01. 第一篇 Success in Life(上)讲解音频 您所在的位置:网站首页 dream单词讲解 01. 第一篇 Success in Life(上)讲解音频

01. 第一篇 Success in Life(上)讲解音频

2023-04-10 09:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

第一篇   Success in Life (上)

Success means different things for different people.

万用句型:Sth. means....       .....意味着

          Happiness means...                

Some may equate it with fame, some with wealth and still some withaccomplishments.

万用句型: Equate sth. with sth.   把......等同于......

           Many people equate money/wealth withhappiness.

同义句型:Regard sth. as sth.

重点词汇:fame n.名利 adj.著名的(注:读音不卷舌)

          accomplishment n.成就 v. accomplish 达成(目标)

          e.g. sense of accomplishment   成就感

Forme, it means fulfilling one's dreams.

精彩开头:For me,......  对于我而言......

重点句型:full one's dream  实现梦想

同义句型: realize/achieve one‘s dream  实现某人的梦想

           make one's dream come true   梦想成真                     

Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus allyour attention on it.

重点句型:whatever......  无论什么  (注:更加简洁)

同义句型:no matter what 

拓展:wherever you go....无论你去哪里/ whoever  无论是谁/ whenever 无论何时

重点句型:focus one's attention on sth.  把某人所有的注意力集中在......

同义句型:spare no effort to do / in doing sth.

     Dreams bring you hope and happiness.

经典表达:What brings you here?  什么风把你吹来的?

In the process of struggling for it, you cry, sweat, complain oreven curse, but the joy of harvesting makes you forget all the pains andtroubles you have gone through.

重点句型:in the process of sth.  在......过程当中

        e.g. in the process of project  在项目进行的过程当中

重点词汇:sweat v.流汗 n.汗

         e.g. no sweat  没问题  相当于 a piece of cake

重点句型:make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

经典表达:go/be through  经历

          go/be through thick and thin  同甘苦,共患难

 So an old proverb says thatthe sweetest fruit is one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal.

重点词汇:ordeal  困难,痛苦的历程


Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕

An eye for an eye. 以牙还牙


万用句型:Sth. means....       .....意味着

          Equate sth. with sth.   把......等同于......

重点句型:full one's dream  实现梦想

          focus one's attention on sth.  把某人所有的注意力集中在......

精彩开头:For me,......  对于我而言......

          in the process of sth.  在......过程当中

经典表达:go/be through thick and thin  同甘苦,共患难

          What brings you here?  什么风把你吹来的?

重点词汇:ordeal  困难,痛苦的历程

          sweat v.流汗 n.汗






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