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2023-09-15 23:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

PostGIS的GIS功能相比MySQL强大太多,本文仅仅列举了MySQL支持的部分。 欲了解PostGIS请参考: PostGIS有几百个操作函数, 对GIS支持强大。



POINT PointFromText('POINT(10 10)') PointFromWKB(AsWKB(PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'))


# PostgreSQL point point( x , y ) # PostGIS point LINESTRING


LINESTRING CREATE TABLE gis_line (g LINESTRING); SHOW FIELDS FROM gis_line; INSERT INTO gis_line VALUES (LineFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,0 10,10 0)')), (LineStringFromText('LINESTRING(10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10)')), (LineStringFromWKB(AsWKB(LineString(Point(10, 10), Point(40, 10))))); GLENGTH Length of a LineString value ST_ENDPOINT Returns the endpoint of a LineString ST_NUMPOINTS Returns the number of Point objects in a LineString ST_POINTN Returns the N-th Point in the LineString ST_STARTPOINT Returns the start point of a LineString


# PostGIS LINESTRING ST_Length — Returns the 2D length of the geometry if it is a LineString or MultiLineString. geometry are in units of spatial reference and geography are in meters (default spheroid) ST_Length2D — Returns the 2-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring. This is an alias for ST_Length ST_3DLength — Returns the 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring. ST_LengthSpheroid — Calculates the 2D or 3D length of a linestring/multilinestring on an ellipsoid. This is useful if the coordinates of the geometry are in longitude/latitude and a length is desired without reprojection. ST_Length2D_Spheroid — Calculates the 2D length of a linestring/multilinestring on an ellipsoid. This is useful if the coordinates of the geometry are in longitude/latitude and a length is desired without reprojection. ST_EndPoint — Returns the last point of a LINESTRING or CIRCULARLINESTRING geometry as a POINT. ST_NumPoints — Return the number of points in an ST_LineString or ST_CircularString value. ST_PointN — Return the Nth point in the first linestring or circular linestring in the geometry. Return NULL if there is no linestring in the geometry. ST_StartPoint — Returns the first point of a LINESTRING geometry as a POINT. PostGIS有几百个操作函数, 对GIS支持强大。 POLYGON


Polygon properties ST_AREA Area of a Polygon ST_ExteriorRing Returns the exterior ring of a Polygon as a LineString ST_InteriorRingN Returns the N-th interior ring for a Polygon ST_NUMINTERIORRINGS Number of interior rings in a Polygon


# PostGIS ST_Area — Returns the area of the surface if it is a Polygon or MultiPolygon. For geometry, a 2D Cartesian area is determined with units specified by the SRID. For geography, area is determined on a curved surface with units in square meters. ST_ExteriorRing — Returns a line string representing the exterior ring of the POLYGON geometry. Return NULL if the geometry is not a polygon. Will not work with MULTIPOLYGON ST_InteriorRingN — Return the Nth interior linestring ring of the polygon geometry. Return NULL if the geometry is not a polygon or the given N is out of range. ST_NumInteriorRings — Return the number of interior rings of the a polygon in the geometry. This will work with POLYGON and return NULL for a MULTIPOLYGON type or any other type ST_GeometryN — Return the 1-based Nth geometry if the geometry is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, (MULTI)POINT, (MULTI)LINESTRING, MULTICURVE or (MULTI)POLYGON, POLYHEDRALSURFACE Otherwise, return NULL. ST_IsEmpty — Returns true if this Geometry is an empty geometrycollection, polygon, point etc. ST_NRings — If the geometry is a polygon or multi-polygon returns the number of rings. ST_ForceRHR — Forces the orientation of the vertices in a polygon to follow the Right-Hand-Rule. ST_3DIntersects — Returns TRUE if the Geometries "spatially intersect" in 3d - only for points, linestrings, polygons, polyhedral surface (area). With SFCGAL backend enabled also supports TINS ST_Perimeter — Return the length measurement of the boundary of an ST_Surface or ST_MultiSurface geometry or geography. (Polygon, MultiPolygon). geometry measurement is in units of spatial reference and geography is in meters. ST_Perimeter2D — Returns the 2-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon. This is currently an alias for ST_Perimeter. ST_3DPerimeter — Returns the 3-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon. ST_CurveToLine — Converts a CIRCULARSTRING/CURVEPOLYGON to a LINESTRING/POLYGON ST_DumpRings — Returns a set of geometry_dump rows, representing the exterior and interior rings of a polygon. ST_LineToCurve — Converts a LINESTRING/POLYGON to a CIRCULARSTRING, CURVEPOLYGON ST_MinimumBoundingCircle — Returns the smallest circle polygon that can fully contain a geometry. Default uses 48 segments per quarter circle. ST_Polygonize — Aggregate. Creates a GeometryCollection containing possible polygons formed from the constituent linework of a set of geometries. ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology — Returns a "simplified" version of the given geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Will avoid creating derived geometries (polygons in particular) that are invalid. ST_LocateAlong — Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified measure. Polygonal elements are not supported. ST_LocateBetween — Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified range of measures inclusively. Polygonal elements are not supported. PostGIS有几百个操作函数, 对GIS支持强大。 MultiPoint




# PostGIS MultiPoint MultiPolygon




# PostGIS MultiPolygon ST_BUFFER


ST_BUFFER(g1,r), BUFFER(g1,r) Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from geometry g1 is less than or equal to distance, or radius


# PostGIS ST_Buffer — (T) Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distance from the input geometry. ST_ConvexHull


ST_ConvexHull (g), ConvexHull(g) Given a geometry, returns a geometry that is the minimum convex geometry enclosing all geometries within the set. Returns NULL if the geometry value is NULL or an empty value.


# PostGIS ST_ConvexHull — The convex hull of a geometry represents the minimum convex geometry that encloses all geometries within the set. ST_INTERSECTION


ST_INTERSECTION(g1,g2) Returns a geometry that is the intersection, or shared portion, of geometry g1 and geometry g2.


# PostGIS ST_Intersection — (T) Returns a geometry that represents the shared portion of geomA and geomB. ST_Difference — Returns a geometry that represents that part of geometry A that does not intersect with geometry B. ST_PointOnSurface


ST_PointOnSurface (g), PointOnSurface(g) Given a geometry, returns a POINT guaranteed to intersect a surface.


# PostGIS ST_PointOnSurface — Returns a POINT guaranteed to lie on the surface. ST_SYMDIFFERENCE


ST_SYMDIFFERENCE(g1,g2) Returns a geometry that represents the portions of geometry g1 and geometry g2 that don't intersect.


# PostGIS ST_Difference — Returns a geometry that represents that part of geometry A that does not intersect with geometry B ST_SymDifference — Returns a geometry that represents the portions of A and B that do not intersect. It is called a symmetric difference because ST_SymDifference(A,B) = ST_SymDifference(B,A). ST_UNION


ST_UNION(g1,g2) Returns a geometry that is the union of the geometry g1 and geometry g2.


# PostGIS ST_Union — Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the Geometries. ST_UnaryUnion — Like ST_Union, but working at the geometry component level. PostGIS reference PostGIS有几百个操作函数, 对GIS支持强大。






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