Stonewall is brainwashing Britain with its extreme trans ideology. It must fall 您所在的位置:网站首页 brain—washing Stonewall is brainwashing Britain with its extreme trans ideology. It must fall

Stonewall is brainwashing Britain with its extreme trans ideology. It must fall

#Stonewall is brainwashing Britain with its extreme trans ideology. It must fall| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Meanwhile, our dozy government is helping to fund a “charity” which remorselessly undermines its own conservative values. According to Stonewall’s 2019 audited accounts, the British government donated £702,295. For what? Why should the taxpayer have to contribute to an organisation which advocates for the chemical “pausing” and mutilation of children?

Apparently, signing up to support this extreme trans ideology is to “be kind”. Well, believe me, there is nothing kind about the impact of Stonewall’s policies on women and girls.

Take that school in Essex where police were recently called in and a boy was arrested after four girls said they were sexually assaulted in the gender-neutral toilets.

A mother whose daughter attends the secondary school filled me in yesterday on the whole shocking story. Alice* sent me the “word salad” letter from the headteacher in which they claimed that “the wellbeing and safety of your children is our priority”.

I’ll hand you over to Alice to tell you the rest: “The fact is they DID NOT keep our girls safe, no matter how many times they now assure us that they will. We’ve all been kept totally in the dark and told only about a ‘safeguarding issue’. The recent letter from the Head only came about as obviously all the children know what has happened, who the alleged perpetrator is, and not to mention the fact the toilets are suddenly now guarded by staff members. Everything seems to be about protecting the perpetrator and, of course, the gender-neutral toilets are still open.”

Alice says that when the new toilet arrangements started there was no parental consultation whatsoever. “There was also clearly no risk assessment. Whilst the school states there were still some separate toilets for boys and girls, this stretches the truth as, during lesson times, only the ‘gender-neutral’ toilets were open.

“The sad thing is, my daughter blindly accepted these new arrangements without question, only saying that she won’t go to the toilet at school any more. Izzy* refused to change her sanitary towel in the gender-neutral loos, such was the girls’ fear of boys hearing and being silly about it. Little did Izzy know, being teased about her periods was the least of her problems – she could have been one of the four girls who were sexually assaulted.”

Alice had to buy Izzy those massive, night-time sanitary towels so her teenager could get through a whole day at school without changing her pad.  

“Although Izzy finds all the gender stuff absolute madness, she is prepared to be appeased and prepared to not change her sanitary pad all day without complaint, just to avoid causing offence. I asked Izzy why she doesn’t complain to staff and she said it’s because she’d be called a ‘transphobe’!”

The 14-year-old has been very scared by the alleged sexual assaults, Alice says, “but she has been so brainwashed that it took me to point out that it happened due to the school letting boys into the girls’ toilets. My daughter calls herself a feminist, but she’s a feminist that is now too scared to stand up for her right to go to the toilet during the day.”






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