高考语法填空的体裁与主题语境解析(2017年高考语法填空答案与详细分析) 您所在的位置:网站首页 discipline的形容词形式 高考语法填空的体裁与主题语境解析(2017年高考语法填空答案与详细分析)


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专题一 语法填空







eq \x(\a\al(  Step 1,略读知大意))→eq \x(高考语法填空一定要先略读英国研究生degree怎么填,弄懂文章大意)

eq \x(\a\al(  Step 2,精读细推敲))→eq \x(边读边填英国研究生degree怎么填,结合句意,分析句子结构,细致斟酌答案)

eq \x(\a\al(  Step 3,核查攻难点))→eq \x(做完后英国研究生degree怎么填,再进行重点复查,结合全文,仔细阅读推敲)



高考语法填空的体裁与主题语境解析 第1张

【典例示范1】 (2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Later英国研究生degree怎么填,engineers __68__(manage) to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels (隧道),which became known as the Tube.

【分析】 分析句子成分可知,主句缺少谓语动词,故空格处在句中作谓语,又因此处讲的是过去的事情,所以用一般过去时,且主语engineers和manage之间是主动关系,故填managed英国研究生degree怎么填。

【典例示范2】 (2018·全国卷Ⅰ)You don't have to run fast or for long __62__ (see) the benefit.

【分析】 句中已有谓语动词don't have to run,空处应填非谓语动词英国研究生degree怎么填。分析句子结构及句意可知,此处应用动词不定式to see作目的状语。


高考语法填空的体裁与主题语境解析 第2张

【典例示范1】 (2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Steam engines were used to pull the carriages and it must have been __62__(fair)unpleasant for the passengers, with all the smoke and noise.

【分析】 分析句子结构可知,设空处修饰形容词unpleasant,因此用副词形式英国研究生degree怎么填。故填fairly。

【典例示范2】 (2018·全国卷Ⅰ)Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 66.that/which showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all __67__(cause).

【分析】 此处cause是可数名词,意为"原因",句中的all表示"所有",后应用可数名词的复数形式,故填causes英国研究生degree怎么填。




高考语法填空的体裁与主题语境解析 第3张



【典例示范1】 (2017·全国卷Ⅲ)She plans to take a year off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree __68__ engineering or architecture.

【分析】 a degree in...在……方面的学位,故填介词in英国研究生degree怎么填。

【典例示范2】 (2018·全国卷Ⅲ)I was searching __67__ these three western lowland gorillas I'd been observing.

【分析】 search for意为"寻找",为固定搭配,故填介词for英国研究生degree怎么填。


【典例示范1】 (2018·全国卷Ⅱ)Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over __62__ past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent.

【分析】 此处是特指,故用定冠词the,over the past 25 years表示"在过去的25年里",故填the英国研究生degree怎么填。

【典例示范2】 (2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Unexpectedly, I'm face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at __62__ top of her lungs.That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears.

【分析】 at the top of 是固定搭配,本意为"在……顶端",此处表示"大声地"英国研究生degree怎么填。故答案为the。


【典例示范】 (2017·全国卷Ⅱ)However英国研究生degree怎么填,the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months,more than 25,000 people were using __67__ every day.

【分析】 指代前句的railway,故填it英国研究生degree怎么填。


【典例示范】 (2016·全国卷Ⅲ)In much of Asia英国研究生degree怎么填,especially the so-called "rice bowl" cultures of China,Japan,Korea,__61__Vietnam,food is usually eaten with chopsticks.

【分析】 这里列举了亚洲的一些国家,它们为并列关系,应用and英国研究生degree怎么填。


【典例示范1】 (2018·全国卷Ⅰ)Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 __66__ showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all 67.causes.

【分析】 分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,先行词为a study,且定语从句中缺少主语,故填关系代词that/which英国研究生degree怎么填。

【典例示范2】 (2016·全国卷Ⅲ)Over time英国研究生degree怎么填,__65__the population grew,people began cutting food into small pieces so it would cook more quickly.

【分析】 此处空格处引导时间状语从句,表示"当……时候,随着",应用when/as英国研究生degree怎么填。




The car company Volvo said all its cars 1.________ (have) an electric motor from 2019.It will stop making cars that use only petrol engines.2.________ plans to sell five fully electric cars and some hybrid cars(混合动力车) by 2021.Volvo is the first big carmaker 3.________ (stop) making cars with only petrol engines.It said英国研究生degree怎么填,"People increasingly demand electrified cars,4.________ we want to respond to our customers' current and future needs."

