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主要翻译英语中文 bring [sth]⇒ vtr (carry [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 拿 ná TCTraditional Chinese 拿   SCSimplified Chinese 搬 ná,bān TCTraditional Chinese 搬  Bring that chair over here, will you?  把那把椅子搬到这边来,好吗? bring [sth] vtr (take [sth] with you) (物)SCSimplified Chinese 随身携带,带来 suí shēn xié dài,dài lái TCTraditional Chinese 隨身攜帶,帶來  Should I bring some wine with me?  我该带点葡萄酒来吗? bring [sb]⇒ vtr (take [sb] with you) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 带来 dài lái TCTraditional Chinese 帶來  Bring a friend when you come to dinner.  带个朋友一起来吃晚饭。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 bring [sb] to do [sth] v expr (persuade [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 促使 cù shǐ TCTraditional Chinese 促使   SCSimplified Chinese 说服 cù shǐ,shuō fú TCTraditional Chinese 說服   SCSimplified Chinese 引导 cù shǐ,yǐn dǎo TCTraditional Chinese 引導  Her speech brought us to accept her point of view. bring [sth]⇒ vtr (sell for, give: a sum) (利润)SCSimplified Chinese 卖得   SCSimplified Chinese 带来 dài lái TCTraditional Chinese 帶來  Those antiques should bring a good price. bring [sth], bring [sth] against [sb]⇒ vtr (legal: put [sth] forward)SCSimplified Chinese 起诉 qǐ sù TCTraditional Chinese 起訴   SCSimplified Chinese 提起…诉讼  She brought a lawsuit against her employer. bring [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (attract [sb], [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 把…引来 bǎ yǐn lái TCTraditional Chinese 把…引來   SCSimplified Chinese 吸引…前来  This new window display should bring a crowd.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 bring [sth] about, bring about [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cause)SCSimplified Chinese 引起 yǐn qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 引起   SCSimplified Chinese 造成 yǐn qǐ,zào chéng TCTraditional Chinese 造成   SCSimplified Chinese 导致 yǐn qǐ,dǎo zhì TCTraditional Chinese 導致  He promised that he would bring about change.  他承诺说,自己会有所作为,带来改变。 bring [sth/sb] along, bring along [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (carry or take: to a given place)SCSimplified Chinese 将…带过来 jiāng dài guò lái  This is not a private dinner so please invite your friends and bring along a bottle of wine.  这不是一场私人晚宴,所以请你邀请好友,并带一瓶葡萄酒过来。 bring [sth] back vtr phrasal sep (return with [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 带…回来 TCTraditional Chinese 帶…回來   SCSimplified Chinese 捎…回来  Do you want me to bring back some snacks from the store?  你想让我从商店捎点零食回来么? bring [sth] back vtr phrasal sep informal (reintroduce [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 再次提出 zài cì tí chū   SCSimplified Chinese 重新提出   SCSimplified Chinese 恢复 zài cì tí chū,huī fù TCTraditional Chinese 恢復  The murderer's lenient sentence led to calls to bring back hanging.  那名谋杀犯的从轻判处导致大家呼吁恢复绞刑。 bring [sth] back vtr phrasal sep informal (make [sth] popular again)SCSimplified Chinese 使…再流行   SCSimplified Chinese 使…再受欢迎  Designers in Paris have decided to bring back mini-skirts.  巴黎的设计师们决定要使迷你裙再度流行。 bring [sth] back, bring back [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (past, memories: revive)SCSimplified Chinese 使回忆起 shǐ huí yì qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 使回憶起   SCSimplified Chinese 唤起对…的回忆  Listening to that song brings back happier days.  听着那首歌,唤起对那些快乐的老日子的回忆。 