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登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧浙江外研版2018-2019学年初中英语九年级下册期末测试卷二十(含听力音频)一、听小对话,选择最佳选项。1.(2019九下·浙江期末)What's Alan's favourite food A. B. C.2.(2019九下·浙江期末)How was the weather yesterday morning A. B. C.3.(2019九下·浙江期末)Where may the two speakers be A. B. C.4.(2019九下·浙江期末)What will Nick and Mary probably do tonight A. B. C.5.(2019九下·浙江期末)What is David doing at the moment A. B. C.二、听长对话,回答问题。6.(2019九下·浙江期末)听下面一段对话,回答问题。(1)When will the woman go to Sanya A.On January 3rd. B.On February 13th. C.On March 30th.(2)What kind of tickets will the woman buy A.The hard seat. B.The soft sleeper. C.The hard sleeper.7.(2019九下·浙江期末)听下面一段对话,回答问题。(1)What's Miss White's new job A.A doctor. B.A driver. C.A teacher.(2)What time must Miss White arrive in the morning on weekdays A.At 8:00 am. B.Before 8:15 am. C.After 8:30 am.(3)When will Miss White start working there A.Next Monday. B.Next month. C.Next year.三、听短文,选择正确答案。8.(2019九下·浙江期末)听短文,选择正确答案(1)What was Li Lei like in primary school A.Shy and quiet. B.Clever and brave. C.Active and careful.(2)What was Li Lei afraid to do when she began learning English A.To answer questions in class.B.To copy the texts before class.C.To do some writing after class.(3)When did Li Lei become interested in English A.In middle school.B.In primary school.C.In senior high school.(4)What did Li Lei like doing best in her free time A.Singing English songs.B.Watching English films.C.Reading English stories.(5)What does Li Lei want to do in the future A.To teach English.B.To work in the USAC.To enter Cambridge University.四、完形填空9.(2019九下·浙江期末)完形填空There were a number of children playing inthe street. On the roof(屋顶) of a house near thestreet, a mother stork(鹳) was resting in her nest (1) her four babies. When the children saw thesestorks, they all began to throw little stones at them (2) a boy namedPeter.Peter would not (3) them at all. He said it was not nice to (4) animals.And he told the others not to do that. Peter said that if they went on doingthat, they wouldn't see these birds the next year. People should know (5) to get on well with the animals. Finally the otherboys (6) Peter.Together they (7) leaves and apples to the storks. At first, thelittle birds were very afraid of them. As time passed, the young storks grewup, these boys became their (8) . Now the mother stork thought the littlebirds would be (9) tolook after themselves. So she began to (10) them to fly. The young storks' (11) were so heavy that they fell from timeto time. But they kept (12) flying! At last, the little birds couldfly high in the sky easily. All the children cheered them.At last, the boys were quite (13) tosee the young storks fly freely in the sky. When autumn arrived, all the storksbegan to fly to (14) countries. Before setting off, the storks flew aroundthe boys as if to say (15) to them. These children knew these birds wouldfly back when the weather was warm.(1)A.to B.for C.on D.with(2)A.besides B.except C.because D.with(3)A.join B.play C.take D.take part in(4)A.get on well with B.laugh atC.make fun of D.play with(5)A.how B.what C.why D.when(6)A.laughed at B.talkedto C.agreed with D.gave up(7)A.borrowed B.threw C.lent D.brought(8)A.mothers B.friends C.teachers D.brothers(9)A.unable B.fat C.able D.weak(10)A.stop B.teach C.warm D.leave(11)A.bodies B.heads C.food D.rooms(12)A.stopping B.wanting C.teaching D.practicing(13)A.worried B.pleased C.afraid D.angry(14)A.cooler B.colder C.warmer D.hotter(15)A.no B.goodbye C.sorry D.yes五、阅读理解10.(2019九下·浙江期末)阅读理解How wonderful it would be if there was fire! Today is November 9. It's time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire:⒈Shout outIf you smell smoke or see fire, shout out "Fire!" Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.⒉Call 119Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.⒊Keep down close to the floorIf there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.⒋Test the doorTest the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.⒌Get outIf you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.⒍Don't use the liftNever use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.⒎Don't go backNever go back into a burning building!(1)The passage is mainly about .A.bow to look after yourself when on fireB.what to do when you are caught in a fireC.when to leave the burning placeD.why to call 119 when it is on fire(2)When people are asleep, what will you do when fire breaks out A.Call for help as quickly as you can.B.Wake your parents up fast.C.Shout out "Fire!" as loudly as you can.D.Run as fast as you can.(3)Why shouldn't you use the lift when fire breaks out A.Because taking the lift is so slow.B.Because the fire can burn you.C.Because the lift may keep you safeD.Because the lift may not work.(4)When a fire is burning, you test the door to .A.find a better way out B.notice the fire clearlyC.call for a much quicker help D.see it is closed(5)If you leave an expensive thing at home, you should .A.not go back B.keep down close to the floorC.not get out D.try your best to leave11.(2019九下·浙江期末)阅读理解Nearly every parent says that we never growup. In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old. In their eyes, we are alwayslittle ones and always do wrong things. For example, when I need to stay athome alone, they always worry about me and my life without them.Mostparents always think that they have offered the best things they can to maketheir children live in a comfortable world.They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, strange butexpensive school things, and always a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They think that theyhave done everything they can to their dear little children. In return, theyonly want their little boy to give them good results in the examinations.Butwiry their little babies still can't understand them Does it mean that theystill want more material(物质的) things No. As a matterof fact, what they want is a true family. What does a true family mean I thinkit means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside cold world. Fromhere, we can get warmth, we can get consolation, and we can get happiness. Andone important thing is that we should be stronger and more confident in theoutside world because we know that we have a family.So Ithink that parents should save their money and sit down to talk with theirchild to let them know that they have a true family, so the child and hisparents could understand each other more and more. Then, no boy will beregarded as a little boy.