2021年《政府工作报告》(双语全文) 您所在的位置:网站首页 decision的英文翻译 2021年《政府工作报告》(双语全文)


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(三)依靠创新推动实体经济高质量发展,培育壮大新动能。3. Promoting high-quality development of the real economy throughinnovation and fostering new growth drivers

促进科技创新与实体经济深度融合,更好发挥创新驱动发展作用。We will see that scientific and technological innovations are fully applied in the real economy, and we will better leverage the role of innovation in drivingdevelopment.

提升科技创新能力。强化国家战略科技力量,推进国家实验室建设,完善科技项目和创新基地布局。实施好关键核心技术攻关工程,深入谋划推进“科技创新2030-重大项目”,改革科技重大专项实施方式,推广“揭榜挂帅”等机制。支持有条件的地方建设国际和区域科技创新中心,增强国家自主创新示范区等带动作用。发展疾病防治攻关等民生科技。促进科技开放合作。加强知识产权保护。加强科研诚信建设,弘扬科学精神,营造良好创新生态。基础研究是科技创新的源头,要健全稳定支持机制,大幅增加投入,中央本级基础研究支出增长10.6%,落实扩大经费使用自主权政策,优化项目申报、评审、经费管理、人才评价和激励机制,努力消除科研人员不合理负担,使他们能够沉下心来致力科学探索,以“十年磨一剑”精神在关键核心领域实现重大突破。We will raise our capacity for pursuing scientific and technological innovation. We will improve our strategic scientific and technological strength. The building of national laboratories will continue, and the layout of science and technology programs and innovation centers will be improved. We will ensure the success of projects launched to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields, further plan and implement the Sci-Tech Innovation 2030 Agenda, reform the way that major science and technology programs are implemented, and extend mechanisms, such as the open competition mechanism to select the best candidates to undertake key research projects, to more areas. We support localities with requisite conditions to develop international and regional centers for science and technology innovation, and better leverage the guiding role of institutions such as national innovation demonstration zones. We encourage advances in science and technology that promote people’s wellbeing, such as breakthroughs in the prevention and control of diseases. We also encourage opening up and international cooperation in the science and technology sector, and we are firmly committed to protecting intellectual property. We will heighten awareness of research integrity, promote the spirit of science, and create a favorable ecosystem for innovation. Basic research is the wellspring of scientific and technological innovation. So we will ensure the stable functioning of funding mechanisms for basic research and boost spending in this area by a considerable sum. Central government expenditures on basic research will increase by 10.6 percent. Research institutes will have more say about how funds should be used, and the mechanisms for project applications, assessments, fund management, and personnel evaluations and incentives will be refined. We will work hard to help researchers get rid of undue burdens and enable them to fully devote their time and energy to making scientific explorations and major breakthroughs in key technologies, just as a blacksmith in the past would spend years forging the perfect sword.

运用市场化机制激励企业创新。强化企业创新主体地位,鼓励领军企业组建创新联合体,拓展产学研用融合通道,健全科技成果产权激励机制,完善创业投资监管体制和发展政策,纵深推进大众创业万众创新。延续执行企业研发费用加计扣除75%政策,将制造业企业加计扣除比例提高到100%,用税收优惠机制激励企业加大研发投入,着力推动企业以创新引领发展。We will leverage market forces to encourage enterprises to engage in innovation. We will boost the principal role of enterprises in innovation, and encourage leading enterprises to establish innovation consortia. We will expand the channels that bring together enterprises, universities, research institutes and end-users, and refine the equity-based incentive mechanisms for scientific and technological advances. We will improve the regulatory system and development policies for venture capital, and further promote business startups and innovation initiatives. We will continue to implement the policy of granting an extra tax deduction of 75 percent on enterprises’ R&D costs, and we will raise this to 100 percent for manufacturing enterprises. By employing such mechanisms for preferential tax treatment, we can encourage enterprises to increase R&D spending and pursue innovation-driven development.

