Linux下C语言之字符串处理函数strdup、strndup、strndupa、strdupa的使用介绍 您所在的位置:网站首页 linux中字符串处理 Linux下C语言之字符串处理函数strdup、strndup、strndupa、strdupa的使用介绍


2024-06-29 03:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1,先看一下man手册:man strdup

strdup, strndup, strdupa, strndupa - duplicate a string SYNOPSIS #include char *strdup(const char *s); char *strndup(const char *s, size_t n); char *strdupa(const char *s); char *strndupa(const char *s, size_t n); DESCRIPTION The strdup() function returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of the string s. Memory for the new string is obtained with malloc(3), and can be freed with free(3). The strndup() function is similar, but copies at most n bytes. If s is longer than n, only n bytes are copied, and a terminating null byte ('\0') is added. strdupa() and strndupa() are similar, but use alloca(3) to allocate the buffer. They are available only when using the GNU GCC suite, and suf‐ fer from the same limitations described in alloca(3). RETURN VALUE On success, the strdup() function returns a pointer to the duplicated string. It returns NULL if insufficient memory was available, with errno set to indicate the cause of the error. ERRORS ENOMEM Insufficient memory available to allocate duplicate string.


头文件  #include

1,strdup——The strdup() function returns a pointer to a  new  string  which  is  a duplicate  of the string s.  Memory for the new string is obtained with malloc(3), and can be freed with free(3). 


2,strdnup——The strndup() function is similar, but copies at most n bytes.  If s is longer  than  n,  only  n bytes are copied, and a terminating null byte ('\0') is added.


3,strdupa、strndupa—— strdupa() and strndupa() are similar, but use alloca(3) to allocate the buffer.  They are available only when using the GNU GCC suite, and suffer from the same limitations described in alloca(3).



NAME alloca - allocate memory that is automatically freed SYNOPSIS #include void *alloca(size_t size); DESCRIPTION The alloca() function allocates size bytes of space in the stack frame of the caller. This temporary space is automatically freed when the function that called alloca() returns to its caller. RETURN VALUE The alloca() function returns a pointer to the beginning of the allo‐ cated space. If the allocation causes stack overflow, program behavior is undefined. NOTES The alloca() function is machine- and compiler-dependent. For certain applications, its use can improve efficiency compared to the use of malloc(3) plus free(3). In certain cases, it can also simplify memory deallocation in applications that use longjmp(3) or siglongjmp(3). Otherwise, its use is discouraged. Because the space allocated by alloca() is allocated within the stack frame, that space is automatically freed if the function return is jumped over by a call to longjmp(3) or siglongjmp(3). BUGS There is no error indication if the stack frame cannot be extended. (However, after a failed allocation, the program is likely to receive a SIGSEGV signal if it attempts to access the unallocated space.) On many systems alloca() cannot be used inside the list of arguments of a function call, because the stack space reserved by alloca() would appear on the stack in the middle of the space for the function argu‐ ments. 1,对比介绍: alloca()函数和malloc函数功能类似,用于分配空间。区别在于,alloca分配的是调用者的栈空间,当函数结束返回时这段空间会自动释放。而malloc分配的堆空间,不会自动释放,需要调用free()函数手动释放。 2,优缺点: alloca函数优点:效率比malloc和free的要高;简化了空间处理回收; 缺点:由于栈空间较小,分配的大小受限;空间不够时,可能不会报错;不能用于作为函数调用的形参; 3,注意事项:不可调用free函数。










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