(1)Through the first paragraph, we can see the writer of this article is .A.a doctor B.a teacher C.a parent D.a student(2)What do most parents think of their children according to the author A.They will never grow up.B.They can't do well in their studies.C.They don't know how to save money.D.They don't need their help.(3)What do most children really want A.More material things. B.More money.C.Pretty clothes. D.A true family.(4)"Consolation" in this passage means .A.提醒 B.安慰 C.物资 D.同情(5)The article is mainly about .A.that most children always do wrong thingsB.that most parents want to buy everything for their childrenC.what children really wantD.parents pay less attention to their children12.(2019九下·浙江期末)阅读理解Intoday's world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution areharmful to people. However, not all the persons know that noise is also a kindof pollution, and that is harmful to human, too.People who work and live under noisy conditions usually become deaf(聋的). Today, however, scientists believe that 10 percent (百分比) of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where theywork. Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave(织) cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports alsobecome deaf. Recently(近来) it was discovered that manyteenagers in America could hear no better than 65-year-old people, for theseyoung people like to listen to "pop" music and most of"pop" music is a kind of noise. Besides(除此之外),noise produced by jet planes or machines will make people's life difficult and unpleasant,or even make people ill or even drive them mad.Nowadays the government in many countrieshave made laws to reduce or control(控制) noiseand make it less than 85 decibels(分贝). In China, the people's government is tryingto solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise pollutionproblem.(1)The passage mainly tells us something about .A.air pollution B.water pollutionC.noise pollution D.soil pollution(2)Today scientists believe that .A.90 percent of all the workers are free from any noiseB.90 percent of all the workers in Britain are not suffering from noiseC.10 percent of all the workers in Britain are working in noisy placesD.the heating of 10 percent of all the workers in Britain is being deafened by the noise where they work(3)People who become deaf easily.A.don't print newspapers or books B.make clothesC.live far away from airports D.none of the above(4)Recently many teenagers could hear no better than 65-year-old people in America, because .A.they all live near airportsB.their hearing is harmed by 10ud musicC.they are younger than the old peopleD.their ears are still small(5)From the passage, we can infer(推断) that .A."pop" music is popular with old peopleB.less than 85 decibels can cause deafnessC.a continuous (持续的) noise of over 85 decibels can cause deafnessD.noise pollution is more serious than water pollution nowadays六、选词填空13.(2019九下·浙江期末)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。apologiseabroad exhibition againstlook through(1)Darning called Betty and Lingling to goand see the deer     in Hangzhou.(2)She attended the university     --Cambridge University to complete doctor'sdegree.(3)It is a pretty girl with a blouse andskirt who is protecting her books    the showers.(4)When reading something, you should first   the whole given passage to fingerout the useful thingsfor you.(5)You should     to your father if you do wrong.七、单词拼写14.(2019九下·浙江期末)根据短文内容和所给中文提示拼写单词,补全短文。DearMs Rowling,Myname is Michele. It is a great pleasure to write to you. I like     (阅读) yourHarry Potter books. A few days ago, I     (听) to a radio programmeabout you. Now I know you were    (出生) in England and you are now living with your husband and     (小孩) in Scotland. Ialso know that you taught English at home and in other countries before youstarted writing     (书). The radio programmesaid that you could only     (写作) the first bookwhen your baby daughter fell     (入睡), so you worked onit for five years. That was really a     (困难的) job. On yourwebsite it says that there will be seven Harry Potter books. That's great! Yourson David and your daughter Jessica must be     (自豪) of you. I hope I can become as successful as you whenI     (长大) up.Thankyou for spending time reading my letter.Yourssincerely,Michele八、语法填空15.(2019九下·浙江期末)语法填空Charlie was a special boy. When he was little, he had    accident, which meant he couldn'twalk. But that had never been a problem for him. He had always been happy to beable to grow and become an     (old) boy. People called    Cheerful Charlie because of hishappy nature and kindness to others.Ayoung boy, known as Waterworks, was a real cry boy. No matter    Charlie said to him, Waterworkswould always find some     (reason) to be sad. But Cheerful Charliedidn't give up. He spent some time with Waterworks, trying     (encourage) him and cheer him up.One day when the two boys     (walk) together in the street, someone droppeda cake from a window above, and it    (land) right on Charlie's head.The two boys were afraid, and although Waterworks was just to cry, he thought    Charlie's happy words and finallysaid, "Wow, Charlie, what a funny face you have!"With these words, Waterworks    (feel) so good, and finallyunderstood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful.九、任务型阅读16.(2019九下·浙江期末)Peter将离开墨尔本(Melbourne)外出工作一年,他 打算将其房屋出租。请根据下面的地图与房屋平面示意图,把他的房屋出租信息补充完整。House for RentWant an ice house for just $ 600 a week This house is on     Road in the City of Melbourne. It is just opposite Monash    . It is well kept by the owner. Outside the house, there is a garage and a yard in the front. On the     floor, there is a living room, a dining room, a    , and a laundry. On the second floor, there is one big     and three bedrooms, fully furnished.It is the best for this price! Please call Peter at+ 61399051777 in the day time if you want to.十、书面表达17.(2019九下·浙江期末)某中学在开展“崇尚节俭,文明做人(advocating thrift and beingcivilized)”活动一年来,取得了很好的效果,但还有极少数学生做得不够好,在校园里依然还会出现以下图片中的情形。请你选择以下现象中的几种或全部进行描述,并就中学生如何“杜绝浪费,文明做人”提出至少两点建议。要求:1)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名;2)语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;3)词数80一100。