There's no costume , It's not so great , No big deal , What's more, there's no tall ! exactly , It takes something to give up , But after all, they are willing to , If you have a house, you will get it ! I hope I can get something from the podium in the future ! Although I've been talking to my parents about darkness since childhood , Including promotion 、 The rating , I'm also worried about students' absence or not learning , I am more worried about whether I will indulge in mahjong or become boastful because of the comfortable life in Guizhou . But the way I choose , Kneeling and crying, I have to finish . I Believe : Every time I see a student finish class to my thanks , On the way, I heard the teacher's greetings , Will be the driving force for me to move forward !         Of course , I know that too. , Everyone wants to be the brightest star in the night sky ! I also want to be the protagonist in other people's eyes . It's four o'clock in the night in Beijing , I write this long talk ,Who cares( Who cares? )? I can also turn them into my own memories , Hidden in the heart , Turn into a beautiful story , Although there was no result , But it's also eternal ! But I chose to share , Maybe it's the so-called mentality and nostalgia ~ It doesn't matter about privacy , Indifferent contempt !         Li Shanglong said :“ Walking alone in this world , All alone ”,beyond Yes :“ The world has been unconsciously empty ”, But I want to say :“ Lu Ben is lonely , Cherish the company of every passing person . Friends or , Let's talk about the students , So are strangers .” Remember no , At the beginning, ten people in the dormitory of high school said that they would all take the exam in Beijing , Finally, six ; All of you will go back to Guizhou to do some business , It's really going back this time ! There are still a few in graduate school and abroad . Ah ! Another sigh of looking back on time ~         As the text says :“ Actually , We can come to Beijing from Guizhou , It's already excellent in itself . In our life, we will meet many people who are in need of help , It's very likely that this is just a piece of cake for you , And it's hard for him . Now you have to help him , You can help him without a piece of meat . Especially to strangers ”. Yeah ! In programming, we also encounter all kinds of difficulties , And it's possible that the difficulty is very simple for you , But others really can't understand it ! This feeling I often encounter , How can't, other people just know . So when people don't ask you , You should also selflessly help !         therefore , I'm going to Guizhou . I will also be as selfless as ever to help more people , There are strangers in blogs 、 There are friends in life 、 There are countless students in my future . Whether or not you can become a university teacher in your hometown , At least I feel that my destiny is in my hands now , I've worked hard for it ; Even if you lose everything , I'm worth it, too ! That's it , It's early morning before I know it . If you see here , My heart is more than happy , Because you care about me !“ Nauseous ...” I'm so sentimental again , ha-ha ! All in all , dedicated , Idealism to you . Go for it ! Xiu Zhang ~         By: Dongshan 2015-11-7 Late at night 4 It's written in Beili dormitory


        Return to Guizhou for the fourth time School interview 2016-06-23

      《 Goodbye, North Tech , How do you do 》

        But he that doeth good , Don't ask future .         Stay with Li Tao , I'll catch up with you again .         The leaves gather and scatter , The jackdaw settled again .         Love knows the day , It's embarrassing at the moment .         unfortunately 23 We can't attend the graduation ceremony , Graduation photos can't be taken with you , I can't go out with you , Later, I often recall , Will regret , Tear collapse ~         As for the graduation ceremony , My graduation ceremony is to enjoy the scenery of the provinces along the train , Even though I'm on the move , But I enjoyed it . Love to watch the passing of prosperity and rain dripping on the train glass , beautiful 、 beautiful 、 beautiful .         What's more, a day and a night alone on the train often calms me down to think about something , Including those so-called feelings , The so-called peace of mind , It's a place of peace , So-called follow my heart! These things are the driving force of every choice in my life , It's the principle of my life and what I need to uphold all my life , They always seem to strengthen my faith , Purify my soul .

