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2024-02-18 00:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

in AM, use 美国英语用 labor

1. (辛苦的)劳动,劳作;(通常指)体力劳动Labour is very hard work, usually physical work.

e.g. ...the labour of seeding, planting and harvesting...播种、种植和收割的辛勤劳作e.g. The chef at the barbecue looked up from his labours; he was sweating.正在烧烤台上忙活的厨师抬起头来;他的脸上直冒汗。

2. (用手)劳动Someone who labours works hard using their hands.

e.g. ...peasants labouring in the fields...在地里劳作的农民e.g. Her husband laboured at the plant for 17 years.她丈夫在厂里辛勤工作了17年。

3. 艰苦地做;吃力地做If you labour to do something, you do it with difficulty.


e.g. For twenty-five years now he has laboured to build a religious community.他呕心沥血地建立一个宗教社区,至今已有25个年头。e.g. ...a young man who's labouring under all kinds of other difficulties.在其他各种困难下艰苦工作的小伙子

4. (总称)劳工,工人Labour is used to refer to the workers of a country or industry, considered as a group.


e.g. Latin America lacked skilled labour...拉丁美洲缺乏熟练工人。e.g. ...the struggle between capital and labour...劳资斗争

5. 劳动成果The work done by a group of workers or by a particular worker is referred to as their labour .

e.g. Every man should receive a fair price for the product of his labour...每个人的劳动成果都应该获得合理的回报。e.g. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power.失业者没法罢工——他们没有这种实力。

6. (英国)工党In Britain, people use Labour to refer to the Labour Party.

e.g. He believes that, historically, Labour has been most successful as the party that helped people get on in life...他相信一直以来工党在帮助人民改善生活方面表现最为出色。e.g. They all vote Labour.他们都投工党的票。

7. 工党的;支持工党的A Labour politician or voter is a member of a Labour Party or votes for a Labour Party.

e.g. ...a Labour MP...工党下院议员e.g. Millions of Labour voters went unrepresented.数以百万计的工党支持者没有议员代表。

8. 误以为;为…所蒙蔽If you labour under a delusion or misapprehension, you continue to believe something which is not true.

e.g. She laboured under the illusion that I knew what I was doing...她有一个错觉,以为我知道自己在做什么。e.g. You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions.你似乎存在相当大的误解。

9. 一再重申;反复说明If you labour a point or an argument, you keep making the same point or saying the same thing, although it is unnecessary.


e.g. I don't want to labour the point but there it is.我不想反复重申,但还是不得不说。

10. 分娩;临盆Labour is the last stage of pregnancy, in which the baby is gradually pushed out of the womb by the mother.

e.g. I thought the pains meant I was going into labour.我还以为这些疼痛意味着我要生了呢。e.g. Some women prefer to move about during labour.有些女人喜欢在分娩期间下床走动。






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