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2023-09-01 17:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


单手剑 Swords双手剑 Claymores弓 Bows长柄武器 Polearms法器 Catalysts

中文名 英文名 中文技能名 英文技能名


蒙德系列 Mondstadt Series

天空之刃 Skyward Blade  穿刺高天的利齿 Sky-Piercing Fang天空之傲 Skyward Pride  斩裂晴空的龙脊 Sky-ripping Dragon Spine天空之翼 Skyward Harp  回响长天的诗歌 Echoing Ballad天空之脊 Skyward Spine  斫断黑翼的利齿 Blackwing天空之卷 Skyward Atlas  浮游四方的灵云 Wandering Clouds

璃月系列 Liyue Series

斫峰之刃 Summit Shaper无工之剑 The Unforged无贯虹之槊 Vortex Vanquisher尘世之锁 Memory of Dust

技能:金璋皇极 Golden Majesty


单:风鹰剑 Aquila Favonia 西风之鹰的抗争 Falcon's Defiance双:狼的末路 Wolf's Gravestone 如狼般狩猎者 Wolfish Tracker弓:阿莫斯之弓 Amos' Bow 矢志不忘 Strong-Willed长:和璞鸢 Primordial Jade Winged-Spear 昭理的鸢之枪 Eagle Spear of Justice法:四风原典 Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds 无边际的眷顾 Boundless Blessing


黑岩系列 Blackcliff Series

黑岩长剑 Blackcliff Longsword黑岩斩刀 Blackcliff Slasher黑岩战弓 Blackcliff Warbow黑岩刺枪 Blackcliff Pole黑岩绯玉 Blackcliff Agate

技能:乘胜追击 Press the Advantage

龙脊系列 Dragonspine Series

无雪葬的星银 Snow-Tombed Starsilver无龙脊长枪 Dragonspine Spear忍冬之果 Frostbearer

技能:霜葬 Frost Burial

西风系列 Favonius Series

西风剑 Favonius Sword西风大剑 Favonius Greatsword西风猎弓 Favonius Warbow西风长枪 Favonius Lance西风秘典 Favonius Codex

技能:顺风而行 Windfall

试作系列 Prototype Series

试作斩岩 Prototype Rancour 碎石 Smashed Stone试作古华 Prototype Archaic 粉碎 Crush试作澹月 Prototype Crescent 离簇不归 Unreturning试作星镰 Prototype Starglitter 嗜魔 Magic Affinity试作金珀 Prototype Amber 炊金 Gilding

宗室系列 Royal Series

宗室长剑 Royal Longsword宗室大剑 Royal Greatsword宗室长弓 Royal Bow宗室猎枪 Royal Spear宗室秘法录 Royal Grimoire

技能:专注 Focus

祭礼系列 Sacrificial Series

祭礼剑 Sacrificial Sword祭礼大剑 Sacrificial Greatsword祭礼弓 Sacrificial Bow无祭礼残章 Sacrificial Fragments

技能:气定神闲 Composed

流浪乐团系列 Wanderer's Troupe Series

笛剑 The Flute 和弦 Chord钟剑 The Bell 叛逆的守护者 Rebellious Guardian绝弦 The Stringless 无矢之歌 Arrowless Song无流浪乐章 The Widsith 登场乐 Debut

注能系列 Infusion Series

铁蜂刺 Iron Sting 注能之刺 Infusion Stinger白影剑 Whiteblind 注能之锋 Infusion Blade钢轮弓 Compound Bow 注能之矢 Infusion Arrow流月针 Crescent Pike 注能之针 Infusion Needle万国诸海图谱 Mappa Mare 注能之卷 Infusion Scroll


匣里龙吟 Lion's Roar 踏火息雷 Bane of Fire and Thunder无无匣里灭辰 Dragon's Bane 踏火止水 Bane of Flame and Water匣里日月 Solar Pearl 日月辉 Solar Shine



降临之剑 Sword of Descension 降世 Descension黑剑 The Black Sword 「正义」 Justice腐殖之剑 Festering Desire 无尽的渴慕 Undying Admiration


魑骨剑 Serpent Spine 破浪 Wavesplitter雨裁 Rainslasher 止水息雷 Bane of Storm and Tide


苍翠猎弓 The Viridescent Hunt 苍翠之风 Verdant Wind弓藏 Rust 速射弓斗 Rapid Firing


决斗之枪 Deathmatch 角斗士 Gladiator


昭心 Eye of Perception 回响 Echo



冷刃 Cool Steel 止水融冰 Bane of Water and Ice暗铁剑 Dark Iron Sword 过载 Overloaded旅行剑 Traverler's Handy Sword 旅程 Journey黎明神剑 Harbinger of Dawn 激励 Vigorous吃虎鱼刀 Fillet Blade 决 Gash飞天御剑 Skyrider Sword 决心 Determination


以理服人 Debate Club 有话直说 Blunt Conclusion飞天大御剑 Skyrider Greatsword 勇气 Courage铁影阔剑 Ferrous Shadow 不屈 Unbending白铁大剑 White Iron Greatsword 收割 Cull the Weak沐浴龙血的剑 Bloodtainted Greatsword 踏火息雷 Bane of Fire and Thunder


鸦羽弓 Raven Bow 踏火止水 Bane of Flame and Water神射手之誓 Sharpshooter's Oath 精准 Precise反曲弓 Recurve Bow 收割 Cull the Weak弹弓 Slingshot 弹弓 Slingshot信使 Messenger 飞矢传书 Archer's Message


白缨枪 White Tassel 锐利 Sharp黑缨枪 Black Tassel 克柔 Bane of the Soft钺矛 Halberd 沉重 Heavy


甲级宝珏 Twin Nephrite 奔袭战术 Guerilla Tactic魔导绪论 Magic Guide 止水息雷 Bane of Storm and Tide讨龙英杰谭 Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers 传承 Legacy异世界行记 Otherworldly Story 能量沐浴 Energy Shower翡玉法球 Emerald Orb 激流 Rapids


银剑 Silver Sword佣兵重剑 Old Merc's Pal历练的猎弓 Seasoned Hunter's Bow铁尖枪 Iron Point口袋魔导书 Pocket Grimoire


无锋剑 Dull Blade训练大剑 Waster Greatsword猎弓 Hunter's Bow新手长枪 Beginner's Protector学徒笔记 Apprentice's Notes






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