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Some middle school students aren't doing enough in" advocating thrift and being civilized".答案解析部分1.【答案】B【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: Alan, shall we order a pizza for dinner M: Great! That's my favourite. Thank you.【分析】句意:艾伦最喜欢的食物是什么?根据对话内容可知艾伦最喜欢的食物是比萨饼 ,故选B。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词pizza。2.【答案】A【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: You didn't go outside yesterday morning, Tony M: No. It rained too hard.【分析】句意:昨天上午的天气怎样?根据It rained too hard.可知在下雨,故选A。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词 rained。3.【答案】B【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, young man M: Oh, I've got a stomachache, doctor. I think I'm dying.【分析】句意:这两个说话人可能在哪?根据I've got a stomachache, doctor.可知在医院,故选B。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词doctor。4.【答案】C【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, this is Mary. Come and see the movie with me this evening, Nick M: OK, Mary. I'd love to.【分析】句意:尼克和玛丽今晚可能将做什么?根据Come and see the movie with me this evening, Nick可知将看电影,故选C。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词 movie。5.【答案】B【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: Could you help clean the room, David M: Not now, Mum. I'm busy with my homework. Ask Jim. He's playing with the dog there.【分析】句意:戴维此刻正在做什么?根据I'm busy with my homework.可知戴维在做作业,故选B。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词 homework。6.【答案】(1)B(2)C【知识点】短对话理解【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, I'd like to book some tickets to Sanya on February 13th.M: OK. What time do you want W: The train at 10:49 am. What about the price M: Tickets at 500 for the hard sleeper, 825 for the soft sleeper and 380 for the hard seat. Which one do you want W: I'd like to book 3 tickets for the hard sleeper.M: All right. 3 hard sleeper tickets. En, the 1Ds, please.W: Here you are. Thank you.M: You are welcome.【分析】文章大意:这位妇女2月13日将去三亚,她订购了3张硬座票。(1)根据I'd like to book some tickets to Sanya on February 13th可知,这个妇女2月13日将去三亚,故选B。(2)根据I'd like to book 3 tickets for the hard sleeper.可知是硬座票,故选C。【点评】考查听力理解能力,首先看懂问题,然后根据问题在文中找依据,选出正确答案。7.【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)A【知识点】长对话理解【解析】【听力原文】M: Welcome to join us, Miss White. Before you begin your job, you have to know the rules here. First of all, the class begins at 8:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon. You have to arrive fifteen minutes earlier before the first class.W: Of course, Sir. What else' M: You should be patient to all these little kids, and love them. And the last thing, every week, you will have a two-day holiday, Saturday and Sunday.W: I see, Sir. When shall I start my work here M: Next Monday. That's OK W: OK, Sir. Thank you.【分析】文章大意:怀特先生找到一份新的工作,去一个学校当老师,新学校的一位老师向怀特先生介绍学校的一些纪律,第一节课提前15分钟到班,下周一开始上班。(1)根据You have to arrive fifteen minutes earlier before the first class.可知怀特先生新的工作是老师,故选C。(2)根据the class begins at 8:30 in the morning, You have to arrive fifteen minutes earlier before the first class.可知上午怀特先生应该 8:15 到班,故选B。(3)根据Next Monday可知怀特先生下周一开始上班,故选A。【点评】考查听力理解能力,首先看懂问题,然后根据问题在文中找依据,选出正确答案。8.【答案】(1)A(2)A(3)A(4)A(5)C【知识点】短文理解【解析】【听力原文】 When Li Lei began to learn English in primary school, she was a very shy and quiet little girl. Her English was rather poor. So she was always afraid to answer the teacher's questions in the English classes.After she went to middle school, things were different. She met her English teacher, Mr Gao. His spoken English was excellent. She liked his lessons very much. Then she became interested in English. She listened carefully in class and often took part in the classroom activities. In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies. But she liked singing English songs best, and she sang beautifully.Li Lei is now good at English. She wants to study in Cambridge University in the UK, so she is working hard at other subjects as well.【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了李雷从小学到初中的变化。(1)根据When Li Lei began to learn English in primary school, she was a very shy and quiet little girl. 可知在小学李雷是害羞文静,故选A。(2)根据she was always afraid to answer the teacher's questions in the English classes.可知在课堂上他害怕回答问题,故选A。(3)根据After she went to middle school,hen she became interested in English.可知在中学对英语感兴趣,故选A。(4)根据 In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies. But she liked singing English songs best, 可知他喜欢唱英语歌,故选A。(5)根据She wants to study in Cambridge University in the UK可知他想上剑桥大学,故选C。【点评】考查听力理解能力,首先看懂问题,然后根据问题在文中找依据,选出正确答案。9.【答案】(1)D;(2)B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)A;(6)C;(7)D;(8)B;(9)C;(10)B;(11)A;(12)D;(13)B;(14)C;(15)B【知识点】日常生活类;记叙文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了皮特看见一群孩子用石头砸鹳,皮特告诉这些孩子应该与动物友好相处,保护动物。最后孩子们认同皮特建议。(1)句意:一个母鹳和她的四个雏鹳在她的巢休息。根据 When the children saw these storks,可知母鹳和 四个雏鹳,应用with,故选D。(2)句意:除了一个叫皮特外他们开始用下石头砸它们。 A.besides 除了......之外还有; B.except 除了......之外;C.because 因为; D.with和。根据 下文皮特没有加入他们,可知皮特除外,故选B。(3)句意:皮特一点不愿意加入他们。固定搭配join sb加入某人, 根据 he told the others not to do that. 可知他不愿意加入他们,故选A。(4)句意:他说愚弄动物不好。 A.get on well with和......相处得好; B.laugh at嘲笑; C.make fun of 取笑,愚弄; D.play with玩......。 根据 Peter said that if they went on doing that, they wouldn't see these birds the next year. 可知他劝说不要愚弄动物,故选C。(5)句意:人们应该知道怎样与动物相处。固定搭配 know how to do sth知道怎样做某事,故选A。(6)句意:最后其他的男孩同意皮特的意见。 A.laughed at嘲笑; B.talked to和......谈话; C.agreed with 同意某人; D.gave up 放弃。根据 Together 可知他们同意了皮特的意见,故选C。(7)句意:他们一起把树叶和苹果带给鹳。固定搭配,bring…to,把......带给,故选D。(8)句意:这些男孩成为他们的朋友。 A.mothers妈妈; B.friends 朋友;C.teachers老师; D.brothers兄弟。 根据常识动物是人类的朋友,故选B。(9)句意:现在母鹳认为这些小鸟能照顾自己。固定搭配,be able to do,能做某事,故选C。(10)句意:她开始教它们飞。固定搭配,teach sb to do sth,教某人做某事,begin to do sth,开始做某事,故选B。(11)句意:这些小鹳的身体是这样重它们时而落下来。 A.bodies身体; B.heads 头;C.food食物; D.rooms房间。 根据 they fell from time to time, 可知是小鹳的身体,故选A。(12)句意:但是他们一直练习飞。 A.stopping停止; B.wanting 想要; C.teaching教; D.practicing 练习。根据 At last, the little birds could fly high in the sky easily. 可知小鸟练习飞,故选D。(13)句意:最后这些男孩看到小鹳在天空中自由飞翔很高兴 。固定搭配be pleased to do sth高兴做某事,故选B。(14)句意:当秋天到了,所有的鹳飞到更暖和的地方。 A.cooler更凉爽 B.colder更冷; C.warmer 更暖和;D.hotter 更热的。 根据 When autumn arrived 可知天气开始变凉,应该去比较暖和的地方,故选C。(15)句意:出发前,鹳在男孩们周围飞来飞去,好像在向他们告别。固定搭配,say goodbye to sb,向某人告别,故选B。【点评】考查词汇在语篇在中的运用能力。答题首先要跳过空格,通读文章掌握大意,然后细读文章 字斟句酌作答,注意考虑句型固定搭配,语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证。10.