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英 [dʒʌst]

美 [dʒʌst]

adv.  正好; 恰好; 正当…时; 不少于; 同样adj.  公正的; 正义的; 正当的; 合理的; 正直的人; 公正的人; 合适的; 恰当的


Oxford 3000 / Collins.1 / BNC.72 / COCA.66


fair equitable impartial just【导航词义:公平的,公正的】

fair adj. 公平的,公正的 〔辨析〕指情况、体制、待人方式、裁断等公平合理、一视同仁的。 〔例证〕He bought the second-hand car at a fair price.他以合理的价钱买了这辆二手车。It's only fair that you tell us the reason for your resignation.你告诉我们你辞职的原因才是公平的。It's not fair if you pay her more money than me.如果你给她的薪水比给我的多就不公平。 equitable adj. 〈正式〉公平合理的 〔辨析〕指公正而平等地对待每一个人的,但一般不用于形容人。 〔例证〕an equitable price公平的价格They required an equitable division of the money.他们要求合理分配这些钱。 impartial adj. 公正的,不偏不倚的 〔辨析〕指不偏袒任何一方、没有偏见的,形容人或物均可。 〔例证〕People respect the impartial judge a lot.人们非常尊敬那位公正的法官。What you need to do is offer impartial advice on the new proposal.你需要做的是对新议案提出公正的建议。 just adj. 正义的,公正的,公平的 〔辨析〕指在道义上正当而公平的。 〔例证〕No one considered it a just war.没有人认为那是一场正义的战争。The government promised to build a just society.政府承诺要建设一个公平的社会。All the citizens trusted him because he was a just ruler.所有的市民都信任他,因为他是一位公正的统治者。 #习惯用语回顶部


could/might just as well… 不如;还是…的好used to say that you/sb would have been in the same position if you had done sth else, because you got little benefit or enjoyment from what you did do The weather was so bad we might just as well have stayed at home.天气糟糕透了,还不如待在家里好。 it is just as well (that…) (…)还好,倒也不错,还可以it is a good thing It is just as well that we didn't leave any later or we'd have missed him.还好,我们没有晚些离开,要不然我们就见不到他了。 just about 几乎;近乎;差不多almost; very nearly I've met just about everyone.我几乎每个人都见到了。 ‘Did you reach your sales target?’ ‘Just about.’“你的销售目标达到了吗?”“差不多了。” 大概;大约approximately She should be arriving just about now.她现在该到了。 just a minute/moment/second 稍等一会儿;请稍候used to ask sb to wait for a short time ‘Is Mr Burns available?’ ‘Just a second, please, I'll check.’“我可以见伯恩斯先生吗?”“请稍等一会儿,我来查一下。” just like that (就是那样)突如其来,冷不防,不加解释suddenly, without warning or explanation just now 此时;此刻;眼下at this moment Come and see me later─I'm busy just now.过些时候再来吧——我这会儿正忙着呢。 目前;现阶段during this present period Business is good just now.目前生意很红火。 刚才;刚刚;一会儿前only a short time ago I saw her just now.我刚刚见到过她。 以后;一会儿后later; in a short period of time just so (做或安排得)井井有条,有条不紊done or arranged very accurately or carefully He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so.他喜欢把家具擦得亮亮的,一切都安排得井井有条。 just then 那时;就在那时at that moment Just then, someone knocked at the front door.就在那时,大门口有人敲门。 not just yet 这会儿还不;可能很快not now but probably quite soon I can't give you the money just yet.我这会儿还不能给你钱。 I, etc. would just as soon do sth 乐意做某事(跟所建议的事一样)used to say that you would equally well like to do sth as do sth else that has been suggested I'd just as soon stay at home as go out tonight.今晚待在家里或出去我都乐意。 (just) in case (…) 以防;以防万一because of the possibility of sth happening You'd better take the keys in case I'm out.你最好带上钥匙以防我不在家。 You probably won't need to call─but take my number, just in case.你很可能无需打电话,不过还是记下我的电话号码吧,以防万一。 In case (= if it is true that) you're wondering why Jo's here─let me explain…我来解释一下吧,免得你奇怪乔为什么在这儿。 just the job 正需要的东西;求之不得的东西exactly what is needed in a particular situation #牛津词典回顶部


