Definition, Lemma ,Theorem ,Proposition ,Corollary ,Proof ,Conjecture ,Axiom 概念的含义和区别 您所在的位置:网站首页 def数学中 Definition, Lemma ,Theorem ,Proposition ,Corollary ,Proof ,Conjecture ,Axiom 概念的含义和区别

Definition, Lemma ,Theorem ,Proposition ,Corollary ,Proof ,Conjecture ,Axiom 概念的含义和区别

2024-06-25 14:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. Definition 定义

对某个数学概念\术语(符号、表达)的解释。 An explanation of the mathematical meaning of a word.

2. Lemma 引理

用于证明其他命题的正确陈述。(辅助证明theorem的某个重要的中间结论) A true statement used in proving other true statements (that is, a less important theorem that is helpful in the proof of other results).

3. Theorem 定理

被证明是正确的陈述。(一般用于为文章中的重要结论做准备) A statement that has been proven to be true.

4. Proposition 命题

一个对后文的证明不是特别重要却仍然有参考和辅助作用的正确陈述。 A less important but nonetheless interesting true statement.

5. Corollary 推论

从定理或命题中简单推导出来的正确陈述。 A true statment that is a simple deduction from a theorem or proposition.

6. Proof 证明

对命题的解释。 The explanation of why a statement is true.

7. Conjecture 猜想

被认为是正确的陈述。 A statement believed to be true, but for which we have no proof. (a statement that is being proposed to be a true statement).

8. Axiom 公理

某数学研究情境下最为基本的假设(一定是正确的,和 Postulate 相当)。 A basic assumption about a mathematical situation. (a statement we assume to be true).


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