【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A(5)A【知识点】日常生活类;说明文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了遇到火灾时应该怎么做。(1)主旨题。根据文章内容,本文主要介绍了遇到火灾时应该怎么做。故选B。(2)细节题。根据 If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out "Fire!" Shout as loudly as you can, 可知尽可能大声喊救火,故选C。(3)细节题。根据 Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong 可知电梯可能出问题不工作,故选D。(4)细节题。根据 If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out. 可知应寻找更好不同的出路。故选A。(5)细节题。根据 Never go back into a burning building! 可知不要回到燃烧的建筑物里,即使有贵重的东西,故选A。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题。细节题要注意细节从文中找答案;主旨题需要通读全文了解大意之后找出中心思想。11.【答案】(1)D(2)A(3)D(4)B(5)C【知识点】日常生活类;说明文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了现在的父母认为他们能给孩子提供最好的东西,使孩子过上舒适的生活。然而孩子不理解父母,孩子需要的是给他们安慰温暖的家,要解决父母与孩子之间的问题,需要父母与孩子之间多沟通,了解孩子们真正需要什么。(1)细节题。根据 Nearly every parent says that we never grow up. In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old 可知十六七岁应该是学生,故选D。(2)细节题。根据 Nearly every parent says that we never grow up.可知父母认为他们从未长大,故选A。(3)细节题。根据 As a matter of fact, what they want is a true family 可知他们想要的是真正的家庭,故选D。(4)词义猜测题。根据 From here, we can get warmth, we can get consolation, and we can get happiness. 可知他们想得到温暖幸福,可推测出consolation应该是安慰,故选B。(5)主旨题。根据文章内容,本文讲述了现在的父母认为他们能给孩子提供最好的东西,使孩子过上舒适的生活。然而孩子不理解父母,孩子需要的是给他们安慰温暖的家,要解决父母与孩子之间的问题,需要父母与孩子之间多沟通,了解孩子们真正需要什么。故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题,词义猜测题和主旨题都是常考题型。细节题要注意细节从文中找答案;词义猜测题是根据上下文,猜测出词义;主旨题需要通读全文了解大意之后找出中心思想。12.【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)D(4)B(5)C【知识点】科普环保类;说明文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍噪音污染产生的原因及危害。(1)主旨题。根据文章内容,本文主要介绍噪音污染产生的原因及危害。故选C。(2)细节题。根据 however, scientists believe that 10 percent (百分比) of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where they work. 可知工作场所的噪音使工人变聋,故选D。(3)细节题。根据 Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave(织) cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports also become deaf. 可知使人变聋的原因有印刷书报,编织衣服和居住在飞机场附近,故选D。(4)细节题。根据 for these young people like to listen to "pop" music and most of "pop" music is a kind of noise. 可知青少年年听力损害是大声的音乐,故选B。(5)推断题。根据 Nowadays the government in many countries have made laws to reduce or control(控制) noise and make it less than 85 decibels(分贝). 可知政府减少或控制噪音在85分贝以下,可推猜出85分贝以上的噪音会导致耳聋,故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题,推理判断题和主旨题都是常考题型。细节题要注意细节从文中找答案;推理题是根据上下文,推断出所需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文了解大意之后找出中心思想。13.【答案】(1)exhibition(2)abroad(3)against(4)look through(5)apologise/apologize【知识点】选词填空【解析】【分析】 apologise道歉 abroad到国外 exhibition展览 against反对 look through浏览(1)句意:丹宁打电话给贝蒂和玲玲去看看杭州鹿展。根据句意,可知应用 exhibition ,故答案为 exhibition 。(2)句意:他在国外读大学——剑桥大学完成博士学位。根据 Cambridge University 可知应该是国外的,应用abroad ,故答案为 abroad 。(3)句意:这是一个漂亮的女孩,穿着衬衫和裙子,她正在保护她的书,防止淋浴。根据 protecting her books 可知应该是防止淋湿,应用 against ,故答案为 against 。(4)句意:当你阅读时,你应该先浏览所给的文章找出对你有用的东西。根据 the whole given passage,可知应该是浏览 ,should后跟动词原形 look through ,故答案为 look through 。(5)句意:如果你做错了你应该向你父亲道歉。固定搭配 apologise/apologize to sb,向......道歉。should后跟动词原形,故答案为 apologise/apologize 。【点评】选词填空,考查词汇在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。14.【答案】reading;listened;born;children/kids;books;write;asleep;hard/difficult/tough;proud;grow【知识点】单词拼写【解析】【分析】文章大意:Michele介绍了 Harry Potter的作者 Rowling女士的一些情况。(1)句意:我喜欢读你的哈利波特书。 read,读,like doing,喜欢做某事,read的动名词reading, 故填reading。(2)句意:我也挺关于你的无线电节目。固定搭配,listen to sth,听某物,根据 A few days ago 可知应用一般过去时,listen 的过去式是 listened ,故填 listened 。(3)句意:现在我知道你出生在英国。固定搭配,be born,出生,故填born。(4)句意:你现在和你的丈夫和孩子住在苏格兰。 child/ kid,孩子, 可数名词不能单独用单独用时应用复数,child/ kid的复数是 children/kids ,故填 children/kids 。(5)句意:在你开始写书之前。book,书,可数名词不能单独用单独用时应用复数,book复数books ,故填 books 。(6)句意:无线电节目说你只写第一本书。 write,写,情态动词 could 后跟动词原形 write, 故填 write 。(7)句意:当你的小女儿入睡时。固定搭配,fall asleep,入睡, 故填 asleep。(8)句意:那真是难的工作。难的, hard/difficult/tough, 故填 hard/difficult/tough 。(9)句意:你的儿子 David 和你的 Jessica 一定因你而骄傲。固定搭配,be proud of,因......而骄傲, 故填 proud。(10)句意:我希望当我长大时能和你一样成功。固定搭配,grow up,长大,when引导的状语从句主句用一般将来时从句用一般现在时,主语是I应用动词原形grow,故填 grow 。【点评】考查单词拼写,注意单词的形式。15.【答案】an;older;him;what;reasons;to encourage;were walking;landed;of;felt【知识点】语法填空【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了残疾男孩 Charlie 自己快乐地生活,而且还鼓励爱哭男孩 Waterworks坚强生活的故事。(1)句意:当他小的时候,他出了事故。固定搭配,have an accident,出事故,故答案为an。(2)句意:他总是开心长成一个大男孩。根据 be able to grow,可知成为一个更大的男孩, older较大的,故答案为 older 。(3)句意:人们叫他开心的查理。固定搭配,call sb sth,叫某人......,call后跟代词的宾格,he宾格是him,故答案为 him 。(4)句意:无论查理给他说什么。根据句子结构say后缺宾语,应用what,故答案为what。(5)句意: Waterworks 总找到一些悲哀的理由。some后跟可数名词的复数, reason的复数 reasons ,故答案为 reasons 。(6)句意:尽力鼓励他是他振作起来。固定搭配,try to do sth,尽力做某事, encourage,鼓励, 动词,故答案为 to encourage 。(7)句意:当两个男孩一起在街道里行走时,有人从上面窗户扔蛋糕。根据句意,强调正在街道里行走,应用过去进行时,过去进行时的构成形式:was/were +doing,主语 the two boys ,应用 were walking ,故答案为 were walking 。(8)句意:它正好落在查理的头上。英语中,上下句的时态应保持一致,应用过去式, land过去式 landed ,故答案为 landed 。(9)句意:他想到查理快乐的话语。固定搭配,think of,想到,故答案为of。(10)句意:说着 Waterworks 感到如此好。英语中,前后两句的时态保持一致,应用过去式, feel过去式felt ,故答案为 felt 。【点评】语法填空,本题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。16.【答案】Wellington;University;first;kitchen;bathroom【知识点】任务型阅读【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文是一则广告,介绍了房屋的位置,结构,出租的价格及联系方式。(1)句意:这个房子在墨尔本的 Wellington路。根据地图可知,故答案为Wellington。(2)句意:刚好在莫纳什大学对面。根据地图可知,故答案为 University。(3)句意:在第一层,有客厅......。根据房屋平面图可知,故答案为 first。(4)句意:在第一城,有客厅餐厅厨房......。根据房屋平面图可知,故答案为 kitchen。(5)句意:在第二层,有一个大的浴室......。根据房屋平面图可知,故答案为 bathroom。【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意先看短文,从图中找答案,并注意单词的写法。17.【答案】 Somemiddle school students aren't doing enough in advocating thrift and beingcivilized".We're sorry to see that there is still somewaste in our school! For example, some often leave the taps on after washingtheir hands. In the dinning hall, a lot of food can be seen left after themeals. What's worse, we often find that waste paper is thrown everywhere, whichmakes others feel uncomfortable. In addition, some students like to write ordraw on the wall or on the desk.Asmiddle school students, we should develop good habits and stop wastinganything. Let's do it from now on!【知识点】提纲作文【解析】【分析】本文要求对图片现象中的几种或全部进行描述,并就中学生如何“杜绝浪费,文明做人”提出至少两点建议 。根据提示及要求,内容包括:在校园里存在的问题:洗手后不关水龙头;乱扔食物;乱扔废纸;在墙上或课桌上乱画乱写。提出两点建议:养成好习惯;停止浪费。文体说明文;人称第一人称;时态一般现在时。适当运用连词,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。【点评】这篇短文包含了题目所给的所有信息。连词and,or使用得当。还运用了宾语从句。 We're sorry to see that there is still some waste in our school! .(宾语从句) we often find that waste paper is thrown everywhere.(宾语从句)。