正好;恰好exactly This jacket is just my size.这件夹克正合我的尺码。This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out.这小玩意儿用来起那些钉子正合适。 Just my luck (= the sort of bad luck I usually have) . The phone's not working.我就是这么倒霉。电话又坏了。You're just in time .你来得正是时候。She looks just like her mother.她看上去就像她母亲。It's just what I wanted!这正是我想要的!It's just as I thought.我正是这样想的。It's just on six (= exactly six o'clock) .现在六点整。 正当…时at the same moment as The clock struck six just as I arrived.我到达时,时钟正敲六点。 不少于;同样no less than; equally She's just as smart as her sister.她与她姐姐一样聪明。You can get there just as cheaply by plane.你坐飞机到那儿同样便宜。 刚好;差一点就不;勉强by a small amount I got here just after nine.我到达这里时刚过九点。I only just caught the train.我差一点没赶上火车。Inflation fell to just over 4 per cent.通货膨胀降至4%多一点。 刚才;方才used to say that you/sb did sth very recently I've just heard the news.我刚听到这个消息。When you arrived he had only just left.你到时他刚走。She has just been telling us about her trip to Rome.她刚才一直在给我们讲她的罗马之行。I just saw him a moment ago.我刚才还见到过他。 此时;那时;眼下;现在at this/that moment; now I'm just finishing my book.眼下我正在完成我的一本书。I was just beginning to enjoy myself when we had to leave.我刚开始玩得起劲我们就得离开了。I'm just off (= I am leaving now) .我要走了。 正要;正准备;马上就要going to do sth only a few moments from now or then The water's just about to boil.水马上就要开了。I was just going to tell you when you interrupted.我正准备告诉你,你突然把话打断了。 只是;仅仅是simply It was just an ordinary day.那只是普普通通的一天。I can't just drop all my commitments.我答应要干的事可不能都不干了。This essay is just not good enough .这篇散文实在是不够好。I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I had to tell somebody.我本不想烦你,只是我非得找个人说说。This is not just another disaster movie─it's a masterpiece.不能说它只是又一部灾难片——它是一部杰作。 Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you know everything.你比我年长并不意味着你什么都知道。 真正地;确实;完全really; completely The food was just wonderful!那吃的实在是好极了!I can just imagine his reaction.我完全可以想象出他的反应。 仅仅;只不过only I decided to learn Japanese just for fun .我决定学日语只是为了好玩。I waited an hour just to see you.我等了一个小时只是为了见你。There is just one method that might work.只有一个方法可能起作用。‘Can I help you?’ ‘No thanks, I'm just looking .’ (= in a shop/store) “我能为你做点什么?”“不用,谢谢。我只是看看。” (引起注意、表示允许等)请,就used in orders to get sb's attention, give permission, etc. Just listen to what I'm saying, will you!你就听我说好吗?Just help yourselves.请大家随便吃。 (提出请求、表示歉意等)请used to make a polite request, excuse, etc. Could you just help me with this box, please?请帮我搬一搬这箱子好吗?I've just got a few things to do first.对不起,我正好有点事要先做。 (表示稍有可能)可能,也许used to show a slight possibility that sth is true or will happen Try his home number─he might just be there.试试他家的号码——他也许在那儿。 (表示赞同)used to agree with sb ‘He's very pompous.’ ‘Isn't he just?’“他很自负。”“可不是吗?”


公正的;正义的;正当的;合理的that most people consider to be morally fair and reasonable a just decision/law/society 公正的决定 / 法律 / 社会 正直的人;公正的人people who are just 合适的;恰当的appropriate in a particular situation a just reward/punishment 应有的报偿 / 惩罚I think she got her just deserts (= what she deserved) .我认为她罪有应得。 #柯林斯词典回顶部