        Ah , Late at night, feel free to write , It may be a little abrupt . But all in all , You and I meet on the East Road of Weigong Village. It's predestined to know each other , Looking forward to the encounter in Huaxi, Guiyang many years later . Thank you for your company and concern all the way , Classmates and alumni 、 Roommates and brothers 、 So are friends and netizens , And, of course, the lab buddies , Teachers, friends and people I have helped in Beijing and Guizhou , Welcome to Guizhou .         You ask me who will report the ticket for my visit ? crap , You, of course , I also want me to give you reimbursement , Think beautifully , ha-ha ~ Recently, I ate in the school canteen in Guizhou , There are too many girls , I feel red all the time , ha-ha         Goodbye , Beijing .         Thank you , thank you !         By: Xiu Zhang ,2016 year 6 month 23 Early morning 3 spot Feeling about your wealth


        Return to Guizhou for the fifth time Leave Beijing Polytechnic 2016-07-01

      《 To all my friends in Beijing for six years 》

         Don't say "treasure" ,         Don't think about it , It's very unforgettable .         No one can tell his heart , Then why don't you ,         Leave a silhouette , Playing back in my heart .         Decades of life and death , No, there's no such thing .         Ah ! After 18 years of reading , There's not much really learned , And these friendships are what you and I cherish for a lifetime , It's the treasure of life . Every memory can make me smile , My heart is trembling .

        Ah ! I've always been asked : Why do you like to help people so much , There are still many people I don't know , Do you tried? ? Actually, I asked myself ,why? Maybe it's because I lost something when I was young , That's why I know how to cherish , Cherish everyone you know and don't know , Also willing to help everyone without complaint or regret , Never regret , I also look forward to returning to Guizhou to teach and educate people 、 put all one’s energies into one’s work .

        Ah ! Six years in a city , Finally, I left . Although there are many confidants in the future , But it's sad to leave . So many friends and classmates 、 Brothers and sisters 、 The memory and blessing of teachers and netizens ! I'm really touched , If I choose once , Or Beijing , Or Beili , Or you .

        Ah ! Can only look at the passing prosperity with tears and write this , My heart aches . Finally, I hope you will take Guizhou as your second home , Be sure to contact me when you come back , Goodbye ! To Beijing for six years and all my friends .

        Ah ! It's a pity that I have been travelling back and forth to Beijing and Guizhou recently , I'm not in a hurry to take pictures with everyone . I can only find these nine in my cell phone , The first one is the last night of Beili , The last one is the scene of my undergraduate summer vacation , This is also the end of my student career , Start your career as a teacher . Have a beginning and an end , Teaching and educating !  

6、 ... and . Entry experience - Thoughts on work

        Write here , My job is basically settled , I also came to work here in July . During this time , I really need to thank some people , Including Xia Bo and Xiao min . This job really didn't come easily , I even felt better than at one time BATH All difficult , But I also cherish it , No matter how difficult it is , I've been working hard for about five years , At the same time, we need to constantly enrich ourselves , Here are some of my working experiences !        < One >.JSP Development         This is their primary school training course before graduation in summer vacation , My first class in college ! I call it 《 Xiu Zhang JSP Development 10 days from zero single row 》 series , Students are from 14 Software engineering and computer science . Because they are the first group of students , I cherish the relationship with them , And take every student seriously ! They usually write a lot of code , Maybe teacher 、 Student 、 There are some problems in the system . But as long as it's my course , I try to get people to write more code , Do more and think more ~

        Or that sentence : There are no bad students , Only irresponsible teachers ! A student of software engineering or computer science , If you can't even write basic code , It's a waste of time , And it's not that students don't want to learn .         The day the training ended , I sigh so :         From the first shivering Lecture , I sweat a lot when I debug code for girls , The embarrassment of handing me the napkin , Until you finish this course , Video recording in class and practice after class , Keep asking me after class , Give all I know , Until at last Jsp Website , I'm enjoying it. I'm happy , My first students . Sophomores, you are really serious , At least more serious than my sophomore , I'm also very satisfied with the result of ten days . Especially in the project “ Xiu Zhang , Hello !” The welcome interface of the Lantern , Play with you , Pass me the napkin , Help me fill in the mobile phone film , be moved . Of course, you have to thank Xiao Min and I, two good teachers , Although it's in remote Guizhou , But as long as it's my students …… Just ask if you are satisfied , ha-ha , joke ~           At this moment , teaching 、 code 、 scientific research 、 life , I feel like I've touched , Life is no better than !

