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country [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈkʌntri/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈkʌntri/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(kuntrē) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 WR Apps: Android & iPhone Word of the day Inflections of 'country' (n): npl: countries

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

主要翻译英语中文 country n (political geographic area)SCSimplified Chinese 国 guó TCTraditional Chinese 國   SCSimplified Chinese 国家 guó,guó jiā TCTraditional Chinese 國家  The leaders of this country work very hard.  这个国家的头头们工作很努力。 country, the country n (rural area)SCSimplified Chinese 乡村 xiāng cūn TCTraditional Chinese 鄉村   SCSimplified Chinese 乡下 xiāng cūn,xiāng xià TCTraditional Chinese 鄉下  Our family moved from the country to the city.  我们家从乡下搬到了城市。 country n (homeland)SCSimplified Chinese 祖国 zǔ guó TCTraditional Chinese 祖國   SCSimplified Chinese 家乡 zǔ guó,jiā xiāng TCTraditional Chinese 家鄉  I am proud of my country.  我为祖国感到自豪。 country n (distinctive land)SCSimplified Chinese 地区,领土 dì qū ,lǐng tǔ TCTraditional Chinese 地區,領土  This is beautiful country.  这是片美丽的领土。 country n (people of a state)SCSimplified Chinese 全体人民 quán tǐ rén mín TCTraditional Chinese 全體人民   SCSimplified Chinese 全体国民 quán tǐ rén mín,quán tǐ guó mín  Half of the country supports the party.  全国上下半数人民支持该党。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 country n as adj (rural)SCSimplified Chinese 农村的 nóng cūn de TCTraditional Chinese 農村的   SCSimplified Chinese 乡下的 nóng cūn de ,xiāng xià de  We're getting used to country life after moving to the village.  我们搬到村里后,逐渐习惯了农村生活。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

复合形式:country英语中文 backcountry, back-country, back country n (remote or undeveloped area)SCSimplified Chinese 边远地区 biān yuǎn dì qū TCTraditional Chinese 邊遠地區   SCSimplified Chinese 偏僻地区 biān yuǎn dì qū,piān pì dì qū backcountry, back-country, back country n as adj (relating to a remote area)SCSimplified Chinese 偏远地区的 the Basque Country n (autonomous region) (西班牙)SCSimplified Chinese 巴斯克自治区 the Basque Country n (region between France and Spain) (地跨西班牙和法国)SCSimplified Chinese 巴斯克地区 Commonwealth country n (nation in British Commonwealth)SCSimplified Chinese 英联邦国家 country bumpkin n informal, pejorative (person: rustic) (俚语,轻蔑语乡下人)SCSimplified Chinese 乡巴佬,土包子 xiāng bā lǎo,tǔ bāo zi TCTraditional Chinese 鄉巴佬  She's a real country bumpkin: she's never even lived in a small town.  她甚至从来没在小镇子上住过,是个真正的土包子。 country club n (suburban social club)SCSimplified Chinese 乡村俱乐部 xiāng cūn jù lè bù   SCSimplified Chinese 乡村俱乐部的房舍及其附属场地 xiāng cūn jù lè bù,xiāng cūn jù lè bù de fáng shè jí qí fù shǔ chǎng dì  Colin applied to become a member of the country club. country fair n (outdoor event, festival)SCSimplified Chinese 乡村集市 xiāng cūn jí shì TCTraditional Chinese 鄉村市集  Every year the village holds a country fair with market stalls and games. country house n (mansion)SCSimplified Chinese 乡间宅第 xiāng jiān zhái dì TCTraditional Chinese 莊園式住宅   SCSimplified Chinese 乡间别墅 country life n (rural lifestyle)SCSimplified Chinese 乡村生活   SCSimplified Chinese 田园生活 country music, country and western music, country and western n (pop music style of western US)SCSimplified Chinese (尤指美国南部的)乡村音乐 yóu zhǐ měi guó nán bù de xiāng cūn yīn yuè  Garth Brooks dominated country music in the 1990's.  加思·布鲁克斯主导了20世纪90年代的乡村音乐。 