二一教育在线组卷平台(zujuan.21cnjy.com)自动生成 1 / 1登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧浙江外研版2018-2019学年初中英语九年级下册期末测试卷二十(含听力音频)一、听小对话,选择最佳选项。1.(2019九下·浙江期末)What's Alan's favourite food A. B. C.【答案】B【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: Alan, shall we order a pizza for dinner M: Great! That's my favourite. Thank you.【分析】句意:艾伦最喜欢的食物是什么?根据对话内容可知艾伦最喜欢的食物是比萨饼 ,故选B。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词pizza。2.(2019九下·浙江期末)How was the weather yesterday morning A. B. C.【答案】A【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: You didn't go outside yesterday morning, Tony M: No. It rained too hard.【分析】句意:昨天上午的天气怎样?根据It rained too hard.可知在下雨,故选A。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词 rained。3.(2019九下·浙江期末)Where may the two speakers be A. B. C.【答案】B【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: What's the matter, young man M: Oh, I've got a stomachache, doctor. I think I'm dying.【分析】句意:这两个说话人可能在哪?根据I've got a stomachache, doctor.可知在医院,故选B。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词doctor。4.(2019九下·浙江期末)What will Nick and Mary probably do tonight A. B. C.【答案】C【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, this is Mary. Come and see the movie with me this evening, Nick M: OK, Mary. I'd love to.【分析】句意:尼克和玛丽今晚可能将做什么?根据Come and see the movie with me this evening, Nick可知将看电影,故选C。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词 movie。5.(2019九下·浙江期末)What is David doing at the moment A. B. C.【答案】B【知识点】听录音选图【解析】【听力原文】W: Could you help clean the room, David M: Not now, Mum. I'm busy with my homework. Ask Jim. He's playing with the dog there.【分析】句意:戴维此刻正在做什么?根据I'm busy with my homework.可知戴维在做作业,故选B。【点评】考查选图类听力,先看图片内容,然后有目的地去听,抓住关键词 homework。二、听长对话,回答问题。6.(2019九下·浙江期末)听下面一段对话,回答问题。(1)When will the woman go to Sanya A.On January 3rd. B.On February 13th. C.On March 30th.(2)What kind of tickets will the woman buy A.The hard seat. B.The soft sleeper. C.The hard sleeper.【答案】(1)B(2)C【知识点】短对话理解【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, I'd like to book some tickets to Sanya on February 13th.M: OK. What time do you want W: The train at 10:49 am. What about the price M: Tickets at 500 for the hard sleeper, 825 for the soft sleeper and 380 for the hard seat. Which one do you want W: I'd like to book 3 tickets for the hard sleeper.M: All right. 3 hard sleeper tickets. En, the 1Ds, please.W: Here you are. Thank you.M: You are welcome.【分析】文章大意:这位妇女2月13日将去三亚,她订购了3张硬座票。(1)根据I'd like to book some tickets to Sanya on February 13th可知,这个妇女2月13日将去三亚,故选B。(2)根据I'd like to book 3 tickets for the hard sleeper.可知是硬座票,故选C。【点评】考查听力理解能力,首先看懂问题,然后根据问题在文中找依据,选出正确答案。7.(2019九下·浙江期末)听下面一段对话,回答问题。(1)What's Miss White's new job A.A doctor. B.A driver. C.A teacher.(2)What time must Miss White arrive in the morning on weekdays A.At 8:00 am. B.Before 8:15 am. C.After 8:30 am.(3)When will Miss White start working there A.Next Monday. B.Next month. C.Next year.【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)A【知识点】长对话理解【解析】【听力原文】M: Welcome to join us, Miss White. Before you begin your job, you have to know the rules here. First of all, the class begins at 8:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon. You have to arrive fifteen minutes earlier before the first class.W: Of course, Sir. What else' M: You should be patient to all these little kids, and love them. And the last thing, every week, you will have a two-day holiday, Saturday and Sunday.W: I see, Sir. When shall I start my work here M: Next Monday. That's OK W: OK, Sir. Thank you.【分析】文章大意:怀特先生找到一份新的工作,去一个学校当老师,新学校的一位老师向怀特先生介绍学校的一些纪律,第一节课提前15分钟到班,下周一开始上班。(1)根据You have to arrive fifteen minutes earlier before the first class.可知怀特先生新的工作是老师,故选C。(2)根据the class begins at 8:30 in the morning, You have to arrive fifteen minutes earlier before the first class.可知上午怀特先生应该 8:15 到班,故选B。(3)根据Next Monday可知怀特先生下周一开始上班,故选A。【点评】考查听力理解能力,首先看懂问题,然后根据问题在文中找依据,选出正确答案。三、听短文,选择正确答案。8.(2019九下·浙江期末)听短文,选择正确答案(1)What was Li Lei like in primary school A.Shy and quiet. B.Clever and brave. C.Active and careful.(2)What was Li Lei afraid to do when she began learning English A.To answer questions in class.B.To copy the texts before class.C.To do some writing after class.(3)When did Li Lei become interested in English A.In middle school.B.In primary school.C.In senior high school.(4)What did Li Lei like doing best in her free time A.Singing English songs.B.Watching English films.C.Reading English stories.(5)What does Li Lei want to do in the future A.To teach English.B.To work in the USAC.To enter Cambridge University.【答案】(1)A(2)A(3)A(4)A(5)C【知识点】短文理解【解析】【听力原文】 When Li Lei began to learn English in primary school, she was a very shy and quiet little girl. Her English was rather poor. So she was always afraid to answer the teacher's questions in the English classes.After she went to middle school, things were different. She met her English teacher, Mr Gao. His spoken English was excellent. She liked his lessons very much. Then she became interested in English. She listened carefully in class and often took part in the classroom activities. In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies. But she liked singing English songs best, and she sang beautifully.Li Lei is now good at English. She wants to study in Cambridge University in the UK, so she is working hard at other subjects as well.【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了李雷从小学到初中的变化。(1)根据When Li Lei began to learn English in primary school, she was a very shy and quiet little girl. 可知在小学李雷是害羞文静,故选A。(2)根据she was always afraid to answer the teacher's questions in the English classes.可知在课堂上他害怕回答问题,故选A。(3)根据After she went to middle school,hen she became interested in English.可知在中学对英语感兴趣,故选A。(4)根据 In her free time, she read many English stories and watched lots of English movies. But she liked singing English songs best, 可知他喜欢唱英语歌,故选A。(5)根据She wants to study in Cambridge University in the UK可知他想上剑桥大学,故选C。【点评】考查听力理解能力,首先看懂问题,然后根据问题在文中找依据,选出正确答案。四、完形填空9.