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Lesson 13ppt配套的教学设计及说课稿

2023-01-06 14:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Unit 3 What subject do you like best ? Lesson13 Ⅰ

教学目标(Teaching objective): (Ⅰ)知识与技能(Teaching and Skill goal)

(a)熟练掌握三会四会单词Chinese, maths 、 English and PE,能够听懂、会说、会读并能够正确掌握四会单词的正确拼读及规范书写。 (b) 熟练掌握本课的功能句型How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have four .They are maths,Chinese,English and PE.能够将所学句型运用到真实情景和实际生活中。

(Ⅱ)过程与方法(Process and method)

(a)通过chant、games 等多样化的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣. (b)通过师生合作、生生合作、两人合作以及小组合作学习,在真实语言情景中巩固运用功能句型和新单词,努力发挥学生的主动性和创造性。。

(Ⅲ)情感态度与价值观(Emotion attitude and values)


(b) 使学生理解学习各科知识的重要性,不偏科。

教学重点与难点(Teaching key point and difficulties)

(a)学习和掌握新单词Chinese、maths 、 English and PE。

(b) 学习询问某人在某段时间多少节课及其回答的句型How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have four .并能正确的利用句型进行交流。 (c) 学习描述有某些课程的句型,We have four .They are Chinese、maths,,English and PE Ⅲ



b.奖励sticker c.英语课程表、书包、书等实物

教学过程(Teaching procedures)


StepⅠ warm-up and lead-in (a)Greeting T:Good morning/afternoon boys and girls! Ss: Good morning/afternoon Miss Chen T:Pleased to meet you ! Ss: Pleased to meet you too! T:How’s the weather today ?(today本课相关单词) Ss:It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy today. (b)PPT shows the learning aims T: Boys and girls , Today we are going to learn the unit3 what subject do you like best ,lesson13.First let’s look at our learning aims . (c)PPT展示 Let’s chant(P21 lesson10) (d)Guessing game.(利用装有书的书包,让学生来猜,复习句型What’s in my bag? 和How many books do you have?复习旧知,


T:boys and girls , look at ,What’s this in English ? Ss: It’s a bag T: Please guess, What’s in it ? Ss: Pencil-box/books/crayon and so on . T:look, There are some books, can you ask me a question about them? Ss:How many books do you have? T: I have six books StepⅡPresentations (a)Show the timetable and teach the new sentence T:look at the blackboard, what’s this in English? Ss:It’s a Timetable(课程表) T: Please answer my question: How many lessons do you have today ? (在新句型当中教授新单词lesson以及复数lessons) Ss: We have seven


(b)Show the timetable and teach the new sentence T: How many lessons do you have in the morning? (强调in the morning 短语的意思) Ss:we have four (c)Show the new sentence and new words T: What are they ? T/Ss: They are Chinese ,maths , English and PE (PPT展示新单词,教授新单词,通过朗读、造句、书写的形式让学生熟练掌握新单词) (d)Play a game 。(游戏“魔鬼单词”操练掌握新学的单词)。

StepⅢ Practice (a)Pair work 男女生练习新句型How many lessons do you have today ? We have seven 前后排练习新句型How many lessons do you have in the morning? we have four (b)Group work PPT展示自编chant,分组表演chant How many lessons do you have today ? we have seven , we have seven . How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have four , we have four . what are they ? what are they ? They are Chinese , maths ,English and PE. StepⅣ Consolidation (a)let students look at the animation(PPT播放动画,让学生感受课文真实情景,跟读模仿)。

(b)Ask and answer(根据课文内容,提出问题,有效拓展) How many lessons do they have today ? How many lessons do they have in the morning ?


What are they ? (c)Group work According to the text, Let six students in a group to make a new conversation. (d)Act the conversation (小组展示)

(e)DO exercise (我会选、我会连) (f)出示名人名言,对学生进行德育思想渗透,鼓励他们不要偏科,好好学习,努力培养自己热爱学习各学科知识的好习惯。

Step Ⅴ Summary (a)Review the letters,words and sentences. (b)展示各小组在活动中的所得的奖励。

Step Ⅵ Homework (a)Try your best to make your own timetable in English.。

(b)Interview your friends about their lessons. Ⅴ

板书设计(Blackboard design)

Unit3 What subject do you like best ? Lesson13 How many lessons do you have today ?


we have seven. How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have four . G1 G2 G 3 what are they ? They are Chinese , maths ,English and PE 备注:板书时,教师会在黑板上画出四线三格。

Ⅵ Teaching reflection(教学反思)







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