高考英语二轮复习:it的用法课件(共40张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 appreaciate的用法 高考英语二轮复习:it的用法课件(共40张PPT)


2023-05-07 00:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共40张PPT)二轮复习:it的用法内容概要:一、it 的基本用法1.用来指代前文中提到的东西。既可指代具体的东西,也可指代一种情况。This is my new mask. I bought it yesterday.—I want to stay here for a night.—Your wife won’t like it一、it 的基本用法2.用来指代动物;指代婴儿或儿童;在情景中确认某人/事,问答的形式中更为常见。— Where is the cat — It’s under the bed.② The baby cried when it was hungry.③ —Who’s that at the door —It is the milkman.一、it 的基本用法3. 泛指天气、时间、日期、距离、价值、度量、温度、环境等。It is a lovely day, isn’t it It was nearly midnight when she came back.It is half an hour’s walk to the city center.It is summer now.--- What’s the cost of the dictionary ---It is sixty-three.一、it 的基本用法(总结)1.用来指代前文中提到的东西。既可指代具体的东西,也可指代一种情况。2.用来指代动物;指代婴儿或儿童;在情景中确认某人/事,问答的形式中更为常见。3. 泛指天气、时间、日期、距离、价值、度量、温度、环境等。二、it 作形式主语it作形式主语时没有具体的意义,而只是帮助把真正的主语移到句子后部去,使句子显得平衡,避免“头重脚轻”。it作形式主语时,可以代替三种形式:不定式、动名词和主语从句。二、it 作形式主语it代替不定式短语,常用于下列句型中:  It + be +adj + (for/of sb.) to do sth.  It + be + n + to do sth.  It takes sb. some time to do sth.  It’s up to sb. to do sth.It is difficult for a foreigner to learn Chinese.It is everyone’s duty to obey the law.It took them a year to build the bridge.It is up to us to help those in need.二、it 作形式主语2. it代替动名词短语:常用于no good, no use, useless, waste等词的后面。①It is no good/ use having a car if you can’t drive.  ②It is a waste of time watching TV. ③It is no use asking him. ④It is useless talking to him about it.二、it 作形式主语⒊ it代替主语从句:这个主语从句可以用连词that引导,也可以用连接代词或连接副词引导。①It is clear ( obvious, true, possible, certain....) that ...该句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句,常译为"清楚(显然,真的,肯定……)" 是主语从句最常见的一种结构。It is very clear that he’s round and tall like a tree.二、it 作形式主语【注意】表示惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此等语气时,谓语动词要用虚拟语气“(should) +do”,表达“应该”“竟然”等意思。It is important ( necessary, surprising, strange, natural, essential ...) that ... It is important that we (should) learn English well.    It is necessary that he (should) remember these words.It is strange that he should have left without telling us.二、it 作形式主语② It is said (reported/ believed/ thought/ known /told /.....) that ...该结构常译为"据说(据报道,据悉……)"   It is said that he has come to Beijing.   It is reported that another satellite has been put into orbit.该句型常可以转换成含有宾语从句的复合句或者含有不定式作主补的简单句。It’s said that Tom has come back from abroad.→People say that Tom has come back from abroad.→He is said to have come back from abroad.二、it 作形式主语【注意】It is suggested ( ordered /demanded/insisted/commanded... ) that ... 当过去分词是表示请求,建议,命令、要求等词时,that 后的从句要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省;常译为"据建议;有命令…….)  It is suggested that the meeting ( should ) be put off.  It was ordered that we ( should ) arrive there in two hours.二、it 作形式主语③It is a pity ( a shame /an honor/a good thing/a fact,/a surprise/... ) that ...It was a pity that the engineer couldn’t come.It is a wonder that he continues to gamble when he always loses!It is a shame that the rain spoiled our picnic. 二、it 作形式主语④It happens (seems, looks, appears ) that...该句型中主句中的happen , seem等词是不及物动词。It happened that he met his teacher in the street.It seems that he enjoys pop songs very much.该句型可转换成含不定式的简单句。=He happened to meet his teacher in the street.He seems to enjoy pop songs very much.二、it 作形式主语⑤it代替连接代词或连接副词引导的从句作形式主语。It is not decided(not made clear, being discussed, being considered, a question, uncertain等)+连接代词或连接副词引导的从句。It is still a question when we shall meet.It is uncertain whether he can attend this conference or not.二、it 作形式主语b) It doesn’t matter(It’s no wonder;It doesn’t make too much difference等)+连接代词或连接副词引导的从句。It doesn’t matter whether we go together or separately.It is no wonder why he came here too late.二、it 作形式主语(重点)it作形式主语时,可以代替三种形式:不定式、动名词和主语从句。① It is important ( necessary, right, strange, natural, essential ...) that ... 该句型用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省略。②It is suggested ( ordered /demanded/insisted/commanded... ) that ... 当过去分词是表示请求,建议,命令、要求等词时,that 后的从句要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省;常译为"据建议;有命令…….)③It’s said that Tom has come back from abroad.→He is said to have come back from abroad.三、it 作形式宾语it作形式宾语时,可以代替三种形式:不定式、动名词和宾语从句。it作形式宾语时,具备两个条件: ① 真正的宾语是不定式、动名词或从句 ② 有宾语补足语 三、it 作形式宾语it代替不定式短语/从句think/ find/ feel/ consider/ make/ regard…+ it +形容词/名词 + 不定式短语/从句I find it pleasant to work with him.She thinks it her duty to help us.   We all thought it a pity that the conference should have been cancelled.Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.三、it 作形式宾语2. it代替动名词短语The professor considers it no good reading without understanding. Do you consider it any good trying again   He found it useless( no use) arguing with him.He thought it absolutely senseless attempting the impossible. 