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bad [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈbæd/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/bæd/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(bad) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 WR Apps: Android & iPhone Word of the day Inflections of 'bad' (adj): worseadj comparative worstadj superlative 本页中: bad, bid

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主要翻译英语中文 bad adj (poor quality) (质量、服务)SCSimplified Chinese 差的,坏的,次的,劣质的 chà de ,huài de ,cì de ,liè zhì de TCTraditional Chinese 劣質的  The television reception was bad.  电视接收效果不好。 bad adj (harmful)SCSimplified Chinese 有害的 yǒu hài de   SCSimplified Chinese 不利的 yǒu hài de ,bú lì de  Smoking is bad for you.  吸烟有害你的健康。 bad adj (evil, wicked)SCSimplified Chinese 坏的 huài de   SCSimplified Chinese 邪恶的 huài de ,xié è de TCTraditional Chinese 邪惡的  I like to think there are more good people than bad people in the world.  我认为世上好人比坏人多。 bad adj (incorrect, inadequate)SCSimplified Chinese 不准确的 bù zhǔn què de TCTraditional Chinese 不準確的   SCSimplified Chinese 不正确的 bù zhǔn què de ,bú zhèng què de TCTraditional Chinese 不正確的   SCSimplified Chinese 不规范的 bù zhǔn què de ,bù guī fàn de  Your pronunciation is bad - you need to practice.  你发音不准,需要多加练习。 bad adj (unfavorable)SCSimplified Chinese 差的 chà de   SCSimplified Chinese 不好的 chà de ,bù hǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 不利的 chà de ,bú lì de  The critic wrote a bad review of the performance.  那名批评家就表演写了一篇差评。 bad adj (upsetting)SCSimplified Chinese 让人难受的 ràng rén nán shòu de   SCSimplified Chinese 让人沮丧的 ràng rén nán shòu de ,ràng rén jǔ sàng de   SCSimplified Chinese 不幸的 ràng rén nán shòu de ,bú xìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 坏的 ràng rén nán shòu de ,huài de  I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.  我恐怕有些坏消息要告诉你。 bad adj (defective) (产品等)SCSimplified Chinese 不合格的,有缺陷的,有问题的 bù hé gé de,yǒu quē xiàn de ,yǒu wèn tí de TCTraditional Chinese 有缺陷的  The faulty one was part of a bad batch.  那个缺陷产品来自一个不合格的批次。 bad adj (badly behaved)SCSimplified Chinese 行为不得体的,举止不文明的,坏的 huài de  My uncle is so bad - always making rude jokes! He was a bad child, and was always misbehaving.  我叔叔太坏了,总爱开一些粗鲁的玩笑!他以前是个坏孩子,总是胡来。 bad adj (severe)SCSimplified Chinese 严重的 yán zhòng de TCTraditional Chinese 嚴重的   SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的 yán zhòng de ,zāo gāo de   SCSimplified Chinese 剧烈的 yán zhòng de ,jù liè de TCTraditional Chinese 劇烈的  Take these painkillers if the pain becomes too bad.  如果疼痛变得剧烈,就服用这些止痛药。 bad adj (inadequate) (光线)SCSimplified Chinese 不充足的 bù chōng zú de  His eyes got worse as he regularly read in bad lighting.  因为经常在光线不充足的环境下阅读,所以他的视力变差了。 bad adj (unskilled)SCSimplified Chinese 技艺不佳的 jì yì bù jiā de   SCSimplified Chinese 拙劣的 jì yì bù jiā de,zhuō liè de  He was a bad workman, and whatever he mended soon broke again.  他是个拙劣的工匠,不管他修的是什么总是很快就又坏了。 be bad at [sth] v expr (unskilled at [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 不擅长,…做不好  Why is Britain so bad at tennis?  英国人为什么乒乓球打得这么糟?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 bad adj informal (diseased)SCSimplified Chinese 有病的 yǒu bìng de   SCSimplified Chinese 生病的 yǒu bìng de ,shēng bìng de  He has a bad heart. bad adj informal (rotten)SCSimplified Chinese 腐坏的 fǔ huài de TCTraditional Chinese 腐壞的   SCSimplified Chinese 变质的 fǔ huài de,biàn zhì de  I think these apples are bad. They have been there for a month. bad adj (acrimonious)SCSimplified Chinese 不愉快的 bù yú kuài de  There was bad feeling between them. bad adj (weather: inclement) (天气)SCSimplified Chinese 恶劣的 è liè de TCTraditional Chinese 惡劣的  The west coast is renowned for its bad weather. bad adj (offensive)SCSimplified Chinese 难闻的 nán wén de TCTraditional Chinese 難聞的   SCSimplified Chinese 令人不快的 nán wén de ,lìng rén bù kuài de  There was a bad smell from the bin.  垃圾桶传来难闻的味道。 bad adj (blemished)SCSimplified Chinese 不美的 bù měi de   SCSimplified Chinese 不好看的 bù měi de,bù hǎo kàn de   SCSimplified Chinese 有瑕疵的 bù měi de,yǒu xiá cī de  She had smallpox as a child and has a bad complexion because of it.  她小时的时候得过天花,因此皮肤就不太好看。 bad adj (language: obscene)SCSimplified Chinese 淫秽的 yín huì de TCTraditional Chinese 淫穢的   SCSimplified Chinese 下流的 yín huì de,xià liú de  The comic's routine was full of bad language. bad adj (counterfeit)SCSimplified Chinese 假的 jiǎ de   SCSimplified Chinese 伪造的 jiǎ de ,wěi zào de TCTraditional Chinese 偽造的  US: He had been paid with a bad check.  美式英语:发给他的工资支票是假的。 bad adj slang, dated (excellent) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 非常棒,好极了 fēi cháng bàng,hǎo jí le TCTraditional Chinese 好極了  Oh man, that is so bad! I really like it! bad adj (dishonorable)SCSimplified Chinese 不好的,差的 bù hǎo de ,chà de  He was sacked and given a bad reference.  他被解雇了,获得的推荐也很差。 bad adv US, informal (badly: severely) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 极其,非常,很 jí qí ,fēi cháng,hěn TCTraditional Chinese 極其,非常,很  The bullies beat him up bad.  霸凌者把他狠狠打了一顿。 bad adv informal (badly: a lot)SCSimplified Chinese 很, 非常  I need a haircut real bad but the hairdresser is shut. the bad n (that which is bad)SCSimplified Chinese 坏事 huài shì   SCSimplified Chinese 厄运 huài shì,è yùn   SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉事 huài shì,dǎo méi shì   SCSimplified Chinese 不好的东西  We must take the bad with the good. the bad npl (evil people)SCSimplified Chinese 坏人,恶人 huài rén,è rén TCTraditional Chinese 壞人  Hell is reserved for the truly bad.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 bid [sth] for [sth] vtr + prep (auction: offer) (拍卖,买方)SCSimplified Chinese 出价…买,喊价…买  He bid one hundred euros for the painting at the auction.  拍卖会上,他出价100欧元买那幅画。 