bring [sth] back up vtr phrasal sep (topic: raise again)SCSimplified Chinese 再次提出 zài cì tí chū bring [sth] back up vtr phrasal sep informal (food: vomit)SCSimplified Chinese 呕吐 ǒu tù bring [sb] before [sb], bring [sth] before [sb] vtr phrasal sep (take to: court)SCSimplified Chinese 把…带上法庭受审 bǎ dài shàng fǎ tíng shòu shěn   SCSimplified Chinese 提审 bǎ dài shàng fǎ tíng shòu shěn,tí shěn  The Senator was brought before the High Court on charges of racketeering. bring [sb] closer vtr phrasal sep (make more intimate)SCSimplified Chinese 使更为亲近 shǐ gèng wéi qīn jìn  She planned a quiet weekend away for the two of them in hopes that it would bring them closer. bring [sb/sth] down vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (cause demise)SCSimplified Chinese 打倒 dǎ dǎo TCTraditional Chinese 打倒   SCSimplified Chinese 击败 dǎ dǎo ,jī bài TCTraditional Chinese 擊敗  The scandal brought down the government.  这件丑闻击垮了政府。 bring [sb] down vtr phrasal sep US, figurative, slang (make sad)SCSimplified Chinese 挫伤…,使沮丧 cuò shāng,shǐ jǔ sàng TCTraditional Chinese 使沮喪  If you keep criticizing Michael, you'll just bring him down.  如果你一直批评迈克尔的话,你会使他沮丧的。 bring [sth] forth, bring forth [sth] vtr phrasal sep (produce, create)SCSimplified Chinese 生产 shēng chǎn TCTraditional Chinese 生產   SCSimplified Chinese 产出 shēng chǎn,chǎn chū   SCSimplified Chinese 推出 shēng chǎn,tuī chū bring [sth] forward vtr phrasal sep (reschedule for earlier)SCSimplified Chinese 提前 tí qián TCTraditional Chinese 提前  I hope the doctor's surgery can bring my appointment forward, as I'll be on holiday next week.  我希望可以把我预约的医生手术提前,因为我下周开始放假。 bring [sb/sth] in, bring in [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (transport to a place)SCSimplified Chinese 带来 dài lái TCTraditional Chinese 帶來   SCSimplified Chinese 推来  The nurse brought in an ECG machine.  护士拿来一台心电图仪器。 bring [sth] in, bring in [sth] vtr phrasal sep (introduce, initiate)SCSimplified Chinese 推行 TCTraditional Chinese 推行   SCSimplified Chinese 发起 fā qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 發起  In 2007, the British government brought in a ban on smoking in all enclosed public spaces.  2007年,英国政府出台了一项禁令,禁止在所有封闭的公共场所吸烟。 bring [sb] in, bring in [sb] vtr phrasal sep (ask to do a job)SCSimplified Chinese 引进 yǐn jìn TCTraditional Chinese 引進   SCSimplified Chinese 带来 yǐn jìn,dài lái TCTraditional Chinese 帶來  Usually a new head coach will bring in his own team of assistants.  通常,新的主教练会带来自己的助理团队。 bring [sth] in, bring in [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make: money)SCSimplified Chinese 赚钱, 获利  My online greetings card shop brings in £300 a month.  我线上贺卡商店每月能赚300英镑。 bring [sth] off vtr phrasal sep informal (succeed in carrying [sth] out)SCSimplified Chinese 办完, 完成  We didn't think that he could bring it off, but the success of his business proved us wrong. bring [sth] on vtr phrasal sep (prompt, cause)SCSimplified Chinese 引起 yǐn qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 引起   SCSimplified Chinese 导致 yǐn qǐ,dǎo zhì TCTraditional Chinese 導致  His allergies brought on the asthma attack.  他的过敏引起了哮喘。 bring [sb/sth] on vtr phrasal sep (performer, act: send on stage)SCSimplified Chinese 通过介绍将(演员或节目)引上舞台  It was time to bring on the next act.  是时候介绍下一个节目了。 bring [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (elicit)SCSimplified Chinese 使…呈现出来   SCSimplified Chinese 使显现  A squirt of fresh lemon will bring out the flavor of that grilled salmon.  