2021年《政府工作报告》(双语全文) 您所在的位置:网站首页 grammarmatters翻译 2021年《政府工作报告》(双语全文)


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(六)实行高水平对外开放,促进外贸外资稳中提质。6. Pursuing high-standard opening up and promoting stable and improved performance in foreign trade and investment

实施更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放,更好参与国际经济合作。We will open up more sectors of the economy in a more thorough fashion andparticipate more fully in international economic cooperation.

推动进出口稳定发展。加强对中小外贸企业信贷支持,扩大出口信用保险覆盖面、优化承保和理赔条件,深化贸易外汇收支便利化试点。稳定加工贸易,发展跨境电商等新业态新模式,支持企业开拓多元化市场。发展边境贸易。创新发展服务贸易。优化调整进口税收政策,增加优质产品和服务进口。加强贸易促进服务,办好进博会、广交会、服贸会及首届中国国际消费品博览会等重大展会。推动国际物流畅通,清理规范口岸收费,不断提升通关便利化水平。We will promote steady growth of imports and exports. We will increase credit support to small and medium foreign trade firms, expand the coverage of export credit insurance and streamline the conditions for insurance acceptance and claims settlement. Trials to facilitate foreign exchange settlement for trade firms will be advanced. We will keep the processing trade stable, develop new forms and models of trade such as cross-border e-commerce, and support enterprises in diversifying their markets overseas. We will also develop border trade. New approaches will be explored to develop trade in services. We willimprove and adjust import tariff policies and increase imports of quality products and services. Trade promotion services will be improved, and good preparations will be made for holding major trade events such as the China International Import Expo, the China Import and Export Fair, the China International Fair for Trade in Services, and the first China International Consumer Products Expo. We will work to ensure smooth international logistics services, overhaul and standardize port charges, and further simplify customs clearance.

积极有效利用外资。进一步缩减外资准入负面清单。推动服务业有序开放,增设服务业扩大开放综合试点,制定跨境服务贸易负面清单。推进海南自由贸易港建设,加强自贸试验区改革开放创新,推动海关特殊监管区域与自贸试验区统筹发展,发挥好各类开发区开放平台作用。促进内外资企业公平竞争,依法保护外资企业合法权益。欢迎外商扩大在华投资,分享中国开放的大市场和发展机遇。We will use foreign investment more effectively. The negative list for foreign investment will be further cut. We will open the service sector in a well-regulated way, launch more comprehensive trials on its opening, and formulate a negative list for cross-border trade in services. We will further the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port, pursue reform, opening up,and innovation in pilot free trade zones, promote coordinated development ofspecial customs regulation zones and pilot free trade zones, and fully leverage the role of economic development zones as platforms for opening up. We will promote fair competition between domestic and foreign companies and protect the lawful rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises. Foreign investors are welcome to expand their investments in China and share in its vast open market and development opportunities.

高质量共建“一带一路”。坚持共商共建共享,坚持以企业为主体、遵循市场化原则,健全多元化投融资体系,强化法律服务保障,有序推动重大项目合作,推进基础设施互联互通。提升对外投资合作质量效益。We will promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. We are committed to the principle of achieving shared growth through consultation and collaboration. We will, with enterprises as the main actors and acting on market principles, set up a sound, diversified investment and financing framework, provide better legal services and safeguards, and work to steadily advance cooperation on major projects and promote infrastructure connectivity. We will work to improve the performance of China’s outbound investment and international cooperation in this area.

深化多双边和区域经济合作。坚定维护多边贸易体制。推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定尽早生效实施、中欧投资协定签署,加快中日韩自贸协定谈判进程,积极考虑加入全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定。在相互尊重基础上,推动中美平等互利经贸关系向前发展。中国愿与世界各国扩大相互开放,实现互利共赢。We will deepen multilateral, bilateral, and regional economic cooperation. We will continue to uphold the multilateral trading regime. We will work for the early entry into force and implementation of the Regional ComprehensiveEconomic Partnership Agreement and the signing of the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. We will accelerate China’s free trade negotiations with Japan and the Republic of Korea. China will actively consider joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. We will promote the growth of mutually beneficial China-US business relations on the basis of equality and mutual respect. China stands ready to work with other countries to achieve mutual benefits on the basis of greater mutual opening.



