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#2022年下半年自考英语二模拟题及答案(四)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023-05-08 来源:中国教育在线



The herd of 14 wild Asian elephants wandering around in southwestern China’s Yunnan province successfully went through the last natural barrier on its way home and returned to its traditional habitat in Pu’ er city on Friday.

At 1 am, the elephants, which had left their habitat in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, crossed the Babian River and entered Ning’er county in Pu’ er city, one of the three major habitats of Asian elephants in Yunnan. The northbound trip, lasting about 18 months, finally ended without any harm to either the elephants or local residents. The herd departed from its traditional habitat in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous district last year and started traveling north in April. It passed through eight counties in the province during the journey. In June, it eventually reached the suburbs of Kunming, the provincial capital.

The herd started its journey with 16 members, but three of them dropped out, while two calves were born on the journey. In June, a bull elephant broke away from the group and wandered off on his own. In July, the bull elephant was lifted into a cage on the back of a truck and returned to Xishuangbanna.

The Asian elephant is listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The animal, which can be found in the areas of Yunnan bordering Myanmar and Laos, is also under first-class State protection in China. Shen Qingzhong, a senior engineer from the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, said it’s inevitable(难免的)that the elephants will make another journey in the future as migration is a normal activity for elephants. “Historically, Asian elephants used to live in many parts of the country. Migration is in their nature. It helps the species expand its territory and have more chances to improve its gene pool by mating with different groups,” he said.

The forestry department and the provincial government plan to develop a national park, which aims to provide habitat protection for the elephants and a balanced relationship with residents.

1.Which of the following is True?

A.The elephants finally settled in the downtown of Kunming.

B.The journey took the elephants over two years.

C.The elephants’ habitat is far away from Kunming.

D.The elephants moved towards the south of Yunnan.

2.In June, how many elephants continued their journey together?

A.13.       B.14.

C.15.       D.16.

3.What can we infer from the engineer’s words?

A.Elephants can benefit from migration.

B.Migration is an abnormal activity for elephants.

C.Elephants have less chances to improve their gene.

D.Elephants used to live in its territory.

4.What does the article mainly talk about?

A.Elephants in Yunnan.

B.How to protect the elephants.

C.The activities of the elephants.

D.Elephants return from the journey.

The 2021 Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded to the novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah, for his “compassionate insight of the effects of colonialism (殖民主义) and the fate of the refugee (难民)”.

Gurnah is a Tanzanian writer who writes in English and lives and works in the United Kingdom. He was born in Zanzibar, the semi-autonomous island off the east African coast. Zanzibar underwent a revolution in 1964 in which citizens of Arab origin were persecuted (***). Gurnah was forced to flee the country when he was 18. He began to write in English as a 21-year-old refugee in England. He has written numerous works that pose questions around ideas of belonging, colonialism, displacement, memory and migration.

He is one of the most important contemporary postcolonial novelists writing in Britain today and is the first black African writer to win the prize since Wole Soyinka in 1986. Gurnah is also the first Tanzanian writer to win.

Anders Olsson, chair of the Nobel committee, said that the Gurnah’s novels abandon stereotypical descriptions and turn our eyes to a culturally diverse East Africa unfamiliar to many in other parts of the world.

Gurnah, who was in the kitchen when he was informed of his win, said that he believed it was a wind-up.

“I thought it was a prank (恶作剧),” he said. “These things are usually floated for weeks in advance, or sometimes months beforehand, about who are the runners, so it was not something that was in my mind at all. I was just thinking, I wonder who’ll get it?”

“I am honored to be awarded this prize and to join the writers who have been superior to me on this list. It is overwhelming and I am so proud.”

His longtime editor, Alexandra Pringle at Bloomsburg, said Gurnah’s win was “most deserved” for a writer who has not previously received due recognition.

5.Why is Gurnah awarded the Nobel Prize in literature?

A.He has rich experience of life.

B.He is a productive author.

C.He has gained popularity among readers.

D.He explores the suffering caused by war and colonialism.

6.What do we know about Gurnah?

A.He lives in Zanzibar.

B.He is the first to win the Nobel Prize.

C.He used to be a refugee.

D.He adopts Arabic as his literary language.

7.What was Gurnah’s first reaction to his award?

A.Surprised.       B.Honored.

C.Delighted.       D.Proud.

8.What did Alexandra Pringle think of Gurnah’s win?

A.It depended on luck.

B.It was an overdue recognition.

C.It made East Africa known.

D.It was an unfair decision.

In 2021, with the support of the Chinese government, summer vacation daycare is booming. Many students went back to school during this summer vacation — not for regular classes but for activities such as watching films, group games, and painting.

Favorable policies

Summer vacation daycare, a new option for busy parents, became a trend this year after Chinese education authorities mobilized to offer more choices for school-age students during their summer vacation.

