人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking 课件 您所在的位置:网站首页 cafes翻译 人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking 课件

人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking 课件

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(共18张PPT)Unit 3Reading and ThinkingLi Lan’s Travel Journalguess the city that we are going to learnIt's near the Pacific Ocean. It’s a beautiful coastal city in California on the West Coast of USA.Read the passage and answer.4’Reading2. Which places are mentioned in Li Lan’s journey 1. What is Li Lan’s purpose for writing the passage A. Advertise the tourists attractions in San Francisco.B. Introduce her travel experience.C. Illustrate the historical stories in San Francisco.Travel journalHas been to:Redwood Forest,Napa Valley,Mission District,a local museum,Chinatown.Plans to visit:Richmond DistrictScan Li Lan's travel journal.find out Li Lan’s route.Today was my first day back to San Franciscoa travel journalRedwood Forestthe Mission Districta local museumIn the afternoon,ChinatownThis evening,Tomorrow evening,a jazz barNapa Valleytime&placeRead the travel journal again and complete the timeline of Li Lan's trip.

Camped in the Redwood Forsest;Visited Napa Valley




Eveninggot the first impression of the city;walked around the Mission Districtate Mexican -Chinese noodlesvisited the local museumlearnt about the history of Californiawent to Chinatownate at a Cantonese restaurantwill go to a jazz bar in the Richmond DistrictBefore coming to San FranciscoWhat did Li Lan do on her trip Parts Feelings content of each paragraphPara.1: city of San FranciscoPara.2: Mission DistrictPara.3: local museumPara.4: ChinatownPara.5: Richmond Districtamazed, impressedwhat a city…/ so many beautiful old buildings…offering great view…interestedI walked around looking at the street…quite modern and lively…/delicious/A real mix of culturesmovedThe museum did a really good job…/carried a bit of home in their hearts…,built a new home here.happy…so many good cafes and restaurants…beautiful china plates…What good food!excitedCan't wait!How did Li Lan feel about her trip in San Francisco ReadingClassify and organize informationWe can better understand a passage by classifying or organizing the information, e.g. dates, numbers, opinions. Organizing means putting things in order, e.g. according to how old, how much, what kind. Sometimes it is a good idea to draw a diagram to organize the information in the passage.Reading: para.11. What impressed the writer first about San Francisco The beautiful old buildings, many sitting on top of big hills.Redwood Forest 红杉林Napa Valley纳帕谷Not in history has a modern city been so completely destroyed. San Francisco is gone.Golden Gate BridgeReading: Para.22. What is so special about the Mission District It is one of the oldest parts of the city and now a center for art, music, and food. It was quite modern and lively.It is a vibrant [ va br nt]活跃的,充满活力的, historical area full of culture and life.Mission schoolgraffiti art & comic artRead the passage and answer.4’Reading para.33. Why did many immigrants wanted to San Francisco A. Because they wanted to build the railways.B. Because they wanted to spread the culture.C. Because they wanted to experience different cultures.D. Because they wanted to seek their fortune.The gold rush in San Francisco (1848)In January 1848, a carpenter in California found gold in the waterwheel while he was building a sawmill (锯木厂).In August, news of the discovery of gold mine in California reached New York, which completely inspired gold rushes around the world. People from all over come to San Francisco to get rich overnight.What happen to the people who came to San Francisco Think: From Li Lan’s viewpoint, what examples of ethnic diversity canyou find?Post-readingMission DistrictA local museumChinatownA food truck1. People:Mexico or Central America2. “Mission School”:graffiti art & comic artImmigrants from different countriesMexican-Chinese noodlesCafés and restaurantsSF is a city with diverse cultures.1. What do you think brought about the cultural diversity 2. What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity Post-reading: Think and shareThe benefits:opportunities to experience different cultures and customspersonal growth (culture awareness, intercultural communication...);more open-minded society; exchange of innovative ideas.The challenges:misunderstanding across languages and culturesconflicting values and lifestylesunconscious cultural biases.opportunities; communication; innovative (creative)misunderstanding; bias(n. 歧视)What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity The benefits:The challenges :Thinking and discussionPost-readingPeople are able to experience a wide variety of cultures, making their lives more interesting...People may have trouble communicating or understanding each other…We should understand and respect diverse cultures.SummaryToday, I arrived back in San Francisco, and it feels good (1) _____(be) back in the city again. The city succeeded in (2)_____________ (rebuild) itself after the earthquake that (3)________ (occur) in 1906, and I stayed in the Mission District, enjoying some delicious noodles mixed with cultures.In the afternoon, I headed to a local museum (4)____ showed the historical changes in California. During the gold rush, many Chinese arrived, and some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown to earn a (5)_____ (live). Many others worked on (6)______ (farm), joined the gold rush,or went to build the railway that connected California to the east. The museum showed us (7)____ America was built by immigrants from (8)________ (difference) countries and cultures.In the evening, I went to Chinatown, and ate in a Cantonese restaurant that served food on (9)________(beauty) china plates. Tomorrow evening, I’m going to (10)__ jazz bar in the Richmond District. to berebuildingoccurredthatlivingfarmshowdifferentbeautifula








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