(七)加强污染防治和生态建设,持续改善环境质量。7. Enhancing Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Conservation and Promoting Continuous Environmental Improvement

深入实施可持续发展战略,巩固蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战成果,促进生产生活方式绿色转型。We will fully implement the sustainable development strategy, consolidate thegains in our endeavors to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and our landspollution-free, and transition to eco-friendly production and ways of life.


继续加大生态环境治理力度。强化大气污染综合治理和联防联控,加强细颗粒物和臭氧协同控制,北方地区清洁取暖率达到70%。整治入河入海排污口和城市黑臭水体,提高城镇生活污水收集和园区工业废水处置能力,严格土壤污染源头防控,加强农业面源污染治理。继续严禁洋垃圾入境。有序推进城镇生活垃圾分类处置。推动快递包装绿色转型。加强危险废物医疗废物收集处理。研究制定生态保护补偿条例。落实长江十年禁渔,实施生物多样性保护重大工程,科学推进荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理,持续开展大规模国土绿化行动,保护海洋生态环境,推进生态系统保护和修复,让我们生活的家园拥有更多碧水蓝天。We will continue to intensify efforts to improve the environment. We will strengthen comprehensive measures and joint efforts on air pollution prevention and control, and step up coordination on the control of fine particulate matter and ozone pollution. Clean heating will account for 70 percent of all heating in northern China. We will clean up sewage outfalls into seas and rivers and black, malodorous water bodies in cities. We will enhance our capacity to collect urban household sewage and to treat waste water from industrial parks. We will take stringent measures to prevent soil pollution at the source, and take stronger action to address agricultural pollution from non-point sources. The ban on the importation of solid waste will remain in place. Urban household waste sorting will be promoted in a well-planned way, the use of eco-friendly express delivery packaging will be encouraged, and the collection and treatment of hazardous waste and medical waste will be improved. The formulation of regulations on compensation for environmental conservation will be put on the agenda. We will enforce a ten-year fishing ban in the waters of the Yangtze River, and carry out major biodiversity protection projects. We will systematically promote comprehensive control of desertification, rocky desertification, and soil erosion, continue to launch large-scale land greening programs, protect the marine environment, and protect and restore ecosystems. We hope that our common home will have clearer waters and the skies above it will be bluer.

扎实做好碳达峰、碳中和各项工作。制定2030年前碳排放达峰行动方案。优化产业结构和能源结构。推动煤炭清洁高效利用,大力发展新能源,在确保安全的前提下积极有序发展核电。扩大环境保护、节能节水等企业所得税优惠目录范围,促进新型节能环保技术、装备和产品研发应用,培育壮大节能环保产业,推动资源节约高效利用。加快建设全国用能权、碳排放权交易市场,完善能源消费双控制度。实施金融支持绿色低碳发展专项政策,设立碳减排支持工具。提升生态系统碳汇能力。中国作为地球村的一员,将以实际行动为全球应对气候变化作出应有贡献。We will take solid steps toward the goals of achieving peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality. We will draw up an action plan for carbon emissions to peak by 2030. China’s industrial structure and energy mix will be improved. While promoting the clean and efficient use of coal, we will make a major push to develop new energy sources, and take active and well-ordered steps to develop nuclear energy on the basis of ensuring its safe use. We will expand the catalog of corporate income tax credits for environmental protection and the conservation of water and energy, and promote the development and application of new types of energy-efficient and eco-friendly technologies, equipment and products, and the cultivation of energy-saving and environmental protection industries to ensure the conservation and efficient use of resources. We will accelerate the development of national markets for trading energy use rights and carbon emissions rights, and improve the system to control both the total amount and intensity of energy consumption. We will introduce special policies on providing financial support for green and low-carbon development, devise instruments for supporting the reduction of carbon emissions, and enhance the carbon absorption capacity of ecosystems. As a member of the global village, China will continue to take concrete action to play its part in the global response to climate change.

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