Solid progress was made in many places, including Shanghai, for example. Similar programs have been in place for years in many areas with encouragement from local education departments. Since 2017, the Jiyang District of Sanya, Hainan province, has set up public welfare summer childcare courses which have been well received by parents, many of whom are migrant workers with no time to look after their children.

Addressing parents’ needs

“Small children aren’t able to look after themselves, and we parents find it unnerving to leave them alone at home,” said Li Yan, a parent from Shandong province. From Li’s perspective. daycare programs provided by schools are a great solution for parents who have such worries.

To meet the needs of more parents, the scale of the childcare program in the Jiyang district has expanded year by year. The country’s education authorities have stipulated that daycare programs ought to be, in their nature,a public service that doesn’t create financial burdens for parents. Organizers across the country have strictly adhered to this principle.

Pooling efforts of society

With daycare programs gaining popularity, daycare program organizers are pooling society’s efforts to boost the quality of the services they provide. In Shanghai, this summer, more than12,000 college student volunteers were recruited, and each of them attends to no more than five children. Thus, all children can receive adequate attention and care.

For the future development of vacation-time daycare services, there is still room for improvement.In the meantime, having their children attending daycare programs doesn’t mean parents are free of responsibilities. Parents ought to balance their children’s daycare hours and leisure hours.

9.Which is true of the summer childcare program?

A.It is totally free.

B.It is boring for adults.

C.It is totally a waste of time.

D.It is becoming a trend in China.

10.What does the underlined word “unnerving” in the passage mean?





11.Where is the passage probably from?

A.A biography.

B.A newspaper.

C.A fiction.

D.A diary.

12.Which is the proper title for the passage?

A.Government-backed Summer Childcare Program Is Flourishing

B.Chinese Government Is Strongly Concerned about Childcare Program

C.The Best-ever Government Issues Various Favorable Policies

D.Children Are Enjoying All-round services from Government


A drama series named Medal of the Republic 13.(appeal) to a large audience on Chinese social media in the last few weeks. 14. tells heart-warming stories about the first group of eight Chinese people who were awarded the Medal of the Republic.

15.(compare) with most biopic (传记片) productions that tend to document the whole life of the featured individual, this series focuses 16.(specific) on the individuals’ most shining moments. Viewers are all moved by these heroes’ 17.(commit) to their careers and continuous efforts to improve Chinese people’s lives. They definitely deserve the highest honor,without 18. contributions, our country wouldn’t have taken on a new dimension.

Among the recipients 19. a nuclear physicist, a farmer, combat heroes and so on. Li Yannian, 20. honourable old soldier of Chinese People’s Volunteer Army, retook a strategic highland with his fellow soldiers and fulfilled their mission. Regardless 21. the obstacles and challenges, Yu Min, the father of China’s hydrogen bomb, managed to make breakthroughs in hydrogen bomb research.

The patriotism and the never-yielding spirit are displayed by the honorees.Younger generations 22. (expect) to shoulder the responsibility to realize the Chinese dream.








1.细节理解题。根据第二段“The northbound trip, lasting about 18 months, finally ended without any harm to either the elephants or local residents. ”(这次向北的旅行持续了18个月,最终在没有对大象和当地居民造成任何伤害的情况下结束。)得知,大象的栖息地离昆明很远。故选C。

2.细节理解题。根据第三段“The herd started its journey with 16 members, but three of them dropped out, while two calves were born on the journey. In June, a bull elephant broke away from the group and wandered off on his own. In July, the bull elephant was            lifted into a cage on the back of a truck and returned to Xishuangbanna.”(群一开始有16个成员,但其中3个退出了,而在旅途中出生了两只小象。6月,一头公象离开了大象群,独自走了。今年7月,这头公象被抬进卡车后面的一个笼子,回到了西双版纳。)得知,6月里,14头大象继续一起旅行。故选B。

3.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“. Shen Qingzhong, a senior engineer from the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, said it’s inevitable(难免的)that the elephants will make another journey in the future as migration is a normal activity for elephants. “Historically,            Asian elephants used to live in many parts of the country. Migration is in their nature. It helps the species expand its territory and have more chances to improve its gene pool by mating with different groups,” he said. ”(高级工程师沈庆中从西双版纳国家级自然保护区,说这是不可避免的,大象将会使未来迁移的另一个旅程是大象的正常活动。“从历史上看,亚洲象曾经生活在这个国家的许多地方。迁徙是它们的天性。通过与不同群体的交配,这有助于该物种扩大领地,并有更多机会改善基因库。”他说。)得知,大象可以从迁徙中获益。故选A。

4.细节理解题。根据第一段“The herd of 14 wild Asian elephants wandering around in southwestern China’s Yunnan province successfully went through the last natural barrier on its way home and returned to its traditional habitat in Pu’ er city on Friday. ”(周五,在中国西南部云南省流浪的14头野生亚洲象成功地穿越了最后一道自然屏障,回到了普洱市的传统栖息地。)得知,本文讲述了大象从旅途中归来。故选D。