bid for [sth], bid to do [sth] vi + prep (offer services)SCSimplified Chinese 为…喊价 TCTraditional Chinese 為…喊價   SCSimplified Chinese 为…出价   SCSimplified Chinese 为…竞标  Three construction companies are bidding for the prestigious contract.  三家建筑公司都在为名声显赫的合约竞标。 bid for [sth] vi + prep (compete)SCSimplified Chinese 争取,争夺 zhēng qǔ,zhēng duó TCTraditional Chinese 爭取,爭奪  Twenty competitors are bidding for the title of "World's Strongest Man".  20名竞争者都在争夺“世界最强壮男子”的头衔。 bid n (auction: offer) (拍卖,买方)SCSimplified Chinese 出价,喊价 chū jià ,hǎn jià   (工程承包商等)SCSimplified Chinese 投标 tóu biāo  His bid wasn't the highest, so he didn't win the auction.  他出的价不是最高的,所以没能买到该竞拍物。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 市政府将于下个月一日起接受各公司对地下铁路的投标。 bid n (cards: offer) (桥牌等)SCSimplified Chinese 叫牌 jiào pái  His bid of three tricks was too high. He only won two.  他叫了三墩牌,太高了。结果只赢了两墩。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 bid n US (invitation)SCSimplified Chinese 邀请 yāo qǐng TCTraditional Chinese 邀請  The golfer accepted a bid to compete in the championship match. bid n informal (attempt)SCSimplified Chinese 争取 zhēng qǔ TCTraditional Chinese 爭取  The candidate's bid for a senate seat was successful.  那位候选人争取到了参议员的位置。 bid⇒ vi (command)SCSimplified Chinese 要求 yāo qiú TCTraditional Chinese 要求   SCSimplified Chinese 命令 yāo qiú,mìng lìng TCTraditional Chinese 命令   SCSimplified Chinese 吩咐 yāo qiú,fēn fù TCTraditional Chinese 吩咐  The people will do as the king bids.  人们会按照国王的吩咐办事。 bid vi (offer to purchase)SCSimplified Chinese 投标 tóu biāo   SCSimplified Chinese 出价 tóu biāo,chū jià  People bid with enthusiasm at the auction.  拍卖会上,人们热情高涨地出价。 bid vi (offer services)SCSimplified Chinese 投标 tóu biāo  The local authority is offering a lucrative contract and our firm intends to bid.  地方政府提供了一份非常有利的合约,我们公司打算去投标。 bid on [sth] vi + prep (make an offer to buy [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 出价购买 TCTraditional Chinese 出價購買  Sheila bid on a vase at an auction.  希拉在一场拍卖会上出价购买了一个花瓶。 bid [sb] (to) do [sth]⇒ vtr formal, dated (direct, command)SCSimplified Chinese 要求 yāo qiú TCTraditional Chinese 要求   SCSimplified Chinese 命令 yāo qiú,mìng lìng TCTraditional Chinese 命令  When your mother bids you tidy your room, do so. bid [sb] [sth]⇒ vtr (speak as greeting)SCSimplified Chinese 对…说问候的话 duì shuō wèn hòu de huà   SCSimplified Chinese 向…致意 duì shuō wèn hòu de huà,xiàng zhì yì  The arriving guest bid his host a good evening. bid [sth]⇒ vtr (cards: make a bid) (纸牌游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 叫(牌) jiào ( pái ) TCTraditional Chinese 叫(牌)  He bid three tricks, though he was pretty sure that he could win more. bid [sb]⇒ vtr (summon)SCSimplified Chinese 要求 yāo qiú TCTraditional Chinese 要求   SCSimplified Chinese 召唤 yāo qiú,zhào huàn  The magistrate bid the defendant to approach the bench.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:bad | bid英语中文 bad behavior (US), bad behaviour (UK) n (child: naughtiness) (指孩子的)SCSimplified Chinese 不良行为,顽劣行为,坏行为 bù liáng xíng wéi ,wán liè xíng wéi,huài xíng wéi TCTraditional Chinese 不良行為  As a punishment for bad behaviour, the child was sent to his room. bad behavior (US), bad behaviour (UK) n (prisoner: criminal acts) (指成人的)SCSimplified Chinese 不良行为,不端行为 bù liáng xíng wéi ,bù duān xíng wéi TCTraditional Chinese 不良行為  Tom had his prison sentence extended for bad behavior. bad blood n figurative (resentment, acrimony)SCSimplified Chinese 仇恨 chóu hèn TCTraditional Chinese 仇恨   SCSimplified Chinese 敌意 chóu hèn,dí yì  There has been bad blood between the two women for many years. bad boy n (male child: naughty)SCSimplified Chinese 淘气的男孩 táo qì de nán hái   SCSimplified Chinese 不良少年 táo qì de nán hái,bù liáng shào nián  My little Jimmy is being such a bad boy lately, I just don't know what to do. bad boy n figurative, slang (man: rebel)SCSimplified Chinese 有魅力的坏男孩  I'm always attracted to the bad boys. bad break n informal (misfortune, period of bad luck)SCSimplified Chinese 坏运气 huài yùn qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞運氣   SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉 huài yùn qì,dǎo méi TCTraditional Chinese 倒霉 / 倒楣  He really got a bad break -- the truck ran into his house the day after his insurance lapsed. bad break n (bone: serious fracture)SCSimplified Chinese 严重的骨折 yán zhòng de gǔ zhé  Jim suffered a bad break in his femur when he fell off the ladder. bad breath n (halitosis)SCSimplified Chinese 口臭 kǒu chòu  The dentist will find the cause of your bad breath. bad case of n (serious bout of: illness) (本义)SCSimplified Chinese 因(某种疾病)而痛苦,得了很严重的…病 yīn mǒu zhǒng jí bìng ér tòng kǔ,dé le hěn yán zhòng de bìng  My brother has a bad case of the measles. bad case of n figurative (serious instance of: [sth]) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 某事很严重的情况 mǒu shì hěn yán zhòng de qíng kuàng  I have a bad case of the blues. bad check (US), bad cheque (UK) n (cheque: insufficient funds)SCSimplified Chinese 不能兑现的支票 bù néng duì xiàn de zhī piào  We have had too many clients write bad checks, so now we only accept cash. bad cold n (severe cold virus)SCSimplified Chinese 重感冒 zhòng gǎn mào  She's home with a bad cold. bad day n figurative (unpleasant day)SCSimplified Chinese 不愉快的一天 bad debt n (debt: unlikely to be repaid)SCSimplified Chinese 坏账 huài zhàng   SCSimplified Chinese 呆账 huài zhàng,dāi zhàng  If you cannot obtain payment from a customer, write it off as a bad debt. bad dream n (nightmare)SCSimplified Chinese 噩梦 è mèng  I had a bad dream last night about failing all my exams. bad dream n figurative (unpleasant situation)SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的状况  Yesterday was a bad dream. Everything went wrong. a bad egg n figurative, pejorative, informal (mean or dishonest person) (指人)SCSimplified Chinese 坏蛋,混蛋,坏人,坏家伙 huài dàn,hún dàn,huài rén,huài jiā huo TCTraditional Chinese 壞人  It's no surprise that he ended up in