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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 doubt [sth]⇒ vtr (not believe)SCSimplified Chinese 不相信 bù xiāng xìn   SCSimplified Chinese 怀疑 bù xiāng xìn ,huái yí TCTraditional Chinese 懷疑  Vernon doubted Kyle's version of events.  维农对凯尔讲的事情版本颇为怀疑。 doubt that vtr (not believe) (后接从句)SCSimplified Chinese 不相信,怀疑 bù xiāng xìn ,huái yí TCTraditional Chinese 懷疑  He doubted that her story was true.  他不相信她的故事是真的。 doubt n (lack of confidence)SCSimplified Chinese 疑问,怀疑 yí wèn,huái yí TCTraditional Chinese 疑問,懷疑   SCSimplified Chinese 疑惑 yí huò  He had doubts about his ability to do his job. He was so full of doubt he didn't know where to start.  他怀疑自己是否有能力做好自己的工作。  他充满了疑惑,不知道该从哪里开始。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 doubt n (uncertainty)SCSimplified Chinese 不确定 bú què dìng TCTraditional Chinese 不確定  The doubt about his job's future kept them from buying a new car.  因为对他的职业前景不确定,所以他们没有买新车。 doubt n (lack of trust)SCSimplified Chinese 不确信 bú què xìn TCTraditional Chinese 不確信   SCSimplified Chinese 不信任 bú què xìn,bú xìn rèn  His honesty erased my doubts about his trustworthiness.  我曾怀疑他是否值得信任,但他的诚实消除了我的疑虑。 doubt if vi (be uncertain)SCSimplified Chinese 不确定 bú què dìng TCTraditional Chinese 不確定  I doubt if I can help you.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 benefit of the doubt expr (favorable judgement)SCSimplified Chinese 假定无罪   SCSimplified Chinese 疑犯从宽 beyond doubt, beyond a doubt, beyond the shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt adv (undeniably)SCSimplified Chinese 毋庸置疑   SCSimplified Chinese 无可置疑 wú kě zhì yí  This is beyond doubt the best song on the CD. beyond doubt, beyond a doubt, beyond the shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt adj (certain)SCSimplified Chinese 无疑的 wú yí de TCTraditional Chinese 無疑的   SCSimplified Chinese 确信的 wú yí de ,què xìn de TCTraditional Chinese 確信的   SCSimplified Chinese 无可怀疑的 wú yí de ,wú kě huái yí de  The theory of evolution is scientifically beyond doubt. cast doubt on [sth] v expr (dispute the authenticity of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 使人们对…产生疑虑,对…提出疑问  The recent scientific discoveries cast doubt on previous theories. give [sb] the benefit of the doubt v expr (believe [sb] despite misgivings)SCSimplified Chinese 姑且认为...是对的   SCSimplified Chinese 暂且相信  When John said he hadn't broken the lamp, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him. have no doubt v expr (be certain)SCSimplified Chinese 毫不怀疑 háo bù huái yí TCTraditional Chinese 毫不懷疑   SCSimplified Chinese 毫无疑心 háo bù huái yí ,háo wú yí xīn  Have no doubt, we'll get in trouble for eating all the cake. have no doubt that v expr (be certain)SCSimplified Chinese 确信, 肯定  I have no doubt that he'll be back tomorrow with the same story. in doubt adj (uncertain)SCSimplified Chinese 不能肯定的 bù néng kěn dìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 怀疑的 bù néng kěn dìng de ,huái yí de TCTraditional Chinese 懷疑的  Because he is known to have lied before, his honesty is in doubt. in doubt adj (person: unsure)SCSimplified Chinese 拿不准的, 没有把握的  I am in doubt as to whether or not I should continue this relationship. no doubt n (total certainty)SCSimplified Chinese 毫无疑问 háo wú yí wèn TCTraditional Chinese 毫無疑問   SCSimplified Chinese 非常确定  I have no doubt that heaven exists. It is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and leave no doubt. no doubt adv (undoubtedly)SCSimplified Chinese 毫无疑问 háo wú yí wèn TCTraditional Chinese 毫無疑問   SCSimplified Chinese 无疑 háo wú yí wèn,wú yí TCTraditional Chinese 無疑  No doubt you have more experience in this field than I do. remove all doubt v expr (confirm [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 去除一切疑惑 qù chú yí qiè yí huò  You may remain silent and people will think you are ignorant, or you may open your mouth and remove all doubt. self-doubt n (low self-confidence)SCSimplified Chinese 自我怀疑 TCTraditional Chinese 自我懷疑   SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏自信 quē fá zì xìn shadow of a doubt n figurative (slight uncertainty)SCSimplified Chinese 一点点疑问   SCSimplified Chinese 一丁点怀疑  There's not the shadow of a doubt that he's guilty of the murder. without a doubt, without doubt adv (definitely)SCSimplified Chinese 毫无疑问地 háo wú yí wèn de  Without a doubt, this is the best chocolate cake I've ever tasted.