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bloated是什么意思 bloated的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-02-08 01:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





1. After eating too much, I always feel bloated.


2. His speech was full of bloated and exaggerated claims.


3. The company's bloated bureaucracy was hindering innovation.





例句:If you want to be the king of geeks with your bloated ego then just keep up all this and indulge in your freakish masturbation! (如果你是只理解自己的梦想 自信心膨胀的OTAKU大王 就被机械困住)


例句:You laugh at us now, but not for long... because you're arrogant and fat and bloated. (你现在可以笑我们,但不会太久的 因为你自大且肥胖臃肿)


例句:- You led a bloated police force on a chase with a load of fancy new toys from Fox. (- 你是不行了,你开着福克斯给你的新玩具... 领着全城的满街跑)


例句:I don't do funny voices , I don't sing catchy songs ... and i do not posess a magic carpet for your big bloated behinds to float upon ! (翻译:我不听起来很可笑,不唱的歌曲 我不拥有任何魔毯的 可你的胖飞了出去)


1. - You led a bloated police force on a chase with a load of fancy new toys from Fox. (翻译:- 你是不行了,你开着福克斯给你的新玩具... 领着全城的满街跑)

2. I don't do funny voices , I don't sing catchy songs ... and i do not posess a magic carpet for your big bloated behinds to float upon ! (翻译:我不听起来很可笑,不唱的歌曲 我不拥有任何魔毯的 可你的胖飞了出去)

3. They were too bloated or too out of date by the time they were done. (翻译:当这些项目终于被完成时, 往往延期很久,或预算严重超支。)

4. Christy Lemire of the Associated Press calls it "a bloated, uneven behemoth. " (翻译:的奎斯蒂·莱米尔称这部电影是“一头浮肿不堪疙、疙瘩瘩的巨兽”。)

5. And you see that when you distort a map based on attention, the world within American television news is basically reduced to this giant bloated U.S. (翻译:你可以看到,当我们基于新闻关注点来勾画世界地图时 我们发现 美国电视新闻所关注的 基本就是这个严重膨胀的美国 )

6. The output are our symptoms: Do we have pain? Is the cancer growing? Do we feel bloated, etc.? (翻译:输出就是症状: 有疼痛吗?肿瘤在发展吗?有浮肿吗等等。)

7. The output are our symptoms: Do we have pain? Is the cancer growing? Do we feel bloated, etc.? (翻译:输出就是症状: 有疼痛吗?肿瘤在发展吗?有浮肿吗等等。)

8. You know, I feel really bloated. I mean, nothing is looking good on me. (翻译

9. To pay its bloated salaries, the club had to ask MLB for a $25m loan in 2009. (翻译:为支付膨胀的球员薪水,游骑兵队必须在2009年向大联盟借贷2,500万美元。)

10. The bloated administrators. (翻译:-那臃肿的管理层 -你这人太危险 - The bloated administrators.)

11. Poland's economic strength in recent years belies a bloated bureaucracy, laxity in public finances and a clogged labour market. (翻译:近几年,波兰的经济实力强劲,但却存在臃肿的官僚主义、放纵的公共财政、萎缩的劳动力市场等问题。)

12. Water! ' as she lay in the back of a pick-up truck with a bloated arm and festering gash several inches wide. (翻译:她躺在一辆皮卡车后面,胳膊肿胀,长达几英寸的伤口已经化脓。)

13. I felt bloated after the huge meal they'd served. (翻译:吃过他们提供的大餐后,我觉得肚子胀得很。)

14. His Treadstone files are bloated with code keys and case files that he had no clearance for. (翻译:里面绊脚石档案中 充满各种密码和档案 都是他未经授权取得的)

15. For a nominal fixed overhead, you've got some really great gifts, and not a Hickory Farms bloated summer sausage among 'em. (翻译:对于一个名义上的间接费用,你要得到一些真的好的礼物,而不是山核桃农场之中膨胀的夏季香肠。)




- bloated ego:过分自信的自尊心、自我膨胀的自我意识、傲慢自大的个性

- bloated body:浮肿的身体、水肿的身体、臃肿的身体

- bloated budget:过高的预算、浪费的预算、冗余的预算

- bloated bureaucracy:肆意扩张的官僚机构、臃肿的机构、繁琐的行政管理体系




1. His face was bloated and unrecognizable after the allergic reaction.(他过敏后,脸部肿胀得不成样子。)

2. The bloated stomach made him feel uncomfortable.(肿胀的胃让他感觉不舒服。)

3. The actress was criticized for her bloated performance in the latest movie.(这位女演员因在最新电影中的臃肿表现受到批评。)

4. The company's bloated budget has been a concern for shareholders for years.(公司庞大的预算长年以来一直是股东们的担忧。)

5. The bloated bureaucracy of the government makes it difficult for citizens to get things done.(庞大的官僚机构让公民难以办事。)

6. The bloated image of politicians often leads to a lack of trust from the public.(家的臃肿形象往往导致公众的不信任。)

7. Bloated software can slow down your computer's performance.(CPU 膨胀的软件会减慢计算机的性能。)

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