prison; he has always been a bad egg. bad egg n (egg that is rotten)SCSimplified Chinese 坏蛋,臭鸡蛋 huài dàn,chòu jī dàn  That bad egg smells awful! a bad feeling about [sth/sb] n (misgivings)SCSimplified Chinese 对…有不好的预感   SCSimplified Chinese 对…有不详之感  I have a bad feeling about this place; I think we should leave. bad fortune n (bad luck)SCSimplified Chinese 厄运 è yùn   SCSimplified Chinese 霉运 è yùn,méi yùn  Kim had the bad fortune to meet up with a werewolf on his way home last night. bad guy n informal (villain)SCSimplified Chinese 坏人 huài rén TCTraditional Chinese 壞人   (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 坏蛋 huài rén,huài dàn bad habit n (repeated negative behaviour)SCSimplified Chinese 坏习惯 huài xí guàn TCTraditional Chinese 壞習慣  Picking your nose is a bad habit. bad habit n (vice or addiction)SCSimplified Chinese 恶习 è xí TCTraditional Chinese 惡習  Smoking is a bad habit. bad hair day n informal (day when your hair looks awful)SCSimplified Chinese 头发乱糟糟的一天   SCSimplified Chinese 头发糟糕的一天 bad hair day n figurative, slang (day when everything goes wrong)SCSimplified Chinese 不如意的一天   SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉的一天 bad health n (illness)SCSimplified Chinese 不健康的状态 bú jiàn kāng de zhuàng tài  Edward put his mother's bad health down to years of smoking. bad humor (US), bad humour (UK) n (grumpy mood)SCSimplified Chinese 情绪不好 qíng xù bù hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 情緒不好   SCSimplified Chinese 心情不好 qíng xù bù hǎo ,xīn qíng bù hǎo bad influence n (person)SCSimplified Chinese 坏影响 huài yǐng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 壞影響  Simon is a bad influence on the other children. bad job n informal (incompetence) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 没有做好的事情 méi yǒu zuò hǎo de shì qíng  Every time I give him something to do he does such a bad job. bad language n (swearing, curse words)SCSimplified Chinese 粗话 cū huà   SCSimplified Chinese 不礼貌的语言 cū huà,bù lǐ mào de yǔ yán   SCSimplified Chinese 出言不逊 cū huà,chū yán bú xùn  Children often learn bad language from their parents and friends. bad luck n (misfortune)SCSimplified Chinese 坏运气 huài yùn qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞運氣  We suffered a lot of bad luck with the weather. Bad luck! interj (commiserations)SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉 dǎo méi TCTraditional Chinese 倒霉 / 倒楣  I heard you failed your driving test. Bad luck! bad news, the bad news n ([sth] unwelcome, unfortunate)SCSimplified Chinese 不幸,噩耗 bú xìng,è hào TCTraditional Chinese 不幸  The bad news is, you've failed the test.  不幸的是,你没有通过考试。 bad news n informal, figurative (person: brings problems)SCSimplified Chinese 添麻烦的人 tiān má fán de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 讨厌鬼 tiān má fán de rén,tǎo yàn guǐ TCTraditional Chinese 討厭鬼  That guy always brings trouble--he's definitely bad news. Do not date her... she's been married and divorced 5 times! She's bad news.  那个人总是带来麻烦,他绝对是一个麻烦精。  不要与她约会。她已经先后结婚离婚5次了!她就是个麻烦精。 bad off adj US, regional, informal (badly off: poor)SCSimplified Chinese 穷困潦倒的 qióng kùn liáo dǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 贫困交加的  Jenna does not earn much and is quite bad off. bad person n (evil individual)SCSimplified Chinese 坏人 huài rén TCTraditional Chinese 壞人 the bad place n US, regional (hell)SCSimplified Chinese 地狱 dì yù TCTraditional Chinese 地獄   SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的地方 be in a bad place, be in a dark place v expr figurative, informal (be in a poor state of mind, unhappy)SCSimplified Chinese 不开心 bù kāi xīn   SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的心情 bad press n informal (unfavourable publicity)SCSimplified Chinese 来自新闻界的责难 lái zì xīn wén jiè de zé nàn  The actress received a lot of bad press as a result of her extreme political views. a bad rap n informal (unfounded accusation)SCSimplified Chinese 莫须有的指控   SCSimplified Chinese 莫名的指责 bad smell n (unpleasant odor)SCSimplified Chinese 异味   SCSimplified Chinese 臭味 chòu wèi   SCSimplified Chinese 难闻的气味 nán wén de qì wèi bad sport n ([sb] who reacts badly to losing)SCSimplified Chinese 输不起的人  Peter is a bad sport; he always loses his temper if he doesn't win a game. bad taste n (lack of discernment)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏品味   SCSimplified Chinese 品味不佳  I've always had bad taste in clothing. bad taste n (inappropriateness)SCSimplified Chinese 不得体 bù dé tǐ TCTraditional Chinese 不得體   SCSimplified Chinese 低俗  I thought the joke was in bad taste. bad taste n figurative (disgust or displeasure)SCSimplified Chinese 难闻的怪味  The incident left a bad taste in my mouth. bad temper n (grumpy nature) (性格)SCSimplified Chinese 坏脾气,脾气不好 huài pí qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞脾氣,脾氣不好  I have a bad temper, but I am learning to control it. bad temper n dated (grumpy mood) (一时的情绪)SCSimplified Chinese 脾气不好 TCTraditional Chinese 脾氣不好  My husband is in a bad temper today. bad time n (inopportune moment)SCSimplified Chinese 不恰当的时间 bú qià dàng de shí jiān   SCSimplified Chinese 不合适的时机  You have come at a bad time. Our department has just had its budget cut, so it's a bad time to ask the boss for a pay rise. bad time n (difficult experience)SCSimplified Chinese 一段困难的时间   SCSimplified Chinese 痛苦的时期  Harry had a bad time at the casino when he lost a lot of money. bad times npl (period of struggle, unhappiness)SCSimplified Chinese 不景气的日子   SCSimplified Chinese 艰难岁月 bad to the bone expr figurative (thorougly evil by nature)SCSimplified Chinese 坏到骨子里   SCSimplified Chinese 坏透了 huài tòu le bad turn in the weather n (change to unpleasant weather)SCSimplified Chinese 天气转坏 tiān qì zhuǎn huài TCTraditional Chinese 天氣轉壞   SCSimplified Chinese 天气变糟糕 tiān qì zhuǎn huài,tiān qì biàn zāo gāo  The meteorologists are predicting a bad turn in