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2024-04-14 14:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、The emperor was acutely conscious of his image.哈德良国王深深地意识到自己的完好形象。

2、Give me health a day, and I will make the pomp of emperor ridiculous只要给我一天的健康,我会使皇帝的荣华变得荒谬可笑。

3、This is the question bugging Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty.这个提问题一直困扰着唐玄宗(公元618- 907)。

4、In that year, the Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine.在那些年里,康斯坦丁大帝组建了尼西亚理事会。

5、Finally, under the intervention of emperor Shunzhi, the two robbers were decapitated in the end.在顺治帝的亲自过问下,终于使二贼伏法。

6、But the Ming Dynasty began to decline with the death of Emperor Cheng Zu.明成祖死后,明朝逐渐衰落。

7、the domain ruled by an emperor or empress.一个国王掌握的领土。

8、a monarchy with an emperor as head of state.皇帝作为国家元首的君主政体。

9、Augustus Caesar ruled as the Emperor of Rome for 41 years.奥古斯都凯撒统治了罗马41年之久。

10、The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier.皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。

11、The kind and most tolerant Jade Emperor was advised to pacify you.仁慈宽厚的玉皇大帝听从了别人的建议去安抚你。

12、In ancient times officials kowtowed to the emperor when they met with him.古代,大臣见到皇帝要磕头。

13、When Emperor Zhu got back to the palace, he was still angry.回到皇宫后,朱元璋还是很生气。

14、Why should Horus now do as the Emperor bids?为什么何鲁斯现在还要听从帝皇的吩咐?

15、This battle emperor in the sky premeditates already a long time, how may give up.这场战役天帝预谋已久,怎么可能放弃。

16、Marine species here include the emperor penguin colony seen in the movie March of the Penguins.可在电影《企鹅的三月》中看到这里所提及的此种海洋物种帝企鹅群。

17、Mitterrand : Emperor or great architect ?密特朗:皇帝或伟大建筑师?

18、He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。

19、EMPEROR : Come, we must follow her!皇帝:快,我们得跟着它!

20、The emperor was clad in a rich robe encrusted with jewels皇帝身穿一件镶满宝石的华贵礼袍。

21、Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him.袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位, 把政权交给他。

22、The death of the emperor marked the end of an epoch in the country's history.皇帝驾崩标志着该国历史上一个时代的结束。

23、Three years later, he induced the boy emperor to abdicate in his favour.三年后,他诱导孩子逼宫在他的赞成票。

24、Weaving Maid, the seventh daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, fell in love with Cowherd.玉皇大帝的第七个女儿织女爱上了穷小子牛郎。

25、a woman emperor or the wife of an emperor.女性统治者或者帝王的妻子。

26、Or, as one pundit puts it, perhaps "the Emperor has no clothes."还是像一位专家所说,它只是一个“没穿衣服的国王”。

27、The Lord of heaven and earth was using the Roman emperor to carry out his plan of salvation.天地的主是在使用罗马的君王去实现祂的救恩计划。

28、Mogul emperor who succeeded his father, Akbar, and continued his expansionist policies.贾汗季:莫卧儿皇帝(1605- 1627年),继承其父阿克巴的王位,并且继续他的扩张政策。

29、Emperor Akihito of Japan has been enthroned in Tokyo.日皇明仁已在东京登基。

30、Napoleon called himself Emperor of the French.拿破仑自称为法国皇帝。

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