(2019九下·浙江期末)完形填空There were a number of children playing inthe street. On the roof(屋顶) of a house near thestreet, a mother stork(鹳) was resting in her nest (1) her four babies. When the children saw thesestorks, they all began to throw little stones at them (2) a boy namedPeter.Peter would not (3) them at all. He said it was not nice to (4) animals.And he told the others not to do that. Peter said that if they went on doingthat, they wouldn't see these birds the next year. People should know (5) to get on well with the animals. Finally the otherboys (6) Peter.Together they (7) leaves and apples to the storks. At first, thelittle birds were very afraid of them. As time passed, the young storks grewup, these boys became their (8) . Now the mother stork thought the littlebirds would be (9) tolook after themselves. So she began to (10) them to fly. The young storks' (11) were so heavy that they fell from timeto time. But they kept (12) flying! At last, the little birds couldfly high in the sky easily. All the children cheered them.At last, the boys were quite (13) tosee the young storks fly freely in the sky. When autumn arrived, all the storksbegan to fly to (14) countries. Before setting off, the storks flew aroundthe boys as if to say (15) to them. These children knew these birds wouldfly back when the weather was warm.(1)A.to B.for C.on D.with(2)A.besides B.except C.because D.with(3)A.join B.play C.take D.take part in(4)A.get on well with B.laugh atC.make fun of D.play with(5)A.how B.what C.why D.when(6)A.laughed at B.talkedto C.agreed with D.gave up(7)A.borrowed B.threw C.lent D.brought(8)A.mothers B.friends C.teachers D.brothers(9)A.unable B.fat C.able D.weak(10)A.stop B.teach C.warm D.leave(11)A.bodies B.heads C.food D.rooms(12)A.stopping B.wanting C.teaching D.practicing(13)A.worried B.pleased C.afraid D.angry(14)A.cooler B.colder C.warmer D.hotter(15)A.no B.goodbye C.sorry D.yes【答案】(1)D;(2)B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)A;(6)C;(7)D;(8)B;(9)C;(10)B;(11)A;(12)D;(13)B;(14)C;(15)B【知识点】日常生活类;记叙文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了皮特看见一群孩子用石头砸鹳,皮特告诉这些孩子应该与动物友好相处,保护动物。最后孩子们认同皮特建议。(1)句意:一个母鹳和她的四个雏鹳在她的巢休息。根据 When the children saw these storks,可知母鹳和 四个雏鹳,应用with,故选D。(2)句意:除了一个叫皮特外他们开始用下石头砸它们。 A.besides 除了......之外还有; B.except 除了......之外;C.because 因为; D.with和。根据 下文皮特没有加入他们,可知皮特除外,故选B。(3)句意:皮特一点不愿意加入他们。固定搭配join sb加入某人, 根据 he told the others not to do that. 可知他不愿意加入他们,故选A。(4)句意:他说愚弄动物不好。 A.get on well with和......相处得好; B.laugh at嘲笑; C.make fun of 取笑,愚弄; D.play with玩......。 根据 Peter said that if they went on doing that, they wouldn't see these birds the next year. 可知他劝说不要愚弄动物,故选C。(5)句意:人们应该知道怎样与动物相处。固定搭配 know how to do sth知道怎样做某事,故选A。(6)句意:最后其他的男孩同意皮特的意见。 A.laughed at嘲笑; B.talked to和......谈话; C.agreed with 同意某人; D.gave up 放弃。根据 Together 可知他们同意了皮特的意见,故选C。(7)句意:他们一起把树叶和苹果带给鹳。固定搭配,bring…to,把......带给,故选D。(8)句意:这些男孩成为他们的朋友。 A.mothers妈妈; B.friends 朋友;C.teachers老师; D.brothers兄弟。 根据常识动物是人类的朋友,故选B。(9)句意:现在母鹳认为这些小鸟能照顾自己。固定搭配,be able to do,能做某事,故选C。(10)句意:她开始教它们飞。固定搭配,teach sb to do sth,教某人做某事,begin to do sth,开始做某事,故选B。(11)句意:这些小鹳的身体是这样重它们时而落下来。 A.bodies身体; B.heads 头;C.food食物; D.rooms房间。 根据 they fell from time to time, 可知是小鹳的身体,故选A。(12)句意:但是他们一直练习飞。 A.stopping停止; B.wanting 想要; C.teaching教; D.practicing 练习。根据 At last, the little birds could fly high in the sky easily. 可知小鸟练习飞,故选D。(13)句意:最后这些男孩看到小鹳在天空中自由飞翔很高兴 。固定搭配be pleased to do sth高兴做某事,故选B。(14)句意:当秋天到了,所有的鹳飞到更暖和的地方。 A.cooler更凉爽 B.colder更冷; C.warmer 更暖和;D.hotter 更热的。 根据 When autumn arrived 可知天气开始变凉,应该去比较暖和的地方,故选C。(15)句意:出发前,鹳在男孩们周围飞来飞去,好像在向他们告别。固定搭配,say goodbye to sb,向某人告别,故选B。【点评】考查词汇在语篇在中的运用能力。答题首先要跳过空格,通读文章掌握大意,然后细读文章 字斟句酌作答,注意考虑句型固定搭配,语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证。五、阅读理解10.(2019九下·浙江期末)阅读理解How wonderful it would be if there was fire! Today is November 9. It's time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire:⒈Shout outIf you smell smoke or see fire, shout out "Fire!" Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.⒉Call 119Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.⒊Keep down close to the floorIf there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.⒋Test the doorTest the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.⒌Get outIf you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.⒍Don't use the liftNever use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.⒎Don't go backNever go back into a burning building!(1)The passage is mainly about .A.bow to look after yourself when on fireB.what to do when you are caught in a fireC.when to leave the burning placeD.why to call 119 when it is on fire(2)When people are asleep, what will you do when fire breaks out A.Call for help as quickly as you can.B.Wake your parents up fast.C.Shout out "Fire!" as loudly as you can.D.Run as fast as you can.(3)Why shouldn't you use the lift when fire breaks out A.Because taking the lift is so slow.B.Because the fire can burn you.C.Because the lift may keep you safeD.Because the lift may not work.(4)When a fire is burning, you test the door to .A.find a better way out B.notice the fire clearlyC.call for a much quicker help D.see it is closed(5)If you leave an expensive thing at home, you should .A.not go back B.keep down close to the floorC.not get out D.try your best to leave【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A(5)A【知识点】日常生活类;说明文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍了遇到火灾时应该怎么做。(1)主旨题。根据文章内容,本文主要介绍了遇到火灾时应该怎么做。故选B。(2)细节题。根据 If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out "Fire!" Shout as loudly as you can, 可知尽可能大声喊救火,故选C。(3)细节题。根据 Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong 可知电梯可能出问题不工作,故选D。(4)细节题。根据 If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out. 可知应寻找更好不同的出路。故选A。(5)细节题。根据 Never go back into a burning building! 可知不要回到燃烧的建筑物里,即使有贵重的东西,故选A。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题。细节题要注意细节从文中找答案;主旨题需要通读全文了解大意之后找出中心思想。11.(2019九下·浙江期末)阅读理解Nearly every parent says that we never growup. In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old. In their eyes, we are alwayslittle ones and always do wrong things. For example, when I need to stay athome alone, they always worry about me and my life without them.Mostparents always think that they have offered the best things they can to maketheir children live in a comfortable world.They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, strange butexpensive school things, and always a thousand-yuan-cost bike. They think that theyhave done everything they can to their dear little children. In return, theyonly want their little boy to give them good results in the examinations.Butwiry their little babies still can't understand them Does it mean that theystill want more material(物质的) things No. As a matterof fact, what they want is a true family. What does a true family mean I thinkit means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside cold world. Fromhere, we can get warmth, we can get consolation, and we can get happiness. Andone important thing is that we should be stronger and more confident in theoutside world because we know that we have a family.So Ithink that parents should save their money and sit down to talk with theirchild to let them know that they have a true family, so the child and hisparents could understand each other more and more. Then, no boy will beregarded as a little boy.