the weather this weekend. bad weather n (unpleasant weather conditions)SCSimplified Chinese 坏天气 huài tiān qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞天氣   SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的天气 huài tiān qì,zāo gāo de tiān qì   SCSimplified Chinese 恶劣的天气 huài tiān qì,è liè de tiān qì  The bad weather prevented us from going fishing. bad word n (something negative)SCSimplified Chinese 不好的话语   SCSimplified Chinese 负面的评价  That lady is so kind; I've never heard her say a bad word about anyone. bad word n (swearword)SCSimplified Chinese 咒骂 zhòu mà TCTraditional Chinese 咒罵   SCSimplified Chinese 脏话 zhòu mà,zāng huà bad-mannered adj (impolite)SCSimplified Chinese 无礼的 wú lǐ de TCTraditional Chinese 無禮的   SCSimplified Chinese 没有礼貌的 wú lǐ de ,méi yǒu lǐ mào de   SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏教养的 wú lǐ de ,quē fá jiào yǎng de bad-tempered adj (grumpy)SCSimplified Chinese 脾气暴躁的 pí qì bào zào de   SCSimplified Chinese 脾气差的   SCSimplified Chinese 易怒的 pí qì bào zào de ,yì nù de  Darla's piano teacher is a bad-tempered old man.  达拉的钢琴老师是个脾气暴躁的老头。 badass, bad-ass n US, slang (formidable person)SCSimplified Chinese 硬骨头 TCTraditional Chinese 骨頭硬   SCSimplified Chinese 强悍的人   SCSimplified Chinese 难对付的人 nán duì fù de rén  My mom's a badass; she earned her degree while raising four children and waitressing part-time.  我妈妈很强悍。她在抚养四个孩子和兼职服务员的同时,还获得了学位。 badass, bad-ass adj US, slang (person: aggressive, fierce)SCSimplified Chinese 脾气暴躁的 pí qì bào zào de   SCSimplified Chinese 爱惹事的 pí qì bào zào de ,ài rě shì de  That badass fighter over there's looking at you, Sasha.  那个凶神恶煞的打手正看着你呢,萨沙。 badass, bad-ass adj US, slang (aggressive)SCSimplified Chinese 咄咄逼人的,蛮横的 duō duō bī rén de ,mán hèng de  I hate these customers and their badass attitudes.  我讨厌这些顾客以及他们咄咄逼人的态度。 badass, bad-ass adj US, slang (intense)SCSimplified Chinese 刺激的 cì jī de   SCSimplified Chinese 过瘾的  That roller coaster was badass!  坐过山车好刺激! badmouth [sb], bad-mouth⇒ vtr informal (disparage [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 诋毁,恶意中伤 dǐ huǐ,è yì zhòng shāng  Janice badmouthed her old employer, who then refused to provide her with a reference.  贾尼斯大肆攻击她的前雇主,因为他拒绝向她提供推荐信。 feel bad vi + adj (feel guilty)SCSimplified Chinese 觉得心里难受 jué de xīn lǐ nán shòu   SCSimplified Chinese 有负疚感 jué de xīn lǐ nán shòu,yǒu fù jiù gǎn  The father felt bad when a business meeting kept him from seeing his daughter's dance recital.  这位父亲感到很难过,因为需要参加商务会议,他无法脱身去看女儿的舞蹈表演。 feel bad that vi + adj (feel guilty)SCSimplified Chinese 感到内疚   SCSimplified Chinese 感到惭愧 feel bad about [sth] vi + adj (feel guilty)SCSimplified Chinese 为...感到内疚   SCSimplified Chinese 因...感到惭愧 feel bad for [sb] vi + adj (feel compassion, pity)SCSimplified Chinese 感到遗憾 gǎn dào yí hàn TCTraditional Chinese 感到遺憾   SCSimplified Chinese 觉得可惜 gǎn dào yí hàn,jué de kě xī  I feel bad for my neighbours as they had lots of problems recently.  我的邻居最近遇到了许多问题,我对此表示遗憾。 feel bad vi + adj (feel unwell)SCSimplified Chinese 感觉身体不适 gǎn jué shēn tǐ bú shì   SCSimplified Chinese 感觉不舒服 gǎn jué shēn tǐ bú shì,gǎn jué bù shū fú  I've been feeling bad since I ate those oysters. give [sb] a bad name v expr figurative (damage [sb]'s reputation)SCSimplified Chinese 损坏某人名声 sǔn huài mǒu rén míng shēng  Your behaviour is giving me a bad name in the neighbourhood! give a dog a bad name and hang him expr (a bad reputation is hurtful)SCSimplified Chinese 有事说事,别拿狗撒气   SCSimplified Chinese 欲加之罪,何患无辞 go bad v expr informal (food: become rotten) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 变腐败,变坏 biàn fǔ bài,biàn huài  The fridge broke down and the food in it went bad. go bad v expr slang (person: start behaving immorally) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 变坏, 学坏  She used to be a good girl but she went bad when she met that awful boy.  她过去是个好女孩,但遇上那个坏男孩后她就变坏了。 go from bad to worse v expr informal (worsen)SCSimplified Chinese 越来越坏 yuè lái yuè huài TCTraditional Chinese 越來越壞   SCSimplified Chinese 越来越差 yuè lái yuè huài ,yuè lái yuè chà  Since I bought that self-help book my life's gone from bad to worse. good riddance to bad rubbish expr UK, informal (relief at being rid of [sb], [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 总算摆脱了   SCSimplified Chinese 总算脱身了 have bad spelling v expr informal (spell words incorrectly) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 单词老拼错 dān cí lǎo pīn cuò have it bad v expr slang (suffer disadvantage)SCSimplified Chinese 不幸,倒霉 bú xìng,dǎo méi TCTraditional Chinese 不幸,倒霉 / 倒楣  These kids have it bad, growing up in the slums the way they do. have it bad v expr slang (be infatuated with [sb]) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 对(某人)入迷,狂恋着(某人) duì mǒu rén rù mí,kuáng liàn zhe mǒu rén  I would say from the look on his face whenever she's around that Steve has it bad for Linda. in a bad light adv figurative (unfavourably)SCSimplified Chinese 从不好的角度   SCSimplified Chinese 从不良的情况 in a bad mood expr (grumpy)SCSimplified Chinese 心情不好 xīn qíng bù hǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 情绪不佳  Josh will be in a bad mood when he finds out you've eaten his chocolate. in a bad way adj informal (unwell, in a poor state) (健康状况等)SCSimplified Chinese 情况严重 TCTraditional Chinese 情況嚴重  Paul was in a bad way after his motorbike accident. in a bad way adv (having a negative effect) (表现、行为等)SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕,差劲 zāo gāo,chà jìn  Luka is behaving in a bad way which is affecting the other children in his class. in bad faith adv (intending to deceive [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 没有诚信地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de   SCSimplified Chinese 恶意地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de,è yì de   SCSimplified Chinese 欺诈地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de,qī zhà de  You acted in bad faith when you sold me a car you knew had been stolen. in bad health adj (in bad physical condition)SCSimplified Chinese 身体不好的,身体不健康的 shēn tǐ bù hǎo de,shēn tǐ bú jiàn kāng de in bad taste adv (distastefully or insensitively) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 品味不高   (事物)SCSimplified Chinese 格调低俗,不登大雅之堂 bù dēng dà yá zhī táng  Some people have accused the comedian of behaving in bad taste. in bad taste adj (distasteful or insensitive) (事物)SCSimplified Chinese 格调低俗的,不登大雅之堂的   (人)SCSimplified Chinese 品味不高的  That comment was in bad taste. movie's bad guy, movie bad guy n informal, US (cinema: villain)SCSimplified Chinese 电影中的反角 diàn yǐng zhōng de fǎn jué  The late Heath Ledger portrayed the movie's bad guy in 'The Dark Knight'. My bad! interj slang (admitting a mistake)SCSimplified Chinese 我的错!