ADV 刚才;方才;刚刚You use just to say that something happened a very short time ago, or is starting to happen at the present time. For example, if you say that someone has just arrived, you mean that they arrived a very short time ago. I've just bought a new house...我刚买了栋新房子。The two had only just met...这两个人只不过才刚刚认识。I just had the most awful dream...我刚做了个非常可怕的梦。I'm only just beginning to take it in that he's still missing.我刚刚才开始反应过来,原来他仍然下落不明。 ADV 正在;正要;正准备If you say that you are just doing something, you mean that you are doing it now and will finish it very soon. If you say that you are just about to do something, or just going to do it, you mean that you will do it very soon. I'm just making the sauce for the cauliflower...我正在弄花椰菜的调味汁呢。I'm just going to walk down the lane now and post some letters...我正打算沿这条小巷往南走,去寄几封信。The Vietnam War was just about to end.那时越南战争就要结束了。 ADV (用于强调)正,就,恰恰(在某个时刻)You can use just to emphasize that something is happening at exactly the moment of speaking or at exactly the moment that you are talking about. Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper...兰德尔这个时候应该正在拿周日的报纸。Just then the phone rang...正在那时,电话响了。I remember now. He arrived just at the moment it happened...现在我想起来了,他恰恰在事情发生的时候到了。Just as she prepared to set off to the next village, two friends arrived in a taxi.正当她准备出发去下一个村子时,两个朋友乘出租车来了。 ADV (尤用于纠正错误的观点)只是,仅仅是You use just to indicate that something is no more important, interesting, or difficult, for example, than you say it is, especially when you want to correct a wrong idea that someone may get or has already got. It's just a suggestion...这只是个建议。It's not just a financial matter...这不仅仅是资金的问题。You can tell just by looking at me that I am all right...你只用看看我就知道我很好了。The reason women are drinking is just because they like it.女人喝酒只是因为她们喜欢喝。 ADV (用于强调所谈的只是一小部分而非全部)仅仅是,只不过是You use just to emphasize that you are talking about a small part, not the whole of an amount. That's just one example of the kind of experiments you can do...这只不过是你可以做的各种试验中的一例罢了。These are just a few of the many options available.这些只不过是众多可能的选择中的几个。 ADV (用于强调数量少或时间短)只是,仅仅You use just to emphasize how small an amount is or how short a length of time is. Stephanie and David redecorated a room in just three days...斯蒂法妮和戴维仅仅花了3天就把一个房间装饰一新。Remember he's just fourteen years old.记住,他才14岁。 ADV (用于动词前表示事情的结果糟糕,很可能导致局面恶化)只(会),只不过You can use just in front of a verb to indicate that the result of something is unfortunate or undesirable and is likely to make the situation worse rather than better. Leaving like I did just made it worse...像我那样一走了之只会让事情变得更糟。They just hurt the people in their community, they didn't really solve any problem.他们只是伤害了他们社区的居民,并没有真正解决任何问题。 ADV (用于表示情况在很小的程度上属实)刚刚,勉强,差一点就不You use just to indicate that what you are saying is the case, but only by a very small degree or amount. Her hand was just visible by the light from the sitting room...借着起居室的灯光,勉强能看见她的手。It was Colin's voice, only just audible...那是科林的声音,勉强能听得见。I arrived just in time for my flight to London...我差一点就没赶上去伦敦的飞机。Jack took out his notes and talked for just under an hour...杰克掏出他的笔记,讲了将近一个小时。He could just reach the man's head with his right hand.他举起右手刚刚能够到那个男人的头。 ADV (与might,may和could连用,表示稍有可能)可能,也许You use just with 'might,' 'may,' and 'could', when you mean that there is a small chance of something happening, even though it is not very likely. It's an old trick but it just might work...这是个老掉牙的把戏了,不过也许会有用。It may just be possible.那也许有可能。 ADV (用于加强语气,表示生气、赞美、肯定等)硬是,就是,简直You use just to emphasize the following word or phrase, in order to express feelings such as annoyance, admiration, or certainty. She just won't relax...她就是放松不下来。I knew you'd be here. I just knew...我知道你会在这儿的。我就是知道。Isn't it fantastic? Just look at that!...这是不是棒极了?看看那个!Just think, we should be home this time tomorrow...想象一下,明天的这个时候我们就到家了。I don't see the point in it really. It's just stupid...我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。Isn't he just the most beautiful thing you ever saw?他难道不是你见过的最美的事物么? ADV (用于指示、礼貌的请求或表示意图的陈述,用来弱化语气)请,只要,只管…就好了You use just with instructions, polite requests, or statements of intention, to make your request or statement seem less difficult. Could you just give us a description of your cat?...能否请您向我们描述一下您的猫?Can you just lift the table for a second?...你把桌子抬起来一下好吗?I'm just going to ask you a bit more about your father's business...