淋上一点新鲜的柠檬汁能凸显烤三文鱼的味道。 bring [sth] out vtr phrasal sep figurative (emphasize)SCSimplified Chinese 使突出 shǐ tū chū  That eye shadow brings out the blue in your eyes.  那个眼影能突出你眼睛中的蓝色。 bring [sth] out vtr phrasal sep informal (publish, release)SCSimplified Chinese 出版,发行 chū bǎn,fā xíng TCTraditional Chinese 發行   SCSimplified Chinese 推出 tuī chū  J.K.Rowling brought out her first novel at the age of 31.  J·K·罗琳在31岁时发行了她的第一部小说。 bring [sb] round vtr phrasal sep informal (make conscious)SCSimplified Chinese 使…苏醒过来 shǐ sū xǐng guò lái  Victorians used smelling salts to bring round someone who had fainted.  维多利亚时代的人用嗅盐来唤醒晕厥的人。 bring [sb] round vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (persuade)SCSimplified Chinese 说服 shuō fú TCTraditional Chinese 說服  Wendy wasn't sure about moving to Florida, but her husband's talk of beaches brought her round.  温迪不确定是否要搬去佛罗里达州,但他丈夫关于海滩的一番话说服了她。 bring [sb] to vtr phrasal sep informal (rouse to consciousness)SCSimplified Chinese 使…苏醒过来 shǐ sū xǐng guò lái  She was brought to with smelling salts.  嗅盐使她苏醒过来。 bring [sth] up, bring up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (raise: a subject)SCSimplified Chinese 提出(某个话题)以讨论  It is not a good idea to bring up politics with my family.  最好不要和我的家人讨论政治话题。 bring [sb] up, bring up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (raise: a child)SCSimplified Chinese 抚养 fǔ yǎng   SCSimplified Chinese 将…养大成人  The couple adopted the child and brought him up.  那对夫妇收养了那个孩子,并将他养大成人。 bring [sth] up, bring up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (vomit)SCSimplified Chinese 呕吐 ǒu tù  The baby is ill and keeps bringing up her food.  宝宝生病了,不停地呕吐。 bring [sb] up, bring up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (bring before a court)SCSimplified Chinese 起诉 qǐ sù TCTraditional Chinese 起訴   SCSimplified Chinese 对...提起诉讼   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 bring back memories v expr (make [sb] remember)SCSimplified Chinese 想起过去   SCSimplified Chinese 回忆起过去  Ah, that song brings back memories! bring back memories of [sth/sb] v expr (make [sb] remember)SCSimplified Chinese 使人想起   SCSimplified Chinese 让人回忆起  The photographs brought back memories of Alan's childhood. bring [sb] back to life v expr (resuscitate)SCSimplified Chinese 使…苏醒,救活 shǐ sū xǐng bring [sth] back to life v expr figurative (reintroduce) (想法、项目等)SCSimplified Chinese 恢复,重新开展,重新引入 huī fù TCTraditional Chinese 恢復  The idea, once rejected, has been brought back to life by proponents. bring charges vtr + npl (accuse [sb] officially)SCSimplified Chinese 提起控诉 tí qǐ kòng sù TCTraditional Chinese 提起控訴 bring charges against [sb] v expr (accuse [sb] officially)SCSimplified Chinese 起诉, 控告 bring down the house, bring the house down v expr (make audience laugh or cheer)SCSimplified Chinese 掌声雷动   SCSimplified Chinese 博得满堂喝彩 bring [sb] home v expr informal (introduce to parents) (带男/女朋友回家见自己的父母)SCSimplified Chinese 见家长  We're nervous because she's bringing her boyfriend home tonight.  我们很紧张,因为她今晚会带她男朋友回家见家长。 bring [sth] home to [sb] v expr (with object: make clear)SCSimplified Chinese 使...清楚地认识到...  My car accident really brought home to me the importance of wearing a seat belt. bring home to [sb] that v expr (with clause: make clear)SCSimplified Chinese 使...