是我不好!  Did I step on your foot? Sorry! My bad! not bad, not half bad adj (reasonably good)SCSimplified Chinese 不错 bú cuò TCTraditional Chinese 不錯   SCSimplified Chinese 不坏 bú cuò,bú huài   SCSimplified Chinese 挺好 bú cuò,tǐng hǎo  That sauce isn't very good, but it's not bad, either. not so bad adj (better than anticipated)SCSimplified Chinese 不算太糟糕的 bù suàn tài zāo gāo de   SCSimplified Chinese 还不坏的 bù suàn tài zāo gāo de,hái bú huài de  I thought I was going to hate my new job, but it's not so bad. not too bad adj (OK)SCSimplified Chinese 不太坏 bú tài huài TCTraditional Chinese 不賴   SCSimplified Chinese 不太糟 bú tài huài ,bú tài zāo  "How's the new job going?" "Not too bad, thanks." rotten apple, bad apple n (decomposing apple)SCSimplified Chinese 烂苹果 rotten apple, bad apple n figurative, informal (person: dishonest, corrupt)SCSimplified Chinese 害群之马 hài qún zhī mǎ smell bad vi + adj (have an unpleasant odor)SCSimplified Chinese 气味糟糕 qì wèi zāo gāo TCTraditional Chinese 氣味糟糕   SCSimplified Chinese 难闻 qì wèi zāo gāo,nán wén   SCSimplified Chinese 不好闻 qì wèi zāo gāo,bù hǎo wén   SCSimplified Chinese 发臭  These clothes smell bad! - you didn't hang them out to dry long enough. sore loser, bad loser n informal, pejorative ([sb] who dislikes not winning)SCSimplified Chinese 输不起的人 too bad interj informal (that's unfortunate) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 太糟糕了!太不幸了! tài zāo gāo le tài bú xìng le  I hear Jim was fired from his job – too bad!  我听说吉姆被开除了,太糟糕了! 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:bad | bid英语中文 bad behavior (US), bad behaviour (UK) n (child: naughtiness) (指孩子的)SCSimplified Chinese 不良行为,顽劣行为,坏行为 bù liáng xíng wéi ,wán liè xíng wéi,huài xíng wéi TCTraditional Chinese 不良行為  As a punishment for bad behaviour, the child was sent to his room. bad behavior (US), bad behaviour (UK) n (prisoner: criminal acts) (指成人的)SCSimplified Chinese 不良行为,不端行为 bù liáng xíng wéi ,bù duān xíng wéi TCTraditional Chinese 不良行為  Tom had his prison sentence extended for bad behavior. bad blood n figurative (resentment, acrimony)SCSimplified Chinese 仇恨 chóu hèn TCTraditional Chinese 仇恨   SCSimplified Chinese 敌意 chóu hèn,dí yì  There has been bad blood between the two women for many years. bad boy n (male child: naughty)SCSimplified Chinese 淘气的男孩 táo qì de nán hái   SCSimplified Chinese 不良少年 táo qì de nán hái,bù liáng shào nián  My little Jimmy is being such a bad boy lately, I just don't know what to do. bad boy n figurative, slang (man: rebel)SCSimplified Chinese 有魅力的坏男孩  I'm always attracted to the bad boys. bad break n informal (misfortune, period of bad luck)SCSimplified Chinese 坏运气 huài yùn qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞運氣   SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉 huài yùn qì,dǎo méi TCTraditional Chinese 倒霉 / 倒楣  He really got a bad break -- the truck ran into his house the day after his insurance lapsed. bad break n (bone: serious fracture)SCSimplified Chinese 严重的骨折 yán zhòng de gǔ zhé  Jim suffered a bad break in his femur when he fell off the ladder. bad breath n (halitosis)SCSimplified Chinese 口臭 kǒu chòu  The dentist will find the cause of your bad breath. bad case of n (serious bout of: illness) (本义)SCSimplified Chinese 因(某种疾病)而痛苦,得了很严重的…病 yīn mǒu zhǒng jí bìng ér tòng kǔ,dé le hěn yán zhòng de bìng  My brother has a bad case of the measles. bad case of n figurative (serious instance of: [sth]) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 某事很严重的情况 mǒu shì hěn yán zhòng de qíng kuàng  I have a bad case of the blues. bad check (US), bad cheque (UK) n (cheque: insufficient funds)SCSimplified Chinese 不能兑现的支票 bù néng duì xiàn de zhī piào  We have had too many clients write bad checks, so now we only accept cash. bad cold n (severe cold virus)SCSimplified Chinese 重感冒 zhòng gǎn mào  She's home with a bad cold. bad day n figurative (unpleasant day)SCSimplified Chinese 不愉快的一天 bad debt n (debt: unlikely to be repaid)SCSimplified Chinese 坏账 huài zhàng   SCSimplified Chinese 呆账 huài zhàng,dāi zhàng  If you cannot obtain payment from a customer, write it off as a bad debt. bad dream n (nightmare)SCSimplified Chinese 噩梦 è mèng  I had a bad dream last night about failing all my exams. bad dream n figurative (unpleasant situation)SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的状况  Yesterday was a bad dream. Everything went wrong. a bad egg n figurative, pejorative, informal (mean or dishonest person) (指人)SCSimplified Chinese 坏蛋,混蛋,坏人,坏家伙 huài dàn,hún dàn,huài rén,huài jiā huo TCTraditional Chinese 壞人  It's no surprise that he ended up in prison; he has always been a bad egg. bad egg n (egg that is rotten)SCSimplified Chinese 坏蛋,臭鸡蛋 huài dàn,chòu jī dàn  That bad egg smells awful! a bad feeling about [sth/sb] n (misgivings)SCSimplified Chinese 对…有不好的预感   SCSimplified Chinese 对…有不详之感  I have a bad feeling about this place; I think we should leave. bad fortune n (bad luck)SCSimplified Chinese 厄运 è yùn   SCSimplified Chinese 霉运 è yùn,méi