我只想再问一点儿有关你父亲的生意的情况。Just add water, milk and butter...只要加水、牛奶和黄油就行了。I'd just like to mention that, personally, I don't think it's wise...我只是想说,就我个人而言,我认为这并不明智。Just wait for me in the lounge.请在休息室里等我就行了。 ADV 请稍候;稍等一下You use just in expressions such as just a minute and just a moment to ask someone to wait for a short time. 'Let me in, Di.' — 'Okay. Just a minute.'“让我进来,迪。”——“好的。稍等一下。” ADV (用于打断某人,以表示不同意、解释某事或让其保持冷静)稍等一下,且慢You can use just in expressions such as just a minute and just a moment to interrupt someone, for example in order to disagree with them, explain something, or calm them down. Well, now just a second, I don't altogether agree with the premise.嗯,且慢,我并不完全同意这个前提。 ADV (用于否定附加问句,表示完全赞同)难道不是吗,确实如此You can use just with negative question tags, for example 'isn't he just?' and 'don't they just!', to say that you agree completely with what has been said. 'That's crazy,' I said. 'Isn't it just?' he said...“那简直是疯了,”我说。“谁说不是呢?”他说。'The manager's going to have some tough decisions to make.' — 'Won't he just.'“经理将要作一些非常艰难的决定。”——“确实如此。” ADV (表示完全可以想象)完全,简直If you say that you can just see or hear something, you mean that it is easy for you to imagine seeing or hearing it. I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I'd be getting from you if we started whispering together...要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。I can just hear her telling her friends, 'Well, I blame his mother!'我简直能听到她和她的朋友们说,“哎呀,都是他妈妈的错!” ADV 确切地;精确地You use just to mean exactly, when you are specifying something precisely or asking for precise information. It is really not clear just why he became a Socialist...他为何成为社会党人的确切原因实际上还不清楚。There are no statistics about just how many people won't vote...没有统计数字表明具体将有多少人不参加投票。My arm hurts too, just here...我的胳膊也疼,就是这里。That's Warwick Road, just opposite Earls Court tube station.那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。 ADV 恰恰是;正是You use just to emphasize that a particular thing is exactly what is needed or fits a particular description exactly. Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack...猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。'Let's get a coffee somewhere.'—'I know just the place.'“我们找个地方喝杯咖啡吧。”——“我知道个好地方。”...the bottle of whiskey that we had stashed behind the bookcase for just this eventuality.那瓶我们放在书架后面专为这种情况准备的威士忌 ADV 正(如);正(像)You use just in expressions such as just like ,just as...as, and just the same when you are emphasizing the similarity between two things or two people. Behind the facade they are just like the rest of us...在那副外表背后,他们和我们大家是完全一样的。He worked just as hard as anyone...他和所有人一样非常努力。At 62 years old, her voice sounded just the same as it did when she was 21.她62岁了,但嗓音还和21岁时一模一样。 PHRASE 差不多;几乎;近乎You use just about to indicate that what you are talking about is so close to being the case that it can be regarded as being the case. There are those who believe that Nick Price is just about the best golfer in the world...有一些人认为尼克·普赖斯几乎就是世界上最优秀的高尔夫球运动员了。What does she read? Just about everything...她看些什么书?几乎什么都看。'His memory must be completely back, then?' — 'Just about.'“这么说,他的记忆一定是完全恢复了?”——“差不多。” PHRASE 勉强;差一点就不You use just about to indicate that what you are talking about is in fact the case, but only by a very small degree or amount. I can just about tolerate it at the moment...当时我差一点就忍受不了了。We've got just about enough time to get there.我们刚刚有足够的时间赶到那里。 PHRASE (用于表示接近于某一具体数量)几乎,差不多Just on is used in mentioning an almost exact number or amount. Eve, squinting at the clock, saw it was just on 7 a.m...伊夫眯着眼瞥了一下钟,看到差不多是早上7点钟。Many were retired people, and just on a fifth were in their fifties.许多都是退休的人,其中差不多有五分之一年龄在五十多岁。 CONVENTION 对极了;正是Just so is used to agree with or confirm a statement that has been made. 'She has a large flat in Mayfair.' — 'Just so.'“她在梅费尔有个大公寓。”——“正是。” PHRASE 严格按照要求的If things are just so, they are done or arranged exactly as they should be or exactly as someone wants them. I do her hair, and it has to be just so.我必须得按她的要求为她做头发。 PHRASE (用于弱化抱怨、给出建议或理由时的语气)只不过,只是You use the expression it's just that when you are making a complaint, suggestion, or excuse, so that the person you are talking to will not get annoyed with you. I'm sorry I struck you. I didn't mean to. It's just that I was so mad...很抱歉我打了你。我不是有意的,只不过我当时气极了。Your hair is all right; it's just that you need a haircut.你的头发挺好的;只是你需要剪剪了。 just my luck → see: luck


