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2023-03-09 22:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语口语900句:第30课 行为举止 点击:0

行为举止 Its time to have supper . Coming. What would we have today, mom? Vegetable and rice. I dont feel like eating veget...

英语口语900句:第30课 独立生活 点击:0

独立生活 Mom, I want to move out. Hey, sounds great to me, kid. What kind job did you find? Job? Yes. Job, if youre going t...

英语口语900句:第30课 子女教育 点击:2

子女教育 Tommy played truant today. His teacher called me this morning. Where did he go? Ive asked him, but he wont tell me...

英语口语900句:第31课 电话礼仪 点击:2

电话礼仪 Hello, this is Tom. Could I talk to Mr. Brown? May I ask who is calling, please? Hang on a moment, please. Im sorr...

英语口语900句:第31课 接电话 点击:0

接电话 Hello, this is 57356475. Hello, this is John. I want to speak to Linda, please. This is Linda. Hi, Linda. I want to...

英语口语900句:第31课 挂断电话 点击:0

挂断电话 Hello, 3-5? Is that Ann? Speaking. Ann, this is Sam. Look, Ann. I want to see you again. How about a drink tonight...

英语口语900句:第31课 线路问题 点击:0

线路问题 Oh, Hank. This is Lucy, again. We were disconnected . I didnt hang up on you. Haha. I know you didnt, Lucy. I gues...

英语口语900句:第32课 关于手机 点击:4

关于手机 1.Text me. 2.The battery of my mobile phone is dead. 3.I often turn off my cellphone when I have a meeting. 4.His...

英语口语900句:第32课 信号差的表达 点击:0

Hello, hello. Is that Ted speaking? Yes, can you hear clearly? No, whats wrong with your phone? I cant receive the sign...

英语口语900句:第32课 接通失败 点击:0

接通失败 Where have you been today? Why do you ask me this question? I called you several times but couldnt reach you. Real...

英语口语900句:第32课 电话故障 点击:2

电话故障 Repair service, how may I help you? My phone has got lot of static . How old is your phone? About five years old....

英语口语900句:第33课 留言 点击:2

留言 1.Could I leave a message? 2.Can I take a message? 3.Please tell him Peter called. 4.She can call me back at 4 p.m....

英语口语900句:第33课 要求回电 点击:0

要求回电 Hello, can I speak to Mr. Smith? Im sorry, hes in conference at the moment. May I ask him calling? Telly Jackson....

英语口语900句:第33课 拒绝留言 点击:2

拒绝留言 Hello! Uncha Company. Hello. Can I speak to your manager,please? Sorry,he is being abroad on business. May I ask w...

英语口语900句:第33课 转述留言 点击:2

转述留言 Tom? Oh, its been a while since weve talked to each other. Nice to hear you again. Same here. Hey, did you know Su...

英语口语900句:第34课 逛超市 点击:4

逛超市 Where are the dairy products ? Which aisle are the canned goods at? Do you carry stationary ? Do you have more of t...

英语口语900句:第34课 找购物篮 点击:0

找购物篮 Excuse me, could you tell me where I can get a shopping basket? Yes, Madam. It is at the entrance. Well, I cant fi...

英语口语900句:第34课 超市服务 点击:2

超市服务 A: Excuse me, are there any more shopping carts? B: Yes, you can find it at the entrance. A: But there isnt a sing...

英语口语900句:第34课 在结账处 点击:0

在结账处 Are these all yours? Yes, they are. Cash or credit card? I want to use these coupons. Have they expired ? Not yet....

英语口语900句:第35课 逛商场 点击:4

逛商场 Where is the Cosmetics Department? Shopping around is really a must. Could I have a look at it? Can you come down a...

英语口语900句:第35课 清仓大甩卖 点击:0

清仓大甩卖 W: Hi,Andy. I am going to Isabels. Are you coming? M: No.The things are too expensive there for me.I cant afford...

英语口语900句:第35课 讨价还价 点击:2

讨价还价 Hi,are you been helped? No,Im not. Im interested in the scarves. All of our scarves are on this section. What if y...

英语口语900句:第35课 三包事宜 点击:2

三包事宜 Did you find everything okay? Yes, I did. By the way, in case theres a flaw in the CD player, can I return it? Yes...

英语口语900句:第36课 逛书店 点击:4

逛书店 Where is the science fiction section? Do you sell the books by J.K. Rowling? Do you sell magazines? Could you recom...

英语口语900句:第36课 征求购书建议 点击:2

征求购书建议 Where is the shelf of best-sellers? Books in the first aisle are all best sellers. Could you give me some advice...

英语口语900句:第36课 找书 点击:0

找书 Can I help you, sir? Yes, Id like a book about law. Would you tell me the name of the book and the author? Uh, the O...

英语口语900句:第36课 和朋友去书店 点击:2

和朋友去书店 M: Would you go to the bookstore with me? W: It sounds a good idea. Lets go. M: Do you know Jeffery has publishe...

英语口语900句:第37课 购日常杂货 点击:2

购日常杂货 Do you have any apples in stock today? Are they sweet? Two kilograms of tomatoes, please. How much is the cucumbe...

英语口语900句:第37课 买葡萄 点击:2

买葡萄 Can I help you, sir? Yes, I want to buy some grapes. What kind of grapes do you want? People say grapes from XinJia...

英语口语900句:第37课 买鸡蛋 点击:2

买鸡蛋 Can I help you? Id like two kilos of eggs. What kind? Do you have the eggs with the red yolk? Sorry, madam. We have...