yùn  Kim had the bad fortune to meet up with a werewolf on his way home last night. bad guy n informal (villain)SCSimplified Chinese 坏人 huài rén TCTraditional Chinese 壞人   (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 坏蛋 huài rén,huài dàn bad habit n (repeated negative behaviour)SCSimplified Chinese 坏习惯 huài xí guàn TCTraditional Chinese 壞習慣  Picking your nose is a bad habit. bad habit n (vice or addiction)SCSimplified Chinese 恶习 è xí TCTraditional Chinese 惡習  Smoking is a bad habit. bad hair day n informal (day when your hair looks awful)SCSimplified Chinese 头发乱糟糟的一天   SCSimplified Chinese 头发糟糕的一天 bad hair day n figurative, slang (day when everything goes wrong)SCSimplified Chinese 不如意的一天   SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉的一天 bad health n (illness)SCSimplified Chinese 不健康的状态 bú jiàn kāng de zhuàng tài  Edward put his mother's bad health down to years of smoking. bad humor (US), bad humour (UK) n (grumpy mood)SCSimplified Chinese 情绪不好 qíng xù bù hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 情緒不好   SCSimplified Chinese 心情不好 qíng xù bù hǎo ,xīn qíng bù hǎo bad influence n (person)SCSimplified Chinese 坏影响 huài yǐng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 壞影響  Simon is a bad influence on the other children. bad job n informal (incompetence) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 没有做好的事情 méi yǒu zuò hǎo de shì qíng  Every time I give him something to do he does such a bad job. bad language n (swearing, curse words)SCSimplified Chinese 粗话 cū huà   SCSimplified Chinese 不礼貌的语言 cū huà,bù lǐ mào de yǔ yán   SCSimplified Chinese 出言不逊 cū huà,chū yán bú xùn  Children often learn bad language from their parents and friends. bad luck n (misfortune)SCSimplified Chinese 坏运气 huài yùn qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞運氣  We suffered a lot of bad luck with the weather. Bad luck! interj (commiserations)SCSimplified Chinese 倒霉 dǎo méi TCTraditional Chinese 倒霉 / 倒楣  I heard you failed your driving test. Bad luck! bad news, the bad news n ([sth] unwelcome, unfortunate)SCSimplified Chinese 不幸,噩耗 bú xìng,è hào TCTraditional Chinese 不幸  The bad news is, you've failed the test.  不幸的是,你没有通过考试。 bad news n informal, figurative (person: brings problems)SCSimplified Chinese 添麻烦的人 tiān má fán de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 讨厌鬼 tiān má fán de rén,tǎo yàn guǐ TCTraditional Chinese 討厭鬼  That guy always brings trouble--he's definitely bad news. Do not date her... she's been married and divorced 5 times! She's bad news.  那个人总是带来麻烦,他绝对是一个麻烦精。  不要与她约会。她已经先后结婚离婚5次了!她就是个麻烦精。 bad off adj US, regional, informal (badly off: poor)SCSimplified Chinese 穷困潦倒的 qióng kùn liáo dǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 贫困交加的  Jenna does not earn much and is quite bad off. bad person n (evil individual)SCSimplified Chinese 坏人 huài rén TCTraditional Chinese 壞人 the bad place n US, regional (hell)SCSimplified Chinese 地狱 dì yù TCTraditional Chinese 地獄   SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的地方 be in a bad place, be in a dark place v expr figurative, informal (be in a poor state of mind, unhappy)SCSimplified Chinese 不开心 bù kāi xīn   SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的心情 bad press n informal (unfavourable publicity)SCSimplified Chinese 来自新闻界的责难 lái zì xīn wén jiè de zé nàn  The actress received a lot of bad press as a result of her extreme political views. a bad rap n informal (unfounded accusation)SCSimplified Chinese 莫须有的指控   SCSimplified Chinese 莫名的指责 bad smell n (unpleasant odor)SCSimplified Chinese 异味   SCSimplified Chinese 臭味 chòu wèi   SCSimplified Chinese 难闻的气味 nán wén de qì wèi bad sport n ([sb] who reacts badly to losing)SCSimplified Chinese 输不起的人  Peter is a bad sport; he always loses his temper if he doesn't win a game. bad taste n (lack of discernment)SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏品味   SCSimplified Chinese 品味不佳  I've always had bad taste in clothing. bad taste n (inappropriateness)SCSimplified Chinese 不得体 bù dé tǐ TCTraditional Chinese 不得體   SCSimplified Chinese 低俗  I thought the joke was in bad taste. bad taste n figurative (disgust or displeasure)SCSimplified Chinese 难闻的怪味  The incident left a bad taste in my mouth. bad temper n (grumpy nature) (性格)SCSimplified Chinese 坏脾气,脾气不好 huài pí qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞脾氣,脾氣不好  I have a bad temper, but I am learning to control it. bad temper n dated (grumpy mood) (一时的情绪)SCSimplified Chinese 脾气不好 TCTraditional Chinese 脾氣不好  My husband is in a bad temper today. bad time n (inopportune moment)SCSimplified Chinese 不恰当的时间 bú qià dàng de shí jiān   SCSimplified Chinese 不合适的时机  You have come at a bad time. Our department has just had its budget cut, so it's a bad time to ask the boss for a pay rise. bad time n (difficult experience)SCSimplified Chinese 一段困难的时间   SCSimplified Chinese 痛苦的时期  Harry had a bad time at the casino when he lost a lot of money. bad times npl (period of struggle, unhappiness)SCSimplified Chinese 不景气的日子   SCSimplified Chinese 艰难岁月 bad to the bone expr figurative (thorougly evil by nature)SCSimplified Chinese 坏到骨子里   SCSimplified Chinese 坏透了 huài tòu le bad turn in the weather n (change to unpleasant weather)SCSimplified Chinese 天气转坏 tiān qì zhuǎn huài TCTraditional Chinese 天氣轉壞   SCSimplified Chinese 天气变糟糕 tiān qì zhuǎn huài,tiān qì biàn zāo gāo  The meteorologists are predicting a bad turn in the weather this weekend. bad weather n (unpleasant weather conditions)SCSimplified Chinese 坏天气 huài tiān qì TCTraditional Chinese 壞天氣   SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕的天气 huài tiān qì,zāo gāo de tiān qì   SCSimplified Chinese 恶劣的天气 huài tiān qì,è liè de tiān qì  The bad weather prevented us from going fishing. bad word n (something negative)SCSimplified Chinese 不好的话语   SCSimplified Chinese 负面的评价  That lady is so kind; I've never heard her say a bad word about anyone. bad word n (swearword)SCSimplified Chinese 咒骂 zhòu mà TCTraditional Chinese 咒罵   SCSimplified Chinese 脏话 zhòu mà,zāng huà bad-mannered adj (impolite)SCSimplified Chinese 无礼的 wú lǐ de TCTraditional Chinese 無禮的   SCSimplified Chinese 没有礼貌的 wú lǐ de ,méi yǒu lǐ mào de   SCSimplified Chinese 缺乏教养的 wú lǐ de ,quē fá jiào yǎng de bad-tempered adj (grumpy)SCSimplified Chinese 脾气暴躁的 pí qì bào zào de   SCSimplified Chinese 脾气差的   SCSimplified Chinese 易怒的 pí qì bào zào de ,yì nù de  Darla's piano teacher is a bad-tempered old man.  