清楚地认识到 bring home the bacon v expr figurative, informal (support family)SCSimplified Chinese 养家 yǎng jiā  Dean was glad to graduate so he could finally help bring home the bacon. bring home the bacon v expr figurative, informal (be successful)SCSimplified Chinese 成功 chéng gōng TCTraditional Chinese 成功 bring [sth] into alignment⇒ vtr figurative (standardize)SCSimplified Chinese 使标准化 shǐ biāo zhǔn huà TCTraditional Chinese 使標準化 bring [sth] into alignment vtr (align, line [sth] up)SCSimplified Chinese 使对齐 shǐ duì qí TCTraditional Chinese 使對齊 bring [sth] into being⇒ vtr (create, begin [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 使某事物产生 shǐ mǒu shì wù chǎn shēng   SCSimplified Chinese 使形成 shǐ mǒu shì wù chǎn shēng,shǐ xíng chéng bring [sth] into contention v expr (put forward, argue for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 为…争辩 bring [sth] into focus v expr (visually: make [sth] sharper)SCSimplified Chinese 把...置于焦点之上,对好焦距 bǎ zhì yú jiāo diǎn zhī shàng,duì hǎo jiāo jù bring [sth] into focus v expr figurative (topic: make clear)SCSimplified Chinese 使突出,使清楚地注意到,使明朗化 shǐ tū chū,shǐ qīng chǔ de zhù yì dào,shǐ míng lǎng huà bring [sth/sb] into line with [sth], bring [sth/sb] in line with [sth] v expr (make [sth] correspond, conform)SCSimplified Chinese 让...一致   SCSimplified Chinese 让...协调 bring [sth] into play⇒ vtr (align, line [sth] up)SCSimplified Chinese 发挥 fā huī TCTraditional Chinese 發揮   SCSimplified Chinese 调动 fā huī,diào dòng TCTraditional Chinese 調動  Artillery was brought into play and this caused the enemy to retreat.  我们启用了火炮,因此敌军撤退了。 bring [sth] into question v expr (cast doubt on [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 令人对…产生怀疑 lìng rén duì chǎn shēng huái yí Bring it on! interj informal (eagerness) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 来吧! lái ba TCTraditional Chinese 來吧!  My holiday starts tomorrow; bring it on!  我明天开始放假,来吧! Bring it on! interj slang (challenge)SCSimplified Chinese 动手吧!来吧!  If you think you can do better, bring it on!  如果你认为自己能做得更好,那就来吧! bring [sb] luck, bring luck to [sb] v expr (cause good fortune for [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 给...带来运气   SCSimplified Chinese 让...获得好运 bring [sth/sb] over vtr + adv (carry or take: to a given place)SCSimplified Chinese 将…带过来 jiāng dài guò lái  I will bring the car over to your house if you drive me home afterwards.  如果之后你开车送我回家,我就将车开到你家去。 bring peace vtr + n (settle conflict)SCSimplified Chinese 带来和平 TCTraditional Chinese 帶來和平 bring peace to [sth/sb] vtr + n (settle conflict)SCSimplified Chinese 给...带来和平  He is the latest in a long list of people that have tried to bring peace to the Middle East. bring [sth] to a/the boil v expr (heat [sth] to boiling point)SCSimplified Chinese 把…煮沸 bring [sth] to a close v expr (end or complete [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 完成 wán chéng TCTraditional Chinese 完成   SCSimplified Chinese 结束 wán chéng,jié shù TCTraditional Chinese 結束  Everyone at the meeting was tired and cranky, so we brought it to a close. bring [sth] to an end⇒ vtr (conclude, finish)SCSimplified Chinese 结束 jié shù TCTraditional Chinese 結束   SCSimplified Chinese 终结 jié shù,zhōng jié TCTraditional Chinese 終結  The conference was brought to an end in the late afternoon. bring [sth] to [sb]'s attention, bring [sth] to the attention of [sb] v expr (make [sb] aware of)SCSimplified Chinese 使...注意   SCSimplified Chinese 引起注意 yǐn qǐ zhù yì  An employee brought the matter to my attention. bring [sth/sb] to bay v expr (hunted animal, person: corner, trap)SCSimplified Chinese 使...