        The whole course is made by Xiaomin and me , Combined with actual combat experience, teach each student hand in hand to complete , It mainly includes MyEclipse、 Front end knowledge of the website 、 Database knowledge 、MySQL、JDBC、Servlet The content such as . At the same time according to the daily learning situation constantly adjust , It's true that every student has been coded , Part of , Students do part of , Guidance part , In addition, summarize the common problems and so on , These pictures are also one of their achievements .         The following month , I put something in order , Include Web Data crawling 、 Pretreatment and analysis , A secret ing.

        < Two >. Don't forget the beginner's mind         2016 year 8 month 22 Japan , I came to the Information School of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics , First report , First meeting .         I always wanted to do scientific research and teaching , I also know that several departments have been robbing me , But no matter which department you go to , I will work hard , On the one hand, as long as it's my students , I will cherish and be responsible for , And let them write more code , Feel the atmosphere of the group doing things ; On the other hand, I need to learn how to behave and teach ; Finally, professional knowledge must not be lost , This is my root , I need to enrich myself constantly , Including scientific research projects .         The day of the report , I shared a few words , Let me share with you :

                    《 Don't forget your peace of mind 》

              Don't lean your wine against the cold window , The dead leaves of the courtyard are frosting .              Forget the rough road before , I'd like to persuade you to be drunk and pay for your time .              My heart is full of sorrow , The snow crows enter the painting hall .              An knows that our generation is mediocre , His white temples are also wild .         I know how much I weigh , I know more about what I'm pursuing , Just be quiet , Don't forget the beginner's mind ,follow my heart forever~ To become a sweeping monk of CAIDA !         Here's the money I worked until three o'clock in the morning , It's really beautiful . Because we need to sort out all kinds of data and materials , I feel like I need to do five or six things at the same time in a day , I've been working overtime till night for a week 11 O 'clock , Work again this weekend , Yesterday was also the first time to sleep in the office , Work to 3 spot , To guide students in mathematical modeling and drawing until the morning 6 spot , It's hard work , But it's also growing a lot .