本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲的是2021年诺贝尔文学奖被授予小说家阿卜杜勒拉扎克·古尔纳(Abdulrazak Gurnah),以表彰他“对殖民主义影响和难民命运的富有同情心的洞察力”。

5.推理判断题。根据第一段的“The 2021 Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded to the novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah, for his “compassionate insight of the effects of colonialism (殖民主义) and the fate of the refugee (难民)”(2021年诺贝尔文学奖被授予小说家阿卜杜勒拉扎克·古尔纳(Abdulrazak Gurnah),以表彰他“对殖民主义影响和难民命运的富有同情心的洞察力”)”可知,Gurnah被授予诺贝尔文学奖是因为他探讨了战争和殖民主义造成的苦难。故选D。

6.细节理解题。根据第二段的“Gurnah was forced to flee the country when he was 18. He began to write in English as a 21-year-old refugee in England.(古尔纳在18岁时被迫逃离这个国家。21岁时,他在英国避难,开始用英语写作)”可知,Gurnah过去是个难民,故选C。

7.推理判断题。根据倒数第四段的“Gurnah, who was in the kitchen when he was informed of his win, said that he believed it was a wind-up.(得知自己获胜的消息时,古尔纳正在厨房里。他说,他认为这是一场骗局)”可知,古尔纳对获奖的第一反应是惊讶,故选A。

8.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“His longtime editor, Alexandra Pringle at Bloomsburg, said Gurnah’s win was “most deserved” for a writer who has not previously received due recognition.(长期担任古尔纳编辑的布卢姆斯堡出版社(Bloomsburg)的亚历山德拉·普林格尔(Alexandra Pringle)说,对于一个此前从未得到应有认可的作家来说,古尔纳的获奖是“最当之无愧的”)”可知,Alexandra Pringle认为Gurnah的获奖是一种迟来的承认。故选B。







9.细节理解题。根据第一段“In 2021, with the support of the Chinese government, summer vacation daycare is booming.(2021年,在中国政府的支持下,暑期日托业蓬勃发展)”和第二段“Summer vacation daycare, a new option for busy parents, became a trend this year after Chinese education authorities mobilized to offer more choices for school-age students during their summer vacation. (暑假日托作为忙碌父母的新选择,在今年中国教育部门动员起来为学龄学生提供更多的暑假选择后,成为了一种趋势)”可知,暑期日托业在中国正成为一种趋势。故选D。

10.词句猜测题。根据划线词语前的“Small children aren’t able to look after themselves, and we parents find it”和其后的“to leave them alone at home”并结合常识可知,小孩子不能照顾自己,父母们把他们单独留在家里肯定不放心,担心他们。所以划线词语unnerving应该和worrying同义。故选A。


12.主旨大意题。第一段“In 2021, with the support of the Chinese government, summer vacation daycare is booming.(2021年,在中国政府的支持下,暑期日托业蓬勃发展)”点明文章主题,随后介绍了其优惠政策,满足了父母的需求,凝聚了社会力量等重要作用。Government-backed Summer Childcare Program Is Flourishing(政府支持的夏季托儿计划正在蓬勃发展)概括了文章内容,又能吸引读者,是最佳标题。故选A。

13.has appealed









22.are expected



13.考查动词时态。句意:最近几周,一部名为《共和国勋章》的电视剧在中国社交媒体上吸引了大批观众。根据时间状语“in the last few weeks”可知,此处使用现在时,主语为Medal of the Republic,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填has appealed。

14.考查代词。句意:它讲述了第一批获得共和国勋章的8名中国人的感人故事。此处指代上文的“Medal of the Republic”,需用代词it作主语。位于句首,首字母需大写。故填It。

15.考查非谓语动词。句意:与大多数倾向于记录个人一生的传记片相比,这个系列特别关注个人最闪耀的时刻。be compared with为固定短语,意为“与……对比”,句子已有谓语动词focuses,此处需填非谓语动词作状语。位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Compared。

16.考查副词。句意同上。修饰动词短语focuses on,需用副词作状语。故填specifically。



19.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:获奖者中有核物理学家、农民、战斗英雄等等。此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,among位于句首,句子使用完全倒装,主语为a nuclear physicist, a farmer, combat heroes and so on,be动词用are。故填are。


21.考查介词。句意:中国氢弹之父俞敏不顾障碍和挑战,在氢弹研究上取得了突破。regardless of为固定短语,意为“不管,不顾”。故填of。

22.考查动词时态语态。句意:年轻一代肩负着实现中国梦的责任。expect sb. to do sth.为固定用法,此处使用被动语态,陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,be动词用are。故填are expected。


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