写作指南:知道在什么时候需要用the,什么时候不需要用吗? 您所在的位置:网站首页 achieve复数 写作指南:知道在什么时候需要用the,什么时候不需要用吗?


2023-07-24 10:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


第二点是区分冠词的特指和泛指。泛指是指一类事物,或某类事物的总称。特指是指某类事物中的具体的某一个或某一些。举个例子:Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the deions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

句子开头的 Pumas 泛指美洲狮这种动物,最后一句中 the puma 是特指,指代那只从动物园逃遁的美洲狮。


1. 不可数名词不加冠词表示泛指。

2. 复数名词不加冠词表示泛指。

3. 单数名词加定冠词 the 可以表示泛指。

4. 不定冠词 a/an 加单数名词可以表示泛指。


1.不可数名词不加冠词表示泛指:不可数名词在表示泛指时,前面不加定冠词 the,如果加 the,则表示特指。比如:Salt is a strong-tasting substance, in the form of white powder or crystals. 此时 salt 是泛指,指代“盐”这一类物品。

Can you pass the salt please? 上面这句话的意思是“请把盐递过来好吗?”,这里 salt 是特指,指说话人和听话人都知道的那一袋“盐”。


1. Who was the first American in the space?

2. The history shows that the usual response to violent protest is repression.

3. Homelessness is a serious problem for the society.

第一个句子错误的原因在于,space 表示“太空”时是不可数名词,不可数名词加定冠词 the 就变成了特指,这与句子要表达的意思不相符。原句要强调的是一个泛指的“太空”,因此 space 不能加 the,即要写成:Who was the first American in space?

第二个句子中 history 是一个不可数名词,而原句要表达的“历史”是一个泛指概念,因此 the 也要去掉,即:History shows that the usual response to violent protest is repression.

第三个句子也是同样的道理,当表示广义上的“社会”时,society 是不可数名词,单词前面的 the 要去掉(如果 the 不去掉就变成了特指,这与句子的语境不符):Homelessness is a serious problem for society.

2. 复数名词不加冠词表示泛指:复数名词在表示泛指时前面不能加定冠词 the,如果加了 the,就表示特指,比如:

(1)Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.

(2)The pumas escaped from the zoo.

第一个句子中的 pumas 是泛指,指美洲狮这种动物,第二个句子中 pumas 是特指,指一群逃离动物园的美洲狮。对于上面提到的句子:The books fill leisure time for many people.

句子要表达的意思是“图书能够帮很多人打发空闲时间”,此时“图书”应该是泛指概念,但句子中 the books 只能表示特指,因此与语境不符。句子应该改成:Books fill leisure time for many people.

3. 单数名词加定冠词 the 可以表示泛指:定冠词 the 与单数名词连用时,可以表示泛指,表示一个由典型的样品所代表的那个类别。举个例子,要泛指“政府”,应该怎么说? 下面两个外刊标题给出了答案:

1.Why governments should introduce gender budgeting

2.Should the government guarantee work for everybody

这两个标题中 government 都是可数名词,可以通过 governments 或 the government 来泛指“政府”。不少人在写作文时经常出现这样的句子:To solve this problem, the governments should ...

这种写法是错误的,因为 the governments 是特指用法,不能用来泛指政府,应该说:To solve this problem, governments / the government should ...

4. 不定冠词 a/an 加单数名词可以表示泛指:不定冠词 a/an 加单数名词可以泛指某一类事物中任何一个具有代表性的成员。举个例子,柯林斯词典对 puma 一词的定义是这样的:A puma is a wild animal that is a member of the cat family. Pumas have brownish-grey fur and live in mountain regions of North and South America.

第一个句子 a puma 泛指美洲狮这种动物,第二个句子 pumas 同样也泛指美洲狮这种动物。不过需要注意的一点是,a/an 加单数名词泛指主要是限于用在主语的情况,在其他位置上不表示泛指。


1. the+不可数名词

2. the+可数名词复数

3. the+可数名词单数(需要根据语境判断)

关于第一点和第二点,我们在前面已经有解释过,第三点 the+可数名词单数表示特指要考虑语境因素。比如前面的选段:When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the deions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

段落中出现了两个 puma,第一个 puma 是不定指,第二个 puma 指代前面提到的那只“美洲狮”,因此是特指。

其他情况,除了上面提到的泛指和特指之外,冠词还有一些特殊用法,比如 “the+形容词”表示一类人,此时是泛指。举个例子:There is an increasing gap between the rich and the poor.

the rich,the poor 都是“the+形容词”的泛指形式。关于冠词的其他特殊用法可以参考语法书中对冠词的讲解部分。







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