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2024-04-29 05:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Form Validationlink表单验证link

Improve overall data quality by validating user input for accuracy and completeness.


This page shows how to validate user input in the UI and display useful validation messages using both reactive and template-driven forms. It assumes some basic knowledge of the two forms modules.


If you're new to forms, start by reviewing the Forms and Reactive Forms guides.


Template-driven validationlink模板驱动验证link

To add validation to a template-driven form, you add the same validation attributes as you would with native HTML form validation. Angular uses directives to match these attributes with validator functions in the framework.

为了往模板驱动表单中添加验证机制,你要添加一些验证属性,就像原生的 HTML 表单验证器。 Angular 会用指令来匹配这些具有验证功能的指令。

Every time the value of a form control changes, Angular runs validation and generates either a list of validation errors, which results in an INVALID status, or null, which results in a VALID status.

每当表单控件中的值发生变化时,Angular 就会进行验证,并生成一个验证错误的列表(对应着 INVALID 状态)或者 null(对应着 VALID 状态)。

You can then inspect the control's state by exporting ngModel to a local template variable. The following example exports NgModel into a variable called name:

你可以通过把 ngModel 导出成局部模板变量来查看该控件的状态。 比如下面这个例子就把 NgModel 导出成了一个名叫 name 的变量:

Name is required. Name must be at least 4 characters long. Name cannot be Bob.

Note the following:


The element carries the HTML validation attributes: required and minlength. It also carries a custom validator directive, forbiddenName. For more information, see Custom validators section.

元素带有一些 HTML 验证属性:required 和 minlength。它还带有一个自定义的验证器指令 forbiddenName。要了解更多信息,参见自定义验证器一节。

#name="ngModel" exports NgModel into a local variable called name. NgModel mirrors many of the properties of its underlying FormControl instance, so you can use this in the template to check for control states such as valid and dirty. For a full list of control properties, see the AbstractControl API reference.

#name="ngModel" 把 NgModel 导出成了一个名叫 name 的局部变量。NgModel 把自己控制的 FormControl 实例的属性映射出去,让你能在模板中检查控件的状态,比如 valid 和 dirty。要了解完整的控件属性,参见 API 参考手册中的AbstractControl。

The *ngIf on the element reveals a set of nested message divs but only if the name is invalid and the control is either dirty or touched.

元素的 *ngIf 揭露了一套嵌套消息 divs,但是只在有“name”错误和控制器为 dirty 或者 touched。

Each nested can present a custom message for one of the possible validation errors. There are messages for required, minlength, and forbiddenName.

每个嵌套的 为其中一个可能出现的验证错误显示一条自定义消息。比如 required、minlength 和 forbiddenName。

Why check dirty and touched?link为何检查 dirty 和 touched?link

You may not want your application to display errors before the user has a chance to edit the form. The checks for dirty and touched prevent errors from showing until the user does one of two things: changes the value, turning the control dirty; or blurs the form control element, setting the control to touched.

你肯定不希望应用在用户还没有编辑过表单的时候就给他们显示错误提示。 对 dirty 和 touched 的检查可以避免这种问题。改变控件的值会改变控件的 dirty(脏)状态,而当控件失去焦点时,就会改变控件的 touched(碰过)状态。

Reactive form validationlink响应式表单的验证link

In a reactive form, the source of truth is the component class. Instead of adding validators through attributes in the template, you add validator functions directly to the form control model in the component class. Angular then calls these functions whenever the value of the control changes.

在响应式表单中,真正的源码都在组件类中。不应该通过模板上的属性来添加验证器,而应该在组件类中直接把验证器函数添加到表单控件模型上(FormControl)。然后,一旦控件发生了变化,Angular 就会调用这些函数。

Validator functionslink验证器函数link

There are two types of validator functions: sync validators and async validators.


Sync validators: functions that take a control instance and immediately return either a set of validation errors or null. You can pass these in as the second argument when you instantiate a FormControl.

同步验证器函数接受一个控件实例,然后返回一组验证错误或 null。你可以在实例化一个 FormControl 时把它作为构造函数的第二个参数传进去。

Async validators: functions that take a control instance and return a Promise or Observable that later emits a set of validation errors or null. You can pass these in as the third argument when you instantiate a FormControl.

异步验证器函数接受一个控件实例,并返回一个承诺(Promise)或可观察对象(Observable),它们稍后会发出一组验证错误或者 null。你可以在实例化一个 FormControl 时把它作为构造函数的第三个参数传进去。

Note: for performance reasons, Angular only runs async validators if all sync validators pass. Each must complete before errors are set.