优化和稳定产业链供应链。继续完成“三去一降一补”重要任务。对先进制造业企业按月全额退还增值税增量留抵税额,提高制造业贷款比重,扩大制造业设备更新和技术改造投资。增强产业链供应链自主可控能力,实施好产业基础再造工程,发挥大企业引领支撑和中小微企业协作配套作用。发展工业互联网,促进产业链和创新链融合,搭建更多共性技术研发平台,提升中小微企业创新能力和专业化水平。加大5G网络和千兆光网建设力度,丰富应用场景。加强网络安全、数据安全和个人信息保护。统筹新兴产业布局。加强质量基础设施建设,深入实施质量提升行动,完善标准体系,促进产业链上下游标准有效衔接,弘扬工匠精神,以精工细作提升中国制造品质。We will ensure the stable operation of industrial and supply chains and improve them. We will continue working on the five priority tasks of cutting overcapacity, reducing excess housing inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness. We will refund all due VAT credits to advanced manufacturing enterprises on a monthly basis, raise the proportion of loans to the manufacturing sector, and increase investment in the equipment upgrades and technology transformations of manufacturing enterprises. We will see that industrial and supply chains are more self-supporting and that their risks are better controlled. We will implement projects for upgrading foundational industrial infrastructure and give full play to large enterprises’capacity to provide leadership and support, and to the collaborative and supporting role of MSMEs. We will further develop the industrial internet, promote the integration of industrial and innovation chains, and build additional platforms for generic technology R&D to enhance the capacity of MSMEs for making innovations and engaging in specialized production. The development of the 5G networks and 1000M fiber optic networks will be stepped up and their application will be extended to more settings. Cybersecurity, data security, and personal information protection will be strengthened. The layout of emerging industries will be planned in a well-coordinated way. China’s National Quality Infrastructure will be strengthened, intensified efforts will be made to enhance quality, and the system of standards will be improved to ensure standards are aligned throughout the industrial chain. We will champion the pursuit of fine workmanship to boost the quality of Chinese manufacturing.



(四)坚持扩大内需这个战略基点,充分挖掘国内市场潜力。4. Expanding domestic demand as a strategic move and fully tapping the potential of the domestic market

紧紧围绕改善民生拓展需求,促进消费与投资有效结合,实现供需更高水平动态平衡。With a focus on improving the people’s wellbeing, we will expand demand,and promote better alignment between consumption and investment, so as toattain a more desirable and dynamic equilibrium between supply and demand.

稳定和扩大消费。多渠道增加居民收入。健全城乡流通体系,加快电商、快递进农村,扩大县乡消费。稳定增加汽车、家电等大宗消费,取消对二手车交易不合理限制,增加停车场、充电桩、换电站等设施,加快建设动力电池回收利用体系。发展健康、文化、旅游、体育等服务消费。鼓励企业创新产品和服务,便利新产品市场准入,推进内外贸产品同线同标同质。保障小店商铺等便民服务业有序运营。运用好“互联网+”,推进线上线下更广更深融合,发展新业态新模式,为消费者提供更多便捷舒心的服务和产品。引导平台企业合理降低商户服务费。稳步提高消费能力,改善消费环境,让居民能消费、愿消费,以促进民生改善和经济发展。We will stabilize and expand consumption. Personal incomes will be increased through multiple channels. Networks for the flow of goods and services in urban and rural areas will be improved, and rural e-commerce and express delivery services will be expanded to spur greater consumption at the county and township levels. We will encourage steady increases in spending on home appliances, automobiles, and other big-ticket items, and abolish excessive restrictions on sales of second-hand vehicles. More car parks and electric vehicle battery charging and swapping facilities will be built, and the system for recycling power batteries will be developed at a faster pace. Consumption of services such as healthcare, culture, tourism, and sports will be promoted. Enterprises are encouraged to develop new products and services, and better market access will be provided for new products. We will ensure that products sold domestically are produced on the same production lines, meet the same standards, and are of the same quality as exported products. We will ensure that convenience stores, shops, and other neighborhood services are well-run. We will use the Internet Plus model to promote integrated development of online and offline businesses in more fields and create new forms and models of business, thus providing more convenient and satisfying services for consumers. We will also encourage platform companies to reduce their service fees as appropriate. By taking these steps, we will steadily improve people’s consumption capacity and the environment for consumption and ensure that our people have the ability and willingness to spend, thus improving their lives and driving economic development.


