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archer是什么意思 archer的中文翻译、读音、例句

#archer是什么意思 archer的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




1. He is a skilled archer and can hit a target from hundreds of yards away.(他是一位技艺高超的手,可以在数百码之外射中目标。)

2. The archer pulled back the bowstring and took aim at the target.(手拉紧了弓弦,瞄准了目标。)

3. Archer is one of my favorite TV shows because of its clever writing and hilarious jokes.(《射手》是我最喜欢的电视剧之一,因为它的剧情写得十分巧妙,幽默搞笑。)




例句:And Margaret Thatcher visiting Jeffery Archer in jail. (这是夫人探望在狱中的杰弗里·阿彻 )


例句:Why were you trying to destroy Archer Braddock's body? (你为什么要销毁Archer Braddock的尸体?)


例句:If Captain Archer and Commander Tucker are apprehended, they'll undoubtedly be treated as members of your clan. (如果Archer舰长和Tucker中校被俘 毋庸置疑 他们会 被看成是你的同僚)


例句:You're the best archer best rider, and best fighter (翻译:公子,以前你是第一箭手 第一拳手、第一骑手)


archer一般作为名词使用,如在horse archer([网络] 骑射手;马弓兵;弓骑兵)、John Archer([网络] 约翰·阿什;阿彻;阿却尔)、Sagittarius the Archer([网络] 人马座)等常见短语中出现较多。

horse archer[网络] 骑射手;马弓兵;弓骑兵John Archer[网络] 约翰·阿什;阿彻;阿却尔Sagittarius the Archer[网络] 人马座例句

1. If Captain Archer and Commander Tucker are apprehended, they'll undoubtedly be treated as members of your clan. (翻译:如果Archer舰长和Tucker中校被俘 毋庸置疑 他们会 被看成是你的同僚)

2. You're the best archer best rider, and best fighter (翻译:公子,以前你是第一箭手 第一拳手、第一骑手)

3. I was lucky to have Archer for the time that I did. (翻译:我十分幸运地在那段时间拥有了Archer)

4. Amy Archer Prizeter Pule winner. (翻译:艾蜜・阿尔切... ...普利策奖获得者)

5. Police believe that it was Ben Archer. (翻译:我向洛杉矶警方了解过 他们认为是本・阿彻干的)

6. Well, we think Peck may have been followed by a staff member at the Archer. A history of drugs. (翻译:我们觉得Peck有可能是被Archer的 一个员工给跟踪了)

7. We were all very saddened to hear about Archer Braddock. (翻译:得知Archer Braddock的事 我们都很难过)

8. This is everything from the Archer. (翻译:这是从Archer酒店拿来的所有东西 没有迹象表明Davis 在被我们抓走后又回去过)

9. ...and Earl Archer is a multi-millionaire and I've secured their wedding at Hotel Babylon this weekend. (翻译:Earl Archer又身家上千万 我已经把他们的婚礼确定在巴比伦酒店了)

10. The other archer's moved to the next level. (翻译:那个手开始行动了 他挟持了人质 新闻刚刚转播)

11. I traced her back to a dinner reservation at the Archer Hotel the night she disappeared. (翻译:我查到了她失踪那晚 在Archer酒店有晚餐预约)

12. "So that was it?" Archer said derisively. (翻译:“原来是这么回事!”阿切尔嘲笑地说。)

13. Thank you — thank you, Mr. Archer. (翻译:谢谢你——谢谢你,阿切尔先生。)

14. My father, the other archer, the undertaking, whatever the plan is. (翻译:我父亲和另外一个手 那个计划 无论是关于什么)

15. Did you kill Archer Braddock? (翻译:你杀了Archer Braddock吗?)




1. skilled archer:熟练的手

2. famous archer:知名的手

3. Olympic archer:奥运会手

4. professional archer:专业的手

5. archery range:射箭场

6. archery competition:射箭比赛

7. bow and arrow:




1. Robin Hood was a famous archer who robbed from the rich to give to the poor. 罗宾汉是一位有名的手,他从富人手中,给予穷人。

2. The archer hit the bullseye. 手射中了靶心。

3. She trained tirelessly to become a skilled archer. 她为了成为一名熟练的手不知疲倦地训练。

4. The archery competition was held in the park. 射箭比赛在公园举行。

5. The Olympic archer won the gold medal. 奥运会手赢得了金牌。

6. He was fascinated by the art of archery. 他被射箭艺术所吸引。

7. The archer adjusted the arrow on the bowstring. 手调整了箭在弦上的位置。

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