注意:出于性能方面的考虑,只有在所有同步验证器都通过之后,Angular 才会运行异步验证器。当每一个异步验证器都执行完之后,才会设置这些验证错误。

Built-in validatorslink内置验证器link

You can choose to write your own validator functions, or you can use some of Angular's built-in validators.

你可以写自己的验证器,也可以使用一些 Angular 内置的验证器。

The same built-in validators that are available as attributes in template-driven forms, such as required and minlength, are all available to use as functions from the Validators class. For a full list of built-in validators, see the Validators API reference.

模板驱动表单中可用的那些属性型验证器(如 required、minlength 等)对应于 Validators 类中的同名函数。要想查看内置验证器的全列表,参见 API 参考手册中的验证器部分。

To update the hero form to be a reactive form, you can use some of the same built-in validators—this time, in function form. See below:


ngOnInit(): void { this.heroForm = new FormGroup({ 'name': new FormControl(this.hero.name, [ Validators.required, Validators.minLength(4), forbiddenNameValidator(/bob/i) // { const forbidden = nameRe.test(control.value); return forbidden ? {'forbiddenName': {value: control.value}} : null; }; }

The function is actually a factory that takes a regular expression to detect a specific forbidden name and returns a validator function.


In this sample, the forbidden name is "bob", so the validator will reject any hero name containing "bob". Elsewhere it could reject "alice" or any name that the configuring regular expression matches.

在本例中,禁止的名字是“bob”; 验证器会拒绝任何带有“bob”的英雄名字。 在其他地方,只要配置的正则表达式可以匹配上,它可能拒绝“alice”或者任何其他名字。

The forbiddenNameValidator factory returns the configured validator function. That function takes an Angular control object and returns either null if the control value is valid or a validation error object. The validation error object typically has a property whose name is the validation key, 'forbiddenName', and whose value is an arbitrary dictionary of values that you could insert into an error message, {name}.

forbiddenNameValidator 工厂函数返回配置好的验证器函数。 该函数接受一个 Angular 控制器对象,并在控制器值有效时返回 null,或无效时返回验证错误对象。 验证错误对象通常有一个名为验证秘钥(forbiddenName)的属性。其值为一个任意词典,你可以用来插入错误信息({name})。

Custom async validators are similar to sync validators, but they must instead return a Promise or Observable that later emits null or a validation error object. In the case of an Observable, the Observable must complete, at which point the form uses the last value emitted for validation.

自定义异步验证器和同步验证器很像,只是它们必须返回一个稍后会输出 null 或“验证错误对象”的承诺(Promise)或可观察对象,如果是可观察对象,那么它必须在某个时间点被完成(complete),那时候这个表单就会使用它输出的最后一个值作为验证结果。(译注:HTTP 服务是自动完成的,但是某些自定义的可观察对象可能需要手动调用 complete 方法)

Adding to reactive formslink添加响应式表单link

In reactive forms, custom validators are fairly simple to add. All you have to do is pass the function directly to the FormControl.

在响应式表单组件中,添加自定义验证器相当简单。你所要做的一切就是直接把这个函数传给 FormControl 。

this.heroForm = new FormGroup({ 'name': new FormControl(this.hero.name, [ Validators.required, Validators.minLength(4), forbiddenNameValidator(/bob/i) //

You may have noticed that the custom validation directive is instantiated with useExisting rather than useClass. The registered validator must be this instance of the ForbiddenValidatorDirective—the instance in the form with its forbiddenName property bound to “bob". If you were to replace useExisting with useClass, then you’d be registering a new class instance, one that doesn’t have a forbiddenName.

你可能注意到了自定义验证器指令是用 useExisting 而不是 useClass 来实例化的。注册的验证器必须是这个 ForbiddenValidatorDirective 实例本身,也就是表单中 forbiddenName 属性被绑定到了"bob"的那个。如果用 useClass 来代替 useExisting,就会注册一个新的类实例,而它是没有 forbiddenName 的。

Control status CSS classeslink表示控件状态的 CSS 类link

Like in AngularJS, Angular automatically mirrors many control properties onto the form control element as CSS classes. You can use these classes to style form control elements according to the state of the form. The following classes are currently supported:

像 AngularJS 中一样,Angular 会自动把很多控件属性作为 CSS 类映射到控件所在的元素上。你可以使用这些类来根据表单状态给表单控件元素添加样式。目前支持下列类:








The hero form uses the .ng-valid and .ng-invalid classes to set the color of each form control's border.