三、it 作形式宾语3.在like, dislike, hate, love, take, appreciate, depend on, see to,insist on, stick to, answer for, owe等动词后,形式宾语it后可直接跟宾语从句。此时,it表模糊概念,指代后面所叙述的内容。I’ll see to it that everything is ready in time.I hate it when people laugh at the disabled.I’d appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.三、it 作形式宾语(重点)四、it 的习惯用法1.强调句It is/was …. that/who ...被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语。强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用。如果把这种句型结构划掉后,应该是一个完整无缺的句子,这也是判断强调句型与其它从句的方法。It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.It was they that (who ) cleaned the classroom yesterday.It was in the street that I met her father.四、it 的习惯用法强调句型的两种变形形式:一般疑问句形式:Is/ Was it … that… 特殊疑问句形式:Who/ Whom /When/ When 等 + is/ was it that … Was it in 1979 that the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon Where was it that you met Jack yesterday 四、it 的习惯用法It is not until + 被强调部分 + that ...not ... until ... 的强调形式, 译成汉语"直到……才……It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.= Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star.= I didn’t realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.四、it 的习惯用法2. It +be的适当形式+时间+ when-clause这个句型中,it指时间,而且表示时间的词语前没有介词(时间一般为具体时间)。主句中的谓语动词和从句中的谓语动词在时态上一般是一致的。常译为"当……的时候,是……"It was already 8 o’clock when we got home.It will be midnight when they get there.四、it 的习惯用法3. It +is/has been+一段时间+ since-clause意为"自从……以来已多久了"since 从句后用一般过去时:It is/has been three years since his father passed away.It is/has been fifteen years since she left Shanghai.【注意】It’s been three years since I worked in this company.我不在这家公司工作有三年了四、it 的习惯用法4. It was/ will be+一段时间+before-clause主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才……”;主句的谓语动词是否定式时,意为"没过多长时间就……"。It was not long before she learned those poems by heart .It was long before the police arrived.It will be hours before he makes a decision.It will not be hours before we meet again.总结比较(重点)It is/was …. that/who ...It +be的适当形式+时间+ when-clauseIt +is/has been+一段时间+ since-clauseIt was/ will be+一段时间+before-clause四、it 的习惯用法5. It is time ( about time ,high time ) that ...该句型中that 后的从句常用一般过去时态或者sb should do(should不可省略) 表示虚拟.It is time that children went to bed.It’s high time that we should stop this practice.四、it 的习惯用法6. It is the first ( second ... ) time that sb has/have doneIt was the first ( second ... ) time that sb had doneIt was the fifth time(that)I had paid a friendly visit to Africa.It is the first time I have been here.= This is the first time I have been here.四、it 的习惯用法7.其他固定搭配① make it相当于succeed,表示:成功、做到、说定、赶上、及时到达It's hard to make it to the top in show business.相当于fix the date for,表示“约定好时间”—Shall we meet next week —OK. We just make it next Saturday.四、it 的习惯用法②as it is相当于in fact, in reality表示“事实上,实际情况是……”We had planed to finish the task today, but as it is we probably won't finish it until next week.相当于方式状语从句,表示“照原样”Leave the table as it is.[注意] as it were 相当于as one might say, that is to say, 表示“也就是说,可以说,换句话说,好像”He is, as it were, a modern Sherlock Holmes.四、it 的习惯用法③catch it相当于be punished/scolded for doing sth. wrong.表示“因做错事而挨骂,受责备,受批评,受惩罚”We'll really catch it from our teacher if we're late for class again.四、it 的习惯用法④ have it (that...)相当于to claim that it is a fact that... 称…属实;说…是真的Rumor has it that we'll have a new manager soon.Word has it that Tom will be the president of the school.[注意] as sb put(s) it 表示“正如某人所说”As Roger put it, "The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take that away from you."四、it 的习惯用法⑤take it/things easy.相当于Don't worry or don't hurry. 用来劝告别人,表示“不要慌,别担心,存住气”Take it easy! He will do it well.⑥worth it相当于useful, 表示“有好处,值得做”Don't hesitate about it! It's worth it.四、it 的习惯用法Believe it or not.相当于 sth is true but may surprise people 表示“信不信由你”Believe it or not, Tom is getting married to Mary next Sunday.⑧Take it or leave it. 要么接受要么放弃That is my last offer. You can take it or leave it.⑨ It all depends/that all depends相当于it hasn't been decided yet, 表示“那得看情况,还没有定下来”—Are you going to the countryside for holiday —It/That all depends.四、it 的习惯用法It's up to sb.相当于it's decided by sb. 表示“由……决定,由……负责,取决于……”—Shall we go out for dinner —It's up to you. 谚语:It is no use crying over spilt milk.It never rains but it pours.……四、it 的习惯用法(总结)It is/was …. that/who ...It +be +时间+ when-clauseIt +is/has been+一段时间+ since-clauseIt was/ will be+一段时间+before-clauseIt is time ( about time ,high time ) that ...6. It is/was the first ( second ... ) time that sb has/have done7. 其他固定搭配 (make it/ as it is/catch it /have it/ take it easy / worth it/ Believe it or not / Take it or leave it./ It all depends /It‘s up to sb./ …)








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