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Collect, gather (vv.)

#Collect, gather (vv.)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Collect 和 gather 都有「收集,搜集,聚集」的意思,但兩者的用法有諸多的不同,必須加以區別。譬如說,在 His brother collects commemorative coins. (他哥哥收藏紀念幣) 這句中,collects 不能用 gathers 來替代,因為 collect 表示「收藏、收集 (硬幣、郵票、藝術品等)」,而 gather 並無這項意思。

Collect 意為「收集,聚集,收藏」,表示有計劃、有條理地為了某一目的而進行的較為精心的收集,尤指收藏具有紀念價值或珍貴的東西。例如:My sister collects dolls/stamps. (我姊姊收藏玩具娃娃 / 我姊姊集郵);The wealthy businessman collects a lot of modern art. (那位富商收藏許多現代藝術品);A lot of families collect newspapers for recycling. (許多家庭把報紙收集起來回收再利用);The organization is collecting (money) for the earthquake victims. (那組織在為地震災民募集捐款)。

Gather 意為「收集,聚集,採集」,表示把一些亂放或分散的或難以明確分開的東西收拾在一起、集攏在一起,若是人,則是將他們聚集在一起;也指對花、果、蜜等的採集。例如:A rolling stone gathers no moss. (轉石不生苔;轉業不聚財);Several young people gathered outside the convenience store. (數名年輕人聚集在便利商店外面);My wife is gathering our son’s toys up. (我太太正在收拾兒子的玩具);Her family live by gathering shellfish. (她的一家人靠採集貝類為生)。 Collect 和 gather 皆可當及物和不及物動詞用。此外,collect 還有個意思是 gather 所沒有的,那就是「接 (人) = pick up;(領) 取 (物)」,而 gather 則還有個意思是 collect 所沒有的,那就是「猜測;推測」。例如:Cindy collected her kids from school on her way home. (辛蒂在回家的路上到學校接她的小孩);Your computer will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Monday. (你的電腦星期一會修好,到時可以來取);Mary went up to collect her prize. (瑪麗走上前去領獎);I will be able to start collecting my pension next year. (明年我就能開始領年金了);I gather that they’re divorced now. (我猜想他們現在已離婚);Betty loves her new job, I gather. (我認為貝蒂很喜歡她的新工作)。

不過,在「蒐集 (資料、證據等)」這項意思上,collect 和 gather 係同義詞。例如:

Kevin went to several libraries to collect information about otolaryngology. (凱文去了數家圖書館去搜集有關耳鼻喉科學的資料) = Kevin went to several libraries to gather information about otolaryngology.The law enforcement officers have been collecting evidence against Harry. (執法人員一直在蒐集對哈利不利的證據) = The law enforcement officers have been gathering evidence against Harry. Collect, gather (vv.) 2017-07-03T00:29:06+08:00 2018-11-08T11:18:54+08:00 admin分享並推薦本文:分享到 LINE(在新視窗中開啟)按一下以分享至 Facebook(在新視窗中開啟)分享到 Twitter(在新視窗中開啟)相關






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