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2023-02-13 00:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

adhere to(phr v.)

1) to stick firmly to something

核心是stick,怎么样的stick?stick firmly.stick的对象是什么?stick firmly to something.

所以,adhere to 的意思就是牢牢地粘在某物上。

2) to continue to behave according to a particular rule ,agreement ,or belief.

核心是behave, 怎么样behave ?to continue behave,并且 according to a particular

rule ,agreement,or belief.所以 adhere的意思就是持续地按照特定的规则、协议、信念去行动。

3.speak for itself /themselves

to show something very clearly 核心是show ,show什么呢?show something。怎么样地show?clearly。所以speak for itself/themself的意思是清楚地展示某物

4.frivolity[u and c]

behavior or activities that are not serious or sensible ,especially when you should be serious or sensible

核心是behavior or activities,什么样的behavior or activities?that are not serious or sensible,在什么情况下用?especially when you should be serious or sensible.所以frivolity的意思就是在你应当严肃时做出的不严肃的行为,意译就是愚蠢轻率所为、无关痛痒的事物

5.aspirational (adj)

wanting very much to achieve success in your career or improve your social status and standard of living 核心是wanting very much,干什么呢?to achieve or improve,achieve什么?achieve success in your career,improve 什么呢?improve status and standard ,什么样的status和standard呢?your social status ,your standard of living.所以asprirational的意思就是说一个人非常想在他的事业中获得成功或去提高他的社会地位与生活水平

6.aspire (to sth /to do sth)

to desire and work towards achieving something important

核心是desire and work ,desire and work 什么呢?toward achieving something ,什么样的something?something important.所以aspire 的意思就是渴望和努力去实现重要的事

7.aspiration (n.)

a strong desire to have or do sth

核心是desire ,什么样的design?strong ,to have or do sth,所以aspiration的意思就是强烈去拥有某物或做某事的渴望

8.aspiring (adj.)

hoping to be successful in a particular job ,activity ,or way of life

核心是hoping ,hoping什么?to be successful,在什么情况下?in a particular job,activity,or way of life.所以aspiring的意思就是希望在特定的工作、活动、生活的方式中变得成功,意译为有抱负的

9.accessible (adj)

a)someone who is accessible is easy to meet and talk to ,even if they are very important or powerful

核心是easy to meet and talk to,指代谁?someone,什么样的someone?even if they are very important or powerful.所以accessible的意思就是某人很容易见到和交谈,即使他很重要或者有权势,意译为平易近人的

b) a place ,building ,or object that is accessible is easy to reach or get into.

核心是easy to reach or get into,用在什么身上?a place ,building,or object,所以accessible 的意思就是说一个地方、僵住或物体容易接近或进入

c) easy to obtain or use


10.femininity (n.)

qualities that are considered to be typical of women ,especially qualities that are gentle ,delicate ,and pretty

核心就是qualities,什么样的qualities?are considered to be typical of women,到底是哪些typical of women?especially qualities that are gentle ,delicate,and pretty.所以femininity



someone or something that is feminine has qualities that are considered typical of women,especially being pretty or gentle

核心就是has qualities ,什么qualities? are considered typical of women ,especially being pretty or gentle,即femininity,所以feminine 的意思就是has qualities that is femininity,即说人有女性特质,意译为有女人味的


needed for a particular purpose (= necessary ,required)

核心就是needed,对于什么事呢?for a particular purpose所以requisite 的意思就是对于特定的目的是需要的,可译为必需的

13.leg work (spoken)

work involving much walking or traveling about to collect information ,deliver messages,etc

核心是work,什么样的work?involving much walking or traveling ,walking or traveling

什么?about to collect information,deliver messages,etc所以leg work 的意思就是一项包含有许多去收集、传递信息的跑腿的工作,简言之就是跑腿活儿


baggy clothes are big and do not fit tightly on your body

核心是big and do not fit tightly,对什么来说?on your body,用在什么身上?clothes,所以baggy的意思是说衣服很大且对于你的身体不是很合适


a)relating to the process of producing babies ,young animals,or plants

核心是relating to the process,什么process?process of producing babies,谁produce babies?young animals or plants.所以reproductive 的意思就是与动物或植物生殖过程相关的

b) relating to the copying of books,pictures,music etc.

核心是relating to the copying,什么的copying? copying of books,pictures,music etc


16.the entirety of sth(formal)

the whole of something


17. in its /their entirety

including every part


18.disparity (in /between)

a difference between two or more things,especially an unfair one

核心就是 difference,什么样的difference?首先是difference in two or more things,其次是unfair,所以disparity的意思就是两件或多件事之间的不同,尤其是不公平的的不同。


to criticize someone or something in a humorous way that makes them seem stupid

核心是to criticize ,criticize什么?someone or something,怎么criticize? in a humorous way,结果怎样?that makes them seem stupid,所以lampoon的意思就是以一种幽默的方式来评价某人某物使之看起来很愚蠢






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