More and more car companies are now selling cars 5.________ electric engines.The US-based company Tesla makes only all-electric cars.Its stock market value is now 25 percent 6.________ (high) than that of Ford Motor Company英国研究生degree怎么填,which 7.________ (start) in 1903.Tesla 8.________ (recent) announced that it will make 20,000 of its Model 3 cars a month by December.Volvo hopes to sell a million electrified cars by 2025.In addition,it hopes to have changed its 9.________ (factory) to be more environmentally friendly.It hopes to have 10.________ it calls "climate-neutral" manufacturing.Volvo said its plans will mean the company will have one of the widest ranges of electrified cars of any carmaker in the world.


(2018·南昌一模)The annual Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is Harbin's main tourist highlight.It is the world's biggest winter festival.The 1.________(bitter) cold winters are just right for this festival.

2.________ sets the Harbin festival apart is the scale and size of the sculptures and the 3.________ (beauty) lighting.It is bigger than 4.________ ones in Sapporo英国研究生degree怎么填,Norway,and Quebec.

At first英国研究生degree怎么填,mainly the Chinese 5.________ (participate),but in the last decade,it has become an international festival and 6.________(compete).As the festival grows in international participation,and as China's economy grows,the size of the snow sculptures and ice architecture exhibits keeps 7.________ (grow).The works making up these exhibits are astonishing,and their size and beauty are amazing.

The lighting 8.________(effect) on the huge ice sculptures in the Ice and Snow World are technologically complex.

Officially英国研究生degree怎么填,the festival 9.________ (hold) from the end of December through February.Opening dates keep changing,and ending dates partly depend 10.________the weather.


The emblems(会徽) of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympics Winter Games英国研究生degree怎么填,respectively named "Winter Dream" and "Flying"1.________(introduce) on Friday.

Designed by artist Lin Cunzhen英国研究生degree怎么填,the emblems combine Chinese culture,an international,modern style and winter sports together.They 2.________ (vivid) show China's national spirit,contemporary images and cultural charm,convey the athletes' spirit of going beyond 3.________ (they) and express the eager expectation of about 1.3 billion Chinese people toward Beijing 2022.

With its origin 4.________"冬"英国研究生degree怎么填,the Chinese character for "winter",the "Winter Dream" emblem resembles a skater on the top half and a skier at 5.________ bottom.The flowing ribbon-like design between them symbolises the host country's rolling mountains,Olympic venues(比赛场馆),ski runs and skating 6.________ (area).It also points to the fact that the Games and the Chinese New Year 7.________ (take) place at the same time.

The use of blue in the emblem represents dreams英国研究生degree怎么填,the future and the purity of ice and snow,while red and yellow,8.________ are the colours of China's national flag,symbolise passion,youth and liveliness.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach said英国研究生degree怎么填,"The 9.________ (wonder) emblem is a symbol of ambitions and dreams.It will build the excitement and expectation in China and around the whole world for our 10.________ (share) goal of outstanding Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022."


(2018·银川一中高三一模)After water英国研究生degree怎么填,tea is the second most-consumed drink in the world and 1.________(enjoy) for centuries.Tea production began in China,but soon spread to other parts of Asia.When European explorers came across the satisfying drink on their travels,they caused a demand for tea worldwide that continues to grow in spite of 2.________(compete) from soft drinks and coffee.

There are four main 3.________(type) of tea:black英国研究生degree怎么填,white,green and oolong.The difference depends on the processes 4.________(use) for treating the tea leaves.China and Japan produce the best green tea and India and Sri Lanka are famous 5.________ their black teas.Different regions have their own specialties.For example,mint(薄荷) tea is drunk in North Africa and the Middle East.Earl Grey tea,named after a British prime minister 6.________ lived from 1764 to 1845,is one of 7.________ most popular black tea in the world.

Flowering tea balls are a novelty(新奇) tea英国研究生degree怎么填,made by 8.________(proper) sewing the tea leaves and flowers into tight balls.When the ball is placed in hot water,it opens up,9.________ (show) the lovely flower inside.

