轻松绕过 YouTube 年龄限制的 9 种方法 您所在的位置:网站首页 epic年龄限制解除 轻松绕过 YouTube 年龄限制的 9 种方法

轻松绕过 YouTube 年龄限制的 9 种方法

2024-07-16 13:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

轻松绕过 YouTube 年龄限制的 6 种方法

从孩子到成人,都喜欢看视频。YouTube 就是这样一个平台,可以将所有类型的视频流式传输给观众。但是由于各种原因,某些视频受到限制。有几种方法可以绕过YouTube 年龄(YouTube age)限制。如果您正在寻找观看这些视频的解决方案,那么本关于如何观看有年龄限制的YouTube 视频(YouTube videos)的指南将为您提供帮助。

YouTube是由(YouTube)网络巨头(web giant)Google开发和管理的最大的免费视频流媒体应用程序。由于每个人都可以访问该平台,因此它有一些需要每个人都严格遵守的政策。其中一项政策是,任何人都不能在YouTube 上发布任何(YouTube)成人内容(adult content)或任何不适合所有年龄段用户的内容,因为如今,YouTube在儿童和老年人中同样受欢迎。虽然YouTube 上(YouTube)不允许使用成人视频,但仍有一些视频不适合年轻用户,但对成人有用。因此,YouTube允许发布此类视频,但对于此类视频,YouTube放置内容警告消息(content warning message),要求用户在观看该视频之前确认年龄。(age confirmation)如果您已经登录,则Google会自动从您的帐户中收集您的年龄相关信息,但如果您未登录,YouTube会要求您登录以确认您的年龄,然后只有您才能看那个视频。

为了登录YouTube,您需要有一个Google 帐户(Google account)。如果您没有Google 帐户,那么登录(Google account)YouTube将是一个漫长而耗时的过程。所以,到时候,你可能会想到不用登录YouTube(YouTube)就可以观看该视频的方法。

如果您正在考虑这样的方法,那么您需要继续阅读本文,因为本文提供了几种方法,您可以使用这些方法轻松绕过 YouTube 年龄限制。(easily bypass the YouTube age restriction.)

轻松绕过 YouTube 年龄限制的 6 种方法

如何绕过 YouTube 年龄限制(How To Bypass YouTube Age Restriction)

按照(Follow)以下任何一种绕过(verification bypass)YouTube 年龄(YouTube age) 验证的方法: 

方法一:通过安卓设备上的设置(Method 1: Through Settings on Android Device)

YouTube还允许您更改受限模式的设置。请按照以下步骤绕过YouTube 年龄(YouTube age)限制:

1. 在您的设备上打开YouTube应用程序。

2. 点击屏幕右上角的(right corner)头像。(profile picture)

在您的设备上打开 YouTube 应用。 点击屏幕右上角的个人资料图片。

3. 点击设置(Settings)。




5. 向下滚动并关闭(toggle off)Restricted Mode旁边的栏。


方法 2:创建一个新帐户(Method 2: Create a New Account)

您也可以创建一个年龄超过 18 岁的新帐户。我们拥有的帐户数量没有限制。但如果你在欧洲(Europe),这是不可能的,因为你需要证明你的年龄。您可以使用 US-VPN 来避免这种情况。

此外,如果您使用具有家长控制功能的计算机或设备(computer or device)登录,则无法创建帐户。你必须尝试不同的设备。这种观看年龄限制的YouTube 视频(YouTube videos)的方法是最简单快捷的方法。

方法 3: (Method 3: )使用 NSFW YouTube 绕过年龄限制(Bypass Age Restriction Using NSFW YouTube)

NSFW(N)代表“不安全的(F)F(S)或工作”(W)。这是绕过YouTube(YouTube)年龄限制(age restriction)的最受欢迎的技巧之一,因为它简单易用。这是迄今为止在YouTube 上覆盖(YouTube)年龄限制(age restriction)的最快方式。

要使用NSFW(NSFW)绕过YouTube 年龄(YouTube age)限制,请执行以下步骤:

1. 打开任何有年龄限制的YouTube 视频。( YouTube video)