陷入困境   SCSimplified Chinese 把...困住 bring [sth] to bear on [sth] v expr (apply [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 施加 shī jiā TCTraditional Chinese 施加  Ali brought all his strength to bear on the heavy door. bring [sb] to book v expr (call to account)SCSimplified Chinese 审查 shěn chá TCTraditional Chinese 審查   SCSimplified Chinese 惩罚 shěn chá,chéng fá TCTraditional Chinese 懲罰 bring [sth] to completion v expr (complete, finish)SCSimplified Chinese 结束 jié shù TCTraditional Chinese 結束   SCSimplified Chinese 终结 jié shù,zhōng jié TCTraditional Chinese 終結   SCSimplified Chinese 完成 jié shù,wán chéng TCTraditional Chinese 完成 bring [sth/sb] to fever pitch v expr informal (make frenzied)SCSimplified Chinese 致使…狂热 zhì shǐ kuáng rè  The crowd were brought to fever pitch when the band walked onto the stage.  当乐队上台后,人群变得狂热。 bring [sth] to fruition v expr (make a success of, accomplish)SCSimplified Chinese 实现 shí xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 實現 bring [sb/sth] to heel v expr figurative (subjugate)SCSimplified Chinese 使...顺从   SCSimplified Chinese 让...服从 bring [sb] to justice v expr (take to court)SCSimplified Chinese 绳之以法 shéng zhī yǐ fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 繩之以法   SCSimplified Chinese 移送法办 shéng zhī yǐ fǎ,yí sòng fǎ bàn  Police officers must bring outlaws to justice. bring [sb] to justice v expr (punish)SCSimplified Chinese 绳之以法 shéng zhī yǐ fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 繩之以法   SCSimplified Chinese 受到法律制裁 bring [sth] to life v expr figurative (enliven)SCSimplified Chinese 给予…以活力 gěi yǔ yǐ huó lì  The party was boring until the band started playing and brought it to life. bring [sth/sb] to life v expr figurative (make seem real)SCSimplified Chinese 将...塑造得栩栩如生 jiāng sù zào de xǔ xǔ rú shēng  A good movie adaptation really brings the characters to life. bring [sth/sb] to life v expr often passive (give life)SCSimplified Chinese 赋予...生命 fù yǔ shēng mìng   SCSimplified Chinese 让...活过来  A fairy brought the puppet Pinocchio to life. bring [sth] to light v expr figurative (reveal [sth] secret)SCSimplified Chinese 揭露 jiē lù TCTraditional Chinese 揭露   SCSimplified Chinese 揭发 jiē lù ,jiē fā TCTraditional Chinese 揭發  We should bring his outrageous actions to light. bring [sb/sth] to mind v expr (recall)SCSimplified Chinese 想起 xiǎng qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 想起   SCSimplified Chinese 回忆起 TCTraditional Chinese 回憶起  The smell of bread baking brings to mind the years I spent in boarding school. bring [sth] to the boil v expr (liquid in pan: heat until boiling)SCSimplified Chinese 使...沸腾   SCSimplified Chinese 煮沸 zhǔ fèi TCTraditional Chinese 煮沸 bring [sb/sth] together, bring together [sb/sth] vtr + adv (unite)SCSimplified Chinese 使团结 shǐ tuán jié TCTraditional Chinese 使團結   SCSimplified Chinese 使走到一起  Sunday lunch at my parents' house brings the whole family together.  星期天,我父母家的午餐将全家人都聚在了一起。 bring [sth] together, bring together [sth] vtr + adv (collect)SCSimplified Chinese 使集合 shǐ jí hé   SCSimplified Chinese 聚集 shǐ jí hé,jù jí TCTraditional Chinese 聚集   SCSimplified Chinese 汇集 shǐ jí hé,huì jí TCTraditional Chinese 匯集 / 滙極  This exhibition brings together all of Picasso's major paintings.  本次展览汇集了毕加索所有的主要画作。 