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: doubt [daut] I n [c/u] (=uncertainty) 怀(懷)疑 huáiyí [种 zhǒng] II vt 1 (=disbelieve) [+ person] 怀(懷)疑 huáiyí [+ person's word] 不信 bù xìn 2 (=mistrust, suspect) 怀(懷)疑 huáiyí without (a) doubt 无(無)疑地 wúyí de to be in doubt 不确(確)定 bù quèdìng beyond doubt毫无(無)疑问(問)地 háo wú yíwèn de no doubt无(無)疑地 wúyí de to doubt if or whether…拿不准(準)是否… ná bù zhǔn shìfǒu… I doubt it (very much)我(很)怀(懷)疑 wǒ (hěn) huáiyí I don't doubt that…我毫不怀(懷)疑… wǒ háo bù huáiyí… 在这些条目还发现'doubt': 在英文解释里: all right - anybody - anyone - assurance - bring into question - but - call into question - certainly - certitude - conclusive evidence - convincingly - decide - dispel - distrust - dubiety - dubiously - easily - gaslight - gaslighting - hands down - impugner - indisputably - insecurity - misgiving - nagging - niggle - peradventure - positive - proven - qualm - question - question mark - reservation - satisfy - scruple - second-guess - shake - shall - skepticism - surely - unarguably - uncertainty - waver - well 中文: 疑惑 - 哟 - 固然 - 怀疑 - 无疑 - 毫无疑问 - 疑 - 诚然 - 质疑 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Reporting verbs in English, Words with a silent "b", 更多……同义词: uncertainty, hesitation, skepticism, scepticism, perplexity, 更多……习惯性搭配: doubt the [facts, outcome, statement], a [small, fleeting, nagging] doubt, doubt the [existence, validity, wisdom, value, sincerity, truth] of, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'doubt' 的论坛讨论:

beyond a reasonable doubt I doubt this will work out " I have never known what it is to doubt ... " - English Only forum --if there was ever any doubt-- - English Only forum -s in the third person doubt on number - English Only forum 'It' as preparatory/empty subject doubt - English Only forum 'really' as an answer, does it sound like being in doubt? - English Only forum 'Somehow I doubt it was a matter of altruism .' - English Only forum ‘I do not doubt that your mother understands perfectly - English Only forum (He/There) remains some doubt over ... - English Only forum (yet) Another doubt whether to use subjunctive or not - English Only forum [English doubt] Click for a challenge - English Only forum 3rd person verb coniugation doubt - English Only forum A 'i' doubt. - English Only forum A big doubt - English Only forum a bit/a small doubt - English Only forum A date doubt - English Only forum A doubt about "come in handy" - English Only forum A doubt about "get it" - English Only forum a doubt about "in there" - English Only forum A doubt about passive voice - English Only forum A doubt on indirect speech - English Only forum A doubt on OR a doubt about? - English Only forum "a doubt that needs clearing?" - English Only forum a doubt... - English Only forum a hovering doubt: you did not know what my caprice might be - English Only forum A informatic doubt!! - English Only forum "a long time ago" doubt? - English Only forum A relative doubt - English Only forum a technical loanword, without a doubt from Pre-Greek - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'doubt'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "doubt" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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