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2024-07-16 13:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The book which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.(我从图书馆借的那本书很有趣。) The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.(那个车被盗了的男人向警察报了案。) The girl whom I met at the party is a doctor.(我在聚会上见过的那个女孩是一名医生。) The movie that we saw last night was terrible.(昨晚我们看的电影很糟糕。) The teacher whose class I skipped was angry with me.(我逃了课的那位老师对我很生气。) The house which we lived in when we were kids has been torn down.(我们小时候住的那所房子已经拆了。) The boy whom I asked for directions was very helpful.(我问路的那个男孩非常乐意帮助我。) The restaurant that we went to last night was very expensive.(昨晚我们去的那家餐厅非常昂贵。) The woman whose dog bit me apologized profusely.(那只咬了我一口的狗的主人极力道歉。) The job that I applied for has not yet been filled.(我申请的那个工作还没有被填补。) The man whom I saw on the street was wearing a green hat.(我在街上看到的那个男人戴着一顶绿色的帽子。) The doctor whose advice I followed was very knowledgeable.(我听从建议的那位医生非常有学问。) The car that we rented for the weekend was very comfortable.(我们周末租的那辆车非常舒适。) The girl whom I spoke to on the phone was very polite.(我在电话里跟那个女孩说话时非常有礼貌。) The book that I am reading now is about ancient history.(我现在正在读的那本书是关于古代历史的。) The man whose daughter is in my class is a famous actor.(我班上有个女儿的那位男士是一名著名演员。) The restaurant that I recommended to my friend was excellent.(我向朋友推荐的那家餐厅非常出色。) The woman whom I met at the conference was a professor.(我在会议上遇到的那位女士是一名教授。) The jacket that I bought yesterday was on sale.(我昨天买的那件夹克是打折的。) The man whose car broke down on the highway called for a tow truck.(那辆在公路上抛锚的车的主人叫来了拖车。) The hotel that we stayed in was very comfortable.(我们住的酒店非常舒适。) The woman whom I saw at the store was wearing a red dress.(我在商店里看到的那个女人穿着一件红色的连衣裙。) The doctor whose patients all love her is retiring next year.(所有病人都喜欢的那位医生明年就要退休了。) The car that my neighbor bought is a sports car.(我邻居买的那辆车是一辆跑车。) The girl whom I sat next to on the bus was reading a book.(我在公共汽车上坐的那个女孩正在读书。) The restaurant that we went to for dinner had a great view.(我们晚餐去的那家餐厅有一个很好的景观。) The man whose dog I petted was very friendly.(我抚摸的那只狗的主人非常友好。) The book that I read last week was very long.(我上周读的那本书非常长。) The teacher whose class I am taking is very strict.(我正在上的那位老师非常严厉。) The car that I saw in the parking lot was a red convertible.(我在停车场看到的那辆车是一辆红色的敞篷车。) The woman whom I met at the gym was a personal trainer.(我在健身房遇到的那位女士是一名私人教练。) The movie that we watched last night was a comedy.(昨晚我们看的电影是一部喜剧片。) The man whose wallet I found was very grateful.(我捡到的那位男士的钱包非常感激。) The restaurant that we ate at for lunch had great service.(我们午餐在吃饭的那家餐厅的服务非常好。) The girl whom I gave my phone number to has not called me yet.(我把电话号码给的那个女孩还没有给我打电话。) The book that I want to buy is out of stock.(我想买的那本书已经缺货了。) The man whose house burned down lost everything.(房子被烧毁的那位男士失去了一切。) The car that we rented for the trip was a minivan.(我们租的那辆车是一辆迷你货车。) The woman whom I saw in the park was walking her dog.(我在公园里看到的那位女士正在遛狗。) The teacher whose class I am in charge of is retiring next year.(我负责的那位老师明年就要退休了。) The restaurant that we went to for breakfast was crowded.(我们早餐去的那家餐厅很拥挤。) The man whom I met at the party was very charming.(我在聚会上认识的那个男人非常有魅力。) The movie that I watched on the plane was very entertaining.(我在飞机上看的那部电影非常有趣。) The woman whose purse was stolen was upset.(被盗了钱包的那位女士很沮丧。) The book that I read in high school was very inspiring.(我在高中读的那本书非常鼓舞人心。) The teacher whom I had for math was very strict.(我上数学课的那位老师非常严格。) The car that my friend lent me was a hybrid.(我的朋友借给我的那辆车是一辆混合动力车。) The girl whom I met at the library was studying for an exam.(我在图书馆遇到的那个女孩正在为考试而学习。) The restaurant that we went to for dessert had delicious cakes.(我们吃甜点的那家餐厅有美味的蛋糕。) The man whose dog ran away was searching for him.(跑丢了的那只狗的主人正在寻找它。)







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