Delicious and 10.________(health)英国研究生degree怎么填,tea deserves its place as the world's most loved drink.Let's lift our glasses and have a toast—to tea!




As the effects of global warming英国研究生degree怎么填,rising seas and natural disasters 1.________(gradual) become obvious,some local communities are taking action.Among them 2.________(be) one community in Florida where local people and government officials are proving 3.________(success) in protecting coastal cities from the dangers of rising sea levels.

The community has studied 4.________much sea levels will rise and has suggested ways to address the problem.It has persuaded the state government to ban new developments on land near the coastline and recommended 5.________(build) sand dunes(沙丘) along beaches.Kristin Jacobs英国研究生degree怎么填,one of the group's founders,6.________(decide) to take action in 2008 after it became clear that her state's 27 water authorities couldn't agree on joint (联合的) action.

While some Florida government officials are skeptical 7.________ the effects of climate change and the causes of environmental damage英国研究生degree怎么填,the people living in these locations are certain of the need 8.________(protect) their communities.

At present英国研究生degree怎么填,coming up with ways to fight against the effects of climate change under a(n) 9.________(limit) budget is a pressing concern.Only time will tell whether these coastal communities will succeed in 10.________end,but for now,quick thinking by local citizens is helping to secure the future.


(2018·石家庄质检)When it comes to eating habits英国研究生degree怎么填,China is a country we must mention. Unlike in the West, 1.________ everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes 2.________(place) on the table and everybody shares. If you're being treated by a Chinese host,be prepared for a ton of food.

During eating, the host serves food with public chopsticks to guests 3.________(show) his or her politeness. The appropriate thing to do is to eat the food and say how delicious it is. If you don't like it, you can just say a polite "thank you"英国研究生degree怎么填, with the food 4.________ (leave)there. But don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. If so, it's very impolite 5.________ the host and seniors who are present at the table.

At dinner, if half of the fish is eaten up, a guest shouldn't turn the fish over by saying "fan"英国研究生degree怎么填, which is 6.________ Chinese word for "turn over", which is considered bad luck for 7.________ (fisherman) and their boats. The 8.________(separate) of the fish bone from the lower half of the flesh is usually done by the host or hostess. This is especially true in southern China.

These tips above will be 9.________(extreme) useful when you visit China英国研究生degree怎么填,an 10.________(east) country with a long history.


The world's first robot police officer started work this week英国研究生degree怎么填,1.________ is part of the Dubai Police force.2.________(it) name is "RoboCop".RoboCop's first official job was to greet guests at a security conference.Apart from 3.________(greet) visitors,it also answered questions and 4.________(give) directions.RoboCop has a built-in tablet for people to interact with,pay traffic fines and use other police services.The tablet is linked to a police station,5.________ people can talk to real police officers.The 170-centimetre-tall RoboCop can speak six languages.It can also shake hands,salute(向……致意) people and recognize people's emotions and facial 6.________(expression).

RoboCop is the first 7.________ many robot police officers for Dubai.25 percent of the Dubai Police force will be robots by 2030 and Dubai will have the first smart police station.8.________ (final) no humans will work there.A spokesman said英国研究生degree怎么填,"The RoboCop is the latest smart addition to the police force and 9.________ (design) to help us fight crime,keep the city safe and improve 10.________ (happy) levels."An official at the security conference commented that the future is here now,saying,"The age of the robots is no longer coming.It has arrived."


(2018·福州质检)The Year of the Dog began on Feb. 16英国研究生degree怎么填,2018 according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Though dogs 1.________(see)as companions and part of the family today, China and Western countries do not have the same cultural 2.________(belief) about dogs.

In Chinese英国研究生degree怎么填,some words 3.________(concern) dogs don't have very good meanings, such as "No ivory(象牙) can come out of a dog's mouth". But in English, the situation is 4.________(differ)."Every dog has his day" describes a person with a period of good fortune and "work like a dog" is used 5.________(describe) a hard worker.

The dog-human relationship goes right 6.________ to the beginnings of Western civilization, and the friendship between humans and dogs was a common subject for artists.

7.________ fact, people were close to dogs in a way they weren't close to cows, pigs or even horses. Farmers worked 8.________(close) with dogs. But even after science came to agriculture and dogs lost 9.________(they) traditional roles, the relationship between humans and dogs remained.

