枯叶蝶用英语怎么说 枯叶蝶的英语翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 fluttershy为什么翻译成小蝶 枯叶蝶用英语怎么说 枯叶蝶的英语翻译

枯叶蝶用英语怎么说 枯叶蝶的英语翻译

2024-05-07 12:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

枯叶蝶用英语怎么说 枯叶蝶的英语翻译 作者:小希菲 • 2023-10-15 02:10:44 • 阅读 195

枯叶蝶的英语为"  Kallima inachis formosana Fruhstorfer",还网络中常译为"  Creekbeds Butterfly",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到61个与枯叶蝶相关的释义和例句。

枯叶蝶的英语为"  Kallima inachis formosana Fruhstorfer",还网络中常译为"  Creekbeds Butterfly",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到61个与枯叶蝶相关的释义和例句。

1.   Kallima inachis formosana Fruhstorfer

枯叶蝶翻译为   Kallima inachis formosana Fruhstorfer。

Only country banned the capture leaves erflies.

Lappet Butterfly Lappet Butterfies ( 枯叶蝴蝶 )

1. Did you use leaves when you prepared the soil?

2. i'm supposed to go around looking for piles of leaves?

3. Microsurgical treatment for tumors of spheno-clival region by extended transsphenoidal approach

4. "The monarch will be crowned."

5. That's the silver-washed and that's the medium brown... beckerwood, red admiral, swallowtail, pea.

译文:那些是银洗蝶 那些是中褐蝶 贝克尔木蝶 红海军蝶 凤蝶 孔雀蝶。

6. i'm not giving this man up to some two-faced, big-haired food critic.

8. We heard Fluttershy was here.

9. Let's go out to catch erfly

10. The story of Chuang-tzu and the erfly?

11. What happened with Ji-hye's grade?

12. With leaves up above; seeds fruits and petals on the ground...

13. Anybody caught a Monarch yet?

14. We"re going on to the brush. Burn it. Take the stumps up out of the ground.

15. The grades will not be changed!


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