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2024-07-02 05:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


英音 [bʊl] 美音 [bʊl]


n. 公牛;股市看涨的人;力大如牛的人;大型雄性动物;

vt. [证券]从事投机使(证券等)价格上涨;推,强迫;强力实现;对…施加压力,强使…通过;

vi. [证券](证券、股票等)价格上涨;哄抬证券价格;走运,提高身价;猛推,猛挤,猛力向前;

adj. 公的,雄的;力大如牛的;价格上涨的;

【英文释义】 Noun:

uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle

a large and strong and heavyset man;

"he was a bull of a man" "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got"

obscene words for unacceptable behavior;

"I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk" "what he said was mostly bull"

a serious and ludicrous blunder;

"he made a bad bull of the assignment"

uncomplimentary terms for a policeman

an investor with an optimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale later

(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Taurus

the second sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about April 20 to May 20

the center of a target

a formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla)

mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle

Verb: push or force;

"He bulled through his demands"

try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buying

speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths;

"The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it"

advance in price;

"stocks were bulling"

【bull相关词】 Trumbull [人名] [英格兰人、苏格兰人姓氏] 特朗布尔来源于古英语人名,含义是“坚强的+勇敢的”(strong,firm+bold,brave);[地名] [美国] 特兰伯尔;bull. [医][=bulletin]公报,公告,病情报告书;bulla n. 垂饰,教皇的印玺;bullae n. 垂饰,教皇的印玺;垂饰,教皇的印玺( bulla的名词复数 );bullate adj. 起水泡的,肿胀的;bullbaiting n. 逗牛游戏;bullbat n. 夜鹰;bullboat n. 牛皮(小)船;bulldog n. 斗牛犬;bulldoze vt. 强迫(某人做某事)(-sb +into doing sth);(用推土机)推倒;铲平;(使)强行通过;bulldozer n. 推土机;恐吓者,威胁者;bullet n. 子弹,弹药;弹丸;[印]着重号;bulletin n. 公告,公报;新闻快报;小报;期刊; vt. 公布,公告;用公报发表;bulletproof adj. 防弹的;bullfight n. 斗牛(流行于西班牙和南美洲);bullfinch n. 红腹灰雀(欧洲鸣鸟);bullfrog n. 牛蛙,菜蛙;bullhead n. 大头鱼,鳅之类,顽固的人;bullheaded adj. 顽固的,顽强的;bullhorn n. 手提式扩音器;bullion n. 金条;(视为原材料的)金;银;金(或银)丝饰带;bullish adj. 公牛般的;顽固的;[商]股票行情看涨的;〈比喻〉乐观的;bullmastiff n. 牛头獒(牛头犬与獒的杂交种);bullnecked adj. 粗颈的;bullock n. 阉牛,一岁半以下的小公牛;bullpen n. 牛栏,大房间(尤指候审犯人用的),候补队员区;bullring n. 斗牛场;bullroarer n. 吼板(澳大利亚等地土著用于宗教仪式的一种旋转时能发出吼声的木板);bullshit n. 胡说; vt.& vi. 胡说,哄骗;bullwhip n. (旧时赶牛或牲口用的)粗而长的鞭;bully vt. 恐吓,威逼;盛气凌人,以强凌弱; vi. 欺侮; n. 仗势欺人者,横行霸道者;暴徒;打手;情人; adj. 第一流的,特好的; int. 好,妙(感叹词);bullyboy n. (受人雇用且尤指与政治集团有关的)流氓,打手;bullyrag v. 威吓,欺凌;

【bull相关词条】 Bull n. 公牛;股市看涨的人;力大如牛的人;大型雄性动物; vt. [证券]从事投机使(证券等)价格上涨;推,强迫;强力实现;对…施加压力,强使…通过; vi. [证券](证券、股票等)价格上涨;哄抬证券价格;走运,提高身价;猛推,猛挤,猛力向前; adj. 公的,雄的;力大如牛的;价格上涨的;bull point 得分,优势;bull account 买主账,多头账;bull rope 传动索,钻探用钢丝绳;bull currency 汇率看涨货币;bull session n. 闲谈;bull trout n. 鲑鱼的一种;bull gang 普通工作队;bull stretcher 圆端顺砖链式展幅机;露边侧砖;bull riveter 重型铆钉机;bull-terrier n. 叭喇狗;bull. [医][=bulletin]公报,公告,病情报告书;Bull. [医][=bulletin]公报,公告,病情报告书;breeding bull 种公牛;bull block 主索滑车,起模板;Aq bull abbr. aqua bulliens (Latin=boiling water) (拉丁语)沸水;bull eye [医]牛样眼;Bull bulliat [医]使煮沸;bull pool 多头集团;bull campaign 多头哄抬价格动向,买空浪潮;Bull-Dog [医]哈巴狗;






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