达拉的钢琴老师是个脾气暴躁的老头。 badass, bad-ass n US, slang (formidable person)SCSimplified Chinese 硬骨头 TCTraditional Chinese 骨頭硬   SCSimplified Chinese 强悍的人   SCSimplified Chinese 难对付的人 nán duì fù de rén  My mom's a badass; she earned her degree while raising four children and waitressing part-time.  我妈妈很强悍。她在抚养四个孩子和兼职服务员的同时,还获得了学位。 badass, bad-ass adj US, slang (person: aggressive, fierce)SCSimplified Chinese 脾气暴躁的 pí qì bào zào de   SCSimplified Chinese 爱惹事的 pí qì bào zào de ,ài rě shì de  That badass fighter over there's looking at you, Sasha.  那个凶神恶煞的打手正看着你呢,萨沙。 badass, bad-ass adj US, slang (aggressive)SCSimplified Chinese 咄咄逼人的,蛮横的 duō duō bī rén de ,mán hèng de  I hate these customers and their badass attitudes.  我讨厌这些顾客以及他们咄咄逼人的态度。 badass, bad-ass adj US, slang (intense)SCSimplified Chinese 刺激的 cì jī de   SCSimplified Chinese 过瘾的  That roller coaster was badass!  坐过山车好刺激! badmouth [sb], bad-mouth⇒ vtr informal (disparage [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 诋毁,恶意中伤 dǐ huǐ,è yì zhòng shāng  Janice badmouthed her old employer, who then refused to provide her with a reference.  贾尼斯大肆攻击她的前雇主,因为他拒绝向她提供推荐信。 feel bad vi + adj (feel guilty)SCSimplified Chinese 觉得心里难受 jué de xīn lǐ nán shòu   SCSimplified Chinese 有负疚感 jué de xīn lǐ nán shòu,yǒu fù jiù gǎn  The father felt bad when a business meeting kept him from seeing his daughter's dance recital.  这位父亲感到很难过,因为需要参加商务会议,他无法脱身去看女儿的舞蹈表演。 feel bad that vi + adj (feel guilty)SCSimplified Chinese 感到内疚   SCSimplified Chinese 感到惭愧 feel bad about [sth] vi + adj (feel guilty)SCSimplified Chinese 为...感到内疚   SCSimplified Chinese 因...感到惭愧 feel bad for [sb] vi + adj (feel compassion, pity)SCSimplified Chinese 感到遗憾 gǎn dào yí hàn TCTraditional Chinese 感到遺憾   SCSimplified Chinese 觉得可惜 gǎn dào yí hàn,jué de kě xī  I feel bad for my neighbours as they had lots of problems recently.  我的邻居最近遇到了许多问题,我对此表示遗憾。 feel bad vi + adj (feel unwell)SCSimplified Chinese 感觉身体不适 gǎn jué shēn tǐ bú shì   SCSimplified Chinese 感觉不舒服 gǎn jué shēn tǐ bú shì,gǎn jué bù shū fú  I've been feeling bad since I ate those oysters. give [sb] a bad name v expr figurative (damage [sb]'s reputation)SCSimplified Chinese 损坏某人名声 sǔn huài mǒu rén míng shēng  Your behaviour is giving me a bad name in the neighbourhood! give a dog a bad name and hang him expr (a bad reputation is hurtful)SCSimplified Chinese 有事说事,别拿狗撒气   SCSimplified Chinese 欲加之罪,何患无辞 go bad v expr informal (food: become rotten) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 变腐败,变坏 biàn fǔ bài,biàn huài  The fridge broke down and the food in it went bad. go bad v expr slang (person: start behaving immorally) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 变坏, 学坏  She used to be a good girl but she went bad when she met that awful boy.  她过去是个好女孩,但遇上那个坏男孩后她就变坏了。 go from bad to worse v expr informal (worsen)SCSimplified Chinese 越来越坏 yuè lái yuè huài TCTraditional Chinese 越來越壞   SCSimplified Chinese 越来越差 yuè lái yuè huài ,yuè lái yuè chà  Since I bought that self-help book my life's gone from bad to worse. good riddance to bad rubbish expr UK, informal (relief at being rid of [sb], [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 总算摆脱了   SCSimplified Chinese 总算脱身了 have bad spelling v expr informal (spell words incorrectly) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 单词老拼错 dān cí lǎo pīn cuò have it bad v expr slang (suffer disadvantage)SCSimplified Chinese 不幸,倒霉 bú xìng,dǎo méi TCTraditional Chinese 不幸,倒霉 / 倒楣  These kids have it bad, growing up in the slums the way they do. have it bad v expr slang (be infatuated with [sb]) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 对(某人)入迷,狂恋着(某人) duì mǒu rén rù mí,kuáng liàn zhe mǒu rén  I would say from the look on his face whenever she's around that Steve has it bad for Linda. in a bad light adv figurative (unfavourably)SCSimplified Chinese 从不好的角度   SCSimplified Chinese 从不良的情况 in a bad mood expr (grumpy)SCSimplified Chinese 心情不好 xīn qíng bù hǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 情绪不佳  Josh will be in a bad mood when he finds out you've eaten his chocolate. in a bad way adj informal (unwell, in a poor state) (健康状况等)SCSimplified Chinese 情况严重 TCTraditional Chinese 情況嚴重  Paul was in a bad way after his motorbike accident. in a bad way adv (having a negative effect) (表现、行为等)SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕,差劲 zāo gāo,chà jìn  Luka is behaving in a bad way which is affecting the other children in his class. in bad faith adv (intending to deceive [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 没有诚信地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de   SCSimplified Chinese 恶意地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de,è yì de   SCSimplified Chinese 欺诈地 méi yǒu chéng xìn de,qī zhà de  You acted in bad faith when you sold me a car you knew had been stolen. in bad health adj (in bad physical condition)SCSimplified Chinese 身体不好的,身体不健康的 shēn tǐ bù hǎo de,shēn tǐ bú jiàn kāng de in bad taste adv (distastefully or insensitively) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 品味不高   (事物)SCSimplified Chinese 格调低俗,不登大雅之堂 bù dēng dà yá zhī táng  Some people have accused the comedian of behaving in bad taste. in bad taste adj (distasteful or insensitive) (事物)SCSimplified Chinese 格调低俗的,不登大雅之堂的   (人)SCSimplified Chinese 品味不高的  That comment was in bad taste. movie's bad guy, movie bad guy n informal, US (cinema: villain)SCSimplified Chinese 电影中的反角 diàn yǐng zhōng de fǎn jué  The late Heath Ledger portrayed the movie's bad guy in 'The Dark Knight'. My bad! interj slang (admitting a mistake)SCSimplified Chinese 我的错!