Nowadays millions of people keep dogs as pets. People feed them, take them on holidays 10.________ look after them. In return英国研究生degree怎么填,dogs are loyal(忠诚的) in a way that friends sometimes aren't.This loyalty is the origin of the English saying,"A dog is man's best friend."




When Susan White went back to high school英国研究生degree怎么填,she never had any thoughts about getting a high school diploma.

"I just wanted to learn more英国研究生degree怎么填,"she said.But when she found out that many classmates were planning to graduate,Mrs.White recalled,"I said my young friends can graduate from high school,1.________ can I."As soon as she 2.________ (complete) a history course,Mrs.White will graduate next month and enter the record books as the 3.________ (old) person ever to graduate from high school in the United States.4.________ the way,Mrs.White is 98 years old,and 5.________(obvious) nobody has completed high school at an older age.

Having dropped out of school in the 10th grade英国研究生degree怎么填,Mrs.White's 6.________ (able) to learn has not been dulled by the 80 years layoff.Since going back to 7.________ (she) studies,she has kept up a straight record that is the highest possible.Now that she is about to get a diploma,Mrs.White has become a strong believer in 8.________ (get) a good education.

"I don't like anyone dropping out of school英国研究生degree怎么填,"she said."9.________ makes me mad to hear a person has decided 10.________ (leave) school because future generations will have to know even more than we do to survive."



Since childhood英国研究生degree怎么填,I 1.________ (see) action movies starring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chen,and I was always curious to learn the martial arts(武术).2.________ there is China,there is kung fu.Once I arrived in China,my dream was 3.________(learn) tai chi and kung fu and master the techniques of martial arts.

After my arrival on campus on the first day英国研究生degree怎么填,I went for a walk in the early morning.I saw some older people 4.________ (practise) tai chi slowly.I stopped and watched their movements closely.It attracted me,and the very next day at registration time,I rushed to the teacher's office to choose tai chi as my 5.________(option) course.The following week I was on the grounds early in the morning with my classmates.The teacher told us that tai chi 6.________(favor) for its health benefits.The movement of the body is related 7.________ the yin and yang forces.

The main 8.________ (rule) that the teacher taught us were attitude英国研究生degree怎么填,discipline(自律) and balance.I was taking every bit of the training 9.________ (serious) and trying to maintain my balance,which was a difficult job.However,as the teacher puts 10.________,our attitude,our willingness and our action will make the impossible possible.And I will do.


Dong Shucheng英国研究生degree怎么填,49,is an inheritor (传承人) of sugar painting technique.He 1.________ (learn) the art during childhood from his elders.But he didn't practice it 2.________ three years ago.Because of the 3.________ (fail) of his business,he went back to his roots and started visiting temple fairs and scenic areas in North China,4.________ (make) sugar paintings for a living.Usually,large temple fairs 5.________ (hold) around the Spring Festival,6.________ many people visit.The sugar paintings are so popular that they sell quite well during the holiday.

Sugar paintings are made of 7.________ (melt) brown or white sugar英国研究生degree怎么填,with which craftsmen can paint 8.________ variety of animals and flowers.However,according to Dong,sugar paintings have no manuscript(原稿).Craftsmen have to create the whole design 9.________ (mental) and finish it at one go.When the sugar cools down,a piece of sugar art is finished.Dong not only makes money by creating sugar painting,he also has 10.________ (dozen) of students because he wants to pass down the handicraft.


2017 was a great year for me as far as China is concerned.Perhaps you will say that my impressions 1.________ (influence) by the Chinese people英国研究生degree怎么填,as I have found many very friendly folks in 2.________ countries that I have visited around the world but none have been 3.________ (friend) than the Chinese people that I have met over the past 12 years.

I will be quite honest in that I 4.________ (be) quite unwilling to go to China when first 5.________ (ask) by my company to go there in early 2005.6.________英国研究生degree怎么填,in that first brief visit of just 5 weeks,I found genuine friendliness in the people at the company 7.________ I visited.On my third visit,in 2009,I visited more 8.________ (city) there,and knew many friends,so now I have friends throughout China.

The way in which I 9.________ (connect) with Chinese absolutely rids all those doubts that I had when first going to China英国研究生degree怎么填,and shows that,despite small difference in cultural outlook,people in China are 10.________ (essential) the same as other people throughout the world,so friendly and welcoming to foreigners.




