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put in造句

#put in造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、A security man was put in to check on doors and windows委派了一个安全人员检查门窗。

2、Could I put in a word (ie say sth) at this point我现在说几句行吗

3、I just got up and the sun, glowing, put in fine FIG, lighting up the whole world.刚刚起身的太阳呵,精神抖擞,红光四溢,把整个世界照得通亮。

4、They ask to be put in adjoining room.他们要求被安排在相邻的房间。

5、You just put in a battery, and they will take care of themselves.店: 您只要装上一颗电池,就不用管它们了。

6、a potential takeover target that has not yet been put in play还没有被接受的有潜力的对象。

7、There is no room to put in a single additional word再一个字也加不进来了。

8、Next, you need to put in place the code to handle these events when they are fired.下一步,在正确的位置加入代码,以便在激发事件时进行处理。

9、That also is one of the things to put in neon.也是他值得褒扬的事迹之一。

10、Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her.她的成功证明了老师对她的信心是正确的。

11、lost temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place.临时丢失的;尤其被放在不平常的或易被忘记的地方的。

12、Put in some sugar and then cut the flour in with a knite先放一些糖,然后再用刀把面粉拌进去。

13、It can also be put in essential liquid or tonic lotion while be used.本品也可加入精华素、爽肤水中溶解使用。

14、A mere pup who had to be put in her place.不得不放在她的位置上的年轻人

15、put in or restore to an upright position.插入或恢复到垂直位置。

16、In 1958 he was put in charge of water conservancy construction.1958年,领导上让他负责水利建设工程。

17、My dad was put in a prison camp where he was beaten and abused by Serb soldiers.我的父亲被塞尔维亚的士兵殴打并擅自把他关进了监狱。

18、He put in for a transfer to another position他申请调职。

19、Then put in the ark the Testimony, which I will give you.16必将我所要赐给你的法版放在柜里。

20、A solution of antifreeze like you put in your car in the winter?这种解决办法就像我们在冬季往车里加抗冻剂一样吗?

21、We thank you for your order, which has been put in hand at once.感谢你方订货,我们已立即着手办理。

22、If the goods were damaged in the post, you can put in a claim to the post office.如果货物在邮递途中遭到损坏,你可向邮局索赔。

23、But the schism of the company, close to be not put in this problem.但是公司的分立、合并不存在这个问题。

24、A security man was put in to check on doors and windows.委派了一个安全人员检查门窗。

25、Would you like to have them wrapped up or put in brocade caskets?您是想把这些首饰装起来还是想把它们放到首饰盒中?

26、But, let me put in all the points at once, because they all lie on a straight line.但是,假设我一下子放置所有的点,因为他们都在同一条直线上。

27、That's the message, only put in a far more couth way.这就是要传达的信息,只是需要以一种更加彬彬有礼的方式表示出来。

28、His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work he'd put in during training.他的胜利被视为训练期间所有辛苦的回报。

29、Maybe they go to school Tuesdays and Thursdays and put in makeup time in the office on Saturdays.也许她们周二或者周四上学,周六在办公室补算工作时间。

30、As a portion of the goods arrived damaged, we have to put in a claim for the damages.因一部分货物在运达时就已损坏,我们只得提出破损索赔。

put in翻译放进, 提出, 提交, 选举, 插入, 种植, 进港, 进入【经】 提出 详情






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