生死一搏!TikTok CEO出席美国国会听证会(朗读版) 您所在的位置:网站首页 appearance怎么读英文 生死一搏!TikTok CEO出席美国国会听证会(朗读版)

生死一搏!TikTok CEO出席美国国会听证会(朗读版)

2023-03-28 10:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The CEO of TikTok made a rare public appearance Thursday before a US Congressional committee, where he faced a grilling on data security and user safety. 

Shou Zi Chew's testimony came at a crucial time for the company, which has acquired 150 million American users but is under increasing pressure from US officials. He has made his own case for why the hugely popular video-sharing app shouldn't be banned.


1. appearance /əˈpɪr(ə)ns/ n. 露面

· 构词:词根pear 进入视线(to be visible, to come in sight)

· make an appearance 出现(show up)

· make a rare public appearance 罕见地公开露面

· The president made an appearance on nationwide television.


2. grilling /ˈɡrɪlɪŋ/ n. 盘问,审问

· 构词:grill 烤架

· face a grilling 面临盘问

3. testimony /ˈtestəmoʊni/ n. 证词,证据(evidence)

4. come at a crucial time 关键时刻到来,正是时候 

· The job came at a crucial time.


5. acquire /əˈkwaɪər/ v. 获得,拥有(have)

6. under increasing pressure from… 面临某方面越来越多的压力

7. case /keɪs/ 论据,辩词(arguments)

· make one’s own case 为自己辩护

8. hugely popular 极其受欢迎的 

9. ban /bæn/ v. 禁止,禁用


TikTok’s CEO Shou Zi Chew made a rare public appearance on Thursday before a US Congressional committee. He was put on the spot and was questioned about data security and user safety.

By the way, there are 150 million American users on TikTok. US officials are still worried about it even though it’s hugely popular in America. At this point, Chew’s testimony came at a crucial time. He explained why TikTok shouldn’t be banned.






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