Tourism is an effective way to promote people-to-people communication and cultural exchange.Guangdong Province英国研究生degree怎么填,an important player of the national strategy,has advantages in further promoting tourism 1.________ (cooperate) with the 21st century maritime (海上的) Silk Road countries and regions.

First of all英国研究生degree怎么填,Guangdong probably had the most of overseas Chinese population who 2.________ (immigrate) to foreign countries several centuries ago.Official figures indicate that the population of overseas Chinese in the province 3.________ (reach)over 10 million in the Southeast Asian countries.

Second英国研究生degree怎么填,Guangdong played 4.________ important role in the country's ancient maritime Silk Road.And Guangdong experienced its peak of ancient maritime trade in the Qing Dynasty,5.________ (trade) not only with Southeast Asian countries,but also countries of Europe,North America and the Oceania.

Third英国研究生degree怎么填,Guangdong is one of the 6.________ (large) tourism destinations and tourist 7.________ (source) in the country.In 2014,the province had more than 326 million overnight stays,of 8.________ more than 33.55 million overnight stays 9.________ (make) by tourists from foreign countries.Its profit from tourism increased 12 percent year-on-year.

There is no denying that the province is of great 10.________ (significant) to the tourism development in China.


(2018·长沙二模)In recent years many TV shows have become extremely popular among Chinese audience.Those programs英国研究生degree怎么填,ranging from talent or dating shows to reality shows,1.________(receive) both commercial success and public attention.

Their popularity is 2.________(main) based on simple facts.First英国研究生degree怎么填,they care 3.________ social concerns.Second,without exception,they explore a perfect balance between the international forms and Chinese expressions.

Despite apparent highlights英国研究生degree怎么填,much room 4.________(leave) for improvement.Above all,commercial interests often outweigh 5.________(education) purposes,causing many complaints about the 6.________(bearable) advertisements.In addition,some sharp remarks,7.________they are eye-catching,may have misleading effects on the youth.

In my opinion英国研究生degree怎么填,such shows should shoulder more responsibility instead of merely 8.________ (entertain) the public.9.________ is expected,these programs should be positive in their forms as well as functions.Meanwhile,the 10.________ (medium) should also safeguard the values of our society.


Etiquette (礼仪) to society is 1.________ clothing is to the individual.Without clothes men would go in shameful nudity which would 2.________ (certain) lead to the corruption of morals;and without etiquette society would be in a pitiable state and the necessary 3.________ (communicate) between its members would be disturbed by needless offences and troubles.

If society moved like a train英国研究生degree怎么填,the etiquette would be the 4.________ (track),along which only the train could go forth; if society 5.________ (be) a state coach,the etiquette would be the wheels,on which only the coach could roll forward.

The lack of etiquette would make 6.________ best friends turn to be the most decided enemies and the 7.________ (friend) countries declare war against each other.We can find many examples in the history of mankind.Therefore I 8.________ (advice) you to stand on ceremony before anyone else and to take pains not 9.________ (do) anything against etiquette 10.________ case you give offences or make enemies.


"Look on the sunny side of life.""Turn your face towards the sun英国研究生degree怎么填,and the shadows will fall behind you.""Every day may not be good,but 1.________is something good in every day."

Researchers are finding that thoughts like these can do far more than raise one's spirits.They may 2.________(actual) improve health and help people live a longer life.

There is no longer any doubt 3.________what happens in the brain influences what happens in the body.When 4.________ (face) a health crisis英国研究生degree怎么填,we should actively develop positive emotions to deal with it.Studies have shown a link between having 5.________ positive attitude and health benefits like lower blood pressure,less risk of heart disease,better weight control and 6.________ (healthy) blood sugar levels.

The quality of life of those fighting an incurable 7.________ (ill) can be greatly improved by positive feelings and thoughts.Dr.Wendy Schlessel Harpham英国研究生degree怎么填,an author of several books for people suffering from cancer 8.________ (learn) she had a cancer 27 years ago.During the next 15 years of treatment,she set the stage for happiness and hope by such measures 9.________ surrounding herself with people who lifted her spirits,doing something good for someone else,and watching funny,uplifting movies.Her cancer 10.________ (be) in remission (缓解) now for 12 years.