ADJ-GRADED 公正的;正当的;正义的;合理的If you describe a situation, action, or idea as just, you mean that it is right or acceptable according to particular moral principles, such as respect for all human beings. In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts...在一个公正的社会中,一定会有一套人们可以通过法庭寻求赔偿的体制。She fought honestly for a just cause and for freedom...她为了正义的事业和自由而光明正大地斗争。Was Pollard's life sentence just or was it too severe?判处波拉德终身监禁是公正合理还是量刑过重? to get your just deserts → see: desert #双语例句回顶部 I've just bought a new house我刚买了栋新房子。 The two had only just met这两个人只不过才刚刚认识。 I just had the most awful dream我刚做了个非常可怕的梦。 I'm only just beginning to take it in that he's still missing.我刚刚才开始反应过来,原来他仍然下落不明。 I'm just making the sauce for the cauliflower我正在弄花椰菜的调味汁呢。 I'm just going to walk down the lane now and post some letters我正打算沿这条小巷往南走,去寄几封信。 The Vietnam War was just about to end.那时越南战争就要结束了。 Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper兰德尔这个时候应该正在拿周日的报纸。 Just then the phone rang正在那时,电话响了。 It's just a suggestion这只是个建议。 That's just one example of the kind of experiments you can do这只不过是你可以做的各种试验中的一例罢了。 Stephanie and David redecorated a room in just three days斯蒂法妮和戴维仅仅花了3天就把一个房间装饰一新。 Leaving like I did just made it worse像我那样一走了之只会让事情变得更糟。 Her hand was just visible by the light from the sitting room借着起居室的灯光,勉强能看见她的手。 It's an old trick but it just might work这是个老掉牙的把戏了,不过也许会有用。 She just won't relax她就是放松不下来。 Could you just give us a description of your cat?能否请您向我们描述一下您的猫? 'Let me in, Di.' — 'Okay. Just a minute.'“让我进来,迪。”——“好的。稍等一下。” Well, now just a second, I don't altogether agree with the premise.嗯,且慢,我并不完全同意这个前提。 'That's crazy,' I said. 'Isn't it just?' he said“那简直是疯了,”我说。“谁说不是呢?”他说。 I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I'd be getting from you if we started whispering together要是我们开始凑在一起交头接耳,我简直能想象到你那种令人讨厌的怀疑的目光了。 Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。 Behind the facade they are just like the rest of us在那副外表背后,他们和我们大家是完全一样的。 There are those who believe that Nick Price is just about the best golfer in the world有一些人认为尼克·普赖斯几乎就是世界上最优秀的高尔夫球运动员了。 I can just about tolerate it at the moment当时我差一点就忍受不了了。 Eve, squinting at the clock, saw it was just on 7 a.m伊夫眯着眼瞥了一下钟,看到差不多是早上7点钟。 'She has a large flat in Mayfair.' — 'Just so.'“她在梅费尔有个大公寓。”——“正是。” I do her hair, and it has to be just so.我必须得按她的要求为她做头发。 I'm sorry I struck you. I didn't mean to. It's just that I was so mad很抱歉我打了你。我不是有意的,只不过我当时气极了。 In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts在一个公正的社会中,一定会有一套人们可以通过法庭寻求赔偿的体制。






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