是我不好!  Did I step on your foot? Sorry! My bad! not bad, not half bad adj (reasonably good)SCSimplified Chinese 不错 bú cuò TCTraditional Chinese 不錯   SCSimplified Chinese 不坏 bú cuò,bú huài   SCSimplified Chinese 挺好 bú cuò,tǐng hǎo  That sauce isn't very good, but it's not bad, either. not so bad adj (better than anticipated)SCSimplified Chinese 不算太糟糕的 bù suàn tài zāo gāo de   SCSimplified Chinese 还不坏的 bù suàn tài zāo gāo de,hái bú huài de  I thought I was going to hate my new job, but it's not so bad. not too bad adj (OK)SCSimplified Chinese 不太坏 bú tài huài TCTraditional Chinese 不賴   SCSimplified Chinese 不太糟 bú tài huài ,bú tài zāo  "How's the new job going?" "Not too bad, thanks." rotten apple, bad apple n (decomposing apple)SCSimplified Chinese 烂苹果 rotten apple, bad apple n figurative, informal (person: dishonest, corrupt)SCSimplified Chinese 害群之马 hài qún zhī mǎ smell bad vi + adj (have an unpleasant odor)SCSimplified Chinese 气味糟糕 qì wèi zāo gāo TCTraditional Chinese 氣味糟糕   SCSimplified Chinese 难闻 qì wèi zāo gāo,nán wén   SCSimplified Chinese 不好闻 qì wèi zāo gāo,bù hǎo wén   SCSimplified Chinese 发臭  These clothes smell bad! - you didn't hang them out to dry long enough. sore loser, bad loser n informal, pejorative ([sb] who dislikes not winning)SCSimplified Chinese 输不起的人 too bad interj informal (that's unfortunate) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 太糟糕了!太不幸了! tài zāo gāo le tài bú xìng le  I hear Jim was fired from his job – too bad!  我听说吉姆被开除了,太糟糕了!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: bad [bæd] adj 1 (=not good) [+ weather, health, conditions, temper] 坏(壞)的 huài de [+ actor, driver] 不胜(勝)任的 bù shèngrèn de [+ behaviour, habit] 不良的 bùliáng de 2 (=wicked) [+ person] 恶(惡)的 è de 3 (=naughty) [+ child] 不听(聽)话(話)的 bù tīnghuà de 4 (=serious) [+ mistake, accident, headache] 严(嚴)重的 yánzhòng de 5 (=injured) [+ back, arm] 有病的 yǒubìng de 6 (=rotten) [+ fruit, meat etc] 腐烂(爛)的 fǔlàn de to be bad for sth/sb 对(對)某事/某物有害 duì mǒushì/mǒuwù yǒuhài to be bad at sth/at doing sth 不擅长(長)某事/做某事 bù shàncháng mǒushì/zuò mǒushì to feel bad about sth (=guilty) 对(對)某事感到愧疚 duì mǒushì gǎndào kuìjiù to feel bad that … (=guilty) 因…而感到愧疚 yīn…ér gǎndào kuìjiù to go bad [food, milk] 变(變)质(質) biànzhì to go from bad to worse每况(況)愈下 měi kuàng yù xià not bad不错(錯) bùcuò The wine wasn't bad.这(這)葡萄酒不错(錯)。 Zhè pútáojiǔ bùcuò. too bad!那没(沒)办(辦)法! Nà méi bànfǎ! bid [bɪd] pt (pp bade or bid)bid or biddenI n [c] 1 (=attempt) 尝(嘗)试(試) chángshì 2 (at auction) 出价(價) chūjià 3 (to buy a company) 投标(標) tóubiāo II vi (at auction) 出价(價)竞(競)买(買) chūjià jìngmǎi III vt (=offer) 出价(價) chūjià to bid sb farewell/goodnight (frm) 向某人道别(別)/说(說)晚安 xiàng mǒurén dàobié/shuō wǎnān 在这些条目还发现'bad': 在英文解释里: absorb the shock - abysmal - add insult to injury - adverse circumstances - allergy - animosity - appalling - at risk of - attitude - avert - backslide - bad break - bad fortune - bad name - badly - beat up - beat up on yourself - bile - bite - bittersweet - black eye - black humor - blame - blow - body odor - bogus - borderline - breath - bummer - bury - cancer - cantankerous - catch up - catch your death - choler - condemned - conspire - corrupt - corrupting - crabbed - crabby - crack on - crank - cranky - crap - crotchety - curdle - curdled - curmudgeon 中文: 劣 - 差 - 不和 - 不善 - 不错 - 优劣 - 倒霉 - 危害性 - 变质 - 噩 - 坏 - 坏人 - 好坏 - 孽 - 平平 - 恶习 - 恶劣 - 恶果 - 惹 - 毛病 - 泼 - 糟糕 - 耗 - 臭味 - 行径 - 诅咒 - 还好 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, adjective, PET Vocabulary List - B, 更多……同义词: awful, terrible, horrible, atrocious, abysmal, 更多……习惯性搭配: always [looks for, sees] the bad in people, is a bad [person, man, idea, influence], [take, see] the bad with the good, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'bad' 的论坛讨论:

an event is just one of a string of bad events affecting their lives bad kisser Cantonese: too bad I am good, bad, tired make somebody look good/bad My Chinese is bad My pronunciation is not bad but my vocabulary needs improvement That's too bad to have a bad cold too bad Who knows what is good or bad? " do-good-get-good and do-bad-get-beaten" gods, - English Only forum " I am as good as you are, as bad as I am." - English Only forum he keeps his bad eye – the eye that he thinks of as his secret eye – on Elaine. - English Only forum "...clear the books of bad assets" - English Only forum to detect a bad client, and overall land better projects? - English Only forum ...which wasn't bad going for him. - English Only forum ''Compromise'' - have a bad effect - English Only forum ''Pretty not terrible'' , '' Pretty not bad'' - English Only forum ''Raise well/badly'' Vs ''good/bad upbringing'' - English Only forum 'a not bad' / 'not a bad' fellow - English Only forum 'bad for the health' or 'bad for your health' - English Only forum 'be bad to' OR 'be bad for' - English Only forum 'Chinaman' is bad, what about 'China woman'? (revised) - English Only forum 'Good guy' and 'bad guy' to refer to women - English Only forum 'High' and 'low', 'big' and 'small', and 'good' and 'bad' are the opposite/opposites of each other - English Only forum 'What is my bad Angel?' ㅡ '' - English Only forum “Don’t make me send in the bad cat.” - English Only forum “Shocking pun” good or bad? - English Only forum “So much” “so badly” “so bad” - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'bad'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "bad" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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