bring up the rear v expr (follow)SCSimplified Chinese 殿后 diàn hòu   SCSimplified Chinese 走在后面  I'll blaze a trail through the jungle. You bring up the rear. bring [sb] up to date v expr (give [sb] the most recent information)SCSimplified Chinese 告诉...最新消息   SCSimplified Chinese 给...最新消息  Alice brought me up to date with all her news. bring yourself to do [sth] v expr (force yourself to do [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 强迫自己做某事 qiǎng pò zì jǐ zuò mǒu shì 备注: Usually used in the negative I can't bring myself to see a film that's that violent. combine to bring about [sth] v expr (cause jointly)SCSimplified Chinese 共同导致 gòng tóng dǎo zhì TCTraditional Chinese 共同導致  Opposition to the government and anger at the police combined to bring about the riots.  对政府的不满,以及对警察的愤怒,导致了暴乱的发生。 take [sb] to task, bring [sb] to task v expr (reprimand, rebuke [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 批评 pī píng   SCSimplified Chinese 责备 pī píng,zé bèi TCTraditional Chinese 責備 take [sb] to task for [sth], bring [sb] to task for [sth] v expr (reprimand [sb] for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 因...而训斥...  The coach took them to task for their poor performance. take [sb] to task for doing [sth], bring [sb] to task for doing [sth] v expr (reprimand [sb] for doing [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 因...做了...而训斥   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: bring [brɪŋ] (pt, pp brought) vt 1 [+ thing, person] (with you) 带(帶)来(來) dàilái He brought Judy with him.他把朱迪带(帶)来(來)了。 Tā bǎ Zhūdí dàilái le. (to sb) 拿来(來) nálái Would you bring me a glass of water?请(請)给(給)我拿杯水来(來),好吗(嗎)? Qǐng gěi wǒ ná bēi shuǐ lái,hǎo ma? 2 (=move) 移 yí She brought her hands up to her face.她将(將)手移到脸(臉)上。 Tā jiāng shǒu yí dào liǎnshang. 3 [+ satisfaction, trouble] 带(帶)来(來) dàilái Her three children brought her joy.她的3个(個)孩子给(給)她带(帶)来(來)欢(歡)乐(樂)。 Tā de sān gè háizi gěi tā dàilái huānlè. 4 (=cause to come) 使来(來)到 shǐ láidào What brought you to this town in the first place?究竟是什么(麼)使你来(來)到这(這)个(個)城市的呢? Jiūjìng shì shénme shǐ nǐ láidào zhège chéngshì de ne? to bring sth to a stop/an end 使某事停止/结(結)束 shǐ mǒushì tíngzhǐ/jiéshù I can't bring myself to fire him 我不忍心解雇(僱)他 wǒ bù rěnxīn jiěgù tābring about vt (=cause) 造成 zàochéng bring along vt 随(隨)身携(攜)带(帶) suíshēn xiédài bring around vt = bring round bring back vt 1 (=return) 带(帶)回来(來) dài huílái She brought my book back.她把我的书(書)带(帶)回来(來)了。 Tā bǎ wǒ de shū dài huílái le. 2 (=restore) [+ hanging etc] 恢复(復) huīfù Some people want to bring back the death penalty.一些人想恢复(復)死刑。 Yīxiē rén xiǎng huīfù sǐxíng. 3 [+ memory] 使人回忆(憶)起 shǐ rén huíyì qǐ Your article brought back sad memories for me.你的文章使我回忆(憶)起一些难(難)过(過)的往事。 Nǐ de wénzhāng shǐ wǒ huíyì qǐ yīxiē nánguò de wǎngshì. bring down vt 1 [+ government] 使…倒台(臺) shǐ…dǎotái 2 [+ price] [competition, circumstances] 降低 jiàngdī The discovery of new oilfields brought the price down.新油田的发(發)现(現)使油价(價)有所降低。 Xīn yóutián de fāxiàn shǐ yóujià yǒu suǒ jiàngdī. [company, government] 调(調)低 tiáodī They brought down income taxes.他们(們)调(調)低了所得税(稅)。 Tāmen tiáodīle suǒdéshuì. bring forth vt (frm) 取出 qǔchū bring forward vt 1 [+ meeting] 提前 tíqián 2 [+ argument, proposal] 提出 tíchū 3 (Bookkeeping) 承前 chéngqián bring in vt 1 [+ law, system, object, person] 引进(進) yǐnjìn It would be a mistake to bring in an outsider.引一个(個)局外人进(進)来(來)会(會)是一个(個)错(錯)误(誤)。 Yǐn yī gè júwàirén jìnlái huì shì yī gè cuòwù. 