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chewy是什么意思 chewy的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-04-13 09:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1. The steak was very chewy and hard to eat.


2. I don't like chewy candy, it hurts my teeth.


chewy通常被翻译为"咀嚼的 、耐嚼的"的意思,作为形容词时有"超力"的意思,发音是['tʃu:i],chewy常被用作形容词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到51个与chewy相关的例句。



例句:Octopus meatball from Japan, milk put a chewy ball, eat up the octopus tentacles also quite tasty, and then some, sauce, is very delicious! (章鱼丸子来自日本,奶球中放一个有嚼劲的章鱼触须,吃起来也很美味,再撒上一些,酱汁,便是十分美味的!)


例句:The find included POTS and pottery funnels, covered with a residue of broomcorn millet, barley, a chewy grain known as Job's tears, and tubers. (研究人员发现在陶罐和陶质漏斗表面覆盖有一层残渣,残渣的成分包括黍、大麦、薏米和块茎。)


例句:The airy savoriness of the awajouyu, a thimble-sized blob of whipped soy sauce, served with it complemented the meat's chewy texture nicely. (称为awajouyu的这不多的一抹酱油具有一种轻快的滋味,与咀嚼牛肉的纹理相得益彰。)


例句:You need to love the chewiness of intestines, the gelatinous and chewy texture of chicken feet and to appreciate jellyfish. (翻译:你得喜欢猪下水的嚼头,鸡爪的胶质和耐嚼纹理,得喜欢吃海蜇。)


1. The airy savoriness of the awajouyu, a thimble-sized blob of whipped soy sauce, served with it complemented the meat's chewy texture nicely. (翻译:称为awajouyu的这不多的一抹酱油具有一种轻快的滋味,与咀嚼牛肉的纹理相得益彰。)

2. You need to love the chewiness of intestines, the gelatinous and chewy texture of chicken feet and to appreciate jellyfish. (翻译:你得喜欢猪下水的嚼头,鸡爪的胶质和耐嚼纹理,得喜欢吃海蜇。)

3. Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy (翻译:Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy)

4. The meat was too chewy. (翻译:这肉太难嚼了。)

5. My starving soul nearly screamed with each voluptuous bite of silky roasted vegetables and chewy crust. (翻译:每次奢侈地咬一口柔滑的烤蔬菜和耐嚼的面,我饥饿的灵魂都几乎尖叫。)

6. " A wine with a strong tannin taste could be " chewy. (翻译:有着浓烈的单宁酸的味道的红酒杯说成是“柔软而会黏着的”。)

7. De Coco Pine, the colorful icy cool drink, and the chewy Nata De Coco added the enjoyment of the drink itself. (翻译:黄梨冰品,色彩丰富又冷冻的饮品,里头有嚼劲的果冻让人喝起来也乐趣无穷。)

8. Think of purslane as a great alternative to lettuce: the leaves and stems are crisp, chewy, succulent, and they have a mild lemony taste. (翻译:把马齿苋想成是生菜的一个伟大的替代品:叶和茎是脆的、耐嚼、多汁,而且它们有淡淡的柠檬味。)

9. I just didn't know my big tough gangster had a soft and chewy centre. (翻译:我只是不知道 我的大艰难黑帮 有软 耐嚼中心。)

10. Complex aromas of smoke, berries, coffee and meat. Full-bodied , with a solid core of ripe fruit, chewy tannins and a long, long finish. (翻译:蕴含烟熏、浆果、咖啡芳香及淡淡的肉香。酒体丰腴,果味浓郁而成熟,丹宁耐人寻味,回味持久。)

11. A dry, tannic red wine often leaves one's mouth bitter and the taste buds dry. Heavy meat with a chewy texture can soften that sensation. (翻译:一款丹宁丰富的干红往往带有一丝苦涩的余味,让味蕾发干,而经得起咀嚼的大肉能够中和这种感觉。)

12. "Hard on the outside, with a soft chewy center, " is the way many veteran computer security researchers think of such strategies. (翻译:“硬的外面,用软咬嚼中心”,就是许多资深的计算机安全研究人员认为这种战略。)

13. Only then will it be possible to eat chewy white turkey. (翻译:只有这样,才可能吃到有嚼劲的白色的火鸡肉。)

14. Good concentration of fruit, with currant and herb character. Medium-bodied, with chewy tannins and a medium finish. (翻译:果香颇为浓郁,蕴含些许黑醋栗及药草的芬芳。酒体适中,丹宁耐人寻味,回味恰倒好处。)

15. Besides, the market research reports say Amer-ica likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make. (翻译:而且,市场调查报告显示,美国人都喜欢吃脆饼干,而不是你做的那种又软又耐嚼的东西。)





- Chewy candy:嚼劲十足的糖果

- Chewy bread:嚼劲十足的面包

- Chewy meat:需要用力咀嚼的肉类

- Chewy snack:嚼劲十足的零食


- Chewy texture:嚼劲十足的质感

- Chewy and tough:嚼劲十足、有点难嚼的质感


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