打开显示年龄限制的 YouTube 视频

2. 点击视频的URL 链接(URL link),查看受限视频的URL。有点像https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApRGNwSvsnI


3. 现在,为了绕过年龄限制,在视频的 URL 中插入和(age restriction)youtube.com之间的字母NSFW,如下所示。



4. 对URL(URL)进行上述更改后,点击enter 按钮(enter button),视频将开始播放。

使用 NSFW YouTube 绕过年龄限制

完成上述步骤后,所选视频的年龄限制(age restriction)应被删除,视频应开始播放。

方法4:下载视频(Method 4: Download The Video)

您可以通过下载观看任何有年龄限制的YouTube 视频(YouTube video)。您可以使用YouTube 下载软件或网站(YouTube downloader software or website)下载它们。并非所有网站都可以下载它们。keepvid.com、  320ytmp3、y2mate.com和YT1s.com等网站将帮助您解决有关如何绕过YouTube 年龄(YouTube age)限制的问题。您必须粘贴URL 并等待(URL and wait)网站在这些网站上加载视频。加载视频后,在屏幕提示的帮助下下载视频。视频将被下载,您可以随时轻松观看。(The video will be downloaded and you can watch it anytime with ease.)如果这不起作用,那么您还可以查看YouTube的一些顶级免费替代品。

方法五: (Method 5: )使用嵌入链接绕过年龄限制(Bypass Age Restriction Using Embed link)

这是绕过YouTube 视频(YouTube videos)年龄限制(age restriction)的最简单方法之一,因为您只需更改URL的几个字母即可将其更改为嵌入式链接。一旦有年龄限制的视频的URL转换为嵌入的链接,视频就会开始播放,因为嵌入的链接没有与之关联的任何年龄限制。(age restriction)

要使用嵌入式链接绕过年龄限制,请按照以下步骤操作。(age restriction)

1.打开有年龄限制的YouTube视频。(YouTube video)

打开显示年龄限制的 YouTube 视频

2. 点击视频的URL 链接(URL link),查看受限视频的URL。有点像https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEX_RS3_IzI


3. 现在,为了绕过年龄限制(age restriction),从 URL 中删除watch?v=并将其替换为embed/。现在,您的 URL 将如下所示:


4. 进行上述更改后,点击进入按钮(enter button),视频将开始播放。

完成上述步骤后,所选视频的年龄限制(age restriction)应被删除,视频应开始播放

方法 6:(Method 6: )在 Android 设备上使用 NewPipe(Using NewPipe on Android Device)

要观看有年龄限制的视频,NewPipe是最佳选择之一。您需要下载一个APK 文件,因为它在(APK file)Play 商店(Play Store)中不可用。请按照以下步骤操作。

1. 转到您的 Android 设备上的浏览器。(browser)

2.在其页面下载最新版本的(latest version of the )NewPipe应用程序。( app)

转到您的 Android 设备上的浏览器。 在其页面上下载最新版本的 NewPipe 应用程序。

3. 在您的手机上转到下载(Downloads)并安装NewPipe。

4. 点击屏幕左上角(left corner)的三个水平线(three horizontal lines)。


5. 点击菜单(Settings)中的设置。


6. 点击内容(Content),如下图。


7. 在显示年龄限制内容(Show age restricted content)旁边的栏上切换。


8. 现在,搜索您要观看和播放的有年龄限制的视频。(age-restricted video)

方法 7:(Method 7: )使用 Listen On Repeat 绕过 Youtube 年龄限制(Bypass Youtube Age Restriction Using Listen On Repeat)

此方法还涉及对受限视频的URL进行一些更改。要使用“重复收听”绕过Youtube视频的(Youtube)年龄限制(age restriction),请执行以下步骤:

1.打开有年龄限制的YouTube视频。(YouTube video)

打开显示年龄限制的 YouTube 视频

2. 点击视频的URL 链接(URL link),查看受限视频的URL。它看起来像https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApRGNwSvsnI


3. 现在,为了绕过年龄限制(age restriction),在限制视频的URL中在(URL)youtube之后添加单词repeat 。现在,您的URL将类似于https://www.youtuberepeat.com/gEX_RS3_IzI

4. 对URL(URL)进行上述更改后,点击enter 按钮(enter button),视频将开始播放。

使用 Listen On Repeat 绕过年龄限制

注意(Note):如果您的视频在更改URL后仍无法播放,那么您仍然可以通过访问Listen On Repeat网站来播放您的视频。

完成上述步骤后,所选视频的年龄限制(age restriction)应该会被删除,并且视频应该开始播放而不要求登录YouTube。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在办公室(Offices)、学校或学院中被(Schools or Colleges)屏蔽(Blocked)时解锁 YouTube(Unblock YouTube)?