(1)Through the first paragraph, we can see the writer of this article is .A.a doctor B.a teacher C.a parent D.a student(2)What do most parents think of their children according to the author A.They will never grow up.B.They can't do well in their studies.C.They don't know how to save money.D.They don't need their help.(3)What do most children really want A.More material things. B.More money.C.Pretty clothes. D.A true family.(4)"Consolation" in this passage means .A.提醒 B.安慰 C.物资 D.同情(5)The article is mainly about .A.that most children always do wrong thingsB.that most parents want to buy everything for their childrenC.what children really wantD.parents pay less attention to their children【答案】(1)D(2)A(3)D(4)B(5)C【知识点】日常生活类;说明文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了现在的父母认为他们能给孩子提供最好的东西,使孩子过上舒适的生活。然而孩子不理解父母,孩子需要的是给他们安慰温暖的家,要解决父母与孩子之间的问题,需要父母与孩子之间多沟通,了解孩子们真正需要什么。(1)细节题。根据 Nearly every parent says that we never grow up. In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old 可知十六七岁应该是学生,故选D。(2)细节题。根据 Nearly every parent says that we never grow up.可知父母认为他们从未长大,故选A。(3)细节题。根据 As a matter of fact, what they want is a true family 可知他们想要的是真正的家庭,故选D。(4)词义猜测题。根据 From here, we can get warmth, we can get consolation, and we can get happiness. 可知他们想得到温暖幸福,可推测出consolation应该是安慰,故选B。(5)主旨题。根据文章内容,本文讲述了现在的父母认为他们能给孩子提供最好的东西,使孩子过上舒适的生活。然而孩子不理解父母,孩子需要的是给他们安慰温暖的家,要解决父母与孩子之间的问题,需要父母与孩子之间多沟通,了解孩子们真正需要什么。故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题,词义猜测题和主旨题都是常考题型。细节题要注意细节从文中找答案;词义猜测题是根据上下文,猜测出词义;主旨题需要通读全文了解大意之后找出中心思想。12.(2019九下·浙江期末)阅读理解Intoday's world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution areharmful to people. However, not all the persons know that noise is also a kindof pollution, and that is harmful to human, too.People who work and live under noisy conditions usually become deaf(聋的). Today, however, scientists believe that 10 percent (百分比) of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where theywork. Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave(织) cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports alsobecome deaf. Recently(近来) it was discovered that manyteenagers in America could hear no better than 65-year-old people, for theseyoung people like to listen to "pop" music and most of"pop" music is a kind of noise. Besides(除此之外),noise produced by jet planes or machines will make people's life difficult and unpleasant,or even make people ill or even drive them mad.Nowadays the government in many countrieshave made laws to reduce or control(控制) noiseand make it less than 85 decibels(分贝). In China, the people's government is tryingto solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise pollutionproblem.(1)The passage mainly tells us something about .A.air pollution B.water pollutionC.noise pollution D.soil pollution(2)Today scientists believe that .A.90 percent of all the workers are free from any noiseB.90 percent of all the workers in Britain are not suffering from noiseC.10 percent of all the workers in Britain are working in noisy placesD.the heating of 10 percent of all the workers in Britain is being deafened by the noise where they work(3)People who become deaf easily.A.don't print newspapers or books B.make clothesC.live far away from airports D.none of the above(4)Recently many teenagers could hear no better than 65-year-old people in America, because .A.they all live near airportsB.their hearing is harmed by 10ud musicC.they are younger than the old peopleD.their ears are still small(5)From the passage, we can infer(推断) that .A."pop" music is popular with old peopleB.less than 85 decibels can cause deafnessC.a continuous (持续的) noise of over 85 decibels can cause deafnessD.noise pollution is more serious than water pollution nowadays【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)D(4)B(5)C【知识点】科普环保类;说明文【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍噪音污染产生的原因及危害。(1)主旨题。根据文章内容,本文主要介绍噪音污染产生的原因及危害。故选C。(2)细节题。根据 however, scientists believe that 10 percent (百分比) of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where they work. 可知工作场所的噪音使工人变聋,故选D。(3)细节题。根据 Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave(织) cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports also become deaf. 可知使人变聋的原因有印刷书报,编织衣服和居住在飞机场附近,故选D。(4)细节题。根据 for these young people like to listen to "pop" music and most of "pop" music is a kind of noise. 可知青少年年听力损害是大声的音乐,故选B。(5)推断题。根据 Nowadays the government in many countries have made laws to reduce or control(控制) noise and make it less than 85 decibels(分贝). 可知政府减少或控制噪音在85分贝以下,可推猜出85分贝以上的噪音会导致耳聋,故选C。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题,推理判断题和主旨题都是常考题型。细节题要注意细节从文中找答案;推理题是根据上下文,推断出所需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文了解大意之后找出中心思想。六、选词填空13.(2019九下·浙江期末)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。apologiseabroad exhibition againstlook through(1)Darning called Betty and Lingling to goand see the deer     in Hangzhou.(2)She attended the university     --Cambridge University to complete doctor'sdegree.(3)It is a pretty girl with a blouse andskirt who is protecting her books    the showers.(4)When reading something, you should first   the whole given passage to fingerout the useful thingsfor you.(5)You should     to your father if you do wrong.【答案】(1)exhibition(2)abroad(3)against(4)look through(5)apologise/apologize【知识点】选词填空【解析】【分析】 apologise道歉 abroad到国外 exhibition展览 against反对 look through浏览(1)句意:丹宁打电话给贝蒂和玲玲去看看杭州鹿展。根据句意,可知应用 exhibition ,故答案为 exhibition 。(2)句意:他在国外读大学——剑桥大学完成博士学位。根据 Cambridge University 可知应该是国外的,应用abroad ,故答案为 abroad 。(3)句意:这是一个漂亮的女孩,穿着衬衫和裙子,她正在保护她的书,防止淋浴。根据 protecting her books 可知应该是防止淋湿,应用 against ,故答案为 against 。(4)句意:当你阅读时,你应该先浏览所给的文章找出对你有用的东西。根据 the whole given passage,可知应该是浏览 ,should后跟动词原形 look through ,故答案为 look through 。(5)句意:如果你做错了你应该向你父亲道歉。固定搭配 apologise/apologize to sb,向......