扩大有效投资。今年拟安排地方政府专项债券3.65万亿元,优化债券资金使用,优先支持在建工程,合理扩大使用范围。中央预算内投资安排6100亿元。继续支持促进区域协调发展的重大工程,推进“两新一重”建设,实施一批交通、能源、水利等重大工程项目,建设信息网络等新型基础设施,发展现代物流体系。政府投资更多向惠及面广的民生项目倾斜,新开工改造城镇老旧小区5.3万个,提升县城公共服务水平。简化投资审批程序,推进实施企业投资项目承诺制。深化工程建设项目审批制度改革。完善支持社会资本参与政策,进一步拆除妨碍民间投资的各种藩篱,在更多领域让社会资本进得来、能发展、有作为。We will expand effective investment. This year, 3.65 trillion yuan of local government special-purpose bonds will be issued and the way funds from bond issues are used will be improved. The scope of use for such bonds will be expanded as appropriate, with priority given to funding for key projects already under construction. The central government will earmark a total of 610 billion yuan for investment in its budget. We will continue to support the construction of major projects that facilitate coordinated development among regions, and launch new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives as well as major projects. We will also launch a number of major transportation, energy, and water conservancy projects, develop information networks and other new types of infrastructure, and work to modernize the logistics system. Government investment will be weighted toward projects which will helpsignificantly improve the people’s wellbeing. Rebuilding and renovation of 53,000 old urban residential communities will begin, and the public service standards of county towns will be raised. Investment approval procedures will be streamlined, and the business-invested project commitment system will be put into practice. Reform of the system for construction project approval will be furthered. We will improve our policies for encouraging the participation of nongovernmental capital, and do more to remove barriers impeding private investment, so that such investment can enter, develop, and yield good returns in more fields.


(五)全面实施乡村振兴战略,促进农业稳定发展和农民增收。5. Implementing the rural revitalization strategy across the board and promoting steady development of agriculture and growth in rural incomes

接续推进脱贫地区发展,抓好农业生产,改善农村生产生活条件。We will continue to promote the development of areas that have been lifted out of poverty, bolster agricultural production, and improve working and living conditions in rural areas.

做好巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接。对脱贫县从脱贫之日起设立5年过渡期,保持主要帮扶政策总体稳定。健全防止返贫动态监测和帮扶机制,促进脱贫人口稳定就业,加大技能培训力度,发展壮大脱贫地区产业,做好易地搬迁后续扶持,分层分类加强对农村低收入人口常态化帮扶,确保不发生规模性返贫。在西部地区脱贫县中集中支持一批乡村振兴重点帮扶县。坚持和完善东西部协作和对口支援机制,发挥中央单位和社会力量帮扶作用,继续支持脱贫地区增强内生发展能力。We will align efforts to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation with efforts to promote rural revitalization. For counties lifted out of poverty, a five-year transition period will apply from the date poverty in their locality was eradicated, during which major assistance policies will remain unchanged for them. Continuous monitoring and assistance mechanisms will be enhanced to prevent populations that have been lifted out of poverty from falling back into it again. Stable employment for these populations should be ensured, and more skills training will be made available to them. We will further develop industries in areas that are no longer in poverty, providefollow-up support for those who have been relocated from inhospitable areas, and enhance regular and tiered assistance of various types to low-income ruralresidents. These steps will forestall a large-scale reemergence of poverty. A number of counties lifted out of poverty in western China will be designated as key counties for receiving assistance for rural revitalization. The mechanisms for collaboration between the eastern and western regions and for providing paired assistance will remain in place and be improved. Central departments and organizations as well as non-governmental actors will continue to play their roles in providing assistance. All these efforts will help those areas which have been lifted out of poverty enhance their capacity for sustaining self-development.