方法 8:在 PC 上使用 FreeTube(Method 8: Using FreeTube on PC)


1. 在其官方网站(official site)上为您的 PC下载最新且正确的FreeTube版本。

2. 下载文件后,解压并运行应用程序。

3. 粘贴有年龄限制的视频的网址(URL)并播放。

方法 9:(Method 9: )使用代理网站绕过 YouTube 年龄限制(Bypass YouTube Age Restriction Using Proxy Website)

可以使用代理网站观看有年龄限制的YouTube 视频。(YouTube video)由于(Being)不安全,通常不建议使用此方法绕过年龄限制(age restriction)。不过,如果您想使用此方法,请自行承担风险。市场上有很多代理网站,您可以使用它们轻松绕过年龄限制(age restriction)。

要使用代理网站绕过YouTube 上(YouTube)的年龄限制,请按照以下步骤操作。(age restriction)

1.打开有年龄限制的YouTube视频。(YouTube video)

打开显示年龄限制的 YouTube 视频

2. 点击视频的URL 链接(URL link),查看受限视频的URL。有点像https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEX_RS3_IzI


3. 现在,通过单击+

通过单击同一浏览器上的 + 符号打开一个新选项卡



5.点击回车(Hit enter),下面的页面(below page)将

点击键盘上的回车键。 将打开一个页面

6. 现在,从上一个选项卡中复制受限视频的URL 链接,并将其(URL link)粘贴(tab and paste)到新选项卡中代理网站的输入 URL(Enter URL)框中。

在新选项卡中打开的代理网站上输入 URL 框

7. 单击开始按钮(Go)。


8. 视频将开始播放。

完成上述步骤后,有年龄限制的视频应该开始播放,没有任何年龄限制(age restriction)。

常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))

Q1。使用代理网站是否有助于绕过 YouTube 年龄验证?(Q1. Does using proxy sites help in YouTube age verification bypass?)

答。(Ans.)不,可以保证代理网站会为您播放有年龄限制的YouTube 视频(YouTube video)。

Q2。VLC Player 是否有助于在 Android 设备上观看有年龄限制的视频?(Q2. Will VLC Player help to watch age-restricted videos on Android devices?)

答。(Ans.) VLC Player for Android可用于观看来自任何网站的视频。但是任何有年龄限制的YouTube视频都不能使用VLC Player for Android播放。


如何修复 javascript:void(0) 错误 修复 YouTube(Fix YouTube)视频无法加载(t load)。'发生错误,稍后再试' 如何一次大规模取消订阅YouTube(Once)频道(Mass Unsubscribe YouTube Channels) 如何修复 YouTube 评论(Fix YouTube Comments)未加载

我们希望本指南能帮助您绕过 YouTube 年龄限制(bypass YouTube age restriction)。让我们知道上面提到的哪种方法对您有最大的帮助。如果有的话,请将您的疑问和建议放在下面的评论部分(comment section)。

9 Ways To Easily Bypass YouTube Age Restriction

From kids to adults, all love to watch videos. YouTube is one such platform to stream all types of videos to the viewers. But some videos are restricted due to νarious reasons. There are several ways to bypass the YoυTube age restriction. If you are looking for a solution to watch these videos, then this guide on hоw to watch age reѕtricted YouTube videos will help you.

YouTube is the largest and free video streaming app developed and managed by the web giant, Google. With everyone having access to the platform, it has some policies which need to be followed strictly by everyone. One such policy is that no one can post any adult content on YouTube or any content which is not appropriate to the users of all ages as nowadays, YouTube is equally popular among children and old people. Although adult videos are not allowed on YouTube, still there are some videos that are not appropriate for young users but useful for adults. So, YouTube allows posting such videos but for such videos, YouTube places a content warning message which asks the users for an age confirmation before watching that video. If you are already signed in, then Google will automatically collect your age-related information from your account but if you are not signed in, then YouTube will ask you to sign in to confirm your age, and then only, you will be able to watch that video.