这个英雄表单使用 .ng-valid 和 .ng-invalid 来设置每个表单控件的边框颜色。

.ng-valid[required], .ng-valid.required { border-left: 5px solid #42A948; /* green */ } .ng-invalid:not(form) { border-left: 5px solid #a94442; /* red */ }Cross field validationlink跨字段交叉验证link

This section shows how to perform cross field validation. It assumes some basic knowledge of creating custom validators.


If you haven't created custom validators before, start by reviewing the custom validators section.


In the following section, we will make sure that our heroes do not reveal their true identities by filling out the Hero Form. We will do that by validating that the hero names and alter egos do not match.


Adding to reactive formslink添加到响应式表单link

The form has the following structure:


const heroForm = new FormGroup({ 'name': new FormControl(), 'alterEgo': new FormControl(), 'power': new FormControl() });

Notice that the name and alterEgo are sibling controls. To evaluate both controls in a single custom validator, we should perform the validation in a common ancestor control: the FormGroup. That way, we can query the FormGroup for the child controls which will allow us to compare their values.

注意,name 和 alterEgo 是兄弟控件。要想在单个的自定义验证器中计算这两个控件,我们就得在它们共同的祖先控件(FormGroup)中进行验证。这样,我们就可以查询 FormGroup 的子控件,从而让我们能够比较它们的值。

To add a validator to the FormGroup, pass the new validator in as the second argument on creation.

要想给 FormGroup 添加验证器,就要在创建时把一个新的验证器传给它的第二个参数。

const heroForm = new FormGroup({ 'name': new FormControl(), 'alterEgo': new FormControl(), 'power': new FormControl() }, { validators: identityRevealedValidator });

The validator code is as follows:


/** A hero's name can't match the hero's alter ego */ export const identityRevealedValidator: ValidatorFn = (control: FormGroup): ValidationErrors | null => { const name = control.get('name'); const alterEgo = control.get('alterEgo'); return name && alterEgo && name.value === alterEgo.value ? { 'identityRevealed': true } : null; };

The identity validator implements the ValidatorFn interface. It takes an Angular control object as an argument and returns either null if the form is valid, or ValidationErrors otherwise.

这个身份验证器实现了 ValidatorFn 接口。它接收一个 Angular 表单控件对象作为参数,当表单有效时,它返回一个 null,否则返回 ValidationErrors 对象。

First we retrieve the child controls by calling the FormGroup's get method. Then we simply compare the values of the name and alterEgo controls.

我们先通过调用 FormGroup 的 get 方法来获取子控件。然后,简单地比较一下 name 和 alterEgo 控件的值。

If the values do not match, the hero's identity remains secret, and we can safely return null. Otherwise, the hero's identity is revealed and we must mark the form as invalid by returning an error object.

如果这两个值不一样,那么英雄的身份就应该继续保密,我们可以安全的返回 null。否则就说明英雄的身份已经暴露了,我们必须通过返回一个错误对象来把这个表单标记为无效的。

Next, to provide better user experience, we show an appropriate error message when the form is invalid.


Name cannot match alter ego.

Note that we check if:


the FormGroup has the cross validation error returned by the identityRevealed validator,

FormGroup 应该有一个由 identityRevealed 验证器返回的交叉验证错误对象。

the user is yet to interact with the form.


Adding to template driven formslink添加到模板驱动表单中link

First we must create a directive that will wrap the validator function. We provide it as the validator using the NG_VALIDATORS token. If you are not sure why, or you do not fully understand the syntax, revisit the previous section.

首先,我们必须创建一个指令,它会包装这个验证器函数。我们使用 NG_VALIDATORS 令牌来把它作为验证器提供出来。如果你还不清楚为什么要这么做或者不能完全理解这种语法,请重新访问前面的小节。

@Directive({ selector: '[appIdentityRevealed]', providers: [{ provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: IdentityRevealedValidatorDirective, multi: true }] }) export class IdentityRevealedValidatorDirective implements Validator { validate(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors { return identityRevealedValidator(control) } }

Next, we have to add the directive to the html template. Since the validator must be registered at the highest level in the form, we put the directive on the form tag.

接下来,我们要把该指令添加到 HTML 模板中。由于验证器必须注册在表单的最高层,所以我们要把该指令放在 form 标签上。

To provide better user experience, we show an appropriate error message when the form is invalid.


Name cannot match alter ego.

Note that we check if:


the form has the cross validation error returned by the identityRevealed validator,

该表单具有一个由 identityRevealed 验证器提供的交叉验证错误对象。

the user is yet to interact with the form.


This completes the cross validation example. We managed to:


validate the form based on the values of two sibling controls,


show a descriptive error message after the user interacted with the form and the validation failed.


You can run theto see the complete reactive and template-driven example code.







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