country of origin n (nation of one's birth)SCSimplified Chinese 原籍国  The form had a space labelled "Country of origin". country of origin n (goods: nation that produced [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 原产国  Fresh fruit usually has a label showing its country of origin. country singer n (sings country music)SCSimplified Chinese 乡村歌手  She moved to Nashville to fulfill her dreams of becoming a country singer. country-and-western adj (of country music style)SCSimplified Chinese 乡村音乐的  Dolly Parton is a famous country-and-western singer. country-born adj (born in countryside)SCSimplified Chinese 生在乡下的,生于乡村的 country-bred adj (born and raised in rural area)SCSimplified Chinese 在乡下出生长大的 country-dweller n ([sb] who lives in a non-urban area)SCSimplified Chinese 乡村居民  For country-dwellers, a car is a necessity since public transport is infrequent and often unreliable. countryman, country man n (male who lives in countryside)SCSimplified Chinese 乡下人 xiāng xià rén TCTraditional Chinese 鄉下人  Charles is a countryman who doesn't understand the ways of the big city. countrywoman, country woman n (female who lives in countryside)SCSimplified Chinese 村姑 cūn gū   SCSimplified Chinese 村妇 cūn gū,cūn fù cross country, cross-country n (foot race: across fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野赛 TCTraditional Chinese 越野賽   SCSimplified Chinese 越野赛跑  I'm good at athletics but don't have the stamina for cross country.  我是很擅长体育运动,不过没有体力参加越野赛跑。 cross country adv (across a country)SCSimplified Chinese 穿越全国  We took a trip cross country from New York to California.  我们进行了一次跨越全国的旅程,从纽约一直到加利福尼亚。 cross-country adj (race: across countryside) (比赛)SCSimplified Chinese 穿越的, 越野的  Cross-country races were dropped from the Olympics in 1924.  1924年,越野比赛退出了奥林匹克会。 cross-country adj (skiing: across fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野的  The snow-covered fields were perfect for cross-country skiing. cross-country adj (journey: across a country)SCSimplified Chinese 横越全国的 héng yuè quán guó de  He set off on his cross-country adventure from Washington to Los Angeles. cross-country adv (across countryside)SCSimplified Chinese 越野地 yuè yě de  We skied cross-country, following the river. cross-country race n (foot race: across fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野赛 TCTraditional Chinese 越野賽 cross-country skiing, ski touring n (skiing across snowy fields)SCSimplified Chinese 越野滑雪 TCTraditional Chinese 越野滑雪  Cross-country skiing is very different from downhill skiing. developing country, developing nation n often plural (poor nation)SCSimplified Chinese 发展中国家 fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā TCTraditional Chinese 發展中國家 die for your country v expr (soldier: be killed)SCSimplified Chinese 为国捐躯 wèi guó juān qū TCTraditional Chinese 為國捐軀  My great-grandfather died for his country in 1915.  我的曾祖父在1915年为国捐躯了。 fight for your country v expr (soldier: go to war)SCSimplified Chinese 为祖国而战 hill country n (hilly area)SCSimplified Chinese 丘陵地 qiū líng dì  We kept sheep in the hill country, and dairy cows on the land beside the river. host country n (nation staging an international event)SCSimplified Chinese 东道主 dōng dào zhǔ TCTraditional Chinese 東道主   SCSimplified Chinese 主办国  South Africa is the host country to the World Cup this year. host country n (nation accepting immigrants)SCSimplified Chinese 没有提供翻译 issuing country n (nation granting a passport or visa)SCSimplified Chinese 签发国家 it's a free country expr informal (can do what we want) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 这是一个自由的国家 zhè shì yí gè zì yóu de guó jiā  I can eat with my fingers if I want to; it's a free country! leave the country v expr (go abroad, go overseas)SCSimplified Chinese 离开本国 lí kāi běn guó TCTraditional Chinese 離開本國   SCSimplified Chinese 出国 lí kāi běn guó,chū guó TCTraditional Chinese 出國  I left the country five years ago when I moved to Spain. member country, member state n (country participating in a group)SCSimplified Chinese 成员国  The European Parliament represents people living in the member countries of the European Union. mother country n (country of birth, native land)SCSimplified Chinese 祖国 zǔ guó TCTraditional Chinese 祖國  A patriot is willing to sacrifice for the mother country. Third-World country, third-world country n (nation: poor, developing)SCSimplified Chinese 第三世界国家 dì sān shì jiè guó jiā wine country n (region where wine is produced)SCSimplified Chinese 葡萄酒乡,葡萄酒产区   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: country [ˈkʌntrɪ] I n 1 [c] (=nation) 国(國)家 guójiā [个 gè] 2 (=countryside) ▶ the country 乡(鄉)下 xiāngxià [个 gè] a healthy life in the country乡(鄉)下的健康生活 xiāngxià de jiànkāng shēnghuó 3 [c] (=native land) 家乡(鄉) jiāxiāng [个 gè] He loved his country.