In order to sign in to YouTube, you need to have a Google account. If you do not have a Google account, it will be a lengthy and time-consuming process to sign in to YouTube. So, at that time, you may think of ways using which you can watch that video without signing in to YouTube.

If you are thinking of such ways, then you need to keep reading this article as in this article, several methods are given using which you can easily bypass the YouTube age restriction.

6 Ways To Easily Bypass YouTube Age Restriction

How To Bypass YouTube Age Restriction

Follow any of the below methods on YouTube age verification bypass: 

Method 1: Through Settings on Android Device

YouTube also offers you to change the settings for the restricted mode on YouTube Network Administrator. Follow the below steps on how to bypass YouTube age restriction:

1. Open YouTube app on your device.

2. Tap on the profile picture at the top right corner of the screen.

Open YouTube app on your device. Tap on the profile picture at the top right corner of the screen.

3. Tap Settings.

Tap Settings.

4. Select General from the options.

Select General from the options.

5. Scroll down and toggle off the bar next to Restricted Mode.

Toggle off the bar next to Restricted Mode.

Method 2: Create a New Account

You can also create a new account with an age more than 18. There are no limitations on the number of accounts we own. But this is not possible if you are in Europe because you need to prove your age. You can use a US-VPN to avoid this.

Also, if you are logging in using a computer or device with parental controls, then you can’t create an account. You have to try a different device. This method on how to watch age restricted YouTube videos is the easiest and quickest method.

Method 3: Bypass Age Restriction Using NSFW YouTube

NSFW stands for “Not Safe For Work”. This is one of the most popular tricks to bypass the age restriction on YouTube because of its simplicity and easy usage. This is by far the fastest way to override the age restriction on YouTube.

To bypass the YouTube age restriction using NSFW, follow these steps:

1. Open any YouTube video having an age restriction.

Open the YouTube video which is showing age restriction

2. Click on the video’s URL link and check the URL of the restricted video. It will be somewhat like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApRGNwSvsnI

Click on the video URL link in the address bar at the top of the page

3. Now, in order to bypass the age restriction, insert the letters NSFW between the And youtube.com in the video’s URL as shown below.


Note: Before changing the URL, you should know that as you are changing the URL, you are changing the website.

4. After making the above changes in the URL, hit the enter button and the video will start playing.

Bypass Age Restriction Using NSFW YouTube

After completing the above steps, the age restriction for the selected video should get removed and the video should start playing.

Method 4: Download The Video

You can watch any age-restricted YouTube video by downloading them. You can download them using a YouTube downloader software or website. Not all websites will be able to download them. Websites such as keepvid.com, 320ytmp3, y2mate.com and YT1s.com will help you with your question on how to bypass YouTube age restriction. You have to paste the URL and wait for the site to load the video on these websites. Once the video is loaded, download the video with the help of the on-screen prompts. The video will be downloaded and you can watch it anytime with ease. If this doesn’t work then you can also check out some of the top free alternatives of YouTube.

Method 5: Bypass Age Restriction Using Embed link

It is one of the easiest ways to bypass the age restriction on YouTube videos as in this method, you just have to change the few letters of the URL to change it into an embedded link. Once the URL of age-restricted video converts into an embedded link, the video will start playing as the embedded links do not have any age restrictions associated with them.

To bypass the age restriction using an embedded link, follow these steps.

1. Open the YouTube video having an age restriction.

Open the YouTube video which is showing age restriction

2. Click on the video’s URL link and check the URL of the restricted video. It will be somewhat like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEX_RS3_IzI

Click on the video URL link in the address bar at the top of the page

3. Now, in order to bypass the age restriction, delete the watch?v= from the URL and replace it with embed/. Now, your URL will look like:


4. After making the above changes, hit the enter button and the video will start playing.

After completing the above steps, the age restriction for the selected video should get removed and the video should start playing

Method 6: Using NewPipe on Android Device

To watch age-restricted videos, NewPipe is one of the best options. You need to download an APK file since it is not available on the Play Store. Follow the below steps.