        < 3、 ... and >. Dialogue between Xianyu         Xianyu is my classmate in University , They are all from Guizhou , He is also a close friend who recommended me to Zunyi , After graduation, he chose to work in the military enterprises in Guizhou Province , I haven't seen it for two years . I've been working for half a month , I always feel like doing chores , At KFC we talked about 3 Hours , Always give me energy and guidance in the most difficult times , This is the so-called confidant !         I hope you can be baptized as well , Especially the students who just started to work , You can simply refer to .         1、 Software Engineering , It's not software that matters , It's engineering . If you're just programming , It is finished , It's pure code farmer , What you need is to use engineering thinking to solve practical problems in life , And transform them into virtual objects to create value , This is the key to the project .         2、 Work for two years , Do you know what my biggest gain and turning point is ? The biggest gain is before you do what you like to do , What you can do first is to do well ; The biggest turning point is to be pragmatic . At first, I went to the factory , Does it have anything to do with my programming ? It's half a dime , But then I learned the whole process , To know what kind of software they need , In fact, they are all related . Again , It's the same thing that you integrate into your work now .         3、 Software should not be limited to software , Don't be limited to programming , Code is the simplest thing , The technology is also simple , Because it can be learned , And it's the most difficult thing to behave and integrate into the working environment , At the same time, use software thinking to see things , Software logic to solve problems is what you should learn .         4、 Entering society and campus are two different things , You're just matching the environment , Although there may be a lot of everyday things you need to learn , But only by learning to live these lives , To start a career , When I started my career, I was no longer disturbed by these things .         5、 You feel tired now , It's because you're not familiar with the environment , It's not work that's tiring , It's about getting into it . Do you know what to learn in the first class after entering the society ? Learning to be a man , No one can do it , What else do you do . This is a discipline , sociology , It's not just that you just graduated from school and you can't do well , Most college students can't do it well , Many people haven't done well for decades , And that's exactly what universities can't teach you , We need to learn from social work and life .         6、 Three elements of windows developed by Microsoft : open 、 close 、 The zoom , A lot of people have been hurt , Now more is to do interface and immersive mode , Is to give you a software , You can operate , At the same time, it's really integrated into the software , For example, the game only focuses on the game itself , The system status bar will be removed to interfere with players , Again 3D The film is immersed in the content itself .         7、 When doing things, you need to learn to grasp the big and let go of the small , What is grasping the big and releasing the small . Trust is the most important thing to get along with people , So the promise must be done as much as possible , And in the process , You need to learn to do what's important first , For example, you teach now , You first need to learn to get along well with teaching , At the same time to do scientific research 、 Work .         8、 You need to wait for practice to learn , It's not like you're done with one thing and then it's disbanded , It's a process that needs to be repeated , How to improve the software created , To improve yourself and the team .         9、 Dialogue between software architect and Data Analyst : Architects say architecture is above everything , The whole project can only be developed with architecture , Including how to use data ; And data analysts quit , He said it's the data that matters now , Not software , Because the data itself is valuable , It's valuable there , It's always higher , And how to use this data to create value is the key , So you need to know something else , Including social engineering , Finance , Market, etc , To create good software .         10、 Software lags behind hardware , Do you know what I regret most about college now ? Most regret 《 The principle of computer organization 》, It's really important , Distributed, these are all based on the underlying . What's really important about portability is that it can be combined with various hardware technologies , Not just Windows System 、 Apple system, etc ; Good software is a good combination of hardware technology , Include IBM、 Apple 、 Google, etc , It doesn't have to be patched all the time .         Are you going to faint, too , Ha ha ha , An immortal is an immortal ~ summary :         I really need to learn a lot , Whether it's life 、 Working or programming , But when teacher's day comes , See many students to my blessing , Including recognizing my humorous and conscientious teaching , I'm really happy . Come here , My salary may not be much , There are fewer opportunities to learn from the great God , But it's more about peace of mind ! And there are so many students , It's a success in itself , It's a kind of life .         Finally, I'd like to thank many people I've known over the past six years , Including students 、 Brothers and sisters 、 teacher 、 Netizens and bloggers 、 I've helped and helped my people , Every stage of life is a different experience , It will also be wonderful ~         Also give yourself a few suggestions : Learn to be a man 、 Learn to do things 、 Don't complain 、 Learn to refuse 、 Adhere to the original mind 、 Scientific research and teaching .


        Finally, I end this article with my first teacher's day circle of friends :                           “ My day, ? He's a teacher .”                           “ Yeah , Yeah , Yeah ”                             I wish you and all teachers a happy Teacher's day !                             A pot of tea , Drink all the vicissitudes of life .                             Stacks of books , Condense the memory of years .                             The moon is round again , I can't sleep in front of the window .                             A sound of Erhu , The past is the past .                          “ How do you spend the first teacher's day ?”                          “ Work overtime , Work overtime , Work overtime ”                             Thank the students for my teacher's day ,                             Meeting is fate , I will take every student seriously .                             Every man is his own , It's not yesterday .                             Go back to the past , Today is still today .                             You and my flashy generation , I can also sink my heart into writing , praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct .                             Step into the next stage of life , Don't panic , Give me 16 words of truth to encourage you :                             Unity of , goodness ; resign oneself to adversity , Be yourself .                             Happy Teachers' Day !perfect~         (By:Eastmount 2016-09-13 Afternoon 3 spot )


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