英语口语900句:第37课 在杂货店 点击:2

在杂货店 Anybody here? Coming,Im coming! Hi Susan. What do you want today? Quite a lot. I need one pound of potatoes,three...

英语口语900句:第38课 逛家电家具 点击:2

逛家电家具 I want to buy an airconditioner. Is this washing machine automatic or semi-automatic ? This refrigerator is of lo...

英语口语900句:第38课 上当受骗 点击:4

上当受骗 How much did you pay for the TV? 200 bucks. 200 bucks for a piece of junk like that? Thats a rip off. What do you...

英语口语900句:第38课 买冰箱 点击:4

买冰箱 Id like to buy a fridge. What about the quality of higher products? I strongly recommend it. As an international en...

英语口语900句:第38课 购买家具 点击:0

Hi, can I help you? No, thanks! Im just looking. All right. If you need any help just let me know. My name is Greg. Sur...

英语口语900句:第39课 购买化妆品 点击:2

购买化妆品 Could you introduce some whitening products for me? Please forgive me just being frankly, madam. You dont need wh...

英语口语900句:第39课 化妆品 点击:0

化妆品 My skin is sensitive . My skin is oily. My complexion is a little bit dark. Id like to buy a lipstick that fits my...

英语口语900句:第39课 在香水柜台 点击:2

在香水柜台 I want to buy a bottle of perfume for myself. Well,here is a perfume kind for women. I dont like strong perfumes....

英语口语900句:第39课 买口红 点击:2

买口红 Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Good morning. I want to buy a lipstick for my wife because it is her birthday to...

英语口语900句:第40课 科技产品 点击:2

科技产品 你能帮我修一下电脑吗? Can you help me repair the computer? 死机了。 It crash ed. 我如何把文件打印出来? How do I print out a file? 我要上网。 I...

英语口语900句:第40课 电脑故障 点击:0

电脑故障 Could you come and help me mend the computer, Neel? Whats wrong with it? I cant log on the internet again. Let me...

英语口语900句:第40课 选购MP3 点击:0

选购MP3 Can I help you? Im looking for an MP-3 player. Which brand is of the highest quality? I recommend Pioneer. Which...

英语口语900句:第40课 无法播放 点击:2

无法播放 Honey, could you help me operate the VCD player? It cant play. Oh, are the connections correct? I think so. Let me...

英语口语900句:第41课 在邮局 点击:2

在邮局 I want to send this letter by registered mail . How long does it take for air mail to get to America? Whats the pos...

英语口语900句:第41课 寄信 点击:0

寄信 Would you please weigh this letter for me? Well, its a bit overweight. You must pay extra for it. How much? We deman...

英语口语900句:第41课 寄印刷品 点击:2

寄印刷品 Excuse me. May I help you? Yes, Id like to send this book to France. Let me weigh it first. Thatll be $14. Can it...

英语口语900句:第41课 查询汇款 点击:2

查询汇款 Good morning, Madam. Can I help you? Yes, Ive come to inquire about a $6000 remittance from California. Has it arr...

英语口语900句:第42课 在银行 点击:2

在银行 The ATM does not work normally. Id like to open a deposit account. Id like to deposit some money. Id like to make a...

英语口语900句:第42课 开立账户 点击:0

开立账户 Can I help you,Miss? Yes,Id like to open an account. Certainly Miss. What kind of account would you want? Im not t...

英语口语900句:第42课 取钱 点击:0

取钱 Good afternoon, Miss. What can I do for you? Could you tell me my account balance? My number is ... Just a moment, p...

英语口语900句:第42课 销户 点击:2

销户 The City Bank. May I help you, sir? Yes, Id like to close my account. May I have your name, please? Adam Smith. Alri...

英语口语900句:第43课 美容 点击:2

美容 Do you often go to the beauty parlor ? Can you give me some suggestions on the facial ? Id like to have my nails par...

英语口语900句:第43课 皮肤护理 点击:0

皮肤护理 Hi, Mark. I know you are an expert in skin care. Oh, I wouldnt say that! But I do know something. So how can I hel...

英语口语900句:第43课 整形手术 点击:0

整形手术 Do you know anyone whos had plastic surgery? You mean like a breast enlargement? I dont think thats really necessa...

英语口语900句:第43课 嫉妒别人美貌 点击:2

嫉妒别人美貌 She is really pretty, isnt she? Her skin looks so baby-smooth! Well, its just that she put a lot of makeup on he...

英语口语900句:第44课 在理发店 点击:2

在理发店 Do I need to take a place in line? How much is a crew cut? Just a trim , please. Shampoo and blow dry, please. I w...

英语口语900句:第44课 女士理发与染发 点击:0

女士理发与染发 Im ready for a new hair-do. Do you have any suggestions? Have you taken a look at any of the new styles lately?...

英语口语900句:第44课 烫头发 点击:2

烫头发 Its been a long time, Mrs. Lee. Yes, I went to Hawaii on a vacation with my husband. When did you come back? Did yo...

英语口语900句:第44课 男士理发 点击:2

男士理发 Good afternoon, sir. Please sit here. A hair cut and a shave , please. How would you like your hair cut, sir? Shor...

英语口语900句:第45课 身体不适 点击:2

身体不适 I dont feel well. I have a fever. I have a cold. I have a headache. My eyes are very itchy . I have trouble breath...






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