2 [+ money] 挣(掙)得 zhèngdé 3 (Law) [+ verdict] 宣判 xuānpàn bring off vt [+ attempt, plan] 完成 wánchéng bring on vt [+ illness, pain] 导(導)致 dǎozhì bring out vt (=publish, produce) [+ book, album] 出版 chūbǎn to bring out the best/worst in sb 使某人最好/最坏(壞)的一面显(顯)现(現)出来(來) shǐ mǒurén zuì hǎo/zuì huài de yī miàn xiǎnxiàn chūláibring round vt [+ unconscious person] 使苏(甦)醒 shǐ sūxǐng bring up vt 1 (=rear) [+ child] 抚(撫)养(養) fǔyǎng 2 [+ question, subject] 提出 tíchū 3 (inf: vomit) [+ food] 呕(嘔)出 ǒuchū 在这些条目还发现'bring': 在英文解释里: aggregate - align - animate - backfire - be the making of - blacken - bottom - bring up - broach - bus in - BYOB - carry along - carry out - cause - centralize - cheapen - close out - coerce - collectivize - collocate - Coming right up! - conduct - conflate - connect - converge - coordinate - dishonor - drag in - draw forth - draw the curtain - draw to a close - drop around - echo back to - effect - effectuate - end - end off - entrain - evoke - exhume - extinguish - federate - flush out - focalize - focus - fold - foster - gain - give birth - hack up 中文: 带来 - 带 - 发挥 - 各尽所能 - 带给 - 扶养 - 抚养 - 抚育 - 拿出 - 提审 - 提起 - 治理 - 法办 - 降 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Irregular verbs, PET Vocabulary List - B, 更多……同义词: transport, take, convey, deliver, carry, 更多……习惯性搭配: bring it [over, back] (here), bring it to [her, school, work], bring in your [pet, daughter, project], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'bring' 的论坛讨论:

Bring people closer together Do you need me to bring anything for the party tonight? ...people to bring an end... - English Only forum 'bring' a letter - English Only forum 'bring' and 'take' in indirect speech - English Only forum 'Bring' vs. 'put' - English Only forum 'raise/lower' vs 'put up/bring down' - English Only forum (Bring about VS. Cause) - English Only forum (future form) However, I have all the rest of documents which I will bring with me. - English Only forum [bartender] 'get' or 'bring' a drink - English Only forum [bring along] European allies - English Only forum {Did you bring / Have you brought} the book? - English Only forum A single vermin can bring you down - English Only forum a verb that means "to bring honor to" - English Only forum a vital little dynamo between you and Julia, to bring success - English Only forum academics have struggled to find ways bring the... - English Only forum achieve unity is to bring..=achieve unity by bringing.. - English Only forum active voice of “bring into being” - English Only forum adjust vs bring into line with - English Only forum after recommending charges against Clinton - English Only forum aimed at bringing / aimed to bring - English Only forum alcohol use bring about - English Only forum All clouds bring not rain vs Appearances are deceptive - English Only forum all students are reminded to bring your/their student cards - English Only forum All you bring - English Only forum am required to bring... and have attached - English Only forum Are "bring into question" and "call into question" synonymous? - English Only forum arrange a car to bring. - English Only forum ask for strength we may bring forth the bounty - English Only forum ask Tom whether he < is bringing/ will bring> - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'bring'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "bring" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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