提高粮食和重要农产品供给保障能力。保障粮食安全的要害是种子和耕地。要加强种质资源保护利用和优良品种选育推广,开展农业关键核心技术攻关。提高高标准农田建设标准和质量,完善灌溉设施,强化耕地保护,坚决遏制耕地“非农化”、防止“非粮化”。推进农业机械化、智能化。建设国家粮食安全产业带和农业现代化示范区。稳定种粮农民补贴,适度提高稻谷、小麦最低收购价,扩大完全成本和收入保险试点范围。稳定粮食播种面积,提高单产和品质。多措并举扩大油料生产。发展畜禽水产养殖,稳定和发展生猪生产。加强动植物疫病防控。保障农产品市场供应和价格基本稳定。开展粮食节约行动。解决好吃饭问题始终是头等大事,我们一定要下力气也完全有能力保障好14亿人的粮食安全。We will enhance our ability to ensure the supply of food and major agriculturalproducts. Seeds and cropland are crucial for safeguarding China’s food security. We will strengthen the protection and use of germplasm resources and the breeding and application of fine crop varieties, and strive to make key technological breakthroughs in agriculture. The standards for maintaining high-quality farmland will be raised, and irrigation facilities will be improved. We will enhance the protection of cropland, and resolutely stop any attempt to use it for purposes other than agriculture and specifically grain production. We will promote mechanization and digitalization of agriculture. Agricultural belts for national food security and demonstration zones for agricultural modernization will be developed. Subsidies for grain growers will be maintained, and minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat will be increased as appropriate. Pilot insurance programs covering total production costs and incomes will be expanded. Grain acreage will be kept stable, per unit crop yield will be increased, and the quality of grains will be raised. We will adopt multiple measures to expand the production of oil-bearing crops, develop livestock, poultry, and aquaculture farming, and promote stable hog production. Prevention and control of animal and plant diseases will be enhanced. We will ensure stability in the supply and prices of agricultural products, and launch food saving initiatives. Ensuring that our people have enough food remains a top priority for our government. We are resolved to ensure food security for our 1.4 billion people, and we know we can achieve this.

扎实推进农村改革和乡村建设。巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,保持土地承包关系稳定并长久不变,稳步推进多种形式适度规模经营,加快发展专业化社会化服务。稳慎推进农村宅基地制度改革试点。发展新型农村集体经济。深化供销社、集体林权、国有林区林场、农垦等改革。提高土地出让收入用于农业农村比例。强化农村基本公共服务和公共基础设施建设,促进县域内城乡融合发展。启动农村人居环境整治提升五年行动。加强农村精神文明建设。保障农民工工资及时足额支付。加快发展乡村产业,壮大县域经济,加强对返乡创业的支持,拓宽农民就业渠道。千方百计使亿万农民多增收、有奔头。We will take solid steps in advancing rural reform and development. We will consolidate and improve the system of basic rural operations. We will keep rural land contract relationships unchanged over the long term, steadily promote appropriately scaled agribusiness operations of various types, and speed up the development of specialized and commercial services. Trials for the reform of rural residential land will be advanced in a steady and prudent fashion. New rural collective economies will be developed. Reforms of supply and marketing cooperatives, collective forest tenure, state forestry areas and farms, and state farms will be deepened. More of the revenue from land sales will be spent on agriculture and rural development. We will strengthen basic public services and infrastructure construction in rural areas and promote integrated urban-rural development in counties. A five-year program to improve the rural living environment will be launched, and cultural and ethical standards in rural areas will be raised. We will ensure that rural migrant workers receive their pay on time and in full. We will promote faster development of rural industries, strengthen county economies, and provide more support for migrant workers to start businesses in their hometowns, so as to enable rural people to seek employment through more channels. We will do our utmost to see that rural residents in their hundreds of millions can earn higher incomes and embrace a brighter future.

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