道歉。should后跟动词原形,故答案为 apologise/apologize 。【点评】选词填空,考查词汇在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。七、单词拼写14.(2019九下·浙江期末)根据短文内容和所给中文提示拼写单词,补全短文。DearMs Rowling,Myname is Michele. It is a great pleasure to write to you. I like     (阅读) yourHarry Potter books. A few days ago, I     (听) to a radio programmeabout you. Now I know you were    (出生) in England and you are now living with your husband and     (小孩) in Scotland. Ialso know that you taught English at home and in other countries before youstarted writing     (书). The radio programmesaid that you could only     (写作) the first bookwhen your baby daughter fell     (入睡), so you worked onit for five years. That was really a     (困难的) job. On yourwebsite it says that there will be seven Harry Potter books. That's great! Yourson David and your daughter Jessica must be     (自豪) of you. I hope I can become as successful as you whenI     (长大) up.Thankyou for spending time reading my letter.Yourssincerely,Michele【答案】reading;listened;born;children/kids;books;write;asleep;hard/difficult/tough;proud;grow【知识点】单词拼写【解析】【分析】文章大意:Michele介绍了 Harry Potter的作者 Rowling女士的一些情况。(1)句意:我喜欢读你的哈利波特书。 read,读,like doing,喜欢做某事,read的动名词reading, 故填reading。(2)句意:我也挺关于你的无线电节目。固定搭配,listen to sth,听某物,根据 A few days ago 可知应用一般过去时,listen 的过去式是 listened ,故填 listened 。(3)句意:现在我知道你出生在英国。固定搭配,be born,出生,故填born。(4)句意:你现在和你的丈夫和孩子住在苏格兰。 child/ kid,孩子, 可数名词不能单独用单独用时应用复数,child/ kid的复数是 children/kids ,故填 children/kids 。(5)句意:在你开始写书之前。book,书,可数名词不能单独用单独用时应用复数,book复数books ,故填 books 。(6)句意:无线电节目说你只写第一本书。 write,写,情态动词 could 后跟动词原形 write, 故填 write 。(7)句意:当你的小女儿入睡时。固定搭配,fall asleep,入睡, 故填 asleep。(8)句意:那真是难的工作。难的, hard/difficult/tough, 故填 hard/difficult/tough 。(9)句意:你的儿子 David 和你的 Jessica 一定因你而骄傲。固定搭配,be proud of,因......而骄傲, 故填 proud。(10)句意:我希望当我长大时能和你一样成功。固定搭配,grow up,长大,when引导的状语从句主句用一般将来时从句用一般现在时,主语是I应用动词原形grow,故填 grow 。【点评】考查单词拼写,注意单词的形式。八、语法填空15.(2019九下·浙江期末)语法填空Charlie was a special boy. When he was little, he had    accident, which meant he couldn'twalk. But that had never been a problem for him. He had always been happy to beable to grow and become an     (old) boy. People called    Cheerful Charlie because of hishappy nature and kindness to others.Ayoung boy, known as Waterworks, was a real cry boy. No matter    Charlie said to him, Waterworkswould always find some     (reason) to be sad. But Cheerful Charliedidn't give up. He spent some time with Waterworks, trying     (encourage) him and cheer him up.One day when the two boys     (walk) together in the street, someone droppeda cake from a window above, and it    (land) right on Charlie's head.The two boys were afraid, and although Waterworks was just to cry, he thought    Charlie's happy words and finallysaid, "Wow, Charlie, what a funny face you have!"With these words, Waterworks    (feel) so good, and finallyunderstood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful.【答案】an;older;him;what;reasons;to encourage;were walking;landed;of;felt【知识点】语法填空【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了残疾男孩 Charlie 自己快乐地生活,而且还鼓励爱哭男孩 Waterworks坚强生活的故事。(1)句意:当他小的时候,他出了事故。固定搭配,have an accident,出事故,故答案为an。(2)句意:他总是开心长成一个大男孩。根据 be able to grow,可知成为一个更大的男孩, older较大的,故答案为 older 。(3)句意:人们叫他开心的查理。固定搭配,call sb sth,叫某人......,call后跟代词的宾格,he宾格是him,故答案为 him 。(4)句意:无论查理给他说什么。根据句子结构say后缺宾语,应用what,故答案为what。(5)句意: Waterworks 总找到一些悲哀的理由。some后跟可数名词的复数, reason的复数 reasons ,故答案为 reasons 。(6)句意:尽力鼓励他是他振作起来。固定搭配,try to do sth,尽力做某事, encourage,鼓励, 动词,故答案为 to encourage 。(7)句意:当两个男孩一起在街道里行走时,有人从上面窗户扔蛋糕。根据句意,强调正在街道里行走,应用过去进行时,过去进行时的构成形式:was/were +doing,主语 the two boys ,应用 were walking ,故答案为 were walking 。(8)句意:它正好落在查理的头上。英语中,上下句的时态应保持一致,应用过去式, land过去式 landed ,故答案为 landed 。(9)句意:他想到查理快乐的话语。固定搭配,think of,想到,故答案为of。(10)句意:说着 Waterworks 感到如此好。英语中,前后两句的时态保持一致,应用过去式, feel过去式felt ,故答案为 felt 。【点评】语法填空,本题考查单词在语境中的运用,需要根据单词在语境中的词性进行必要的变形,同时熟记固定搭配和基本句型。九、任务型阅读16.(2019九下·浙江期末)Peter将离开墨尔本(Melbourne)外出工作一年,他 打算将其房屋出租。请根据下面的地图与房屋平面示意图,把他的房屋出租信息补充完整。House for RentWant an ice house for just $ 600 a week This house is on     Road in the City of Melbourne. It is just opposite Monash    . It is well kept by the owner. Outside the house, there is a garage and a yard in the front. On the     floor, there is a living room, a dining room, a    , and a laundry. On the second floor, there is one big     and three bedrooms, fully furnished.It is the best for this price! Please call Peter at+ 61399051777 in the day time if you want to.【答案】Wellington;University;first;kitchen;bathroom【知识点】任务型阅读【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文是一则广告,介绍了房屋的位置,结构,出租的价格及联系方式。(1)句意:这个房子在墨尔本的 Wellington路。根据地图可知,故答案为Wellington。(2)句意:刚好在莫纳什大学对面。根据地图可知,故答案为 University。(3)句意:在第一层,有客厅......。根据房屋平面图可知,故答案为 first。(4)句意:在第一城,有客厅餐厅厨房......。根据房屋平面图可知,故答案为 kitchen。(5)句意:在第二层,有一个大的浴室......。根据房屋平面图可知,故答案为 bathroom。【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意先看短文,从图中找答案,并注意单词的写法。十、书面表达17.(2019九下·浙江期末)某中学在开展“崇尚节俭,文明做人(advocating thrift and beingcivilized)”活动一年来,取得了很好的效果,但还有极少数学生做得不够好,在校园里依然还会出现以下图片中的情形。请你选择以下现象中的几种或全部进行描述,并就中学生如何“杜绝浪费,文明做人”提出至少两点建议。要求:1)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名;2)语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;3)词数80一100。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Some middle school students aren't doing enough in" advocating thrift and being civilized".【答案】 Somemiddle school students aren't doing enough in advocating thrift and beingcivilized".We're sorry to see that there is still somewaste in our school! For example, some often leave the taps on after washingtheir hands. In the dinning hall, a lot of food can be seen left after themeals. What's worse, we often find that waste paper is thrown everywhere, whichmakes others feel uncomfortable. In addition, some students like to write ordraw on the wall or on the desk.Asmiddle school students, we should develop good habits and stop wastinganything. Let's do it from now on!【知识点】提纲作文【解析】【分析】本文要求对图片现象中的几种或全部进行描述,并就中学生如何“杜绝浪费,文明做人”提出至少两点建议 。根据提示及要求,内容包括:在校园里存在的问题:洗手后不关水龙头;乱扔食物;乱扔废纸;在墙上或课桌上乱画乱写。提出两点建议:养成好习惯;停止浪费。文体说明文;人称第一人称;时态一般现在时。适当运用连词,做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。【点评】这篇短文包含了题目所给的所有信息。连词and,or使用得当。还运用了宾语从句。 We're sorry to see that there is still some waste in our school! .(宾语从句) we often find that waste paper is thrown everywhere.(宾语从句)。二一教育在线组卷平台(zujuan.21cnjy.com)自动生成 1 / 1








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