他热(熱)爱(愛)自己的家乡(鄉)。 Tā rè’ài zìjǐ de jiāxiāng. 4 [s] (=population) 全国(國)人民 quánguó rénmín 5 [u] (=area) 地区(區) dìqū mountainous country山区(區) shānqū II cpd 复合词 (also: country and western) [+ music, singer] 西部乡(鄉)村 xībù xiāngcūn in the country 在乡(鄉)下 zài xiāngxià 在这些条目还发现'country': 在英文解释里: abroad - Afghanistan - Algeria - American - Andorra - anthem - Argentina - Armenia - Australia - Austria - autarky - back home - Bahrain - banana republic - Bangladesh - barnstorm - Basque - Belgium - Belize - belligerent - Bhutan - Bolivia - Bosnia - Botswana - Brazil - bumpkin - Bur - Burma - Burundi - Cambodia - Canada - capital city - cast off - caudillo - Chad - chatelaine - chief of state - Chile - China - citizen - citizenship - civil war - Colombia - colonialism - compatriot - Costa Rica - country singer - country-and-western - crippled - cross country 中文: 国家 - 三军 - 京城 - 京师 - 偷渡 - 全国 - 卖国 - 卫国 - 原 - 发展中国家 - 发达国家 - 各国 - 哥伦比亚 - 国 - 国情 - 国是 - 外国 - 外地 - 工业国 - 建国 - 我国 - 本国 - 江山 - 治国 - 法治 - 独立国 - 资本主义国家 - 邦 - 野 - 野外 - 附属国 - 首都 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Music genres, Governmental districts, 更多……同义词: countryside, rural area, rural region, boondocks, wilderness, 更多……习惯性搭配: a [coastal, landlocked, desert, jungle, forest] country, a country [house, cabin, home], [wine, farm, dairy] country, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'country' 的论坛讨论:

a country (that) has lost its functions as a state country-style pâté Country: xeguo, xiguo, siguo, shiguo, seguo, sheguo Everyday, I download a photo from a different country Georgia (country) I am/I'm from (country) skills as demanded by the country’s socialist modernization The pope is coming to Canada today to officially apologize to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada for the former residential school system in the country What is [name of country] famous for? When do you plan to go back to your country? Country and principle - English Only forum .......... many business executives fear this country - English Only forum ...from which country is that... - English Only forum representative member from each country... - English Only forum 'ch (West Country dialect pronoun) - English Only forum 'yokel' and 'country bumpkin' offensive? - English Only forum ‘some country’ attack - English Only forum “Green Corps” of five thousand people—one per village in each country - English Only forum (The) Greatest country Arstotzka - English Only forum (travel across/visit across) the country - English Only forum [...] the country should be allowed to [...] leave the euro - English Only forum [Run, manage, administrate, etc] a country, city, state - English Only forum 1.3 billion-strong country - English Only forum 15- to 59-year-olds of/in this country - English Only forum a closed country - English Only forum a combination of ‘in country’ investigation, mapping data and traced company certificates .... - English Only forum A completely disorderly organization, city, country and so on - English Only forum a country [Australia] - English Only forum a country as - English Only forum a country emerged from liberation war - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'country'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "country" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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