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Friday Night Funkin': Soft

2023-11-24 17:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 我不明白.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: ...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 我只是不知道为什么...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 真希望你能告诉我那些我不想听的可怕的事情。

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 我一直被告知,我最终会成为像你一样的人。

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 现在我看清楚你了.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 是我失败的一切的绝对体现...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: ..你甚至不是我想成为的那种人。

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 你都不是我,对吧?

BFIcon Boyfriend: Boo doo boop

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 是的,很抱歉…

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 我猜……我还在克服一些事情……

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 你看起来真的很酷…

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 你的女朋友也是。

GF Icon Girlfriend: :)

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 也许...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend:我们可以成为朋友...?

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 我能理解如果这一切都结束了.。。

BFIcon Boyfriend: Skdooby dooby doo!

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 真的?

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend:我……真的很喜歡——

旁白: Boyfriend被Pico輕輕搖晃他吵醒,顯得很擔心。

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: BF...

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: BF!快點起床了。

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: 我很清楚你不是一個睡得很沉的人。

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 啊...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 誒?!

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: Pico? 這裡是?

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: 你還好嗎?你輾轉反側

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: 你看起來和聽起來都很沮喪。

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: 我……哦……

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: It was all a dream...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: They... weren't actually...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: ...

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: What were you even dreaming about?

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: I don't even know where to start.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: It felt so real...

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: Fair enough.

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: Well... try to head back to bed alright?

File:SoftPicoIconIcon.png Pico: We have that double date with GF and her new boyfriend tomorrow.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: Oh yeah.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: I'm glad she finally moved on.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: Hopefully he treats her right.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: She deserves it.

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: ...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: Now that i think about it...

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: What was his name again...?

File:SoftBFIconIcon.png Boyfriend: Sen-






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