The history of Chinese poetry dates back almost 2英国研究生degree怎么填,700 years 1.________ the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 BC).Records are rare before that time 2.________ Qin Shi Huang destroyed all the books that could 3.________ (locate).The styles,rules,and regulations for Chinese poetry gradually 4.________ (change) over the centuries until the time of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).This became the golden age for Chinese poetry.During that time a number of 5.________ (product) poets turned out as many as 50,000 classical poems.All aspects of Chinese society 6.________ (high) regarded these poets.Seven-character lines became very popular.

Poetry英国研究生degree怎么填,paintings,and calligraphy(书法) are three of these art forms that go particularly well together.Many poets were also excellent 7.________ (paint) and calligraphers.A poem would be written for 8.________ purpose of matching a painting and then written into the forefront of the painting with traditional Chinese calligraphy.This gives the paintings deeper 9.________ (mean) and more elegance.It is common 10.________ (find) this type of poetry,calligraphy art hanging in people's homes.


(2018·绵阳二诊)Crosstalk英国研究生degree怎么填,also known by its Chinese name Xiangsheng,is a traditional Chinese comedic performing art,and one of China's most popular 1.________(culture) elements.It 2.________(originate) in North China and became popular in Ming Dynasty.With the development in Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China era,Xiangsheng 3.________(gradual) developed from one's vocal imitation(口技) to stand-up comedy.Chinese crosstalk has three birthplaces:Beijing Tianqiao,Tianjin Quanyechang and Nanjing Confucius Temple.Xiangsheng lay the foundation in folk life and society,thus 4.________(make) it popular among folk people.Xiangsheng can be performed by one person(solo comic talk),two players (comic dialogue),and three or more people(group cross-talk),5.________it is typically in the form of a comic dialogue 6.________two performers.In a comic dialogue,as 7.________rule,the leading actor,helped by the supporting actor,amuses all the audience with funny remarks.Due to 8.________(it) humor and irony(讽刺),Xiangsheng has spread far and wide.Xiangsheng 9.________(perform) in ethnic languages,such as Tibetan Xiangsheng,has appeared in remote regions and areas inhabited by ethnic 10.________(minority).Furthermore,Xiangsheng has been introduced abroad and becomes popular in Southeast Asia including Burma,Singapore and Malaysia.


If you are interested in both China's ancient finance and architecture英国研究生degree怎么填,Pingyao is a place you can't miss.

Pingyao Ancient City英国研究生degree怎么填,located in the central Shanxi Province,China,is a well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city.1.________ (found) in the 14th century,its wall is ten meters high,6,163 meters around,and three to five meters wide at the top.The west and east sides of wall have two gates 2.________ the southern and northern walls each have one gate only.

From the 19th century to the early 20th century英国研究生degree怎么填,Pingyao,3.________ (control) almost half of the economy of the country at its booming period,was a financial center for the whole of China.There 4.________ (be) once over twenty draft banks' head offices,5.________ branches were distributed 6.________ (wide) around the whole country,even in some western and southeastern countries.

Today when other Chinese 7.________ (city) have been more than happy to bury their history under skyscrapers英国研究生degree怎么填,this 8.________ (origin) Chinese Wall Street chooses not to.Ordinary people still live 9.________ the city's hundreds of Ming and Qing Dynasty courtyards as they did in the time of emperors.This city is helping China rediscover the value of preserving what little is 10.________ (leave)of the country's ancient buildings.


(2018·太原模拟)Silk was not the only product to be transported along the Silk Road, with finely carved jade (翡翠) and medicinal herbs also being 1.________(export) from China. Like silk, trade in luxury items boomed, and many merchants found instant wealth.

Rather 2.________ traveling the entire length of the Silk Road英国研究生degree怎么填,each merchant traded goods along one section of the route, 3.________(buy) them in one oasis (绿洲) town and selling them to another. The travelers and merchants also 4.________ (carry) many ideas, philosophies and religions with them along the Silk Road.Of all these, Buddhism, which came from India, had the greatest influence 5.________ Chinese culture. It 6.________(eventual) became China's primary faith, more widespread than the original Chinese religions of Confucianism and Taoism.

Silk Road trades traveled together in long caravans (旅行队) of camels. This mode of travel provided 7.________(protect) from robbers who might attempt 8.________(rob) the valuable goods being transported. The Silk Road was not only one single road, but 9.________ whole collection of routes by 10.________ goods were transported between the East and the West.

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