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#英语听力 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

原标题:英语听力 | 简·爱 十一集


5 Mr Brocklehurst’s visit and its results

5 布鲁克赫斯特先生的来访及其后果

It was difficult for me to get used to the school rules at Lowood,and to the hard physical conditions.In January,February and March there was deep snow,but we still had to spend an hour outside every day.We had no boots or gloves,and my hands and feet ached badly.We were growing children,and needed more food than was provided.Sometimes the big girls bullied us little ones and made us hand over our teatime bread or evening biscuit.


One afternoon,when I had been at Lowood for three weeks,a visitor arrived.All the teachers and pupils stood respectfully as he entered the schoolroom.I looked up.There,next to Miss Temple,stood the same black column which had frowned on me in the breakfast-room at Gateshead.I had been afraid he would come.I remembered only too well Mrs Reed’s deion of my character,and the promise he had given her to warn teachers at Lowood about my wickedness.Now they would consider me a bad child for ever.


At first Mr Brocklehurst spoke in a murmur to Miss Temple.I could just hear because I was in the front of the class.


’Tell the housekeeper she must count the needles,and only give out one at a time to the girls,they lose them so easily!And Miss Temple,please make sure the girls stockings are mended more carefully.Some of them have a lot of holes.’



’I shall follow your instructions,sir,’said Miss Temple.


’And another thing which surprises me,I find that a lunch of bread and cheese has been served to the girls recently.Why is this?There is nothing about it in the rules!Who is responsible?’ ’I myself,sir,’answered Miss Temple.’The breakfast was so badly cooked that the girls couldn’t possibly eat it,so they were hungry.’


’Madam,listen to me for a moment.You know that I am trying to bring up these girls to be strong,patient and unselfish.If some little luxury is not available,do not replace it with something else,but tell them to be brave and suffer,like Christ Himself.Remember what the Bible says,man shall not live by bread alone,but by the word of God!Madam,when you put bread into these children’s mouths,you feed their bodies but you starve,their souls!’


Miss Temple did not reply.She looked straight in front of her,and her face was as cold and hard as marble.Mr Brocklehurst,on the other hand,now looked round at the girls,and almost jumped in surprise.








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