1. Go to the browser on your Android device.

2. Download the latest version of the NewPipe app on its page.

Go to browser on your Android device. Download the latest version of NewPipe app on its page.

3. Go to Downloads on your mobile and install NewPipe.

4. Tap on the three horizontal lines at the top left corner of the screen.

Tap on the three horizontal lines at the top left corner of the screen.

5. Tap Settings in the menu.

Tap Settings in the menu.

6. Tap Content, as shown below.

Tap Content.

7. Toggle on the bar next to Show age restricted content.

Toggle on the bar next to Show age restricted content.

8. Now, search the age-restricted video you want to watch and play it.

Method 7: Bypass Youtube Age Restriction Using Listen On Repeat

This method also involves making some changes in the URL of the restricted video. To bypass the age restriction on Youtube videos using “Listen On Repeat”, follow these steps:

1. Open the YouTube video having an age restriction.

Open the YouTube video which is showing age restriction

2. Click on the video’s URL link and check the URL of the restricted video. It will appear like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApRGNwSvsnI

Click on the video URL link in the address bar at the top of the page

3. Now, in order to bypass the age restriction, add the word repeat after youtube in the URL of the restricted video. Now, your URL will look like https://www.youtuberepeat.com/gEX_RS3_IzI

4. After making the above changes in the URL, hit the enter button and the video will start playing.

Bypass Age Restriction Using Listen On Repeat

Note: If your video does not play even after changing the URL, then you can still play your video by visiting the Listen On Repeat website.

After completing the above steps, the age restriction for the selected video should get removed and the video should start playing without asking for signing in into YouTube.

Also Read: Unblock YouTube When Blocked In Offices, Schools or Colleges?

Method 8: Using FreeTube on PC

Similar to NewPipe, FreeTube is a free software to watch age-restricted videos. Also, this software is free of ads and allows us to subscribe to channels and create playlists. Follow the below steps to download FreeTube.

1. Download the latest and correct version of FreeTube for your PC on its official site.

2. After downloading the file, extract and run the application.

3. Paste the URL of the age-restricted video and play it.

Method 9: Bypass YouTube Age Restriction Using Proxy Website

It is possible to view an age-restricted YouTube video using a proxy site. Being unsafe, this method is generally not recommended to bypass the age restriction. Still, if you want to use this method, use it at your own risk. There are lots of proxy sites available in the market using which you can easily bypass the age restriction.

To bypass the age restriction on YouTube using a proxy website, follow these steps.

1. Open the YouTube video having an age restriction.

Open the YouTube video which is showing age restriction

2. Click on the video’s URL link and check the URL of the restricted video. It will be somewhat like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEX_RS3_IzI

Click on the video URL link in the address bar at the top of the page

3. Now, open a new tab on the same browser by clicking on the +

Open a new tab by clicking on the + symbol on the same browser

4. Type the below URL in the newly opened tab


5. Hit enter and the below page will

Hit the enter button on the keyboard. A page will open up

6. Now, copy the restricted video’s URL link from the previous tab and paste it into the Enter URL box of the proxy website in the new tab.

Enter URL box on the proxy website which you have opened in the new tab

7. Click on the Go button.

Click on Go button

8. The video will start playing.

After completing the above steps, the age-restricted video should start playing without any age restriction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Does using proxy sites help in YouTube age verification bypass?

Ans. No, it can be guaranteed that a proxy site will play you the age-restricted YouTube video.

Q2. Will VLC Player help to watch age-restricted videos on Android devices?

Ans. VLC Player for Android can be used to watch videos from any site. But any age-restricted YouTube videos cannot be played using VLC Player for Android.


How to Fix javascript:void(0) Error Fix YouTube videos won’t load. ‘An error occurred, try again later’ How to Mass Unsubscribe YouTube Channels at Once How to Fix YouTube Comments Not Loading

We hope that this guide would have helped you to bypass YouTube age restriction. Let us know which of the methods mentioned above helped you the best. Drop your queries and suggestions in the comment section below, if any.






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