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14世纪中叶,“邪恶的策划,非法的设计; 为邪恶目的而结合的人群”,源自盎格鲁-法语 conspiracie,古法语 conspiracie “阴谋,密谋”,源自拉丁语 conspirationem(主格 conspiratio)“协议,联合,一致”,动作名词,源自过去分词词干 conspirare “一致,联合,密谋”,字面意思是“一起呼吸”(参见 conspire)。

同样意义上的早期词汇是 conspiration(14世纪初),源自法语 conspiration(13世纪),源自拉丁语 conspirationem。古英语中的一个词是 facengecwis。

Conspiracy theory “解释涉及不合理信念的事件或情况,认为其是由强大力量之间的阴谋引起”的概念于20世纪中期(1937年之前)出现,并在查尔斯·比尔德(Charles Beard)、霍夫斯塔德(Hofstadter)、韦布伦(Veblen)等人的著作中出现,但每次使用中所暗示的偏执和不合理程度并不总是容易辨别。19世纪以来,该短语在非贬义意义上被用于“(某种)阴谋存在的理论”,尤其在法庭案件中。它在一般意义上指涉国家或全球事件背后隐藏的秘密集团操纵的理论,最早可追溯到1871年。

We shall better understand the ensuing civil war if we study the movements in the four most important of these States, in relation to a theory which asserts that the secession was a conspiracy whose central cabal, composed of Southern senators and representatives in Washington, dictated through its ramifications in the States the inception and the course of the revolution. [James Ford Rhodes, page headed "The Conspiracy Theory" in "History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850," New York, 1893]如果我们研究这四个最重要的州的动向,就能更好地理解随后的内战,这与一种理论相关,该理论声称分离主义是一个阴谋,其核心阴谋集团由华盛顿的南方参议员和代表组成,通过其在各州的渗透来决定革命的起源和进程。[詹姆斯·福特·罗兹(James Ford Rhodes),1893年《美国历史》]To the Jingo Imperialist "the South African Conspiracy" is the alleged Dutch conspiracy to drive the British into the sea. But, to the man accustomed to weigh evidence and to base his opinions on ascertained facts, it is clear that this conspiracy theory is absolutely untenable, for whatever "evidence" has been adduced in support of the theory is nebulous and shadowy in the extreme. ["The South African Conspiracy," in The Westminster Review, January 1902]对于沙文主义帝国主义者来说,“南非阴谋”是所谓的荷兰阴谋,旨在将英国人赶入大海。但对于习惯于权衡证据并基于已确定事实形成观点的人来说,很明显这种阴谋论是完全站不住脚的,因为支持该理论的“证据”是极其模糊和朦胧的。[1902年1月《威斯敏斯特评论》]







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